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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

Well I said "okay-ish"... I didn't say they were good. :laughing:

Alot of big brand American tires are made in China. The Ching-Shin Groundmurder MT will be the same green tire as the (America Brand) Whatever MT etc.
I understand it's one of them deals where you're just paying for higher QC standards
Interesting how people go about their lives, buying stuff or not, blissfully unaware for a whole month....then someone crunches numbers and tells them " Hey you paid 8.3% more for stuff last month than you did a year ago!!!!! You should freak the fuck out!!!!". So they do freak the fuck out.
I especially like how the media phrases things
"Inflation was 8.3% last month"
Well....ackshually it was 8.3% from a year ago. The month to month inflation from July to Aug was .6% but they bury that little tidbit further down in the article.
It is what it is. Buy or don't buy but there is no point in losing your shit after the fact.
Now if someone could come up with a system that will accurately tell us what inflation WILL be.....that is something to get excited about
We’ll what does the ibb crystal ball say? I can contract fuel for $3.21 a gallon for next summer? Fuck I hate making these calls.
That letter is ridiculously vague. They put a dollar amount but no quantity - is it per yard, truckload, shovel full? And also, is the dollar amount the increase over the old price or is it the new price per whatever quantity. I guess if you are one of the existing customers getting the letter it might make more sense
My luck as soon as I sign the contract Russia will pull out of Ukraine and the fuel price will go to $1.00 a gallon.
Wrote about this in the SNLC thread, when we have an early morning Drs appointment we always rent a room then we're not trying to get out the door in the dark. Mom had an 8am appoinment so I went to reserve a room at our usual place and the price had gone from $89 to $180. with tax it was $213.! :mad3:
I was on the phone changing her appointment to a latter hour this morning :flipoff2:
We’ll what does the ibb crystal ball say? I can contract fuel for $3.21 a gallon for next summer? Fuck I hate making these calls.
If you sign, do you commit to buying x amount of fuel? Or is it a guarantee that they have to sell you fuel at that price? If the price goes down can you just buy local from somewhere else? This kind of seems like buying call options.
If you sign, do you commit to buying x amount of fuel? Or is it a guarantee that they have to sell you fuel at that price? If the price goes down can you just buy local from somewhere else? This kind of seems like buying call options.

It’s pretty much you have to buy x amount during this time for this amount. A buddy of mine got burnt when the price of fuel was less than a dollar during the Rona. He was paying 2 a gallon and was pissed off lol.
It’s pretty much you have to buy x amount during this time for this amount. A buddy of mine got burnt when the price of fuel was less than a dollar during the Rona. He was paying 2 a gallon and was pissed off lol.
How often do contracts come out? If monthly or something maybe try to buy 25% of your use now and if the price drops more buy more.

ETA: How much can you store? Is it worthwhile to get those 5k gallon collapsible fuel storage bags or is that just a giant EPA disaster waiting to happen?

I don't see anything going to rona or pre rona levels, cost wise. The call would be how fast does putin finish in Ukraine then how fast does Europe turn the tap back on and then how cold is the winter?

I would rather lock what I can in, I can't think of hardly anything that has gotten cheaper in the last year, year over year. Atleast if you know the price is artificially high you can completely run tanks dry and fill at a lower cost later/ buy the minimum amount.
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How often do contracts come out? If monthly or something maybe try to buy 25% of your use now and if the price drops more buy more.

ETA: How much can you store? Is it worthwhile to get those 5k gallon collapsible fuel storage bags or is that just a giant EPA disaster waiting to happen?

I have a 8000 gallon dyed tank a 4000 gallon clear tank a 2500 gallon fuel truck and about 2000 gallons in all the machines.
We’ll what does the ibb crystal ball say? I can contract fuel for $3.21 a gallon for next summer? Fuck I hate making these calls.
Oof. Dunno

I could see it falling to 2.75 and you being a little pissy, or skyrocketing to $8 and you feeling like the king of bartertown :laughing:

It's still $4.99 for clear here
I'm going to keep running down my diesel stash and not refilling it yet, I'll be watching the price closely
I have a 8000 gallon dyed tank a 4000 gallon clear tank a 2500 gallon fuel truck and about 2000 gallons in all the machines.
I guess what i should have asked is what % of monthly use can you store, and would it be worth it to get more storage if the price does in fact drop. If you use 20k gallons a month, storage is negligible to try to buy down cost. If it is 2k, then might be something to consider.
That letter is ridiculously vague. They put a dollar amount but no quantity - is it per yard, truckload, shovel full? And also, is the dollar amount the increase over the old price or is it the new price per whatever quantity. I guess if you are one of the existing customers getting the letter it might make more sense

We keep accounts with alot of different suppliers including vulcan. It doesnt tell me shit, same ol bullshit. Foot in the door to jack up the price on a whim
Got 2 quotes for $155/sqft dried in shell this spring🤮.
You mean to tell, you found someone that will work.

I had a guy come out looked at my site. He told me, he would have a quote by the end of the week. That was back in June.
Work on forklifts and the mobile home plants and camper plants are starting to lay off. The wiring plant is not having the orders and they are running slower.
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