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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

So what, you think management should take all the credit and reap the majority of the benefits for the extra 10 billion in revenue? Just because they come up with an idea (and in our case, management doesn't always come up with the cost saving measures...we are regularly asked for ideas on where the company can save money), doesn't mean they should get to take all the credit and reap the large majority of the benefits, IMO. If you don't agree, then fine, we are both entitled to our own opinions. And that is exactly what they are and neither of us is going to convince the other to change their view.

you should start a company and run it the way you think it should be run... report back.
Exactly, because they had no incentive for doing more than quota.
Sure they do they are just to lazy to work harder. Its like someone asking for a lube spot at a shop trying to get their foot in the door but thinking they are too good to mop the floor or clean the bathrooms.

Management is often composed of those that bust their ass and got promoted. We see it and reward it when we can. When you feel a company doesn’t value your time you look elsewhere to see what you’re worth and them take those offers to the higher ups and try to negotiate a raise based on your marketable value. If no one else is offering you a job pr offering you a job for more then the problem is you and where you have been aiming in life not management making too much money.

Many are scared to do this so they use the boogie man of management is the problem keeping them down. When in reality they are the problem keeping themselves down. People almost always end up right where they are aiming in life. Just saying.
Like most jobs I have had, initially, I do more than what is asked. Then when I ask for additional compensation for doing more than required and get denied, I do the minimum required. It seems only fair, right?
Why wouldn’t you try to get a different job offer for what you feel you’re worth? Unless you’re getting paid what your position pays. Then why not look for a better paying position either inside the company or to an outside company.
I gave raises or promotions to around 60-70% that asked for them. If their work was good and they knew their worth then when they pointed out they were underpaid for their performance in the market I was faced with a choice. Lose them to the competition or pay them what the competition was going to pay.

If your mechanic charges $120/hour but they do great work do you offer to pay them more money for the work they did? Nope. Why not? Because your goal is to keep as much of your money as you can. Thats true for personal and business across the board.
So there was no thought that doing more gives them job security and helps the company remain healthy?
Sell that story to all recently laid off IT personnel, or Disney workers that just recently joined them.

What is this job security you speak of? Must be nice living in the clouds...
Sell that story to all recently laid off IT personnel, or Disney workers that just recently joined them.

What is this job security you speak of? Must be nice living in the clouds...
Remember the DotCom bust. All the talented IT personnel didnt have problems getting jobs. The chaff on the other hand was seen for what it is. Of the current IT personnel you mention. Are those twitter employees? If so then most of them appear to have been redundant as they were let go and twitter is still running fine. Just because a company can pay more koney to keep someone they dont need doesn’t make it a smart financial decision.

As to Disney. You are worried about people that work for a company that openly support chemical castration of children, supports telling a 8 year old they are the opposite sex because they wore a pink or blue shirt. Sorry but fuck anyone working for those predatory companies. Presating on children is a line most stand against. If you dont the. You’re probably going to have a rough time here.
Remember the DotCom bust. All the talented IT personnel didnt have problems getting jobs. The chaff on the other hand was seen for what it is. Of the current IT personnel you mention. Are those twitter employees? If so then most of them appear to have been redundant as they were let go and twitter is still running fine. Just because a company can pay more koney to keep someone they dont need doesn’t make it a smart financial decision.

As to Disney. You are worried about people that work for a company that openly support chemical castration of children, supports telling a 8 year old they are the opposite sex because they wore a pink or blue shirt. Sorry but fuck anyone working for those predatory companies. Presating on children is a line most stand against. If you dont the. You’re probably going to have a rough time here.
I don't care much for Disney and what they represent. I was merely referring to Poke talking about a job security, as if that exists in global work force.

I certainly wish those displaced much luck in their career search.

Just because people work for the Disney it doesn't mean they support everything that company does.
I don't care much for Disney and what they represent. I was merely referring to Poke talking about a job security, as if that exists in global work force.

I certainly wish those displaced much luck in their career search.

Just because people work for the Disney it doesn't mean they support everything that company does.
If a company is doing something your dont like fine. If a company is openly predating on children that’s different. If you cant see that then I dont know what to tell you.
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How bouts we park the classism/"hate the rich" arguments and get back to talk about anticipating the direction of inflation or market tipping points or where things will be in a year or something?
Of course :), my crystal ball says Uncle Joe and his cohorts will have us back to prosperity by the end of the year... Also have a garden parcel in Sahara I am selling, just in case there is interest.
Sell that story to all recently laid off IT personnel, or Disney workers that just recently joined them.

What is this job security you speak of? Must be nice living in the clouds...
Yeah, I’m done here. You are grasping at straws with your comments.
There are a couple here who get it (Poke Thefishguy77 Dethmachinefab ) and a couple who do not.

Like isn't fair, you're not owed any increases because the company does well.

Bottom level staff work for shift managers > who work for middle managers > who work for directors > working for the C suite > under the CEO > who works for the owner

At every level in this pyramid the goal is to produce the most with minimal overhead. A CEO who initiated force reductions of 10%, cut benifits saving 500MM/yr, ended the pension, retained key staff, and held revenue up in a recession IS worth giving a 15MM+ $ bonus to. They did their job exceptionally well yielding profits for the owner. If you don't compensate them fairly, they are free to leave likely costing the owners $$$.

C suite initiatives are identical. They aren't there to compensate workers, they're there to support the CEO and by proxy, the owner. They have to retain key staff, but they would be negligent to they pay staff above their worth.

So on and so forth down to the bottom level worker. No one is worth more than they're paid or sell themselves to a competitor for. If you're making less than you want but unwilling to sell your skills elsewhere; you're worth what your company decides until you leave.
The bottom level worker is relativity cheap and easy to replace. A C-suite executive is not & there aren't many with the skills. Hence the desire to retain good ones.

Some people deal with a constant ladder climb, stress, a job that never goes on vacation, high pressure decision making and make $$$$.
Others have work life balance, don't prioritise work as number 1, see their family, make fast less $.
Personal choices matter.

Want to be compensated based on profits without climbing the ladder?
Leave the mega corp and go work in a partnership or co-op you have ownership in.
Become a big time investor paid by profits of the companies your a partial owner of.
Found a company so you're the owner.
Marry into generational wealth.

Edit: back to our regular scheduled inflation is here to fuck us all
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Yeah, I’m done here. You are grasping at straws with your comments.
Exactly. Throwing numbers around in the billions and can’t explain how the employees made that by themselves not anyone else. I hope he aims higher in life and gets it. Maybe that will awaken him to the fact that its us who hold ourselves back and not the company.
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when the hell did a sheet of drywall go up to $17+ :eek:

that pretty much makes my decision on whether I redo the whole basement, or just the 12x20 room I'm finishing now

when the hell did a sheet of drywall go up to $17+ :eek:

that pretty much makes my decision on whether I redo the whole basement, or just the 12x20 room I'm finishing now

Need to shop around a bit.

Menards is selling it for 1/2 that price + a scammy 11% rebate.

3 gates V belts for my old vette, $95. Fuggg

I put some billet pulley’s on that were smaller than stock so I had to buy local and trial fit and exchange them.
you got 3 belts that cheap? I had to replace the tensioner pulley and serpentine belt on my 92 chevy the other week and couldn't fucking believe it that it was like 135 dollars. The pulley was high as giraffe pussy, 65 bucks, but the belt was 70! I even said it when it was totalled up.. "holy shit, fuck joe biden" and the guy in line behind me laughed and agreed.

side note. I know i'm lazy with the shift key at times, or just miss it while trying to hit it so I don't capitalize some words when I should, but I REFUSE to cap that sack of shit's name.
Two AGM group 94 batteries, $480 :eek:

Costco has been out for 8 months, ended up getting two from les schwab because Autozone was the other option in town. Everyone was the same price.
^^^tried looking around, so far I've found it at $15/sheet but 50 miles away. i don't trust my shitty trailer to go that far until I at least re-pack the bearings that probably never saw grease:homer:

no Menards around here. Need to find a building supply local that isn't HD/Lowes and see what they're charging
Two AGM group 94 batteries, $480 :eek:

Costco has been out for 8 months, ended up getting two from les schwab because Autozone was the other option in town. Everyone was the same price.
Holly shit, wow.
Then again not surprising, think I paid $156 and change for AGM battery for the fun car (September).
when the hell did a sheet of drywall go up to $17+ :eek:

that pretty much makes my decision on whether I redo the whole basement, or just the 12x20 room I'm finishing now

When did it get that cheap?

Last time I bought some, which was probably 10 years ago, it was more than OSB, around $22 a sheet.
I spent the weekend taking photos and putting ads up on classifieds for about $10K worth of stuff taking up space on my shelves.

A lot of stuff is being listed for the same price I paid 3+ years ago, per my receipts, and I have sold over $1k worth of crap today alone.

A guy paid about $400 through my wife's Venmo, he was complaining about PayPal's fees.. but I noticed on his phone be paid the Venmo with his amex and the fee was $10 and change.

People seem less stressed about money and the next 2-4 years than I am.
I spent the weekend taking photos and putting ads up on classifieds for about $10K worth of stuff taking up space on my shelves.

A lot of stuff is being listed for the same price I paid 3+ years ago, per my receipts, and I have sold over $1k worth of crap today alone.

A guy paid about $400 through my wife's Venmo, he was complaining about PayPal's fees.. but I noticed on his phone be paid the Venmo with his amex and the fee was $10 and change.

People seem less stressed about money and the next 2-4 years than I am.
I need to do that. Probably not 10k worth of stuff, but I bet I could find $2500 in crap I don't need at all. Would fund the expanded rabbitry and duck farm.
remember when candy bars were $.50?

$3.50 at local place the other day.
I need to do that. Probably not 10k worth of stuff, but I bet I could find $2500 in crap I don't need at all. Would fund the expanded rabbitry and duck farm.

Right? I handed my wife about $600 and she got 2 Venmos, she is asking WTF did you sell and I explained it was stuff she did not even know I had. Just years of keeping everything and it piles up, I just have not been selling stuff. Started building (another) new set of shelves and firmly decided I am not putting anything on them that is not useful to me anymore. Try to sell, then donate or trash.
On a side note...local place is selling a 12 pack of tall boys for $0.50 more than a normal 12 pack.
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