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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

Gained over, while battling Rudolph the Red Nosed Corpse, not an incredible accomplishment given the option. Twitter most certainly was his problem. No sitting prez should out anything on fkg free speech media, thinking it's free speech media.

He's a winner who lost? No, he's a loser who won once. Decorum isn't the man's forte when it comes time to live by your actions. Be damned his tweets, them's just words. Oh wait, his mouth got him fired just as much as his asinine actions.

does your TDS get cured by a Biden EO today?
To get impeached, the house has to vote it. The democrats have allready demonstrated that they will ignore facts when voting on impeachment. (Twice) So why would they start now?

go back and look at the watergate hearings... go back and look at the creation of the EPA... the country used to work across the aisles and should again. Vilifying people out of hand is self destructive. We need to leave the Newt Gingrich-ification of America where we hate our adversary and go back to respecting them. If you ever played sports... in the toughest, most physical games, where every inch was hard fought... more than once, after the game, we'd genuinely go shake the other guy's hand... like two boxers, they are the only ones who know what the fight was really like....

Assuming that people are evil or baby eaters has got to stop (on ALL SIDES) if we are going to grow our nation.
Your full of shit, you know he won. But as an avid sucked of the demo dick you are ok with it. You are what people classify as “ low moral fiber”. Or if you truly believe all the shit you spout, one of alinski’s “useful idiots”.

The facts are clear. Mitch McConnell agrees that it was a fair election and fairly decided. Sidney Powell withdrew here last lawsuit (one of the final Kraken cases that were to blow up the whole election but was literally NOTHING)

It sucks that people you trusted lied to you and you believed them. That sucks. Now, grow up. It was a FAIR election. The vast claims of fraud were baseless. Mike Pence knew this and moved on as a gracious and thoughtful patriot.

The record is clear that in 2016, Hillary Clinton congratulated President Trump THE NEXT DAY. All of those folks respected our country and behaved accordingly. You can call me names, you can pretend and you can believe the lies (and the liars) but the facts and history are not up for grabs.
All of those folks respected our country and behaved accordingly.

looking at the obama administration and the FBI's actions during that time, and your statement is false.

Hilary Clinton lied and fabricated a story that Trump was a Russian agent. It was a COMPLETE LIE.

The Obama Administration was spying on TRump in Trump Tower. Adm. Mike Rogers was the only one who had the moral compass to go tell Trump to leave.

The administration prior to Trump did not respect our country. They are just sad they got caught. And now, two of the key players in that fiasco, Biden and Susan Rice are BACK in the White House.
looking at the obama administration and the FBI's actions during that time, and your statement is false.

Hilary Clinton lied and fabricated a story that Trump was a Russian agent. It was a COMPLETE LIE.

The Obama Administration was spying on TRump in Trump Tower. Adm. Mike Rogers was the only one who had the moral compass to go tell Trump to leave.

The administration prior to Trump did not respect our country. They are just sad they got caught. And now, two of the key players in that fiasco, Biden and Susan Rice are BACK in the White House.

This is what gladman ignores. They shit his side pulled the last 4 years lie after lie after lie. These lies were perfectly acceptable because the were seeking the truth, and in the process destroyed their oppositions presidency.

if the Republicans were smart they would start crying Biden colluded with China to win. There is more evidence of this today than what they had on trump during the past four years.

Don’t tell me this was already investigated because it wasn’t. Show me where there were a 1000’s of interviews and subpoenas and 100’s of investigators digging into it. There was non of it and will be none of it.

I have lost faith in our system of justice.
The facts are clear. Mitch McConnell agrees that it was a fair election and fairly decided. Sidney Powell withdrew here last lawsuit (one of the final Kraken cases that were to blow up the whole election but was literally NOTHING)

It sucks that people you trusted lied to you and you believed them. That sucks. Now, grow up. It was a FAIR election. The vast claims of fraud were baseless. Mike Pence knew this and moved on as a gracious and thoughtful patriot.

The record is clear that in 2016, Hillary Clinton congratulated President Trump THE NEXT DAY. All of those folks respected our country and behaved accordingly. You can call me names, you can pretend and you can believe the lies (and the liars) but the facts and history are not up for grabs.

probably not the most trustworthy person to use in defining facts.... fraud claims were not baseless, however... numbers are important - math is important. There have been arrests. To say election fraud didn't happen is baseless in and of itself. That's one of the reasons the phrase "wide spread" was inserted into election fraud articles was important.

Did Pence do the right thing? Dunno - the protesters were escorted into the capital building right as electoral challenges were beginning.

The Sidney Powell thing is interesting, however. Funny that I haven't heard anything about the ATT building/bombing in nashville in over 3 weeks...
The facts are clear. Mitch McConnell agrees that it was a fair election and fairly decided. Sidney Powell withdrew here last lawsuit (one of the final Kraken cases that were to blow up the whole election but was literally NOTHING)

It sucks that people you trusted lied to you and you believed them. That sucks. Now, grow up. It was a FAIR election. The vast claims of fraud were baseless. Mike Pence knew this and moved on as a gracious and thoughtful patriot.

The record is clear that in 2016, Hillary Clinton congratulated President Trump THE NEXT DAY. All of those folks respected our country and behaved accordingly. You can call me names, you can pretend and you can believe the lies (and the liars) but the facts and history are not up for grabs.

Do you think that if this was a regular election where people went to the polls and voted biden would have still won? Honest question.
Funny that I haven't heard anything about the ATT building/bombing in nashville in over 3 weeks...

Dude did everything on his own, he was a 5G tinfoiler, and he made every possible attempt to avoid casualties. There was some finger pointing between a lawyer and the chief of police about not looking into him a year(ish) ago when his ex-girlfriend told the lawyer she thought he was up to something. No terrorism or anything much interesting about the guy really.

Clearly his social media wasn't right-wing enough to justify further coverage.
Dude did everything on his own, he was a 5G tinfoiler, and he made every possible attempt to avoid casualties. There was some finger pointing between a lawyer and the chief of police about not looking into him a year(ish) ago when his ex-girlfriend told the lawyer she thought he was up to something. No terrorism or anything much interesting about the guy really.

Clearly his social media wasn't right-wing enough to justify further coverage.

It definitely seemed to go away here (tn) as a story quickly. thx for the update
Do you think that if this was a regular election where people went to the polls and voted biden would have still won? Honest question.

based on the fraud possibly. But we wouldn’t know how much electronic fraud was going to happen. Hillary lost in ‘16 and they inflated her numbers. Just not enough.
Do you think that if this was a regular election where people went to the polls and voted biden would have still won? Honest question.

thinking about USPS involvement a bit more...

Wife and I each received certified mail recently.

Both were left in our mailbox.... In fact... i can't think of a single "signature required" delivery from USPS that hasn't been left in our mailbox in recent years. We've never had to sign.
I think when 2/3 of the Republicans including Pence turned their backs on him he knew he was fucked. I hope he runs 3rf party.

That would result in a landslide Dem win because it would splinter the republican party voters.
The facts are clear. Mitch McConnell agrees that it was a fair election and fairly decided. Sidney Powell withdrew here last lawsuit (one of the final Kraken cases that were to blow up the whole election but was literally NOTHING)

It sucks that people you trusted lied to you and you believed them. That sucks. Now, grow up. It was a FAIR election. The vast claims of fraud were baseless. Mike Pence knew this and moved on as a gracious and thoughtful patriot.

The record is clear that in 2016, Hillary Clinton congratulated President Trump THE NEXT DAY. All of those folks respected our country and behaved accordingly. You can call me names, you can pretend and you can believe the lies (and the liars) but the facts and history are not up for grabs.

you are fucking delusional, hillary has been stating she was robbed for 4 years. obama spied on the trump campaign and its all documented. but idiots like you can over look all this shit because something in your brain doesn't connect the dots. its perfectly normal to run out everyone and ''stop counting". then count like hell and block all the windows. a third grader can do the math, joe won 30% less counties that hillary or obama and got 10 million more votes? BULLSHIT, and a bunch of politicians stabbing trump in the back surprises you? I said it the next morning, joe was going to be seated as pres. but he sure as hell didn't get there honestly. the scheming cock suckers pulled it off. they bent ever rule they could to make it happen. and I'm pretty sure the "john roberts" on the flight log to pedo island was a insurance policy.
If you ever played sports... in the toughest, most physical games, where every inch was hard fought... more than once, after the game, we'd genuinely go shake the other guy's hand... like two boxers, they are the only ones who know what the fight was really like....

Can you still throw a football over them mountains?????
The facts are clear. Mitch McConnell agrees that it was a fair election and fairly decided. Sidney Powell withdrew here last lawsuit (one of the final Kraken cases that were to blow up the whole election but was literally NOTHING)

It sucks that people you trusted lied to you and you believed them. That sucks. Now, grow up. It was a FAIR election. The vast claims of fraud were baseless. Mike Pence knew this and moved on as a gracious and thoughtful patriot.

The record is clear that in 2016, Hillary Clinton congratulated President Trump THE NEXT DAY. All of those folks respected our country and behaved accordingly. You can call me names, you can pretend and you can believe the lies (and the liars) but the facts and history are not up for grabs.

You are one dumb motherfucker with your head in the sand if you can't honestly see the facts regarding the election. Why don't you Dem's just challenge and prove false the accusations of fraud if you're so sure it was fair? Why delete every video, parlor account, facebook and every conservative viewpoint from history if it was so fair?
You are one dumb motherfucker with your head in the sand if you can't honestly see the facts regarding the election. Why don't you Dem's just challenge and prove false the accusations of fraud if you're so sure it was fair? Why delete every video, parlor account, facebook and every conservative viewpoint from history if it was so fair?

Because that’s how crooked it was. They win fair and square they could do that. However they know they got away with it so now it’s time to cover it up.

Just watch now they control the legislature and the presidency they’ll try and pass mandatory mail in voting. Just because it’s the easiest way to commit fraud.
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That would result in a landslide Dem win because it would splinter the republican party voters.

That's been true in the past but the last independent candidate never got 74 million votes like Trump just got, most in Repub history. Not positive but I think if a third party was started by Trump you may just have a huge defection from the rep. party into the Patriot party???

We could only hope.

If I said it once I said it a hundred times, it's not the rep. against the dems, it's the ELITES against the rest of us. Dems just think their on the right side, once they erase the rep party, the peons in the dem party will be next on he way to a united one order world, remember Schumers slip, take Georgia and we take the WORLD.
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That's been true in the past but the last independent candidate never got 74 million votes like Trump just got, most in Repub history. Not positive but I think if a third party was started by Trump you may just have a huge defection from the rep. party into the Patriot party???

We could only hope.

If I said it once I said it a hundred times, it's not the rep. against the dems, it's the ELITES against the rest of us. Dems just think their on the right side, once they erase the rep party, the peons in the dem party will be next on he way to a united one order world, remember Schumers slip, take Georgia and we take the WORLD.

The "patriot" party is a terrible idea people! Trump already showed you why. He was a 3rd party guy with conservative views on many things and he is what the R's were looking for in 2016 (noisy, brash, never gives up). The R pres candidates have been pretty bad the past few cycles and things were getting away from us. Mitt Romney? John Mccain? Rinos both! Sarah Palin?

The R party is the one that accommodates alternative views, debate, and always has been. That's also what Americans are for the most part, even Democrats. At this point a liberal person like Tulsi could probably get far in a R primary. I do not want to see her as president, but I'd be happy to call her a Republican and let her participate. And maybe I could vote for her. At this point I'd take her over Biden, even though she is quite leftward of him in many ways.

Libertarians, you want your pothead open borders whatever person in? I say put an R on your head and welcome to the party. Debate, market yourself, the R party should welcome you with open arms.

The Republican party should be guided by preserving our rights, such as guns, speech, etc. Not abortion or other social issues. The D party can stick with the social issues and woke bullshit that people are sick of hearing about.
The "patriot" party is a terrible idea people! Trump already showed you why. He was a 3rd party guy with conservative views on many things and he is what the R's were looking for in 2016 (noisy, brash, never gives up). The R pres candidates have been pretty bad the past few cycles and things were getting away from us. Mitt Romney? John Mccain? Rinos both! Sarah Palin?

The R party is the one that accommodates alternative views, debate, and always has been. That's also what Americans are for the most part, even Democrats. At this point a liberal person like Tulsi could probably get far in a R primary. I do not want to see her as president, but I'd be happy to call her a Republican and let her participate. And maybe I could vote for her. At this point I'd take her over Biden, even though she is quite leftward of him in many ways.

Libertarians, you want your pothead open borders whatever person in? I say put an R on your head and welcome to the party. Debate, market yourself, the R party should welcome you with open arms.

The Republican party should be guided by preserving our rights, such as guns, speech, etc. Not abortion or other social issues. The D party can stick with the social issues and woke bullshit that people are sick of hearing about.
I"m not reposting
Interesting take on Trump starting a third party

you are fucking delusional, hillary has been stating she was robbed for 4 years. obama spied on the trump campaign and its all documented. but idiots like you can over look all this shit because something in your brain doesn't connect the dots. its perfectly normal to run out everyone and ''stop counting". then count like hell and block all the windows. a third grader can do the math, joe won 30% less counties that hillary or obama and got 10 million more votes? BULLSHIT, and a bunch of politicians stabbing trump in the back surprises you? I said it the next morning, joe was going to be seated as pres. but he sure as hell didn't get there honestly. the scheming cock suckers pulled it off. they bent ever rule they could to make it happen. and I'm pretty sure the "john roberts" on the flight log to pedo island was a insurance policy.

Find the article where Hillary Clinton says she was robbed. I can absolutely show the article from the NEXT morning where she conceded and congratulated President Trump.
Obama STOPPED any reporting of the investigation into Trump to avoid exactly what you are claiming the opposite. FACT.
It was when Comey (a life long conservative republican) brought Clinton's name into a scandal (that went nowhere) that the other information came out.
President Trump gets stabbed in the back because he demands complete loyalty, but never gives it. Because he will turn on ANY of his allies if necessary, he only gets loyalty from the least adept.

John Roberts is, was and will always be a conservative. Look at his nomination etc.

i dig the emotions, even when you aim them at me, but the facts are the facts.
The "patriot" party is a terrible idea people! Trump already showed you why. He was a 3rd party guy with conservative views on many things and he is what the R's were looking for in 2016 (noisy, brash, never gives up). The R pres candidates have been pretty bad the past few cycles and things were getting away from us. Mitt Romney? John Mccain? Rinos both! Sarah Palin?

The R party is the one that accommodates alternative views, debate, and always has been. That's also what Americans are for the most part, even Democrats. At this point a liberal person like Tulsi could probably get far in a R primary. I do not want to see her as president, but I'd be happy to call her a Republican and let her participate. And maybe I could vote for her. At this point I'd take her over Biden, even though she is quite leftward of him in many ways.

Libertarians, you want your pothead open borders whatever person in? I say put an R on your head and welcome to the party. Debate, market yourself, the R party should welcome you with open arms.

The Republican party should be guided by preserving our rights, such as guns, speech, etc. Not abortion or other social issues. The D party can stick with the social issues and woke bullshit that people are sick of hearing about.

Washington Republican Secretary of State... Kim Wyman is considering leaving the party because of all the corrupt election talk, threats to her and her staff!!!!

Washington Republican Secretary of State... Kim Wyman is considering leaving the party because of all the corrupt election talk, threats to her and her staff!!!!


So let her switch to the D party because she's a politician who just wants power. Maybe she should defend herself and not puss out. The people who elected her aren't sending her death threats.
You are one dumb motherfucker with your head in the sand if you can't honestly see the facts regarding the election. Why don't you Dem's just challenge and prove false the accusations of fraud if you're so sure it was fair? Why delete every video, parlor account, facebook and every conservative viewpoint from history if it was so fair?

The former President's election team did challenge the result and lost 60 of 61 court cases. A supreme court (stacked with conservative republican justices) refused to entertain the claims because they were simply not credible. They were a pack of lies and not actionable. Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani are going to be disbarred for even bringing the cases when it is clear THEY knew they were lies.

No one deleted any Parler accounts. They violated their terms of service and lost their place at the table. ALL the data is still there, they just need to get their business act together and they can continue. Has your facebook or twitter been deleted? Nope. Has former President Trump's? nope. His accounts have been suspended because he broke the rules and terms of service. Former President Trump isn't the only conservative voice, just one of many. You can find conservative voices everywhere on the internet.

The fact that folks in positions of influence were openly lying and inciting folks to violence and were acting on information that is clearly false, led to companies, in part to protect themselves from legal actions and in part to try to try to protect innocent people, they were forced to take action.

I saw an interview with Kellyanne Conway last friday. She is among the most loyal servants to the former President. She 100% said that President Trump lost the election and while it was fine for him to challenge questions he had, once those cases had been heard and dismissed, he should have conceded and stopped the conspiracy nonsense. This is Kellyanne Conway, not some democrat.

Former President Trump's Election folks lied to the American people and a good number, loyal to the president, wanted the lies to be true and believed them. They were lied to and fooled. Now we need to accept that and make sure we do a better job of critically thinking so we can focus on facts and disagree based on things that actually exist, rather than made up shit.
Find the article where Hillary Clinton says she was robbed. I can absolutely show the article from the NEXT morning where she conceded and congratulated President Trump.
Obama STOPPED any reporting of the investigation into Trump to avoid exactly what you are claiming the opposite. FACT.
It was when Comey (a life long conservative republican) brought Clinton's name into a scandal (that went nowhere) that the other information came out.
President Trump gets stabbed in the back because he demands complete loyalty, but never gives it. Because he will turn on ANY of his allies if necessary, he only gets loyalty from the least adept.

John Roberts is, was and will always be a conservative. Look at his nomination etc.

i dig the emotions, even when you aim them at me, but the facts are the facts.

Jesus you will believe anything, want to buy a bridge?
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