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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

If the dems were going to cheat all along, why did they choose Joe fucking Biden? He is the absolute worst choice they could have possibly made, so why didn’t they choose anyone else, knowing they were going to swing the election no matter what?

They used Biden because of the ties to Obama...the liberal god. They chose Harris because that's who they want and knew she was unelectable but within this year will be in place.
They used Biden because of the ties to Obama...the liberal god. They chose Harris because that's who they want and knew she was unelectable but within this year will be in place.

That truly makes sense. The endless conspiracy theories about Bernie being screwed out of the election, Elvis is selling crack to my daughter just have to STFU. :flipoff2:

Harris was truly an unelectable candidate. She was swept aside in the primary debates in a single rebuttal, just as Poodle hair Rand Paul was. And yet there she is.

Did you see where Putin responded to Sleepy Knee Pad's twit or tweet that Putin was a killer ? He challenged Knee Pad to a public debate :lmao:
Did you see where Putin responded to Sleepy Knee Pad's twit or tweet that Putin was a killer ? He challenged Knee Pad to a public debate :lmao:

This is everything you need to know. Even the rest of the world sees sleepy joe and Isuckallotadick as a group of retards. :eek:
Sadly, now the world will see Americans as weak, blind fuckwits who don't know which bathroom to use and worship China.
Sadly, now the world will see Americans as weak, blind fuckwits who don't know which bathroom to use and worship China.

Sadly, it's how I, as an American, also see America. We're changing laws and capitulating to what I honestly believe has to be a very tiny percent of the population that really doesn't know if they're male or female. Out of 300 million Americans, how many are truly transgender or whatever? Be trans, I don't care, be gay, I don't care, but stop trying to say I'm fucked up because I'm normal and indifferent to their bullshit problems.
They used Biden because of the ties to Obama...the liberal god. They chose Harris because that's who they want and knew she was unelectable but within this year will be in place.

Is anyone truly unelectable if you’re going to swing the election in the middle of the night with “mail in ballots”??
Well.....it happened. :laughing:

Right, but couldn’t the democrats run literally ANY other “safe” candidate knowing there’s a few million pre-printed ballots that’ll be “found” at 2:00 in the morning? Couldn’t they have ran any other of a handful of democrats that maybe are just as safe as Biden, and perhaps not so close to death or as senile or otherwise fucking useless? There’s a good handful that I’d consider controllable, while also showing an actual hint of strength and charisma when compared to joe fucking Biden or heels-up...
Right, but couldn’t the democrats run literally ANY other “safe” candidate knowing there’s a few million pre-printed ballots that’ll be “found” at 2:00 in the morning? Couldn’t they have ran any other of a handful of democrats that maybe are just as safe as Biden, and perhaps not so close to death or as senile or otherwise fucking useless? There’s a good handful that I’d consider controllable, while also showing an actual hint of strength and charisma when compared to joe fucking Biden or heels-up...

Harris...whom they wanted was not a "safe" candidate. She got kicked out after the first debate. They knew she would not win the nomination and wasn't prepared to fix that.

that was remedied by the election.
Hmmm someone scared?

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I heard the companies hired to now do the forensic audits and reputable and not controlled by the communist party. Maybe someone will be held accountable. Not holding my breath.
curious who is more scared... AZ or @gladman.....
curious who is more scared... AZ or @gladman.....

AZ will have to face the consequences. Gladman will just change his story, burn the books and claim he always believe there was fraud.
This is their 8th emergency meeting since February 2nd concerning the election.
Steven Crowder got banned for even talking about it last week. https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/y...monetizes-and-temporarily-bans-steven-crowder

Banned didn't break any rules just banned. They scared. :grinpimp:

Even worse. He actually showed verifiable proof of fraud. He went to addresses of registered voters (that voted) and showed that the addresses didn't exist - empty parking lots, warehouses and in some cases not even a real street number. He didn't make any claims about the results or that it skewed the election. Just showed proof that there were people registered to addresses that didn't exist. He's actually fighting back and one of the few that might actually get some results. Google is scared of him.
Even worse. He actually showed verifiable proof of fraud. He went to addresses of registered voters (that voted) and showed that the addresses didn't exist - empty parking lots, warehouses and in some cases not even a real street number. He didn't make any claims about the results or that it skewed the election. Just showed proof that there were people registered to addresses that didn't exist. He's actually fighting back and one of the few that might actually get some results. Google is scared of him.

AND... His guys were online looking at the voter rolls at night while someone from the NV voting something-or-other was changing those fake addresses as well -many of which were also fake. I like the calls he made trying to get them to explain what happened and how they will fix it. Pretty funny stuff.
This was one of the things I was trying to tell Gladfag when he was posting up NO FRAUD bullshit.
The other was the ticker on Tucker's show from a few months ago that was displaying all the dead voters whose votes were counted for Biden.
The fact that no one is hanging from a bridge or in jail over what went down is discouraging.
AND... His guys were online looking at the voter rolls at night while someone from the NV voting something-or-other was changing those fake addresses as well -many of which were also fake. I like the calls he made trying to get them to explain what happened and how they will fix it. Pretty funny stuff.
This was one of the things I was trying to tell Gladfag when he was posting up NO FRAUD bullshit.
The other was the ticker on Tucker's show from a few months ago that was displaying all the dead voters whose votes were counted for Biden.
The fact that no one is hanging from a bridge or in jail over what went down is discouraging.

that's all a lie - Gladman
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