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Panzers: I break rocks thread

Lol I’m not sure how you can put numbers on my ass fucking around under a truck when it’s 0 or colder out trying to get it warm enough to start. Usually just ends with me getting pissed off and hopefully finding a loader big enough that will start that can pick the ass end off the ground and pushing it into the shop to warm up.
the old five mile push-start
I was thinking you could estimate time saved over a time period and go extrapolate from there to an estimate of extra production.
waste other people's lives, government man
I was thinking you could estimate time saved over a time period and go extrapolate from there to an estimate of extra production.
Winter time we only run when it’s 20 out so to say we got extra productivity would be a lie. Productivity gains would be more shit getting fixed in the shop which in itself is only net money going out situation. So it could actually be said it will cost me more money because boys will need more shit to keep them going :lmao:.
the old five mile push-start

waste other people's lives, government man

Lol the big trucks that’s more of a challenge as they need air to move and when it gets that cold out they tend to leak from the valves from the frost and whatnot in them. Then to find a loader that will get enough traction/ enough traction for the truck to spin the engine to pull start it.

I do have a grader now that has snow plus tires on it !!!! :lmao::flipoff2:

Pretty much the only pull start stuff are the 7.3 service trucks. :flipoff2:
Panz do you work your guys year around? no days off for weather? I assume you do so you don't lose your good help in the off season.
Boys are off today and Monday so I have some time to do some figuring. Got a pile of steel delivered this week to start on a hydraulic cylinder bench. Will make a cut list so one of the guys can get it all cut up for me to start getting it put together.

Panz do you work your guys year around? no days off for weather? I assume you do so you don't lose your good help in the off season.

Yeah most of the guys work year round. A few of the once retired guys don’t work but that was the deal with them. Work in summer off all winter. I have plenty of old and tired equipment that need to get rejuvenated every winter.
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Yeah most of the guys work year round. A few of the once retired guys don’t work but that was the deal with them. Work in summer off all winter. I have plenty of old and tired equipment that need to get rejuvenated every winter.
I figured that's what you guys did. Just like farming, when you aren't "farming" you're working on equipment. :laughing:
I figured that's what you guys did. Just like farming, when you aren't "farming" you're working on equipment. :laughing:
Exactly when you live and die by the short work season all your shit needs to be up at all times. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lived down south where they can work 99% of the year. I would probably work my self to death.
Exactly when you live and die by the short work season all your shit needs to be up at all times. I wouldn’t know what to do if I lived down south where they can work 99% of the year. I would probably work my self to death.
that's prolly why southerners seem lazy

they ain't got the pattern interrupt of winter, so the ones that wanna work themselves to death aren't ever seen out and about
that's prolly why southerners seem lazy
Before AC was a thing, working hard would get you heat stroke. That's part of why I prefer the north. Work hard outside without breaking sweat.
Back in the day, hookworm was a big issue where the ground doesn't freeze. Shit on the ground and walk barefoot, you're full of worms that sap your energy.
Before AC was a thing, working hard would get you heat stroke. That's part of why I prefer the north. Work hard outside without breaking sweat.
Back in the day, hookworm was a big issue where the ground doesn't freeze. Shit on the ground and walk barefoot, you're full of worms that sap your energy.
So explain how the Mexicans do it then. :flipoff2:
So explain how the Mexicans do it then. :flipoff2:

Our plants in Mexico have scheduled 3 hour siestas during the middle of the day. :flipoff2:

My family in Tucson just run the opposite schedule of up north (the aggregate focused ones at least), when we are going gangbusters in the summer they are slower, when they are busy we are doing maintenance work.
Back in the day, hookworm was a big issue
I should know better than to google image any medical condition...

But since I don't:


:barf::barf::barf: I would be digging that out with a steak knife. Or a red-hot nail.
I should know better than to google image any medical condition...

:barf::barf::barf: I would be digging that out with a steak knife. Or a red-hot nail.
google the mode through which they get into your intestines
they burrow through into the lungs, then get hacked up with phlegm and swallowed
How much is too much? I may show up looking like a mexican junk car convoy and occupy it. 2 trucks, 2 boats, 2 tractors all half assed strapped together, getting drug down the highway by a suburban...
don't forget the crappy RV for living quarters
google the mode through which they get into your intestines
they burrow through into the lungs, then get hacked up with phlegm and swallowed
I'm assuming there's some pool that kills those fuckers so you don't have to burn yourself to death?
I'm assuming there's some pool that kills those fuckers so you don't have to burn yourself to death?
A single dose of Ivermectin is the current treatment for all things wormy. Better than the options they had in the early 1900's when there was a campaign through the south to combat the situation. Improved sanitation and wearing shoes are the long term solutions.

This turned into quite the thread derail.
How much is too much? I may show up looking like a mexican junk car convoy and occupy it. 2 trucks, 2 boats, 2 tractors all half assed strapped together, getting drug down the highway by a suburban...
Lol that would all fit in half a bay in the new shop.

this you?

Surprisingly no:lmao::flipoff2:

That is a very accurate description of what happens though:lmao:
Got another garage door guy coming sometimes this to get me another price on a door.

1st quote was at 20,000 for a door with 2 panels with windows a opener and a install.
Garage door prices are still wild. Up 300% since WooFlu. I want to replace the one my my attached garage, but have been waiting for prices to fall.
Had to rebuild a few adjusting cylinders for my cone.

Spent more time making a jig to take them apart than it did to clean them and and reseal them. I got a pile of them and just need to get them resealed. $30 in seals or 900 for a whole new cylinder. This was one of those I always wanted to do but never made the time to do it.

So I started with making a special socket that fit my j gun to be able to take them apart.

The cylinder.

A little rotary milling to remove the bulk of the steel.

Turn the rest of it out.

Milled a 1” square for the j gun and stapled some holes to run bolts in to grab the top of the cylinder.

Made a little plate to hold the cylinder and have a place for the foot on the j gun to hit.

Do they have a socket on the bottom or how do they lock into the base? Never seen a pneumatic torque multiplier before, that looks impressive.

Aaron Z
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