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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

100%. 82 million legal votes for the basement potato just doesn't compute. People claim many had tired of Trump yet he gains 11 million votes from 2016?

You could even make the argument trump gained a net 11 million votes. I’m sure his Twitter speak drove off 5-6million of the people that voted for him last time. So in reality he got a additional 15+ million people off the couch and to the voting booth. This in itself is unprecedented.
Every time I open this I get even more pissed off. Our country is on a freight train down the shitter at lightning speed. Maybe Trump couldn’t have saved it, but at least he had good relationships with foreign leaders and he was hammering China. It feels like everything is just crumbling this year.
I’m still waiting for a logical explanation of why election observers were forced out of a vote counting location and the windows covered up with cardboard. Until this is explained this election was 100% fraudulent.

Clearly this is how you count votes.

I wonder, in all elections in all years past, have poll workers ever "felt uncomfortable"? No, never? Ok, then it makes sense that they use that excuse for covering the windows, because it actually is the first time in history that poll workers felt uncomfortable. Got it.
That video sure looks doctored. Probably by whatever news channel provided the video. Are there any reporters who claim to have been standing right there or were these all anonymous?
That video sure looks doctored. Probably by whatever news channel provided the video. Are there any reporters who claim to have been standing right there or were these all anonymous?

there are pictures from the event in that Twitter link
Hope to see progress with firm laws in place before next election or there's no point.
But even little progress would be good.

Example: All votes must be received by 8pm on election night. This rule can not be changed prior to the election.
If that's in place, it's easy to enforce. Have a camera at the loading dock and at the stroke of 8pm, close the door. No more votes or boxes are allowed into the building from that point on, and the cameras roll all night. Only votes inside by 8pm can be counted.

Done. Nice and easy. Just one small example that can go a long way.
Hope to see progress with firm laws in place before next election or there's no point.
But even little progress would be good.

Example: All votes must be received by 8pm on election night. This rule can not be changed prior to the election.
If that's in place, it's easy to enforce. Have a camera at the loading dock and at the stroke of 8pm, close the door. No more votes or boxes are allowed into the building from that point on, and the cameras roll all night. Only votes inside by 8pm can be counted.

Done. Nice and easy. Just one small example that can go a long way.

The problem, is that many places do centralized counting.
So you have 50 polling places in the county, all of them close at 8PM and then the ballots are transported to the countywide counting location, some may arrive at 8:30 (assuming 15 mins to close things down and 15 mins to drive) and others may not arrive till 10:00.
How its normally done around here is that a D and R representative in each polling place each places a numbered seal on the box, then signs off that they included X ballots, they used Y ballots out of their bound book and Z ballots were spoiled due to mis-voting.
Then they include (in an other box) the bound book, the voting register and (possibly) the stack of spoiled ballots.
The number of signatures the register should match the number of ballots in the box and the number of ballots used form the bound book should match the number of signatures in the register plus the spoiled ballots.
That is not done in all states, but IMO it should be.

Aaron Z
Hope to see progress with firm laws in place before next election or there's no point.
But even little progress would be good.

Example: All votes must be received by 8pm on election night. This rule can not be changed prior to the election.
If that's in place, it's easy to enforce. Have a camera at the loading dock and at the stroke of 8pm, close the door. No more votes or boxes are allowed into the building from that point on, and the cameras roll all night. Only votes inside by 8pm can be counted.

Done. Nice and easy. Just one small example that can go a long way.

have you seen HR1? I know it passed the house but not sure where its at not. If that shit passes its all over. The elections will be under federalized
have you seen HR1? I know it passed the house but not sure where its at not. If that shit passes its all over. The elections will be under federalized

Big parts of HR1 are being implemented via executive orders. Let's hope the courts stop that, but I have very little faith at this point.
Hope to see progress with firm laws in place before next election or there's no point.
But even little progress would be good.

Example: All votes must be received by 8pm on election night. This rule can not be changed prior to the election.
If that's in place, it's easy to enforce. Have a camera at the loading dock and at the stroke of 8pm, close the door. No more votes or boxes are allowed into the building from that point on, and the cameras roll all night. Only votes inside by 8pm can be counted.

Done. Nice and easy. Just one small example that can go a long way.

what's the point in bothering with "firm laws?" We have laws already that are being ignored - no point in adding more laws that will just be ignored
Big parts of HR1 are being implemented via executive orders. Let's hope the courts stop that, but I have very little faith at this point.

Yeah me either.

the dems liked being able to cheat so their top priority is making sure they can continue to do so
Speaking of fraud. How is this not headline news. Biden is claiming to be places he isn't, using a green screen to put in a background. Seriously the top half of his head disappears. :laughing:


Technically, we don't even know if it's Biden. He could be dead for all you know. Nobody has seen him, no reporters have talked to him.
All we get are videos that are prerecorded.

And with the technology available today, it could all be fake. Just like these videos of "Tom Cruise"...
Technically, we don't even know if it's Biden. He could be dead for all you know. Nobody has seen him, no reporters have talked to him.
All we get are videos that are prerecorded.

And with the technology available today, it could all be fake. Just like these videos of "Tom Cruise"...

The W.A.P. Hoe got a sit down with him in the early campaign stages. Maybe the press just needs to be more open about them being hoes as well.
There's a clip where he slips up and says "President Harris".
Gotta love them glitches.
Technically, we don't even know if it's Biden. He could be dead for all you know. Nobody has seen him, no reporters have talked to him.
All we get are videos that are prerecorded.

And with the technology available today, it could all be fake. Just like these videos of "Tom Cruise"...

He is alive and "well", He just was filmed tripping multiple times and falling while trying to board Air Force One.

Hope to see progress with firm laws in place before next election or there's no point.
But even little progress would be good.

Example: All votes must be received by 8pm on election night. This rule can not be changed prior to the election.
If that's in place, it's easy to enforce. Have a camera at the loading dock and at the stroke of 8pm, close the door. No more votes or boxes are allowed into the building from that point on, and the cameras roll all night. Only votes inside by 8pm can be counted.

Done. Nice and easy. Just one small example that can go a long way.

I would like to have your optimism but honestly, I don't see anything changing until some heads explode...literally.

And gotten away with....
He's said it a bunch of times.

I really dislike Biden, but I hate seeing a person in decline like that. The people behind him should be ashamed of themselves.

Jill is just abusing him at this point.
He's said it a bunch of times.

I really dislike Biden, but I hate seeing a person in decline like that. The people behind him should be ashamed of themselves.

I said the exact same thing myself. Can't help but feel bad for the senile old guy and how he's being used like this. I got no hate for him, at all.
He is alive and "well", He just was filmed tripping multiple times and falling while trying to board Air Force One.

Right now the transportation guys at Andrews are trying to figure out how to adapt one of those motorized lift chairs to the air stairs
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