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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

Listen, I've lost all respect for the Republicans and Democrats, but I will say that there was a sudden and dramatic shift from the narrative that we have to be wary of foreign election interference and voter suppression to a narrative that our elections are safe and fair as soon as Biden/Harris was determined the winner.

Move along. Nothing to see here.....

DC in lockdown sure has the optics of a hostile takeover. You'd think the man who just won the most votes in history would be having a party in the streets. I know if Trump won, it would be shoulder to shoulder for miles and miles. Doesn't the left want to shove it our faces how big he crowds are?

Its all a fucking sham and the left isn't even trying to hide it anymore. All the non sheeple sat back and watched it go down and did/said nothing, so who is really to blame for all this???

We as a country are fucked.
The lockdown is the best way for them to pretend no one being there was their idea. It would be pretty hard to explain why there wasn't anyone there otherwise.
Its all a fucking sham and the left isn't even trying to hide it anymore. All the non sheeple sat back and watched it go down and did/said nothing, so who is really to blame for all this???

We as a country are fucked.

And they keep calling to not be violent. Well if the left has shown us anything, being violent is how you get what you want.
Listen, I've lost all respect for the Republicans and Democrats, but I will say that there was a sudden and dramatic shift from the narrative that we have to be wary of foreign election interference and voter suppression to a narrative that our elections are safe and fair as soon as Biden/Harris was determined the winner.

Strange isn't it? 4 years of Russia Russia Russia- Drump cheated- we need to secure our elections... then one day out of nowhere we have the most secure elections on planet earth and anyone that would even question that integrity is a MAGA white supremacist.
Revenge is best served cold....Only fools continue to cry about a lost cause instead of learning from the fucking....

So you are saying the gop needs to learn from this, and ensure waaaay more people vote their way, even if it’s fraud.

got it.
if that were proven, he'd be impeached, if Harris was also guilty, same for her until we followed the process to someone who would be president. The rules about this stuff exist.

Rules about murder exist. Rules about taking bribes from foreign governments exist. Rules about defending the constitution exist. Rules about dead people not coding exist. Rules about election over sight exist.

I could go on.

the fact that you think rules matter now is funny.
So you are saying the gop needs to learn from this, and ensure waaaay more people vote their way, even if it’s fraud.

got it.

The standard reply I get when asking a liberal about cheating is: "if one side cheats, shouldnt the other side cheat better?"

they dont seem to understand exactly how fucked that answer is.
Whether they like it or not, Trump was fully in his right to appoint Barrett to the supreme court. The "not in an election year" thing is always said by the party that is not in power at that time and has zero legal power.

Packing or "rotating" the supreme court could be made legally (The current number was set by congress in the 1860s), but it would set a precedent that would destroy the credibility of the SC and next time the republicans are in power they will do the same. There is a reason why even FDR's own party objected loudly to his packing scheme. Instead, he just bullied the SC into doing his bidding.

The Supreme Court still has credibility after their ruling on ACA?

The standard reply I get when asking a liberal about cheating is: "if one side cheats, shouldnt the other side cheat better?"

they dont seem to understand exactly how fucked that answer is.

Their brains are truly fucked up and sick. They could have done a daca deal, infrastructure, just about anything their hearts desired with Trump. They are so sick in the heads they couldn't allow themselves to because he was wearing the wrong color shirt. I am amazed people refuse to see it. Nancy announced it to the world.
The standard reply I get when asking a liberal about cheating is: "if one side cheats, shouldnt the other side cheat better?"

they dont seem to understand exactly how fucked that answer is.

I think you are making that up. Right?
What's weird to me is how Trump went suddenly silent. Tinfoil time; I am wondering if they got to him somehow, threatened his family maybe? Maybe he finally realized what he is up against?

I think when 2/3 of the Republicans including Pence turned their backs on him he knew he was fucked. I hope he runs 3rf party.
I think you are making that up. Right?

:rolleyes:You're being dishonest here aren't you? You know the answer to that...
I get the answer of "whatever it takes" when i ask about cheating. Anything to get him out of office was OK for your side.
Now, when i use that answer, i become a nazi sympathizer or white supremacist:homer:My whatever it takes is far more extreme than cheating a national election though:usa:
You don't think the whole twitter, facebook, youtube and parler bans have anything to do with that?

Yeah no shit. And they all knew that if they cut him off years ago he would have had to cheat a lot more to try to beat him during this election. His worst problem by far was Twitter. God dammit.
Yeah no shit. And they all knew that if they cut him off years ago he would have had to cheat a lot more to try to beat him during this election. His worst problem by far was Twitter. God dammit.

Naw... that was just noise. I’d even argue great use of Twitter. Twitter banned him, after all, so I’d argue he was likely spreading too much “truth”
Yeah no shit. And they all knew that if they cut him off years ago he would have had to cheat a lot more to try to beat him during this election. His worst problem by far was Twitter. God dammit.

And yet he gained something like 12million votes over 2016 to have the highest popular vote count of a sitting president in history. Twitter was not his problem.
And yet he gained something like 12million votes over 2016 to have the highest popular vote count of a sitting president in history. Twitter was not his problem.

Twitter was his problem. I was really hoping that after he won in '16 that he would just tone down the twitters a bit. Oh well, water under the bridge.
:rolleyes:You're being dishonest here aren't you? You know the answer to that...
I get the answer of "whatever it takes" when i ask about cheating. Anything to get him out of office was OK for your side.
Now, when i use that answer, i become a nazi sympathizer or white supremacist:homer:My whatever it takes is far more extreme than cheating a national election though:usa:

absolutely not. the ends don't justify the means for me. on that, I am consistent and unwavering. I think folks who will do 'whatever it takes' to win, suck and their 'end' is never a positive. I think there are people on all sides of the political spectrum who will take shortcuts, which is the opposite of what I would do.
if that were proven, he'd be impeached, if Harris was also guilty, same for her until we followed the process to someone who would be president. The rules about this stuff exist.

To get impeached, the house has to vote it. The democrats have allready demonstrated that they will ignore facts when voting on impeachment. (Twice) So why would they start now?
absolutely not. the ends don't justify the means for me. on that, I am consistent and unwavering. I think folks who will do 'whatever it takes' to win, suck and their 'end' is never a positive. I think there are people on all sides of the political spectrum who will take shortcuts, which is the opposite of what I would do.

Your full of shit, you know he won. But as an avid sucked of the demo dick you are ok with it. You are what people classify as “ low moral fiber”. Or if you truly believe all the shit you spout, one of alinski’s “useful idiots”.
Your full of shit, you know he won. But as an avid sucked of the demo dick you are ok with it. You are what people classify as “ low moral fiber”. Or if you truly believe all the shit you spout, one of alinski’s “useful idiots”.

And this is who is now running our country. People with low moral fiber or useful idiots, not mutually exclusive.
And yet he gained something like 12million votes over 2016 to have the highest popular vote count of a sitting president in history. Twitter was not his problem.

Gained over, while battling Rudolph the Red Nosed Corpse, not an incredible accomplishment given the option. Twitter most certainly was his problem. No sitting prez should out anything on fkg free speech media, thinking it's free speech media.

He's a winner who lost? No, he's a loser who won once. Decorum isn't the man's forte when it comes time to live by your actions. Be damned his tweets, them's just words. Oh wait, his mouth got him fired just as much as his asinine actions.
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