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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

Find the article where Hillary Clinton says she was robbed. I can absolutely show the article from the NEXT morning where she conceded and congratulated President Trump.
Obama STOPPED any reporting of the investigation into Trump to avoid exactly what you are claiming the opposite. FACT.
It was when Comey (a life long conservative republican) brought Clinton's name into a scandal (that went nowhere) that the other information came out.
President Trump gets stabbed in the back because he demands complete loyalty, but never gives it. Because he will turn on ANY of his allies if necessary, he only gets loyalty from the least adept.

John Roberts is, was and will always be a conservative. Look at his nomination etc.

i dig the emotions, even when you aim them at me, but the facts are the facts.



anything else you want?

also, just becasue Roberts was nominated by a "conservative" doesnt mean his judicial court history shows that. He burned any credibility he ever had about being a conservative or an orginalist with his ACA ruling.

Roberts is trash and will continue to prove he is trash, given the chance.
Washington Republican Secretary of State... Kim Wyman is considering leaving the party because of all the corrupt election talk, threats to her and her staff!!!!


whatever you say, lefty democrat screamer.
Find the article where Hillary Clinton says she was robbed. I can absolutely show the article from the NEXT morning where she conceded and congratulated President Trump.
Obama STOPPED any reporting of the investigation into Trump to avoid exactly what you are claiming the opposite. FACT.
It was when Comey (a life long conservative republican) brought Clinton's name into a scandal (that went nowhere) that the other information came out.
President Trump gets stabbed in the back because he demands complete loyalty, but never gives it. Because he will turn on ANY of his allies if necessary, he only gets loyalty from the least adept.

John Roberts is, was and will always be a conservative. Look at his nomination etc.

i dig the emotions, even when you aim them at me, but the facts are the facts.

You mean like this one? Who gives a shit anyways the election in 16 obviously was not stolen and obviously was in 20.
You mean like this one? Who gives a shit anyways the election in 16 obviously was not stolen and obviously was in 20.

Question- if the 2020 election was so obviously stolen, why is anyone on here even trying or arguing anymore? Why are you guys not actively waging war with a corrupt government? I see evidence of some shady activity, but I bet if you take a closer look at any election, we could find the same thing with both parties fingerprints all over it. BUT, for the sake of argument, say I'm wrong, and say all of this is concrete evidence that the democratic party has found a way to ensure their candidate gets elected and there's nothing the Republicans can do about it. Obviously now with the Dems in power, if this line of thinking is true, then they would be able to sidestep around any sort of efforts to push election reform, and will retain a stranglehold on any future elections.

If that's what you truly believe, then why have you not given up completely or gathered an army of armed and angry citizens straight up gone to war over this? If I felt our democracy had just been stolen out from under the American people, I would be in the process of doing two things right now:

1. Getting my family out of the country
2. Straight up going to war to get it back
Question- if the 2020 election was so obviously stolen, why is anyone on here even trying or arguing anymore? Why are you guys not actively waging war with a corrupt government? I see evidence of some shady activity, but I bet if you take a closer look at any election, we could find the same thing with both parties fingerprints all over it. BUT, for the sake of argument, say I'm wrong, and say all of this is concrete evidence that the democratic party has found a way to ensure their candidate gets elected and there's nothing the Republicans can do about it. Obviously now with the Dems in power, if this line of thinking is true, then they would be able to sidestep around any sort of efforts to push election reform, and will retain a stranglehold on any future elections.

If that's what you truly believe, then why have you not given up completely or gathered an army of armed and angry citizens straight up gone to war over this? If I felt our democracy had just been stolen out from under the American people, I would be in the process of doing two things right now:

1. Getting my family out of the country
2. Straight up going to war to get it back

no you would not.

You know why? because regardless of what you think and/or what happened, you will be jailed forever and you family would be exiled or outright hunted down and killed.

The answer to your overall question is simple: everyone in America, even the poorest, still enjoys a far better standard of living than MOST of the rest of the world. They have made it illegal to even talk about what you are talking about. so no one wants to be a martyr for a cause that may never get traction because so many others just want to be left alone to live their lives.

Only when the ones who want to only be left alone are not left alone and pushed far enough, are you going to see anything like what you describe. but right now, uncle sugar is going to legalize MJ and other drugs (why? placate the masses) and keep handing out money to everyone (why? keep people from being so angry and disgruntled that they start something, and to buy votes).

just when i thought you were smarter than i give you credit far, you come along and your new found intelligence cred spits in my face. shame on me.
no you would not.

You know why? because regardless of what you think and/or what happened, you will be jailed forever and you family would be exiled or outright hunted down and killed.

The answer to your overall question is simple: everyone in America, even the poorest, still enjoys a far better standard of living than MOST of the rest of the world. They have made it illegal to even talk about what you are talking about. so no one wants to be a martyr for a cause that may never get traction because so many others just want to be left alone to live their lives.

Only when the ones who want to only be left alone are not left alone and pushed far enough, are you going to see anything like what you describe. but right now, uncle sugar is going to legalize MJ and other drugs (why? placate the masses) and keep handing out money to everyone (why? keep people from being so angry and disgruntled that they start something, and to buy votes).

just when i thought you were smarter than i give you credit far, you come along and your new found intelligence cred spits in my face. shame on me.

Aw shucks Texas, a broken clock is right twice a day. If I felt we had lost our democracy, one of the main things that makes us who we are, I most certainly would be preparing to fight. Are you really going to tell me that taking away our right to vote is not pushing someone far enough?

I don't believe we are anywhere near that now, so I am content to continue to live my life. There are plenty of people here claiming that is what happened and they're not doing shit about it. To me that's crazy. If I honestly believed what they're saying, there is no way I could stand by and let it happen.
Aw shucks Texas, a broken clock is right twice a day. If I felt we had lost our democracy, one of the main things that makes us who we are, I most certainly would be preparing to fight. Are you really going to tell me that taking away our right to vote is not pushing someone far enough?

I don't believe we are anywhere near that now, so I am content to continue to live my life. There are plenty of people here claiming that is what happened and they're not doing shit about it. To me that's crazy. If I honestly believed what they're saying, there is no way I could stand by and let it happen.

Sounds like there were a few hundred thousand people in DC a couple weeks ago who felt the same way you are claiming they should feel. Are you saying they are justified in feeling that way and acting that way, just that it didn't go far enough?

You work for the government. You aren't going to prepare for armed conflict, at 40, overweight, with an infant child and wearing redundant covid masks in a state you just told me you love the scenery so much you don't give a shit what the Cali government does , that you'll never leave?
The "patriot" party is a terrible idea people! Trump already showed you why. He was a 3rd party guy with conservative views on many things and he is what the R's were looking for in 2016 (noisy, brash, never gives up). The R pres candidates have been pretty bad the past few cycles and things were getting away from us. Mitt Romney? John Mccain? Rinos both! Sarah Palin?

The R party is the one that accommodates alternative views, debate, and always has been. That's also what Americans are for the most part, even Democrats. At this point a liberal person like Tulsi could probably get far in a R primary. I do not want to see her as president, but I'd be happy to call her a Republican and let her participate. And maybe I could vote for her. At this point I'd take her over Biden, even though she is quite leftward of him in many ways.

How many in the GOP actually believe in the GOP platform?

At the end of the day, when midterms roll around, people are going to have the option of a DNC or a DNC with a different label behind their name.

Shoot... well over 1/2 of the GOP actively attacked 45... So why continue to vote for socialism lite when you can get the real thing?

I agree with Tulsi - but she'd be better off on a 3rd party ticket as well... unlike Bernie, I don't suspect she'll let the DNC screw her in a primary again...
Aw shucks Texas, a broken clock is right twice a day. If I felt we had lost our democracy, one of the main things that makes us who we are, I most certainly would be preparing to fight. Are you really going to tell me that taking away our right to vote is not pushing someone far enough?

I don't believe we are anywhere near that now, so I am content to continue to live my life. There are plenty of people here claiming that is what happened and they're not doing shit about it. To me that's crazy. If I honestly believed what they're saying, there is no way I could stand by and let it happen.

then you should have fought in the 1700's... cause we are not a democracy.
Sounds like there were a few hundred thousand people in DC a couple weeks ago who felt the same way you are claiming they should feel. Are you saying they are justified in feeling that way and acting that way, just that it didn't go far enough?

You work for the government. You aren't going to prepare for armed conflict, at 40, overweight, with an infant child and wearing redundant covid masks in a state you just told me you love the scenery so much you don't give a shit what the Cali government does , that you'll never leave?

IIRC, he actively spoke out against those folks doing exactly what he just suggested...
Sounds like there were a few hundred thousand people in DC a couple weeks ago who felt the same way you are claiming they should feel. Are you saying they are justified in feeling that way and acting that way, just that it didn't go far enough?

You work for the government. You aren't going to prepare for armed conflict, at 40, overweight, with an infant child and wearing redundant covid masks in a state you just told me you love the scenery so much you don't give a shit what the Cali government does , that you'll never leave?

...you think I'm overweight? Just curious what would give you that idea.

Anyway, yes, if they believed that without doubt Democrats had stolen the election, then I don't think they went far enough. The thing is- if I were going to be moved to such action, I would make damn sure it was warranted first.

And yeah, I do love the deserts, mountains, beaches, blah blah blah of California, and I also love my country, which is why I would choose to get my family out and then fight rather than high tail it somewhere else to live out the rest of my life.

Oh yeah, and I only wear one mask at a time as mandated by the government of the great state in which I reside.
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...you think I'm overweight? Just curious what would give you that idea.

40 year old government office worker? im just playing the odds. :flipoff2: see the link below. if you are not overweight, then im proud of you. more skiing and bike riding for you.


i believe you said you're 6'4".... that's about my weight class... want to set up a boxing match? 5 rounds, 2 minute rounds. USA boxing sanctioned. neutral site.... maybe Colorado? Or Phoenix? :grinpimp:
I sure did. Because I don't believe we have lost our right to vote, and so I saw it as an attack on democracy.

we are not a democracy... please... if nothing else... stop stating we are.

As for not having lost your right to vote... maybe the way you just wrote it... but have people lost freedom or liberty? How many businesses will never come back from what your governor did?

So maybe you can still physically vote, but so-t-f-what if it's meaningless?
For our resident Democrats that have taken Alinski’s “usefull idiots” to a whole new level.

40 year old government office worker? im just playing the odds. :flipoff2: see the link below. if you are not overweight, then im proud of you. more skiing and bike riding for you.


i believe you said you're 6'4".... that's about my weight class... want to set up a boxing match? 5 rounds, 2 minute rounds. USA boxing sanctioned. neutral site.... maybe Colorado? Or Phoenix? :grinpimp:

HA! I don't play internet tough guy and I don't know how good I'd be at boxing. I spent a lot of time when I was younger with hawaiian style jiu jitsu so I would probably get my ass handed to me if I wasn't allowed to grab someone. I have tried a speed bag before and it was a miserable failure.

Back to my fatness, I'm 6'4" and between 195 and 200 lbs depending on how my weekend went, so I'm usually right on the "healthy" line with a 25 BMI. I mountain bike *A LOT*, even with the time change I still ride after work with lights. Last big checkup the doc told me according to all the numbers he thought I was going to live forever. The wife and I have a rule that if we say we're going to do something(even if you're drunk and talking out of your ass), you still have to do it. So even though I hate running, last year someone ambushed drunk Harry into committing to running a 10K the next morning. No prep, had to dig my running shoes out of the closet from years before, didn't get a good night's sleep or bother stretching and somehow managed to run it in 50 minutes and change. I think I'm actually still proud of that even though I despise running.
HA! I don't play internet tough guy and I don't know how good I'd be at boxing. I spent a lot of time when I was younger with hawaiian style jiu jitsu so I would probably get my ass handed to me if I wasn't allowed to grab someone. I have tried a speed bag before and it was a miserable failure.

Back to my fatness, I'm 6'4" and between 195 and 200 lbs depending on how my weekend went, so I'm usually right on the "healthy" line with a 25 BMI. I mountain bike *A LOT*, even with the time change I still ride after work with lights. Last big checkup the doc told me according to all the numbers he thought I was going to live forever. The wife and I have a rule that if we say we're going to do something(even if you're drunk and talking out of your ass), you still have to do it. So even though I hate running, last year someone ambushed drunk Harry into committing to running a 10K the next morning. No prep, had to dig my running shoes out of the closet from years before, didn't get a good night's sleep or bother stretching and somehow managed to run it in 50 minutes and change. I think I'm actually still proud of that even though I despise running.

jesus christ man, 195 lbs? i havent been that emaciated since we were starving in college. ok, yeah, you are not in my weight class then. but if you're in, ill get down to 201 to fight into your weight class, which is heavyweight. last fight, the day of, i weighed in at 209 lbs and was surprised. i was really NOT trying to cut that much weight at all and was fine getting in the ring around 215. The week before, trainers usually have you take the week off to let your body heal up and rest from the sparring beatings. i think i lost some appetite since i wasnt burning 1200 calories in daily training but my metabolism was still high.

you sure you dont want to schedule some ring time? i promise ill only hit you in the face and head, and ill lay off the body shots. I dont want you to go back to elysium california with broken ribs and i damn sure dont want you throwing up on me. :flipoff2:
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jesus christ man, 195 lbs? i havent been that emaciated since we were starving in college. ok, yeah, you are not in my weight class then. but if you're in, ill get down to 201 to fight into your weight class, which is heavyweight. last fight, the day of, i weighed in at 209 lbs and was surprised. i was really NOT trying to cut that much weight at all and was fine getting in the ring around 215. The week before, trainers usually have you take the week off to let your body heal up and rest from the sparring beatings. i think i lost some appetite since i wasnt burning 1200 calories in daily training but my metabolism was still high.

This seems suspiciously like you're just trying to find a way to get to punch me in the face. Anyway, I have been walking a fine line so that if my wife attempts to call me out of shape when I'm mowing chips on the couch or going after a 5th taco, I can point to the BMI chart and tell her to find a new hobby.
This seems suspiciously like you're just trying to find a way to get to punch me in the face. Anyway, I have been walking a fine line so that if my wife attempts to call me out of shape when I'm mowing chips on the couch or going after a 5th taco, I can point to the BMI chart and tell her to find a new hobby.

well, the BMI chart is complete bullshit. i know guys that workout everyday with BMI in the low 20s, and they couldnt run 400 meters without collapsing. Thats not really in shape, if you ask me. and just because someone is not overweight, doesnt mean they are in shape either.
well, the BMI chart is complete bullshit. i know guys that workout everyday with BMI in the low 20s, and they couldnt run 400 meters without collapsing. Thats not really in shape, if you ask me. and just because someone is not overweight, doesnt mean they are in shape either.

Doc told me the same thing. I asked him if he could write me a note for the wife and he laughed like I was making a joke or something and then didn't write the note. :mad3:
I'm just popping in to post the fact that any twat who posts about losing court cases on election fraud does in fact need a punch in the face considering the evidence was never allowed to be presented in court.
That does not mean it didn't happen. People were not allowed to prove it. There's a big difference there.
I'm just popping in to post the fact that any twat who posts about losing court cases on election fraud does in fact need a punch in the face considering the evidence was never allowed to be presented in court.
That does not mean it didn't happen. People were not allowed to prove it. There's a big difference there.

we know. its a Dem party talking point parroted by people who either dont know any better or are intellectually bankrupt and therefore put the claim forth like it means something.
"Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence, they are creating artificial stupidity" - Thomas Sowell 07/17/2020
you sure you dont want to schedule some ring time? i promise ill only hit you in the face and head, and ill lay off the body shots. I dont want you to go back to elysium california with broken ribs and i damn sure dont want you throwing up on me. :flipoff2:

You know... I'm not gonna say no, but the last time I went out of my way to get punched in the face was 19 years ago. So if we ever happen to be close to the same place at the same time, I'll take you up on it. It's probably a bad idea but it would be interesting to get some "on the job training" on how boxing works.
I'm just popping in to post the fact that any twat who posts about losing court cases on election fraud does in fact need a punch in the face considering the evidence was never allowed to be presented in court.
That does not mean it didn't happen. People were not allowed to prove it. There's a big difference there.

There's that and an impeachment without any defense allowed and now an impeachment trial that he has 1 weekend to prepare. Yeah, he's getting a fair shake. Now imagine what they'll do to you if you don't tow the line.

For those of you that think some people are overreacting, tell me when anything even close to whats going on in the last month that has happened before in this country. I can think of a couple of countries where this kind of thing has happened and the outcome has never been good for the people.
If I felt our democracy had just been stolen out from under the American people, I would be in the process of doing two things right now:

1. Jack
2. Shit


Your post is absurd for reasons already stated by others.

Put the election aside. The dems plan is to radically erode our fundamental liberties. Free speech is about to be non existent. 4th amendment is about to be non existent. The Dems consider our Constitution an irrelevant document. The election was just one more step in the long time effort to undermine our rights, not the first step. You want to see revolution well it could happen if people get pushed to it. (Look at history)

If you believed half of what you just claimed, you would have got off the porch or be living in Canada by now. In fact, by my calculations you should be calling muster in your neighborhood as we speak.
probably not the most trustworthy person to use in defining facts.... fraud claims were not baseless, however... numbers are important - math is important. There have been arrests. To say election fraud didn't happen is baseless in and of itself. That's one of the reasons the phrase "wide spread" was inserted into election fraud articles was important.

Did Pence do the right thing? Dunno - the protesters were escorted into the capital building right as electoral challenges were beginning.

The Sidney Powell thing is interesting, however. Funny that I haven't heard anything about the ATT building/bombing in nashville in over 3 weeks...

it is interesting that you impugn McConnell since he has done the former President's bidding for four years and only very recently has changed course. His wife was even embedded in the Trump WH, so, clearly MM was a trusted part of the Trump Cabal.

All of the cases to do with the election have been dismissed. There are a handful of people in a few states that are being investigated for fraud. The TWO that have been caught were republicans.

The ATT story is over. The guy was a Q who was on his own and freaked out by 5G like nearly all unscientific retards are. So, nothing more to report, the guy was kind enough to blow his own ass up.
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