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Panzers: I break rocks thread

Plenty of white boys doing concrete, but the no smokes threw me

Got on a concrete crew just outta high school for a few years. One of the old boys on the crew told me that the only 2 things required to make a good finisher, was a felony and a habit
I knew a roofer that said the same thing. :laughing:
typical construction job, 2 guys doing work the other 8 watching:flipoff2:
Lol that was a lull between trucks. Honestly these guys were really good. I don’t think they said more than 20 words to each other when they were placing it. They all just did their job without instructions.

I was teasing them that they are a pretty boring concrete crew. There should be yelling and screaming at each other making a scene.

Whenever I do a little bit of concrete and my dad is around it turns into a I’m getting yelled at fest lol.

Boys are on the whirly birds now. Hopefully they will have it finished up by 6 tonight.
any concerns about getting it strong enough to drive on?
I know it supposedly only needs 500 psi worth of curing to withstand freezing, but it stops gaining strength when it dips below something like 60F
any concerns about getting it strong enough to drive on?
I know it supposedly only needs 500 psi worth of curing to withstand freezing, but it stops gaining strength when it dips below something like 60F
I’ll see what temp it is tomorrow. If it’s below 50 I’ll toss some blankets on it for a few days.
Lol yes and no. When you burn as much as me what’s another 100 or two :mad3:

and I suppose it is cheaper to heat it now than to heat it after it starts cracking from parking dump trucks on it, because it'll be colder outside (and coldsoaked) by then

though... insulation going in soon?
Why? Because some dumbass got hurt blowing out a wall form when they bucket loadered three yards in from 14ft in the air?
Something to do with concrete separating from being fully mixed if it is dropped too far vertically.

The project I saw, pouring a foundation that was several hundred feet below the concrete delivery point actually had two remix stations along the pump lines

Admittedly not 10 or 15 feet

and I suppose it is cheaper to heat it now than to heat it after it starts cracking from parking dump trucks on it, because it'll be colder outside (and coldsoaked) by then

though... insulation going in soon?
Later next week.
First time of the winter firing up the stove. Kinda sad as it’s also the first time firing it up since the old timer passed away. I Miss him a bunch. I think it was his favorite pass time keeping that stove going.

I’m starting a list of all the shit I need to buy to put in the shop. Gonna be 5k in tools and what not :homer:. Between extension cords tire tools jacks jackstands stupid how expensive everything is. I just don’t want to steal shit from the other shop as it has everything already. Gonna have to keep an eye on marketplace and Craigslist for some crap.
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500 gallon propane tank converted to wood stove?

Do you have a blower system on there or just radiates into the room?
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