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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

How government spending works:
Unless orange man cuts $10k checks to working folks they will not have much of an impact either way.

If corporations can cry socialism for their losses, regular folk ought to be able to as well.
Unless orange man cuts $10k checks to working folks they will not have much of an impact either way.

If corporations can cry socialism for their losses, regular folk ought to be able to as well.

Tossing money out of helicopters has worked so well...
Costco’s hotdog/20oz soda is a helluva bargain
I saw it all over the west this year traveling. Back home everyone hates life so much it’s just…it is what it is, I swear.
At the local market last week, a lady could pay her bill. Her brothers house had burned down that morning (fact-verified). They wrote it down and she headed out. The next day, I told the clerk I’d pay it for her. Was only $12-ish and I felt bad I didn’t do it the day before.

Was already paid. Clerk thanked me for trying .

This economy is jacked…
Unless orange man cuts $10k checks to working folks they will not have much of an impact either way.

If corporations can cry socialism for their losses, regular folk ought to be able to as well.

The irony of people pissed off st corporate profits…. Who love the growth of their 401k… and then bitch about the drop in thrir 401k when the policies they wanted go into effect is….

The irony of people pissed off st corporate profits…. Who love the growth of their 401k… and then bitch about the drop in thrir 401k when the policies they wanted go into effect is….

No one mentioned corporate profits. Your stance is well known on these matters.

Someone on the other page (486?) wrote if checks are written again, it will not matter who signs them as there will be moaning about it, how people do not want to work, blah blah.

Unless them checks are substantial might as well forget the whole shebang.
$ 1500 check, or so doesn't go far in 2024/2025 economy, considering an average household income took a hit to a tune of $11k or so with costs of everything being higher than giraffes pussy vs years prior.

No 401k here, never had one. Another ponzi scheme...
Ex: Enron/Lehman Brothers/Bernie Madoff
Not sure how a 401k is a Ponzi scheme?!!
Lots of them are tied to a company performance, something many workers have no control over.

I am much better at managing my $, vs some company chosen bootlicker, he does not have my best interests in mind. I do.

Look at what took place with Yellow Transport not long ago. Those workers were better off managing their own pensions.
35 years in and insolvent retirement, what a dream to work up to.
Lots of them are tied to a company performance, something many workers have no control over.

I am much better at managing my $, vs some company chosen bootlicker, he does not have my best interests in mind. I do.

Look at what took place with Yellow Transport not long ago. Those workers were better off managing their own pensions.
35 years in and insolvent retirement, what a dream to work up to.
Your confusing a pension and 401k. They at not the same.

401ks only grow when the client investment in the private sector grows
Last edited:
Your confusing a s po
ension and 401k. They at not thr same.

4p is only grow when the client investment in thr private sector grows

The only turn the investment dibs 492k become morrnceliabkenisnitncororation profit
I do understand difference between union pension and 401k, just used it as an example of people depending on some financial bootlicker doing his job.

Rockota party hour:smokin:, hell it is weekend. :beer:
Lots of them are tied to a company performance, something many workers have no control over.

I am much better at managing my $, vs some company chosen bootlicker, he does not have my best interests in mind. I do.

Look at what took place with Yellow Transport not long ago. Those workers were better off managing their own pensions.
35 years in and insolvent retirement, what a dream to work up to.
If you're not in a 401k, where are you "managing your money", and actually making money? Serious question.
And with Yellow Transport, were those employees part of a Union? Wouldn't the Union still be solvent with their pensions? Serious question.
I was part of a Union Eons ago that actually bellied-up their pension.
Was the employee's pension only thru the Company, and not part of a 401k?
Bogus One,

As for 401k question: liquid assets, working on a land/real estate portfolio. Just me (no dependents), so not shooting for anything mega.

If my work situation goes as planned, I am debt free this time next year.
Following that come summer of '26 I plan on a two property purchase.
One for me, other a rental/possible small biz in the mix too.

We all know best laid plans come and go, change, fail, etc. Keeping my head down and grinding away.
Bogus One,

As for 401k question: liquid assets, working on a land/real estate portfolio. Just me (no dependents), so not shooting for anything mega.

If my work situation goes as planned, I am debt free this time next year.
Following that come summer of '26 I plan on a two property purchase.
One for me, other a rental/possible small biz in the mix too.

We all know best laid plans come and go, change, fail, etc. Keeping my head down and grinding away.
So "withdrawal liabilities for pulling out the plans when it closed its doors last summer. Yellow’s attorneys have countered that the pension plans can’t call on the company for that money because the federal government’s bailout early last year covered all of their funding needs."
Sounds like Union and .Gov are in bed together :homer:
Much bigger thing than I want to discuss.

I'm currently debt free, outside of monthly expenses.
A rental property? You are still subject to the overall economy and what the "market" will allow. Can you actually "make money" on that property, after paying mortgage and upkeep?
Small Business? Again, you're tied to the "market".

All I'm saying is, owning real estate doesn't guarantee actually making money month over month.
We're all part of a much larger scheme, unfortunately
I'm currently debt free, outside of monthly expenses.

All I'm saying is, owning real estate doesn't guarantee actually making money month over month.
We're all part of a much larger scheme, unfortunately
Enjoyed your well thought out reply.

I am a cash buyer, no loans.
Of course upkeep etc. still costs $.

I am perfectly capable of taking care of lots of that vs paying a 3rd party.

On the last point, agreed x100, its a racket. Entire system is.

I hope when I kick the bucket I own nothing (my brothers kids get it all via Trust).
My middle fanger to the system. Body donated to science:grinpimp:.
If it didn't benefit the government, the government would not have created them.
You're missing the obvious answer.

It benefits government to have productive people not be destitute in retirement so that they don't qualify for bennies, the medical industry can steal their shit and the .gov can steal their shit when they croak.

A 401k is literally just a normal investment account but with some tax brakes and stipulations about withdrawals.
You're missing the obvious answer.

It benefits government to have productive people not be destitute in retirement so that they don't qualify for bennies, the medical industry can steal their shit and the .gov can steal their shit when they croak.

A 401k is literally just a normal investment account but with some tax brakes and stipulations about withdrawals.
Whatever tax breaks are realized when you put in, are more than made up for when you take out.

And there are stipulations about how much you can put in and when, and it ain't ran by you. You are forced, if you decide to participate, to invest in vanguard, Blackrock, et al. Its hardly anything like a regular investment account, other than you earn off mutual funds/investments. The .gov gets their flesh on the backend, and the mutual fund admins make theirs on the front. Not to mention is was touted as the great replacement for pensions, which just aint the case.
Whatever tax breaks are realized when you put in, are more than made up for when you take out.
Except for the whole "making money on an amount of money that's 20-30% larger because no taxes when you put it in" thing.

And there are stipulations about how much you can put in and when,
Most people aren't maxing out their 401k. And among those that can (not most here) they've probably gonna not do that, toss some in an IRA, toss some in a normal account, etc.
and it ain't ran by you. You are forced, if you decide to participate, to invest in vanguard, Blackrock, et al. Its hardly anything like a regular investment account, other than you earn off mutual funds/investments.
<sighs deeply and rolls eyes>

I should have known better than to not spell out every fucking detail with this crowd.

The performance of your 401k is going to reflect what it's invested in less fees.

If you go open invest in some managed funds that have roughly the same composition you'll get the roughly same returns. The difference you are complaining about is irrelevant. You can up the risk and reward by investing more directly and saving the fees if you want or you could not.

The .gov gets their flesh on the backend, and the mutual fund admins make theirs on the front. Not to mention is was touted as the great replacement for pensions, which just aint the case.
Pensions have all the same problems only with more administrative incompetence and "oops we over promised, y'all are fucked" thrown in.
Lots of them are tied to a company performance, something many workers have no control over.

Yes. Many receive matches in stock. But I’m still not sure how that makes it a Ponzi scheme?
You're missing the obvious answer.

It benefits government to have productive people not be destitute in retirement so that they don't qualify for bennies, the medical industry can steal their shit and the .gov can steal their shit when they croak.

A 401k is literally just a normal investment account but with some tax brakes and stipulations about withdrawals.
It benefits corporations to eliminate pension plans / legacy cost. The politicians just fall in line with the big donors.
Yes. Many receive matches in stock. But I’m still not sure how that makes it a Ponzi scheme?
It's because he doesn't know what a ponzi scheme is.
It's beyond baffling that people are arguing in favor of defined benefit retirement plans in a thread about inflation.
People are retarded, I can't believe anyone would argue in favor of a pension plan in 2024. I want to mismanage my retirement funds, not someone in a cubicle mismanage it for me!!:laughing:
It's beyond baffling that people are arguing in favor of defined benefit retirement plans in a thread about inflation.
Inflation is a direct result of the government’s practice of using baseline budgeting & built in government growth.
It's beyond baffling that people are arguing in favor of defined benefit retirement plans in a thread about inflation.
a chunk of this board is "cash in the mattress" mindset and won't listen otherwise. Same thing with credit card rewards discussions and paying it off every month

its eye opening how hard they'll fight the financial benefits are a bad thing :homer:
a chunk of this board is "cash in the mattress" mindset and won't listen otherwise. Same thing with credit card rewards discussions and paying it off every month

its eye opening how hard they'll fight the financial benefits are a bad thing :homer:
You pay 3% for your 1% rewards. :flipoff2:
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