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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

Watching it now, it seems like the real reason they want to shut down any recount and Trump is before info like this becomes mainstream.

They will not allow it to become mainstream.

Not sure if R..... But this seems an appropriate place to dump it

A San Antonio woman has been arrested for allegedly committing fraud in the November election.

Republican Texas Attorney General announced the charges Wednesday against Rachel Rodriguez, who is accused of vote harvesting leading up to the election. She is facing charges of election fraud, illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail and unlawfully possessing an official ballot.
Oooh snap! I hope she throws everyone who paid her to commit fraud for them straight under the bus.

For sure. I think just showing that they are going after people will create a more secure election. Most people would get scared off at the prospect of spending 20 years in federal pound me in the ass prison. :grinpimp:
For sure. I think just showing that they are going after people will create a more secure election. Most people would get scared off at the prospect of spending 20 years in federal pound me in the ass prison. :grinpimp:

yes, like threatening jail time for the actions of 1/6 will deter further violence!
Doesn’t matter, everyone knows they cheated, alinski’s useful idiots try to make it sound believable. But a third grader can do the math, 80 mill never happened.
Doesn’t matter, everyone knows they cheated, alinski’s useful idiots try to make it sound believable. But a third grader can do the math, 80 mill never happened.

Yup. America got fucked in the ass by the D's and all of us just sat by and let it happen. I don't give a fuck what side someone is on, if that doesn't bother the fuck out of you, you are not a true American.:mad3:
Are you disputing the numbers in the table?

What is the document's origin?
Where is the data coming from?

anyone can whip up a sheet just like that in about 30 minutes and have it say whatever our feelings demand....

The data available today shows that Biden won by a solid margin, even if you factored in the most irregularities in US history, he clearly won.

There are ONLY incredible (as in NOT credible) people who are unconvinced as to outcome.

'seems' and 'feels' don't count. We had a bad actor mobilize his forces to create instability and he achieved a bit of that. Now is the time to see the man behind the curtain for who he is... a grifter and a hustler who will use good people against good people for his own personal ends.
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