There are a couple here who get it (
Poke Thefishguy77 Dethmachinefab ) and a couple who do not.
Like isn't fair, you're not owed any increases because the company does well.
Bottom level staff work for shift managers > who work for middle managers > who work for directors > working for the C suite > under the CEO > who works for the owner
At every level in this pyramid the goal is to produce the most with minimal overhead.
A CEO who initiated force reductions of 10%, cut benifits saving 500MM/yr, ended the pension, retained key staff, and held revenue up in a recession IS worth giving a 15MM+ $ bonus to. They did their job exceptionally well yielding profits for the owner. If you don't compensate them fairly, they are free to leave likely costing the owners $$$.
C suite initiatives are identical. They aren't there to compensate workers, they're there to support the CEO and by proxy, the owner. They have to retain key staff, but they would be negligent to they pay staff above their worth.
So on and so forth down to the bottom level worker. No one is worth more than they're paid or sell themselves to a competitor for. If you're making less than you want but unwilling to sell your skills elsewhere; you're worth what your company decides until you leave.
The bottom level worker is relativity cheap and easy to replace. A C-suite executive is not & there aren't many with the skills. Hence the desire to retain good ones.
Some people deal with a constant ladder climb, stress, a job that never goes on vacation, high pressure decision making and make $$$$.
Others have work life balance, don't prioritise work as number 1, see their family, make fast less $.
Personal choices matter.
Want to be compensated based on profits without climbing the ladder?
Leave the mega corp and go work in a partnership or co-op you have ownership in.
Become a big time investor paid by profits of the companies your a partial owner of.
Found a company so you're the owner.
Marry into generational wealth.
Edit: back to our regular scheduled inflation is here to fuck us all