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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

What is the document's origin?
Where is the data coming from?

anyone can whip up a sheet just like that in about 30 minutes and have it say whatever our feelings demand....

The data available today shows that Biden won by a solid margin, even if you factored in the most irregularities in US history, he clearly won.

There are ONLY incredible (as in NOT credible) people who are unconvinced as to outcome.

'seems' and 'feels' don't count. We had a bad actor mobilize his forces to create instability and he achieved a bit of that. Now is the time to see the man behind the curtain for who he is... a grifter and a hustler who will use good people against good people for his own personal ends.

So.... you don't dispute the detail because ... but you do dispute the detail because only people who don't want to believe the election was on the up and up believe the data...

You're not even close to finding the irony....
So.... you don't dispute the detail because ... but you do dispute the detail because only people who don't want to believe the election was on the up and up believe the data...

You're not even close to finding the irony....

You need more than charts, that why it was thrown out of the courts....
which cases were thrown out of the courts because of lack of evidence? Specifically. Thx.

Thrown out as in it went nowhere...Show me thhe courts that ruled there was enough fraud to change the election outcome . You have lots of info...
So.... you don't dispute the detail because ... but you do dispute the detail because only people who don't want to believe the election was on the up and up believe the data...

You're not even close to finding the irony....

data isn't a chart,

The source of the data is not given. That is the stuff Sid Powell does. She shows a chart but cannot back it up with the data source so that the source can be verified.

The election management folks in each state has a host of checks and balances and audits and when they were re-audited by request, their re-audits showed verified the results--> science/math/statistics.

So, whether I like the result of the election, I trust the results because the people who were responsible for the vote did their job and come from all political persuasions but were doing their job under their laws.

The President said, 'When I went to bed, I was ahead, when I woke up, I was behind, What Happened?'

I get it. He thought, 'well cool, I am going to win, never realizing (or maybe he knew and was being calculating) that the first votes that get counted in most places are the votes from that day in the polls... He encouraged his voters to vote at the polls... so, his voters did what he suggested, which put him ahead. His Opponent recommended just that everyone vote either in person, by mail, by dropoff whatever, just vote.... Those votes get counted after which explains why more votes were counted after the polls closed and why the President woke up to find that when people have more ways to vote, they will use them, especially if they feel safer and it is easier (like any product.)

In Georgia, they found 2 people who voted that were dead... they are investigating them and will prosecute. 2. NOT 60,000 or even 100. 2. Just 2. Now, a guy can say 'well, if there were 2 then there could be more'... but, that begins the walk toward wishful thinking and away from data and facts.

It was a legal election. It wasn't perfect, but the results are valid and one contender CLEARLY won.

Irony=the OPPOSITE of what you expect as a result. just so you know.
data isn't a chart,

The source of the data is not given. That is the stuff Sid Powell does. She shows a chart but cannot back it up with the data source so that the source can be verified.

I know that you are mostly fucking stupid. But you DO NOT data dump all your "proof" when you sue someone. That happens later during the trial. Which there never was one. You cannot say there was no proof as there was never an opportunity given to SHOW THE PROOF.

And considering the recounts are just recounts of the same shit, well you get the same shit. And Georgia? Yeah, they did not go back and really look and everyone with a clue knows that.

Seriously my dog shows more intelligence. :rolleyes:
You need more than charts, that why it was thrown out of the courts....

You don't understand how the courts work. In a civil case, you make an allegation. Only the wildest allegations require any evidence to go to a hearing. A sworn aftdavid is certainly enough evidence to go to a hearing. In these cases, the democratic judges are throwing out cases before hearing any evidence because they don't want the evidence to see the light of day. This is pretty much unheard of.

In the case of Pennsylvania, it went to a judge and she ruled it should go to trial because, and I quote "the plaintiff is likely to prevail". The PA Supreme Court jumped in ahead of the other court to through out the case before any evidence was heard. This is never done. Normally, they would let the lower court rule and then over rule them later. But again, they didn't want the evidence heard. They didn't want anybody to hear that Trump won a case. The PA Supreme Court ruled this way purely with a partisan vote.

I asked Gladman and now I'll ask you. How do you explain the Georgia video?

My other question is, what would you consider to be evidence of voter fraud?
You don't understand how the courts work. In a civil case, you make an allegation. Only the wildest allegations require any evidence to go to a hearing. A sworn aftdavid is certainly enough evidence to go to a hearing. In these cases, the democratic judges are throwing out cases before hearing any evidence because they don't want the evidence to see the light of day. This is pretty much unheard of.

In the case of Pennsylvania, it went to a judge and she ruled it should go to trial because, and I quote "the plaintiff is likely to prevail". The PA Supreme Court jumped in ahead of the other court to through out the case before any evidence was heard. This is never done. Normally, they would let the lower court rule and then over rule them later. But again, they didn't want the evidence heard. They didn't want anybody to hear that Trump won a case. The PA Supreme Court ruled this way purely with a partisan vote.

I asked Gladman and now I'll ask you. How do you explain the Georgia video?

My other question is, what would you consider to be evidence of voter fraud?

Ok, show me the Georgia video, I will give my opinion...I am not a legal expert like all of you so I have no idea of the actual proof required to nulify a Presidential election....And not all the judges were Dem appointees
My other question is, what would you consider to be evidence of voter fraud?

Or, at your last Dr. visit did they find any signs of intelligent life? :rolleyes: Seriously the lack of effort with them is really impressive.
Ok, show me the Georgia video, I will give my opinion...I am not a legal expert like all of you so I have no idea of the actual proof required to nulify a Presidential election....And not all the judges were Dem appointees

You haven't seen the GA video and you are commenting on election fraud? You want to say there's no evidence when you close your eyes to it.

Heres a good report of the video. Not sure if there's a copy in this link. I understand the big tech is trying to squash the video.
You haven't seen the GA video and you are commenting on election fraud? You want to say there's no evidence when you close your eyes to it.

Heres a good report of the video. Not sure if there's a copy in this link. I understand the big tech is trying to squash the video.

I have seen, in fact several versions...I want to see the video where you claim shows fraud...No link?
Ok, show me the Georgia video, I will give my opinion...I am not a legal expert like all of you so I have no idea of the actual proof required to nulify a Presidential election....And not all the judges were Dem appointees


You don't need to see it. Just answer this. If a fair election people are appointed to be poll watchers. If the people running the counting say they are done for the day and everyone is going home. And then they pull out several boxes and keep counting thru the night with no one watching. Is that OK?

What about the same person who captured herself on video with a bunch of mail in ballots with no names or addresses on them. Blank, and fat fat stacks. Is that ok? Should anyone have access to tens of thousands of ballots that are blank? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jR_VIDYOACI&ab_channel=AmericaNGaminG

Should any of this be investigated?
I have seen, in fact several versions...I want to see the video where you claim shows fraud...No link?

This is my point. The observers are told to leave and they keep counting. (Against federal law) Forget the rest of the damming footage. What explanation do you have besides fraud?
This is my point. The observers are told to leave and they keep counting. (Against federal law) Forget the rest of the damming footage. What explanation do you have besides fraud?

Hey hey this has been deemed hearsay and it is not in the best interest of our agenda to be heard, now sho fly sho fly
The source of the data is not given. That is the stuff Sid Powell does. She shows a chart but cannot back it up with the data source so that the source can be verified.

The election management folks in each state has a host of checks and balances and audits and when they were re-audited by request, their re-audits showed verified the results-->

2 can play that game: The source of their data was not given. They refused to show any glimmer of proof that they even conducted an audit at all. Absolutely no data shown, no proof shown, nothing at all.
You simply take their word for it?

I trust the results because the people who were responsible for the vote did their job and come from all political persuasions but were doing their job under their laws.

I see, you really do TRUST them? Life must be great in unicorn land. "come from all political persuasions"? Wrong, there were only anti-trump democrats and anti-trump republicans.
Here's Elena Parent railing on the GA state legislature about going with the Dominion stuff. This is amazingly on point. But she sure changed her tune during the GA hearings after the election. There are a few good videos here. It also shows just how much Twitter is censoring conservatives. There are TONS of missing/deleted posts and people on this guy's twitter thing. The only ones left are lefties spewing bullshit, posting memes with lies, etc. Amazing illustration of EXACTLY what Twitter is doing.

Just watched this video that was posted, i am sure it will be taken down shortly , but has anyone heard of the term called Birddogging ? they say it means placing people in key spots during protests, or get them in key positions to ask questions when someone newsworthy passes by when in close proximity of the press.

Just watched this video that was posted, i am sure it will be taken down shortly , but has anyone heard of the term called Birddogging ? they say it means placing people in key spots during protests, or get them in key positions to ask questions when someone newsworthy passes by when in close proximity of the press.


I sure wish more union guys would grow some fking balls and help pull the others heads out of their fking asses!!!!!
How in the fuck do these union fucks allow themselves to be pierced with nose rings by their union reps and then led around by them!!!!!!
Just watched this video that was posted, i am sure it will be taken down shortly , but has anyone heard of the term called Birddogging ? they say it means placing people in key spots during protests, or get them in key positions to ask questions when someone newsworthy passes by when in close proximity of the press.


Where in the hell is the FBI, that's a great question. Maybe the day to day FBI peeps are shitheads like their leadership? I don't want to believe that.
I watched the videos. To me they show nothing . There's another video showing the workers pushing uncounted ballot boxes under the covered table at about 9 pm the previous night. Then the election watch dogs and workers exit the building..Now add a narrative or a brief interview and the if the viewer has the same opinion, then it looks true...A leap of faith and you got massive fraud...
Look, Trump and some GOP threw a lot of legal experts at the fraud issue.The outcome is not what I or you wanted but it's a done deal...To me it shows the Dems are far better than the GOP at playing political hardball. Time to move on..
I watched the videos. To me they show nothing . There's another video showing the workers pushing uncounted ballot boxes under the covered table at about 9 pm the previous night. Then the election watch dogs and workers exit the building..Now add a narrative or a brief interview and the if the viewer has the same opinion, then it looks true...A leap of faith and you got massive fraud...
Look, Trump and some GOP threw a lot of legal experts at the fraud issue.The outcome is not what I or you wanted but it's a done deal...To me it shows the Dems are far better than the GOP at playing political hardball. Time to move on..

No....its not fucking time to move on. If something similar happened to you, fucked out of something you were selling for example, would you say "well they have my xbox and I got fucked" would you say oh well, time to move on?

No its time to start making the consequences not worth it.

Now answer MattS's questions
Here's Elena Parent railing on the GA state legislature about going with the Dominion stuff. This is amazingly on point. But she sure changed her tune during the GA hearings after the election. There are a few good videos here. It also shows just how much Twitter is censoring conservatives. There are TONS of missing/deleted posts and people on this guy's twitter thing. The only ones left are lefties spewing bullshit, posting memes with lies, etc. Amazing illustration of EXACTLY what Twitter is doing.


If it was a legitimate win, they wouldn't need to censor anyone
I watched the videos. To me they show nothing . There's another video showing the workers pushing uncounted ballot boxes under the covered table at about 9 pm the previous night. Then the election watch dogs and workers exit the building..Now add a narrative or a brief interview and the if the viewer has the same opinion, then it looks true...A leap of faith and you got massive fraud...
Look, Trump and some GOP threw a lot of legal experts at the fraud issue.The outcome is not what I or you wanted but it's a done deal...To me it shows the Dems are far better than the GOP at playing political hardball. Time to move on..

"the supreme court and just about every other 3 letter agency in our gov is corrupt and our election was a fraud but just forget about it, time to move on"

youre a fucktard :laughing:

22 states sued several other states but nope theres nothing to any of it, just move on
I watched the videos. To me they show nothing . There's another video showing the workers pushing uncounted ballot boxes under the covered table at about 9 pm the previous night. Then the election watch dogs and workers exit the building..Now add a narrative or a brief interview and the if the viewer has the same opinion, then it looks true...A leap of faith and you got massive fraud...
Look, Trump and some GOP threw a lot of legal experts at the fraud issue.The outcome is not what I or you wanted but it's a done deal...To me it shows the Dems are far better than the GOP at playing political hardball. Time to move on..

When I asked the question, I said forget the rest, just telling the observers and press to leave and then start counting again is against federal law. How do you explain that?

My feeling is if the cheating is not fixed now, how is it going to be fixed after the Dems take over every thing? In fact, this is not a Dems/Pubs issue. The Dems in power will probably start doing stuff that even the Dems hate. How will they fix that if the system is rigged. I keep hearing they are going to do something that loses their majority next election. How will that happen if they cheat? There are no Dems/Pubs in Russia and China. They hold elections, but nothing ever changes there. (They are all fixed)

I believe Hitler got elected and his cronies got elected to the parliament. They changed long standing rules and he took over. Kind of like the Dems changing the rules concerning judge confirmation. Now their talking about the filibuster. I guess the Germans just "moved on"
Where in the hell is the FBI, that's a great question. Maybe the day to day FBI peeps are shitheads like their leadership? I don't want to believe that.

You can believe it alright. You've seen how hardcore they are about going after Trump supporters for "trespassing", now look at their position when it comes to BLM riots:
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"the supreme court and just about every other 3 letter agency in our gov is corrupt and our election was a fraud but just forget about it, time to move on"

youre a fucktard :laughing:

22 states sued several other states but nope theres nothing to any of it, just move on

What do you honestly think would happen if Joe Biden actually was shown to have cheated? Democrats return the election to Republicans and everyone goes back to the way they were? Never going to happen. Yeah. It’s time to move on. Just like when Hillary lost and republicans told democrats to move on.

maybe republicans can do the thing where they make shirts with the President’s face and write ‘not my President’ on it. :lmao:
What do you honestly think would happen if Joe Biden actually was shown to have cheated? Democrats return the election to Republicans and everyone goes back to the way they were? Never going to happen. Yeah. It’s time to move on. Just like when Hillary lost and republicans told democrats to move on.

maybe republicans can do the thing where they make shirts with the President’s face and write ‘not my President’ on it. :lmao:

And how did that work out, oh yeah 4 years of investigations and 2 not 1 but 2 bogus impeachments... Oh yeah... FUCK YOU
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