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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

I thought we saw a similar video from Georgia and obviously nothing became of it. We've already seen no matter how much evidence of any fraud is presented, it just gets censored and you're a conspiracy theorist.
I thought we saw a similar video from Georgia and obviously nothing became of it. We've already seen no matter how much evidence of any fraud is presented, it just gets censored and you're a conspiracy theorist.

Yeah, nothing to see there. I mean they literally taped cardboard on the windows, too. It's so obvious to anyone.
Innocent people don't hide behind fences and NG troops. Those fucks know they cheated and are nervous about being caught. Hence the fence still being up and the NG still in place. They are only fooling the stupid sheep, anybody with half a clue knows what really went on with the election......

Innocent people don't hide behind fences and NG troops. Those fucks know they cheated and are nervous about being caught. Hence the fence still being up and the NG still in place. They are only fooling the stupid sheep, anybody with half a clue knows what really went on with the election......


theyre not nervous about being caught, if they were going to get caught it would of happened already

in order to get caught there has to be someone that can actually catch them, if the president couldnt catch them no one will
in order to get caught there has to be someone that can actually catch them, if the president couldnt catch them no one will

They can be caught, its just a matter of how far the American people are willing to go to find out the truth, no matter what it may be. So far everyone seems fine and dandy with being blatantly fucked in the ass by the Dems. With it being this easy for them to get away with it, whats ever going to stop them again??? At this point...... Not a fucking thing. Pathetic on America's part for letting it get this far without action.
They can be caught, its just a matter of how far the American people are willing to go to find out the truth, no matter what it may be. So far everyone seems fine and dandy with being blatantly fucked in the ass by the Dems. With it being this easy for them to get away with it, whats ever going to stop them again??? At this point...... Not a fucking thing. Pathetic on America's part for letting it get this far without action.

so if i read this right youre calling yourself pathetic?

what are we the general public supposed to do that the goddamn president couldnt do?

if there was anything that could be done trump would have done it, feel free to explain how they "can be caught"
so if i read this right youre calling yourself pathetic?

what are we the general public supposed to do that the goddamn president couldnt do?

if there was anything that could be done trump would have done it, feel free to explain how they "can be caught"

Yes, WE are pathetic.

Your statement about the president not being able to for anything must be a joke, right? No shit Sherlock he couldn't get anything done,, he was the one they were trying to oust.

You don't think a million ORGANIZED people showing up in DC knocking on the door of the capitol (peaceful protest style) demanding answers to many of the unanswered election questions wouldn't get something going? Those fucksticks work for US and may need to be reminded of that once in a while. Now seems like a very appropriate time to make that fact known again. If they brush us off, we go back and knock again and again getting more peacefull each time. Eventually something will happen, its just a matter of how pissed off you are about being blatantly fucked by the government...
Yes, WE are pathetic.

Your statement about the president not being able to for anything must be a joke, right? No shit Sherlock he couldn't get anything done,, he was the one they were trying to oust.

You don't think a million ORGANIZED people showing up in DC knocking on the door of the capitol (peaceful protest style) demanding answers to many of the unanswered election questions wouldn't get something going? Those fucksticks work for US and may need to be reminded of that once in a while. Now seems like a very appropriate time to make that fact known again. If they brush us off, we go back and knock again and again getting more peacefull each time. Eventually something will happen, its just a matter of how pissed off you are about being blatantly fucked by the government...

just as i figured no real answer, your peaceful protest idea would do nothing and the media would continue to label you all racist nazis
just as i figured no real answer, your peaceful protest idea would do nothing and the media would continue to label you all racist nazis

I just gave you my idea....... But because it requires physical work and personal sacrifice without instant gratification its not a good one? If you have zero ideas but complain about mine, that makes you part of the problem in my eyes.

IDGAF what the fucking media labels me, especially those worthless shitbags, would you???:laughing:

Btw, if you are a white male it doesn't matter what you do or say to the contrary, you are already labeled a racist nazi. Prove me wrong.

im not complaining about your idea im simply stating it wont work, the president had the power of EO's at his fingertips and yet he couldnt even stop them from stealing the election, people sitting around chanting and holding signs will do nothing, and the media coverage will continue to brain wash the rest of america into thinking youre fools.

sorry but peaceful protest will do nothing, explain to me how it will work? how is people standing around holding signs going to cause "something to eventually happen"?

im not the one acting like i have an answer so i shouldnt give my opinion on yours?
The liberal peaceful protests worked in their favor, didn't they?

Quitting before getting started is a sure way to fail at something.
The liberal peaceful protests worked in their favor, didn't they?

Quitting before getting started is a sure way to fail at something.

the liberal protests werent peaceful
the liberal protests had the support of MSM and major corporations

there is nothing that can be done besides literally starting over as in ALL politicians removed, the only way possible for that to happen is by the military doing it. however for that to happen there needs to be a coup within the military itself due to the military being controlled by those that have been corrupted and controlled by the military industrial complex. you want to overthrow a corrupted gov you need the military force, in the end trump was a puppet along with his presidency and this election. they want everyone divided and theyre doing a fantastic job of it, trump clearly wasnt what they wanted you to think he was. trumps so great our country is currently headed down the worst path it ever has and i honestly cant think of a time in the past 100 years that the people of this country have been so divided.

trump could have done a far better job of "draining the swamp" like we were promised, they were empty promises and now im off to go find a picture of trump partying with epstein and clinton :flipoff2:
Yes, WE are pathetic.

Your statement about the president not being able to for anything must be a joke, right? No shit Sherlock he couldn't get anything done,, he was the one they were trying to oust.

You don't think a million ORGANIZED people showing up in DC knocking on the door of the capitol (peaceful protest style) demanding answers to many of the unanswered election questions wouldn't get something going? Those fucksticks work for US and may need to be reminded of that once in a while. Now seems like a very appropriate time to make that fact known again. If they brush us off, we go back and knock again and again getting more peacefull each time. Eventually something will happen, its just a matter of how pissed off you are about being blatantly fucked by the government...

thats exactly why Nancy Pelosi wanted machine gun nests on over watch crowd control.

52 pages, this is not a fresh thread.

20 pages. adjust your settings.
Everybody change their voter registration to undeclared. They put liberal stickers on your car. Ask for a protest permit declare your gender as something other than the truth. And viola, said permit granted. Pallets or bricks will show up the night before protests. The police will be ordered to arrest any people that oppose you. Them we just show up and burn shit for 7-9 months. Then you get whatever you want. :flipoff2:

Its funny most people like Everboob that advocate for violence won’t or can’t participate in it. Most who can or will do everything they can to avoid it. For to exercise extreme violence against another not in a means of immediate self defense does take a toll on your mental well-being, spirt, soul or what ever believe system you support.

Very few are saying violence isn’t “an” answer, we are saying it might not be the best or only answer.
The worship of one man is still fresh!!!!

Once he starts campaigning for 2024 another fresh thread can start up!!!!

Narrock Primary Victory Thread :flipoff2:

Hell yeah :laughing:

Got JoeW the self ban for one month. He went up in wager against the Orange Messiah and the giz-boy :cookie:
Not over yet... Judge rules there was fraud in MI...


Judge rules Benson's ballot signature verification guidance 'invalid'

Beth LeBlanc
The Detroit News
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State Court of Claims Judge Christopher Murray has ruled invalid Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson's guidance issued to Michigan clerks in early October that instructed them to presume the accuracy of absentee ballot signatures.

Because Benson did not go through the proper rule-making process when issuing the guidance, clerks do not need to comply with it for future elections, Murray ruled last week.

"The presumption is found nowhere in state law," wrote Murray, an appointee of Republican former Gov. John Engler. "The mandatory presumption goes beyond the realm of mere advice and direction, and instead is a substantive directive that adds to the pertinent signature-matching standards."

The office of Benson, a Detroit Democrat, declined comment on the decision.

The Michigan Republican Party, one of the plaintiffs in the suit, celebrated the decision but noted it came too late to make a difference in the November election.

"It was clear from the outset that the secretary of state had violated Election Law by unilaterally directing local clerks to ignore their statutory obligation to compare absentee ballot signatures," said Ted Goodman, communications director for the state GOP.

Michigan law requires clerks to match required signatures on absentee ballot applications and absentee ballot envelopes with the voter signature on file to ensure the person submitting the ballot is the same one registered to vote in Michigan.

But state law doesn't define what it means for signatures to "agree sufficiently."

Benson on Oct. 6 instructed clerks who were matching signatures that they "must perform" their duties under the "presumption" that the signature is valid and uphold the signature's validity if there were "more matching features than nonmatching features." Whenever possible, clerks and election officials were instructed to resolve slight differences "in favor of finding that the voter's signature was valid," Murray wrote.

Allegan County Clerk Robert Genetski and the Michigan Republican Party filed a complaint the same day and amended it Dec. 30 to argue the directive was unlawful. But Genetski did not allege that Benson's directive "caused him to accept a signature that he believed was invalid," according to Murray's decision.

The judge didn't rule on whether Benson's directive violated state election law, but did say the directive violated the Administrative Procedures Act, the process that must be followed when an agency creates new rules.
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"....Nowhere in the state's election law has the Legislature indicated that signatures are to be presumed valid, nor did the Legislature require that signatures are to be accepted so long as there are any redeeming qualities in the application or return envelope signature as compared with the signature on file," Murray wrote.

"Policy determinations like the one at issue — which places a thumb on the scale in favor of a signature's validity — should be made pursuant to properly promulgated rules under the APA or by the Legislature," he wrote.

The Administrative Procedures Act requires state agencies that are developing a rule to better implement state law to go through months of public notices, drafts, impact analyses, public comment and public hearings.

When a final version of the rule is complete, it is submitted to the Legislature's bipartisan Joint Committee on Administrative Rules. The committee has 15 session days to take action on the rules before they are finalized and filed with the secretary of state.

Murray rejected a request for additional audits to look at the effect the directive had on the November election.

The Michigan Constitution only speaks to "election results," not to the process by which signatures are matched, and the Constitution leaves the manner by which an audit is conducted to the secretary of state.

"There is no support in the statute for plaintiffs to demand that an audit cover the subject of their choosing or to dictate the manner in which an audit is conducted," Murray wrote.

Rep. Matt Hall, R-Marshall, praised the court's decision, calling Benson's directives "clear violations of her authority."

"If she wants to make changes like these, she needs to work with the Legislature or properly promulgate them through the laws we have on the books -- in this case the Administrative Procedures Act," Hall said.
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