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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

Last year a guy at my office left for an 18% bump in pay. our office hasn’t done anything (State) and there is TALKS of a 9% bump this year. I’m laughing thinking about paying more in taxes because someone complains they don’t make enough.
I am a state employee so its a double edge sword lol at least we dont have state income tax yet
Are you able to share some detail? What type of company, workers do exactly what? Compensation/bonus ballpark...

When CEO earns on average 350x what a worker bee does I am a little short for a sympathy. I do understand profit/loss, running costs, regulations and what not.

There is a great thread on Garage Journal right now, someone brought up a good point about stock lock up option being put in place, and keeping those higher up a bit more invested in company they oversee. Where it is not just about quarterly numbers and shareholders.
Do you think there should be a pay cap? It sounds like you do but that would mean you don’t support capitalism because a free market sets the prices and then pays how they feel. You seem stuck on wages. So what is a fair percentage for a CEO to make over the average employee wage?

Have you ever had to worry about keeping people employed? Ever had to go bid jobs and then negotiate costs to try and make sure everyone working for you gets their full 40 hrs and a decent pay rate and benefits if you’re able? Do you have any idea the stress load that is? I ran my mouth to my boss once about how he doesn’t do any real work anymore. Well he gave me a $5/hr bump and a division, small company I was running 2 crews and was lead on 1 of them. I was the 2nd highest paid person in the company numbers wise with that pay bump. It was hands down the hardest I have ever had to work hours wise in a week. Absolutely stupid stressful try to keep both crews running at speed with shit lined up. Finding time to bid jobs was stupid impossible if I wanted to be working with my
crew or I could leave them down a man and hope it only created extra work and no safety concerns. At the end of the year it was almost a $10/hr pay cut if you actually count all the hours your working the haters dont see because they are home drinking beer talking about how hard work was.

As an employee you get to take your work hat off at the end of the day. As someone in charge you wear it even on vacation often. So how much is too much for C level employees to make over the basic company wage?
I get annoyed with this "greedy ceo" hate.

That guy has an incredibly difficult task and has more stress than any worker bees at the company. He is responsible for everything and every one. He fails and hundreds are out of work, and most likely his career is done.

I've watched how difficult it is to bring a company to the next level. From a single owner, to private equity firm, and finally sale to a mega corp.These people get paid what they do only because they are worth it.
I get annoyed with this "greedy ceo" hate.

That guy has an incredibly difficult task and has more stress than any worker bees at the company. He is responsible for everything and every one. He fails and hundreds are out of work, and most likely his career is done.

I've watched how difficult it is to bring a company to the next level. From a single owner, to private equity firm, and finally sale to a mega corp.These people get paid what they do only because they are worth it.
Most likely. He could fail and still have a great career. Meanwhile the guy who never did anything wrong was fired because of budget cuts and the CEO didn’t drop his salary to retain employees.

CEO hate explained.
Most likely. He could fail and still have a great career. Meanwhile the guy who never did anything wrong was fired because of budget cuts and the CEO didn’t drop his salary to retain employees.

CEO hate explained.
And that guy can go work for another company doing the same thing. Getting another job as a C level employee is anlot harder when your record says you’re not good at it. i.e. you fucked up bad enough to get fired from a C level position.
Do you think there should be a pay cap? It sounds like you do but that would mean you don’t support capitalism because a free market sets the prices and then pays how they feel. You seem stuck on wages. So what is a fair percentage for a CEO to make over the average employee wage?

Have you ever had to worry about keeping people employed? Ever had to go bid jobs and then negotiate costs to try and make sure everyone working for you gets their full 40 hrs and a decent pay rate and benefits if you’re able? Do you have any idea the stress load that is? I ran my mouth to my boss once about how he doesn’t do any real work anymore. Well he gave me a $5/hr bump and a division, small company I was running 2 crews and was lead on 1 of them. I was the 2nd highest paid person in the company numbers wise with that pay bump. It was hands down the hardest I have ever had to work hours wise in a week. Absolutely stupid stressful try to keep both crews running at speed with shit lined up. Finding time to bid jobs was stupid impossible if I wanted to be working with my
crew or I could leave them down a man and hope it only created extra work and no safety concerns. At the end of the year it was almost a $10/hr pay cut if you actually count all the hours your working the haters dont see because they are home drinking beer talking about how hard work was.

As an employee you get to take your work hat off at the end of the day. As someone in charge you wear it even on vacation often. So how much is too much for C level employees to make over the basic company wage?
No sir, not for a pay cap.

If anything I wish more of us were compensated based on an individual performance vs being lumped in with everyone, as in team performance structure where leeches coast on backs of hard workers.

As for projects/managing the workload, ordering supplies-dealing with vendors and what not I hear you. Done some of that managing at a large warehouse with 5 teams, 85 people I was responsible for. Inbound/outbound - 24/7 operation. Jumping in and helping out with anything/everything. Always short on able bodies, increasing work load, appeasing bosses in Cali and local client we were servicing. Not a stranger to 60 plus hour work week, some weeks closer to 80.

As for upper personnel pay rates, tie it to their performance as well. Company does well, they do well. Run the company into the ground, get 0. Not an atta boy.
Most likely. He could fail and still have a great career. Meanwhile the guy who never did anything wrong was fired because of budget cuts and the CEO didn’t drop his salary to retain employees.

CEO hate explained.
When a business is in a position to have to address potential budget cuts and downsizing upper management is working even more hours trying to right the ship. And are under considerably more stress and scrutiny.

If the guys that were cut are worth a shit they’ll easily find another job.
And that guy can go work for another company doing the same thing. Getting another job as a C level employee is anlot harder when your record says you’re not good at it. i.e. you fucked up bad enough to get fired from a C level position.
How do you explain CEOs moving from one company to the next, ruining both.
Look at Disney, fellow that ran GE they wrote book on for destroying capitalism:), etc...
When a business is in a position to have to address potential budget cuts and downsizing upper management is working even more hours trying to right the ship. And are under considerably more stress and scrutiny.

If the guys that were cut are worth a shit they’ll easily find another job.
So what you are saying the ones that got the boot through no fault of their own (other than being a number on a spreadsheet), don't deal with stress and scrutiny?

Perhaps even more so, what with family and their lifestyle on the line. What about all the time it will take to secure another job, applying/interviewing and what not. All of that is hours of unpaid/stress etc.

Then during the interview in so many words you are asked why you left/were let go from a previous job. Talk about scrutiny there...

Finding a job is easy, finding a well paying career is a different ballgame. Certainly after spending decent amount of time at a job that just laid you off...
So what you are saying the ones that got the boot through no fault of their own (other than being a number on a spreadsheet), don't deal with stress and scrutiny?

Perhaps even more so, what with family and their lifestyle on the line. What about all the time it will take to secure another job, applying/interviewing and what not. All of that is hours of unpaid/stress etc.

Then during the interview in so many words you are asked why you left/were let go from a previous job. Talk about scrutiny there...

Finding a job is easy, finding a well paying career is a different ballgame. Certainly after spending decent amount of time at a job that just laid you off...
Job specific, they have considerably less stress than the person running all daily ops.

Very few are capable of the level of multitasking it takes to be in charge at an upper level. Over the years I’ve watched several move up out of the hourly ranks thinking they would teach management a thing or two only to fail miserably once they realized how difficult it is.

Yes everyone has stress relative to their position. Until someone has been in a position where you are responsible for daily decisions with millions of dollars in consequences that affect not only the employment of everyone but also the longevity of the company, they will never understand how stressful that truly is. ETA: and you are the last stop for accountability for everything that goes wrong. That’s a heavy burden.
Job specific, they have considerably less stress than the person running all daily ops.

Very few are capable of the level of multitasking it takes to be in charge at an upper level. Over the years I’ve watched several move up out of the hourly ranks thinking they would teach management a thing or two only to fail miserably once they realized how difficult it is.

Yes everyone has stress relative to their position. Until someone has been in a position where you are responsible for daily decisions with millions of dollars in consequences that affect not only the employment of everyone but also the longevity of the company, they will never understand how stressful that truly is.
A dearly departed friend once fubbed a business loan, he was a commercial loan officer. To the tune of $1/2 mil or so. His stress level was elevated :).
No sir, not for a pay cap.

If anything I wish more of us were compensated based on an individual performance vs being lumped in with everyone, as in team performance structure where leeches coast on backs of hard workers.

As for projects/managing the workload, ordering supplies-dealing with vendors and what not I hear you. Done some of that managing at a large warehouse with 5 teams, 85 people I was responsible for. Inbound/outbound - 24/7 operation. Jumping in and helping out with anything/everything. Always short on able bodies, increasing work load, appeasing bosses in Cali and local client we were servicing. Not a stranger to 60 plus hour work week, some weeks closer to 80.

As for upper personnel pay rates, tie it to their performance as well. Company does well, they do well. Run the company into the ground, get 0. Not an atta boy.
But did you get paid for 60-80 hrs a week? Or did you make less than those working under you hourly? If you’re not making leas, then those evil C level employees have enabled you to get paid for all the hours you work. You know one of the best things about being a straight employee? If you dont like it you can just leave and its really doesn’t negatively affect anyone. If your a C level employee and you leave without a decent reason it hurts you in the running for a comparable position if you can even find a open C level position.

Most of the people that bitch about those people don’t have the fortitude to do what they do in my experience. Including myself and I learned that the hard way. I still have a business but getting a paycheck is more appealing every single day.
But did you get paid for 60-80 hrs a week? Or did you make less than those working under you hourly? If you’re not making leas, then those evil C level employees have enabled you to get paid for all the hours you work. You know one of the best things about being a straight employee? If you dont like it you can just leave and its really doesn’t negatively affect anyone. If your a C level employee and you leave without a decent reason it hurts you in the running for a comparable position if you can even find a open C level position.

Most of the people that bitch about those people don’t have the fortitude to do what they do in my experience. Including myself and I learned that the hard way. I still have a business but getting a paycheck is more appealing every single day.
I was salary, made considerably less as i paid out a lot of OT to my guys/gals.

Workload was close to a double what we should have been able to address with staff on hand. Never ending shit show.

Appreciate the intelligent response/convo.

I am all for capitalism and free enterprise just as you are. I read a good quote recently: "the golden rule - he who has the gold makes the rules".
And that guy can go work for another company doing the same thing. Getting another job as a C level employee is anlot harder when your record says you’re not good at it. i.e. you fucked up bad enough to get fired from a C level position.
Spoken like true management.
When a business is in a position to have to address potential budget cuts and downsizing upper management is working even more hours trying to right the ship. And are under considerably more stress and scrutiny.

If the guys that were cut are worth a shit they’ll easily find another job.
After years of working for upper management someone is cut and told ‘if you’re worth a shit you’ll be able to find another job doing this.’ THIS is where the hate comes from. If you can’t understand this you must be management material.
I was salary, made considerably less as i paid out a lot of OT to my guys/gals.

Workload was close to a double what we should have been able to address with staff on hand. Never ending shit show.

Appreciate the intelligent response/convo.

I am all for capitalism and free enterprise just as you are. I read a good quote recently: "the golden rule - he who has the gold makes the rules".
So you should have been paid more for the stress of management? Imagine the stress of managing a company thats a CEO statistic. Because most CEO’s dont make shit its a title to get another better step up later, hopefully a seat at a big table making real money for once. I have also been a Jr. VP and a President of a company. I made next to nothing. But if I cares about that shit I could put it on my resume to try and get an upper management level job. Also at a higher level you still deal with massive amounts of incompetence. But with the people you manage at a C level position incompetence will sink the ship and thats on you for keeping them as employees. C level life. Fuck that shit.
Spoken like true management.

After years of working for upper management someone is cut and told ‘if you’re worth a shit you’ll be able to find another job doing this.’ THIS is where the hate comes from. If you can’t understand this you must be management material.
It’s reality. I’ve never met anyone that enjoys firing someone unless that person getting fired is a piece of shit or deserves it.

And for the record, I’ve been low guy on the totem pole and now am the one making all the decisions and carrying all of the responsibility/burden. I have employed several guys that feel the way you do about management over the years. They typically are the first ones cut when the time comes because of their shitty attitudes.
Spoken like true management.

After years of working for upper management someone is cut and told ‘if you’re worth a shit you’ll be able to find another job doing this.’ THIS is where the hate comes from. If you can’t understand this you must be management material.
I have been both and its a hell of a lot easier to be an employee than a manager. And yea its much easier to get a blue color job vs a white color job. That’s based on numbers as there are always more blue collar jobs available. But hey at least we know you a good paycheck taker and not a maker.

For those that hate management why dont you try sales. Pure commission based sales makes stupid money if your can do it. But like most upper management jobs it takes fortitude that most dont have. I know several salesmen that easily clear 250k a year. It takes time and hustle and the ability to be hated by most and still do the best you can. Salesmen can easily out earn a C level employee in all but the top fortunate 100 companies if your have the fortitude for it. But again everyone will hate you. The warehouse guys will think they deserve your money for getting your shit out on time. The administrative people will feel the same. Yet without the salesmen those haters would have to find another roof to complain under and automation is quickly eliminating a big part of warehouse jobs.
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So you should have been paid more for the stress of management? Imagine the stress of managing a company thats a CEO statistic. Because most CEO’s dont make shit its a title to get another better step up later, hopefully a seat at a big table making real money for once. I have also been a Jr. VP and a President of a company. I made next to nothing. But if I cares about that shit I could put it on my resume to try and get an upper management level job. Also at a higher level you still deal with massive amounts of incompetence. But with the people you manage at a C level position incompetence will sink the ship and thats on you for keeping them as employees. C level life. Fuck that shit.
Position was misrepresented from the get go. They were in a bind and I stepped in. Came in, took care of business, streamlined some processes and closed off some shady loopholes with workers abusing the system/payroll.

After a couple months my immediate boss started adding more to my plate. So I told him fine, but not at the rate we negotiated before. Needless to say we couldn't come to an agreement.

Went back to hourly following that ordeal.

I was on call/heavy work schedule/constantly involved in that operation - way too much effort for salary offered.
Last I heard three more managers came and left after me, when I took over I was number 8 within a year span or so).

Another proof of incompetent leadership on the top (doing well themselves).
I get annoyed with this "greedy ceo" hate.

That guy has an incredibly difficult task and has more stress than any worker bees at the company. He is responsible for everything and every one. He fails and hundreds are out of work, and most likely his career is done.

I've watched how difficult it is to bring a company to the next level. From a single owner, to private equity firm, and finally sale to a mega corp.These people get paid what they do only because they are worth it.

And the ceo can go to jail if the government decides, thanks to SOX.
Position was misrepresented from the get go. They were in a bind and I stepped in. Came in, took care of business, streamlined some processes and closed off some shady loopholes with workers abusing the system/payroll.

After a couple months my immediate boss started adding more to my plate. So I told him fine, but not at the rate we negotiated before. Needless to say we couldn't come to an agreement.

Went back to hourly following that ordeal.

I was on call/heavy work schedule/constantly involved in that operation - way too much effort for salary offered.
Last I heard three more managers came and left after me, when I took over I was number 8 within a year span or so).

Another proof of incompetent leadership on the top (doing well themselves).
Also notice how the added stress of just a basic management level job wasn’t worth the money. Try to imagine being responsible for everyone under you.

Again thanks for the good conversation
Hey, we've bought this company. Has potential but is in distress because of xyz. We will pay you 1m per year to prepare it for sale in 4 years. Should we decide terminate our relationship we will pay out this gold parachute. If our goals met additional bonus and compensation.

Fair compensation imo for someone your trusting a few hundred million dollar asset and potential few hundred million profit.

These folk don't go around applying for ceo jobs. They are selected because they can make shit happen. Investing in this person to provide the desired returns. Free market and all that.
How do you explain CEOs moving from one company to the next, ruining both.
Look at Disney, fellow that ran GE they wrote book on for destroying capitalism:), etc...
You are literally talking about like 1% of the CEOs out there. The average CEO probably barely clears 6 figures and might not actually clear that much. Thats factoring in those also making $500k a year in to the average.
I have rubbed shoulders with several CEOs. The average CEO is not making a ton more than a senior software engineer if not less than them. I know a few, software engineers, that make amazing money yet the person answering the phone only makes 15-20/hr. Different positions pay different. Aim for your target accordingly for whats best for you. If you dont like it change your aim and go hugher or in a different direction. It’s really what it comes down to.

One of the reasons food is going up so high is an entry level position, farm hand, burger flipper, bagger etc now need to make a big “living wage” for a beginning job. Sure we will just pass that cost along. Listening to farmers talk about how there is jo way they could make it without family because they now need to pay hands 15/hr 40 hours a week and eating off farm and living on the farm no longer count as compensation from my understanding.
When it comes to career/jobs, money isn't everything.

Someone making more money might be miserable, Someone making less might be happier.

You'll spend alot of your life working so position yourself into something that makes it enjoyable/tolerable.

Wise words from dad to a young idiot
Most likely. He could fail and still have a great career. Meanwhile the guy who never did anything wrong was fired because of budget cuts and the CEO didn’t drop his salary to retain employees.

CEO hate explained.

Would you volunteer a pay cut to keep a coworker?
When it comes to career/jobs, money isn't everything.

Someone making more money might be miserable, Someone making less might be happier.

You'll spend alot of your life working so position yourself into something that makes it enjoyable/tolerable.

Wise words from dad to a young idiot

Very true.

And there’s a reason it’s called “work.” It’s not always fun. It’s not always enjoyable. It sometimes/often times sucks…

Some people choose to find something they don’t hate, maybe love, but don’t make a lot. That’s fine, and it’s necessary for balance in society.

But those people also complaining about a person who chooses to maximize a rate of return per hour invested is idiotic. Vilifying the people who make jobs, provide employment, grow the economy is stupid…. Wanting government - which kills jobs, destroys currency and economies, and intentionally creates envy and jealousy and hatred… to control and knock down those people is stupid and petty.

Freedman once said, paraphrased: I never understood why it is greed for a person to want to keep the fruits of their labors, but not considered greed for others to take it from them for their own use.
Zero fucks about CEO pay... private company.

No one in a public service should be making six figures, whether it be local, state, or fed. They're all retards making poor decisions wasting stolen funds.
Some people choose to find something they don’t hate, maybe love, but don’t make a lot. That’s fine, and it’s necessary for balance in society.

Worked with guys that cut steel, stock shelfs, or assemble machines making 18 to 25 an hour.

Happy as can be, 6 to 2. Go home enjoy time with family, yearly vacation.
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