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Panzers: I break rocks thread

I had to do the 3 day new miner at red dog mine in bfe ak last week just so I could go outside and measure some plow trucks for a few hours before the plane left on day 4. I now understand your hatred of msha :lmao:
Absolutely stupid shit. I get it, it’s the most dangerous occupation in the country. The class is just stupid .
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is it just a bunch of shake hands with danger videos?
Mine was 3 days of repetitive shit that could have been condensed into one 8 hour day. Reminded me of HAZWOPER and every boring monthly safety meeting with a sprinkling of actual mine related stuff all rolled into one.
make them deeper
use longer bolts
Yeah that is the plan. Just need to find an extra long 1.5” fine thread tap. 2 of the holes are where the retaining pin is so that probably won’t work for those.
Yeah that is the plan. Just need to find an extra long 1.5” fine thread tap. 2 of the holes are where the retaining pin is so that probably won’t work for those.
next size bigger for those holes?

or shorten the retaining pin and bingo bango those new through-bolts now retain the retainer lol
It does. Takes a hard job and turns it into a 1 person easy job. Gonna pull a moil out of a surestrike end block tomorrow by myself. Damn block must weigh 4-5000#. Moil is damn near 10” around :lmao:.

I still need to put on a fall protection harness and Superman across the shop on the crane. :lmao: :flipoff2:
I forgot to ask if the hoist and traverse functions are all VFD or contactor driven on that crane.
I did get some cool pictures though, biggest zinc mine in the world.
is it just a bunch of shake hands with danger videos?
But worse because instead of being produced by people who lived it they're produced by clipboard warriors who screech "written in blood" any time someone questions a policy that was put in place due to a potential hazard they don't understand with technology that's no longer used.
We just replaced a failed generator stator in a 988K a few weeks back. Impressive machine.
I just finished MSHA referesher earlier this week. The hot topic was what do you tie your fall protection to on a loader, dozer, truck.
Nobody had a good answer.
biggest zinc mine in the world.
"The mine is the world's largest producer of zinc and has the world's largest zinc reserves.[1][2] Red Dog accounts for 10% of the world's zinc production.[3] Red Dog accounted for 55% of the mineral value produced in Alaska in 2008."

"According to 2001 reports, the ore from the mine is transported by ore trucks that weigh 100 tons (net 72-ton payload) that carry 1.1 million dry tons of lead-zinc concentrate annually on the 52 mi (84 km) Red Dog Mine Haul Road to the state-owned, Teck-operated DeLong Mountain Port Facility on the Chuckchi Sea.[32][14] By 2001, the trucks were dispatched approximately every 15 minutes, twenty-four hours a day all year long."


Thats awesome.
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We just replaced a failed generator stator in a 988K a few weeks back. Impressive machine.
I just finished MSHA referesher earlier this week. The hot topic was what do you tie your fall protection to on a loader, dozer, truck.
Nobody had a good answer.
You bolt an ugly post to it to tie off too :mad3:.
We just replaced a failed generator stator in a 988K a few weeks back. Impressive machine.
I just finished MSHA referesher earlier this week. The hot topic was what do you tie your fall protection to on a loader, dozer, truck.
Nobody had a good answer.
How many hours on it?
7000 +
These components receive addtional warranty over the standard machine warranty.
Vfds. Just had to replace one last month. It was letting the magic smoke out.
Speaking of VFDs, we replaced a VFD for a 25HP pump this month that lost some smoke in the fall, replacement parts took several months to show up so it ran in bypass mode.
Taking it apart, it looks like at least 2 caps in the rectifier failed:


Reportedly, it went off to the bang, we went through all the checks in the book (with a tech from the vendor who we bought them through), couldn't find anything wrong and put it back online, it ran for 2-3 days and then went bang again.

Aaron Z
Yeah it claims as much as 49% efficiency over the competition and 25% over the base model 988K.
It makes sense and all but it still leaves you with diffs, transfer gears etc. It would seem F and R drive motors and no diffs would be even more efficient.
The D6 XE's have been pretty problem free and the customers seem to like them, they claim "more power" than conventional drive.
There is supposed to be like 15 more models going this way in the next year.

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