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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

it is interesting that you impugn McConnell since he has done the former President's bidding for four years and only very recently has changed course. His wife was even embedded in the Trump WH, so, clearly MM was a trusted part of the Trump Cabal.

All of the cases to do with the election have been dismissed. There are a handful of people in a few states that are being investigated for fraud. The TWO that have been caught were republicans.

The ATT story is over. The guy was a Q who was on his own and freaked out by 5G like nearly all unscientific retards are. So, nothing more to report, the guy was kind enough to blow his own ass up.

Yawn. You're not even good at this any more. Give it up.
I'm just popping in to post the fact that any twat who posts about losing court cases on election fraud does in fact need a punch in the face considering the evidence was never allowed to be presented in court.
That does not mean it didn't happen. People were not allowed to prove it. There's a big difference there.

Guess why the 'evidence' was disallowed? Because it was bullshit and often in the wrong court, or filed by people who don't have the role to make the claim. The people filing were desperate and incompetent and you are defending them. Their 'evidence' was comedic except that it fooled people hoping beyond hope that it was true.

I understand the anger, but it is misdirected, you should be angry with Rudy, Sidney and that crew. They lied and strung you along and they are going to pay for it.
Yawn. You're not even good at this any more. Give it up.

So, you are saying I have been good at something! I guess it is my Sally Field moment... which is kind of like winning a cooking award while working at McDonalds.

Your post is absurd for reasons already stated by others.

Put the election aside. The dems plan is to radically erode our fundamental liberties. Free speech is about to be non existent. 4th amendment is about to be non existent. The Dems consider our Constitution an irrelevant document. The election was just one more step in the long time effort to undermine our rights, not the first step. You want to see revolution well it could happen if people get pushed to it. (Look at history)

If you believed half of what you just claimed, you would have got off the porch or be living in Canada by now. In fact, by my calculations you should be calling muster in your neighborhood as we speak.

I think the part you didn't seem to notice is that I don't see a problem with the election, and I'm a registered democrat(although I didn't vote for Biden this time around) who will take a lot more than someone calling me absurd on a 4x4 chat forum to convince me that my party is working to "radically erode our fundamental liberties" or that I consider the constitution irrelevant(quite the opposite). So yes, if I thought that was happening, and that our system was being destroyed before our very eyes, I would definitely have gotten off the porch, moved my family out of the country and been actively working to do what I can to fix the issue. As it is right now, I see the greatest threat to our country is our inability to see through the hyperbolic fears implanted by our side of choice's propaganda machine to allow ourselves to find common middle ground where we can have a real discussion.

I don't believe free speech is about to be non-existent, but I do think there should be a conversation about how technology plays a vital communications role that we haven't considered in the past. I don't think we're going to lose the 4th amendment just because Joe Biden got elected, but I do think we need to make sure that checks and balances stay in place to reign in the federal government. I don't see the constitution as being cast aside by my party, but I do think it is important that it gets respected. I don't think the election rigged by the democrats, but I do think there needs to be reform put into our voting process so that both sides can feel confident the results of future elections.

My original line of questioning that you misconstrued for my actual opinion is this: if you honestly believe those things are true, why are you still on the porch? Because I for sure wouldn't be.
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it is interesting that you impugn McConnell since he has done the former President's bidding for four years and only very recently has changed course. His wife was even embedded in the Trump WH, so, clearly MM was a trusted part of the Trump Cabal.

All of the cases to do with the election have been dismissed. There are a handful of people in a few states that are being investigated for fraud. The TWO that have been caught were republicans.

The ATT story is over. The guy was a Q who was on his own and freaked out by 5G like nearly all unscientific retards are. So, nothing more to report, the guy was kind enough to blow his own ass up.

not sure what you mean by McConnell doing trumps bidding. He hasn’t... and he sure as heck hasn’t done COTUS’ bidding. He is far from a conservative and barely a republican. I don’t believe that has ever changed. He was a huge anti trumpet.

but let’s say you are correct that all of that changed since 1/20.. then he clearly has no integrity.
I think the part you didn't seem to notice is that I don't see a problem with the election, and I'm a registered democrat(although I didn't vote for Biden this time around) who will take a lot more than someone calling me absurd on a 4x4 chat forum to convince me that my party is working to "radically erode our fundamental liberties" or that I consider the constitution irrelevant(quite the opposite). So yes, if I thought that was happening, and that our system was being destroyed before our very eyes, I would definitely have gotten off the porch, moved my family out of the country and been actively working to do what I can to fix the issue. As it is right now, I see the greatest threat to our country is our inability to see through the hyperbolic fears implanted by our side of choice's propaganda machine to allow ourselves to find common middle ground where we can have a real discussion.

I don't believe free speech is about to be non-existent, but I do think there should be a conversation about how technology plays a vital communications role that we haven't considered in the past. I don't think we're going to lose the 4th amendment just because Joe Biden got elected, but I do think we need to make sure that checks and balances stay in place to reign in the federal government. I don't see the constitution as being cast aside by my party, but I do think it is important that it gets respected. I don't think the election rigged by the democrats, but I do think there needs to be reform put into our voting process so that both sides can feel confident the results of future elections.

My original line of questioning that you misconstrued for my actual opinion is this: if you honestly believe those things are true, why are you still on the porch? Because I for sure wouldn't be.

If there was no election fraud, why does it need to be reformed? You said everything was good and not rigged... Why change something that worked?
If there was no election fraud, why does it need to be reformed? You said everything was good and not rigged... Why change something that worked?

You're not going to like my answer, but whatever. Three things:

First, all signs point to there being election fraud. Everyone focuses on a just a few states that helped Biden get the win, rather than every single battleground state. How is it that the Democratic party was able to so successfully cheat the system in the exact, perfect places that it needed to? I believe fraud at some level happens every election. Everyone just chose to put the magnifying glass on those states because they pushed Biden over the edge

Second. I don't believe the democrats were the only ones trying to rig the system. You guys said it yourselves- there is tons of discrepancies people are purposely ignoring. Evidence isn't making it to court, signed affidavits are being ignored. The democratic party wasn't all powerful while this was going on, far from it. The republican party has plenty of power, tons of money, lots of their own media outlets, and at least half the country unhappy with the outcome of the election. Why didn't they force this to be looked into at greater detail? I would offer up that they didn't because they themselves pulled some shady business and they didn't want those details to accidently come to light. In fact, the only new person to this game who didn't know to keep quiet(and frankly does what he wants anyway), was Trump.

So to recap so far- both sides were doing shady shit, probably the same shady shit they do every election. Trump just put a magnifying glass on it this time

Third, due to that magnifying glass exposing the cracks in our system, it's now possible to call into question the results of an election. For our system to work, we MUST be able to trust the election results. This last election, and Trump calling into question the results, has exposed the fact that right now it's not actually possible to say with 100% certainty fraud did not play a role. For our country to continue to succeed, we must fix that .
And now the son of one of the assholes who authored Sarbanes-Oxley has authored a bill to lock in the election fraud forever. And it's the first bill from the new congress, of course.

https://populist.press/democrats-introduce-bill-that-will-destroy-america-with-one-swipe/ <- goes over some of the high points. No voter ID, no cleaning registrations, and automatic registration of everyone. And for some reason they want 16yo kids to be registered to vote. GEEEEE I wonder why?

And here is the actual official bill so you can read it yourself. The article here is 100% correct.
And now the son of one of the assholes who authored Sarbanes-Oxley has authored a bill to lock in the election fraud forever. And it's the first bill from the new congress, of course.

https://populist.press/democrats-introduce-bill-that-will-destroy-america-with-one-swipe/ <- goes over some of the high points. No voter ID, no cleaning registrations, and automatic registration of everyone. And for some reason they want 16yo kids to be registered to vote. GEEEEE I wonder why?

And here is the actual official bill so you can read it yourself. The article here is 100% correct.

If we Americans cant realize that this is the opposite direction we need to be going then we deserve how fucked up we’re gonna be!!!

And now the son of one of the assholes who authored Sarbanes-Oxley has authored a bill to lock in the election fraud forever. And it's the first bill from the new congress, of course.

https://populist.press/democrats-introduce-bill-that-will-destroy-america-with-one-swipe/ <- goes over some of the high points. No voter ID, no cleaning registrations, and automatic registration of everyone. And for some reason they want 16yo kids to be registered to vote. GEEEEE I wonder why?

And here is the actual official bill so you can read it yourself. The article here is 100% correct.

That is fucked. I can't find it in the article and my google skills apparently don't' extend to this bill... who authored it?
That is fucked. I can't find it in the article and my google skills apparently don't' extend to this bill... who authored it?

Mr. SARBANES (for himself, Ms. PELOSI, and Ms. LOFGREN) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on House Administration, and in addition to the Committees on Intelligence (Permanent Select), the Judiciary, Oversight and Reform, Science, Space, and Tech

its literally the first line of the second paragraph of the bill. Looks like its co-written by Pelosi and Lofgren, two california representatives.
I hope it passes. We deserve it. We deserve to be raped until there's no ass left to rape.

it's interesting listening to the Federalist Papers while watching what's going on around us. The, perhaps sad, irony is that there was certainly a group of folks who believed the feds could never step out of line of liberty... because the states would not allow it.
it's interesting listening to the Federalist Papers while watching what's going on around us. The, perhaps sad, irony is that there was certainly a group of folks who believed the feds could never step out of line of liberty... because the states would not allow it.

Seems like the majority of people....
it's interesting listening to the Federalist Papers while watching what's going on around us. The, perhaps sad, irony is that there was certainly a group of folks who believed the feds could never step out of line of liberty... because the states would not allow it.

Our Founders said these documents are just paper if they’re not protected by patriots. They didn’t mean standing around watching documents, or sitting idly by while an election is fraudulently conducted.
it's interesting listening to the Federalist Papers while watching what's going on around us. The, perhaps sad, irony is that there was certainly a group of folks who believed the feds could never step out of line of liberty... because the states would not allow it.

The states do a lot more power than they exercise. ICC has fucked up a lot of things and given the feds way more power than they should have.
you should be angry with Rudy, Sidney and that crew. They lied and strung you along and they are going to pay for it.

Don't you find it incredible that Rusty Rudy and Psycho Sidney were able to string along AGs from 22 different states? You'd think people in high level official positions of power like that would need a little more than a few lies from a couple of drunks to take official action and sign onto a lawsuit alleging fraud.

But nah, we'll stick with your version where they did, in fact, get "strung along" and blindly signed onto those suits....because they are stupid like everyone else...except you.

You are CNN.
Don't you find it incredible that Rusty Rudy and Psycho Sidney were able to string along AGs from 22 different states? You'd think people in high level official positions of power like that would need a little more than a few lies from a couple of drunks to take official action and sign onto a lawsuit alleging fraud..

Yeah, you'd think.... yet here we are.
This is what gladman ignores. They shit his side pulled the last 4 years lie after lie after lie. These lies were perfectly acceptable because the were seeking the truth, and in the process destroyed their oppositions presidency.

if the Republicans were smart they would start crying Biden colluded with China to win. There is more evidence of this today than what they had on trump during the past four years.

Don’t tell me this was already investigated because it wasn’t. Show me where there were a 1000’s of interviews and subpoenas and 100’s of investigators digging into it. There was non of it and will be none of it.

I have lost faith in our system of justice.

I'd note at the end of the election cycle the claim was made about Hunter Biden's laptop linking Joe to collusion with the Chinese, its just that it was ridiculous and did not stick versus folks who went to prison over the russia case.
Don't you find it incredible that Rusty Rudy and Psycho Sidney were able to string along AGs from 22 different states? You'd think people in high level official positions of power like that would need a little more than a few lies from a couple of drunks to take official action and sign onto a lawsuit alleging fraud.

But nah, we'll stick with your version where they did, in fact, get "strung along" and blindly signed onto those suits....because they are stupid like everyone else...except you.

You are CNN.

if you are using incredible as it is defined as 'not believable' then yes. Those folks could 'call high' because of their boss, the most powerful man on the planet.

People got sucked into an environment of alternative facts from the get go. After awhile, the only important thing was keeping it going. When the votes weren't there to keep it going, they tried to steal it. The folks who helped them are/were complicit. As they say, it is a hangin offense.
I'd note at the end of the election cycle the claim was made about Hunter Biden's laptop linking Joe to collusion with the Chinese, its just that it was ridiculous and did not stick versus folks who went to prison over the russia case.

So it was perfectly ok for Schiff a memeber of the intelligence committee to repeatedly state that he has evidence that trump colluded with the Russians. 3 years out and a impeachment hearing later and we still haven’t seen any evidence. It was a 100% fabrication to hurt trump.

The Democrats are in bed with the Chinese. Senator Feinstein employed a Chinese spy for what 20 years. If this spy was not collecting info he would have been recalled or moved to a different target.

Sawell was sleeping with a Chinese spy. He wasn’t even removed from the intelligence committee. What a fucking joke. You and your party are such the hypocrites it’s not even funny anymore.
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So it was perfectly ok for Schiff a memeber of the intelligence committee to repeatedly start that he has evidence that trump colluded with the Russians. 3 years out and a impeachment hearing later and we still haven’t seen any evidence. It was a 100% fabrication to hurt trump.

The Democrats are in bed with the Chinese. Senator Feinstein employed a Chinese spy for what 20 years. If this spy was not collecting info he would have been recalled or moved to a different target.

Sawell was sleeping with a Chinese spy. He wasn’t even removed from the intelligence committee. What a fucking joke. You and your party are such the hypocrites it’s not even funny anymore.

Here is a video just came out today it is on the recently declassified docs https://rumble.com/vd81a5-declassif...-get-mccabe-to-step-aside-in-russia-prob.html
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