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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

companies crying about wages is a fucking joke. CEO's don't worry about pay cuts. this is just plain greed. i love it when a guy that has been getting 25 or 30 bucks and hour opens his own business and charges 150 bucks and hour which is usually 25 bucks or so less than his former bosses hourly billing rate.
Its easy to make that statement when you're not the one making the investment 😉
Lol and then with all the overhead he didn’t realize there was he is making less than the $30 a hour he was making before:homer:.

I've made this statement many times. If someone thinks employers should be paying more, then they should invest everything they have into a business and pay exactly what they think they should.

over the last 2 years I've had 3 guys leave to venture out on their own. 2 came back in less than a year.
Its easy to make that statement when you're not the one making the investment 😉
If they weren't turning a profit none would remain in business.

I am also tired of hearing about CEOs / Business owners having it so hard. Yet they keep passing on the buck to the customer, and working the meat of the bone for a typical worker bee. God forbid one is payed where they can afford a relatively comfortable life, better that they struggle.

They got return on their investment, in many cases a lot of times over. Then greed sets in, got to have multiple homes, planes, cars, boats etc.

Never understood that mentality, if you toss more money towards lower/middle ranks all of that money will end up back in the pot. People would still spend it, not like they would bury it in the backyard.

My last employer made a lot of money during Covid providing additional cleaning services via their janitorial side. Majority of people that did the work never saw any of it. Tell me about their increased overhead and such... All bullshit
not like they would bury it in the backyard.

If they weren't turning a profit none would remain in business.

I am also tired of hearing about CEOs / Business owners having it so hard. Yet they keep passing on the buck to the customer, and working the meat of the bone for a typical worker bee. God forbid one is payed where they can afford a relatively comfortable life, better that they struggle.

They got return on their investment, in many cases a lot of times over. Then greed sets in, got to have multiple homes, planes, cars, boats etc.

Never understood that mentality, if you toss more money towards lower/middle ranks all of that money will end up back in the pot. People would still spend it, not like they would bury it in the backyard.

you should start a company and run it the way you think it should be run. If you're correct, then you'll be wildly successful.

or you'll be bankrupt... one of the two
its called capitalism, that's why it works so well. the ability to walk and do something else. granted some guys can't run a business, they will never be successful at it. but i know one dumb SOB that runs a pool cleaning business and is making way over double what i make. I'm not in business for myself because I'm shitty at keeping the books, i would end up in jail. so i work for a good company at an hourly wage that i find acceptable.
and 15 bucks and hour was pretty much top money in 1988 for trades in DFW, now it is 43.
you should start a company and run it the way you think it should be run. If you're correct, then you'll be wildly successful.

or you'll be bankrupt... one of the two
Never wanted to own a business. Having managed projects/people etc. no thanks.

Should I ever change my mind it will be a one man show.

Could you enlighten us all with your successful business venture:flipoff2:
Never wanted to own a business. Having managed projects/people etc. no thanks.

Should I ever change my mind it will be a one man show.

Could you enlighten us all with your successful business venture:flipoff2:
But CEO's are greedy, from your perspective... yet you have no idea?

Got... makes perfect sense.
Never wanted to own a business. Having managed projects/people etc. no thanks.

Should I ever change my mind it will be a one man show.

Could you enlighten us all with your successful business venture:flipoff2:
Well don't tell us all how it should be done....get after it. After you get it going like you think it can run itself and you can either sell or just kick back and watch to $ roll in.
But CEO's are greedy, from your perspective... yet you have no idea?

Got... makes perfect sense.
Irate getting soft. Another weak sauce response.

No CEOs are amazing, loving caring people with your best interests in mind. Now, that better for you cupcake.

Again, please enlighten the rest of us how amazing of a business you have, and all the hardships from it that cause you to shortchange ones doing the work that keeps you going?

Otherwise go drink bleach, fuck a blender, and all that good stuff.
Irate getting soft. Another weak sauce response.

No CEOs are amazing, loving caring people with your best interests in mind. Now, that better for you cupcake.

Again, please enlighten the rest of us how amazing of a business you have, and all the hardships from it that cause you to shortchange ones doing the work that keeps you going?

Otherwise go drink bleach, fuck a blender, and all that good stuff.

What does what I do for a living have anything to do with your claims that all CEO's are greedy and, essentially, unnecessary? Absolutely nothing.

People mentioned the investments made by owners, you poo-poo it because the workers more than paid for that investment...
Yet you have never attempted to run a business, so you clearly have no idea what you are talking about...

Sounds to me like envy. Very easy to say someone who has more is greedy... regardless of how hard they worked for it.
If you have a 4x4 - you might be greedy to someone who doesn't. If you own a house - you might be greedy to someone who doesn't. If you have money to go to a restaurant - you might be greedy.
And you'd poo-poo anyone who said so, is my guess.

And the ironic thing... if it wasn't for said "greedy CEO," you wouldn't have that 4x4, that house, that ability to go out to eat... or perhaps even the interwebs access to jump on a forum and pontificate that all CEO's are greedy people who don't care about the employees...
Lol and then with all the overhead he didn’t realize there was he is making less than the $30 a hour he was making before:homer:.
When I was running my electrical contracting business I figured out, with all the hours people didn't see (paperwork bidding...) I was making about a buck an hour :eek:
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I said a year or so ago we had not seen the worse and it was still coming. I feel that statement still rings true. Its going to get a lot worse.

What good does it do to make $100 an hour if a loaf of bread is $50?

I may go drop a deer or two for the grinder....
Check out Germany pre Hitler
What does what I do for a living have anything to do with your claims that all CEO's are greedy and, essentially, unnecessary? Absolutely nothing.

People mentioned the investments made by owners, you poo-poo it because the workers more than paid for that investment...
Yet you have never attempted to run a business, so you clearly have no idea what you are talking about...

Sounds to me like envy. Very easy to say someone who has more is greedy... regardless of how hard they worked for it.
If you have a 4x4 - you might be greedy to someone who doesn't. If you own a house - you might be greedy to someone who doesn't. If you have money to go to a restaurant - you might be greedy.
And you'd poo-poo anyone who said so, is my guess.

And the ironic thing... if it wasn't for said "greedy CEO," you wouldn't have that 4x4, that house, that ability to go out to eat... or perhaps even the interwebs access to jump on a forum and pontificate that all CEO's are greedy people who don't care about the employees...
Where did I specifically say "All" ?
There is good and bad within their ranks as well, just as there is good and bad companies.

No envy here, no need.
I like my life, only in competition with myself. All of us have our own journey to complete.
For the rest agree to disagree.
its called capitalism, that's why it works so well. the ability to walk and do something else. granted some guys can't run a business, they will never be successful at it. but i know one dumb SOB that runs a pool cleaning business and is making way over double what i make. I'm not in business for myself because I'm shitty at keeping the books, i would end up in jail. so i work for a good company at an hourly wage that i find acceptable.
and 15 bucks and hour was pretty much top money in 1988 for trades in DFW, now it is 43.
Is that asshole’s name Bill or William by chance?
Anyone who voted for biden can drown in a ditch. I've seen zero indications inflation has slowed, much less curbed.

Exact same clothes (two suits). I know its first world problems to have a suit dry cleaned, but damn.

I have a feeling this summer through fall we might just see the next shoe to drop. Hold on tight, its going to be a bumpy ride.

I would strongly suggest you plant a garden this year. Don't have the room? Gets some 5gal buckets and do the best you can. You might also want to learn how to can and dry what you grow.

This is however, just my opinion.
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companies crying about wages is a fucking joke. CEO's don't worry about pay cuts. this is just plain greed.
O really? Is this based on experience with the CEO’s you’ve worked for, or just a general thought.

Im not CEO, but do set pay for 200 people, keeping them employed and paid is a constant worry.
I thought my 21% was going to go a long way turns out it isnt
Last year a guy at my office left for an 18% bump in pay. our office hasn’t done anything (State) and there is TALKS of a 9% bump this year. I’m laughing thinking about paying more in taxes because someone complains they don’t make enough.
O really? Is this based on experience with the CEO’s you’ve worked for, or just a general thought.

Im not CEO, but do set pay for 200 people, keeping them employed and paid is a constant worry.
Are you able to share some detail? What type of company, workers do exactly what? Compensation/bonus ballpark...

When CEO earns on average 350x what a worker bee does I am a little short for a sympathy. I do understand profit/loss, running costs, regulations and what not.

There is a great thread on Garage Journal right now, someone brought up a good point about stock lock up option being put in place, and keeping those higher up a bit more invested in company they oversee. Where it is not just about quarterly numbers and shareholders.
Irate getting soft. Another weak sauce response.

No CEOs are amazing, loving caring people with your best interests in mind. Now, that better for you cupcake.

Again, please enlighten the rest of us how amazing of a business you have, and all the hardships from it that cause you to shortchange ones doing the work that keeps you going?

Otherwise go drink bleach, fuck a blender, and all that good stuff.
Its super fucking hard and you wouldn’t be running your mouth like you are if you had a fucking clue.
First don’t expect to get paid for the first 5 years. Seriously second expect to pay your employees more than you make an hour. Yea thats right scooter. You employees make more than you do per hour until you get big enough to outsource damn near all the work you do. Most business owners work 70-90hrs a week for years before they can back off if they are trying to grow a business. The average business owner you like to hate on thats driving a nice truck and has a few toys probably makes under minimum wage in many cases.
You know CEO’s and shit that you like to hate only happen after someone worked themselves to the bone for a very long time.

Often the person who is an entrepreneur will not let their business get big enough to become successful because they cant/wont give up control as it has to be done in their vision. Thats one of many reasons why the failure rate is so high in start up business. Never mind fucking up a paperwork deadline and getting fines up the ass because you didn’t file the correct form on the correct timeline and now owe money because you’re not a bookkeeper.

But yea you obviously know what you’re talking about in regards to business. :homer:
Its super fucking hard and you wouldn’t be running your mouth like you are if you had a fucking clue.
First don’t expect to get paid for the first 5 years. Seriously second expect to pay your employees more than you make an hour. Yea thats right scooter. You employees make more than you do per hour until you get big enough to outsource damn near all the work you do. Most business owners work 70-90hrs a week for years before they can back off if they are trying to grow a business. The average business owner you like to hate on thats driving a nice truck and has a few toys probably makes under minimum wage in many cases.
You know CEO’s and shit that you like to hate only happen after someone worked themselves to the bone for a very long time.

Often the person who is an entrepreneur will not let their business get big enough to become successful because they cant/wont give up control as it has to be done in their vision. Thats one of many reasons why the failure rate is so high in start up business. Never mind fucking up a paperwork deadline and getting fines up the ass because you didn’t file the correct form on the correct timeline and now owe money because you’re not a bookkeeper.

But yea you obviously know what you’re talking about in regards to business. :homer:
Who pooped in your sunroof, do tell.

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