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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

I've said for years it's just 2 sides of the same coin and was never surprised to see that's exactly the case. Before there at least seemed to be enough balance in the system that it, albeit dysfunctionaly, worked.

The last couple of years the system seems to be verging on the point of being unhinged though. Before, sure your choices were a giant douche or a turd sandwich but you had a good idea who was getting in based off of how the country felt. Obama is a great example, I didn't like him but really wasn't surprised when he got in, he really had a lot of force behind him. This election nothing makes sense from local results to national results.

Every day it feels more and more like Dorothy slowly realizing theres a man behind the curtain, I'm just glad to see I'm not alone. It's a crazy world me live in right now and I feel it's only just begun.
Ossoff leads Perdue by 17,025 votes, getting 2,211,603 votes yesterday.

on November 3rd, Ossof received 2,374,519, but also on November 3rd, he got 88,100 LESS votes than Perdue did.

so that means in a non-pres election, which Dem turnout is historically double digits lower than Republican turnout, the Republican got 268,000 LESS votes than he did 2 months prior.

yes. yes. that makes perfect sense.

Living in a democratic controlled swing state, I can honestly say that I don’t know if I’ll ever vote again. Philadelphia is as corrupt as they come and imagine that, this election was no different from their past corruptions.
The rest of everybody is finally figuring out there is no real difference between a D and an R?

No because 4yrs from now during the next "most important election of our lifetime" the same people will be shilling for an establishment R. You will hear "now is not the time to vote with your principals too much is at stake...." Like I have heard my entire adult life for evrey election.
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It just sucks considering there's so much hypocrisy going on right now. For the last year we've watched cities all across the country be burned, with nary a whisper of condemnation from the leaders of those cities. Now the media keeps saying "something must be done" because these are scary Trump supporters.:rolleyes:Fucking losers, ALL of us... every citizen has lost. Problem is half the morons in this country done even have a clue.
No because 4yrs from now during the next "most important election of our lifetime" the same people will be shilling for an establishment R. You will hear "now is not the time to vote with your principals too much is at stake...." Like I have heard my entire adult life for evrey election.

Wont be another non rigged election IMO Hasn’t really been for a while. Whatever candidate the establishment endorses works for both sides. That as you know is why the RNC and GOP pushed back so hard against Trump then reluctantly accepted him.
Status quo is all we were ever going to get. Trump glitched it for a few years, but they will never let anything like that happen again. Republican party is definitely finished though.

I hope he drops all the dirt on his way out of office but know he wont as his whole family would probably be impossible to protect at that point.

The Republic is in its final dying days.
I hope he drops all the dirt on his way out of office but know he wont as his whole family would probably be impossible to protect at that point.

The Republic is in its final dying days.

I just wish I was born 50 years earlier so I could die with the Republic as an old man. The future isn't looking good for those who played by the rules and paid their taxes.
Wont be another non rigged election IMO Hasn’t really been for a while. Whatever candidate the establishment endorses works for both sides. That as you know is why the RNC and GOP pushed back so hard against Trump then reluctantly accepted him.

If the Replublicans push a normal politician next time I predict the enthusiasm will be lower than it was for Biden. 8 peopla at the rallies, 90 million votes.
I just wish I was born 50 years earlier so I could die with the Republic as an old man. The future isn't looking good for those who played by the rules and paid their taxes.

My father died late 2019 knowing that Trump was going to win in a landslide. He had a good time in his chunk of time. He would have been pissed to know he voted for Biden.
My father died late 2019 knowing that Trump was going to win in a landslide. He had a good time in his chunk of time. He would have been pissed to know he voted for Biden.

I give my condolences and laughed my ass off at the same time. :lmao: Sorry man.
Just watched this from the Epoch Times. Apparently this group has other videos explaining in detail their findings. I haven’t searched those yet.

Cliffs: Data Integrity group uses public information to study election results.

400,000 errors in Pennsylvania.

106,000 adjudicated ballots in Georgia in record time.

Just watched this from the Epoch Times. Apparently this group has other videos explaining in detail their findings. I haven’t searched those yet.

Cliffs: Data Integrity group uses public information to study election results.

400,000 errors in Pennsylvania.

106,000 adjudicated ballots in Georgia in record time.

Watching it now, it seems like the real reason they want to shut down any recount and Trump is before info like this becomes mainstream.
Tin foil hat on along with WTF ? , Under Ground Patriot video says come 11a.m. central time tomorrow the black out starts ..National guard is out in DC , supreme court building is being hardened..not sure if believe that but who in the hell knows ..More tin foil : major data dump coming.
Now Do I believe all this stuff? After going through 2020 and the start we have for 2021 , anything is possible ,
Tin foil hat on along with WTF ? , Under Ground Patriot video says come 11a.m. central time tomorrow the black out starts ..National guard is out in DC , supreme court building is being hardened..not sure if believe that but who in the hell knows ..More tin foil : major data dump coming.
Now Do I believe all this stuff? After going through 2020 and the start we have for 2021 , anything is possible ,

Nothing will come out. Trump won't declass any super secret anything. In DC everything the police do can be considered political. They deploy them and plant stories in the media of a possible oncoming attack or insurrection, yada yada.
Nothing will come out. Trump won't declass any super secret anything. In DC everything the police do can be considered political. They deploy them and plant stories in the media of a possible oncoming attack or insurrection, yada yada.

Insurrection is the newest media liars buzzword.
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