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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

You will hate it for that reason alone. Not being able to go places like you can in the west really sucks.

If it is lost due to republicans avoiding the election based on the president's conspiracy claims then it's their own damn fault.

I have a bunch of family in Ga. and visit often enough... the lack of free territories to go play in is why we haven't already jumped into it. LOTS of places left in the West to consider first. The great flight out of Ca. continues to annoy... can ya blame the people flooding out of that shithole though? Most are displaced conservatives looking for a new home and quite a lot of idiots that bring their same bs hoping it will be different too...

As for the GA. runoffs... I absolutely agree. It'll be hindered because of the typical GOP shit....
You too?

I kid you not, the wife and I are looking at the East side of Tennessee. :laughing: The only drawback is the lack of public lands in that part of the country. We really like to go camping and exploring in our national forests... sucks that the East side of the US has barely anything in that regard.

Huh? Tons of places in east tn. Hell I've got thousands of public acres that I can see from my front or back door.

Cheroke national forest....royal blue...big south fork...etc
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Huh? Tons of places in east tn. Hell I've got thousands of public acres that I can see from my front or back door.

Cheroke national forest....royal blue...big south fork...etc

It's beautiful country, no doubt... I also have acres from my back porch.... just shy of 3 million in the Apache-Sitgreaves NF, that is adjacent to the Tonto NF that has another just shy of 3 million acres to go and play in.... All told in Az there are over 12 million acres open to the public to go and play in. Tennessee has about a 1/6th of that. And it's pretty populated.... Makes Az hard to leave, or the West really.

There's good and bad every where.
It's beautiful country, no doubt... I also have acres from my back porch.... just shy of 3 million in the Apache-Sitgreaves NF, that is adjacent to the Tonto NF that has another just shy of 3 million acres to go and play in.... All told in Az there are over 12 million acres open to the public to go and play in. Tennessee has about a 1/6th of that. And it's pretty populated.... Makes Az hard to leave, or the West really.

There's good and bad every where.

Oh I get it but I've never found a shortage of places to ride, explorer or to just get away. 😁

My brother raised here in east Tennessee is now in Az...and how or where he has gotten his lib views is beyond me.
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Oh I get it but I've never found a shortage of places to ride, explorer or to just get away. 😁

My brother raised here in east Tennessee is now in Az...and how or where he has gotten his lib views is beyond me.

Fear of being labeled a bad person is why most people become liberals. They feel like if they give away free stuff to those in need, they are good people... but that's wrong because enabling also makes you a bad person.
My brother raised here in east Tennessee is now in Az...and how or where he has gotten his lib views is beyond me.

Tucson... is that where he's at? Or Flagstaff. Both seem to be pretty liberal areas.
Fear of being labeled a bad person is why most people become liberals. They feel like if they give away free stuff to those in need, they are good people... but that's wrong because enabling also makes you a bad person.

I don't know...he sure as hell wasn't raised that way. Shrug
My brother and i were raised to be our own men and pay our own way, but he's 38 and still has my mom paying the bulk of his bills.
It's all about how individuals respond to the tutelage they are given.

That's just it...he's successful, educated...etc but still doesn't "get it".

We just avoid any political discussion. Which is fine by me. Once we start talking mechanical shit...its all good. Lol
You too?

I kid you not, the wife and I are looking at the East side of Tennessee. :laughing: The only drawback is the lack of public lands in that part of the country. We really like to go camping and exploring in our national forests... sucks that the East side of the US has barely anything in that regard.

Tennessee is full.:flipoff2:
That's just it...he's successful, educated...etc but still doesn't "get it".

We just avoid any political discussion. Which is fine by me. Once we start talking mechanical shit...its all good. Lol

maybe there is more than one path. maybe your path and his path are good paths and lead to personal success and good citizenship. I think our system is designed so that adversaries can disagree, still be civil and the power and opinions balance. I think it is unhealthy when everyone agrees, it usually means something is missed.
You can grasp that a mask with a filtration rate of being 95% effective at 3 micron isn't going to do jack shit at stopping something 0.06 micron?

Yup, yer an idiot. Masks work, they work everywhere just fine. It's pretty simple. They aren't gonna stop a 0.05 micron virus - but they still work just fine. That you don't get that just shows how dumb you are. Just like Yota Up, everyone focuses on some micron shit. Fun fact: 99% of the virus aren't floating around in the air alone. But fuckit. Enjoy you 9/11 death count every single day.

In any sane country, a head of state responsible for this much mass death — a human tragedy on the level of a large scale genocide — would be pursued vigorously. In at least four ways. Legally, they would be tried. Culturally, their entire movement would be shunned. Socially and politically, their party would be disgraced, an object of contempt and scorn. And economically, they would be ruined. In any sane society, a demagogue like Trump — and all his minions — would pay a swift, severe price. In fact, they would’ve paid it long ago, being booted out of office, to the jeers of crowds of millions, to a furious, uncompromising opposition, to a horrified media and intellectual class which led the charge against the fascists and authoritarians.

None of that happened in America. That’s understandable, in a kind of morose way, since Americans have no experience with authoritarianism. But what’s really troubling is that none of that will happen in America.

Why does Trump get away with it? Americans have been conditioned to be victims. Some of them have been beaten so long, they don’t know any other way. But the worst offender in this regard is the white liberal, who is always policing everyone else to accept the position of a victim, too. “Hey!” cries the white liberal, “Are you asking for too much? Are you being unrealistic? Are you making demands! You can’t do that! That’s not polite, that’s not fair, that’s not civil!”
(Some will even add: “Why, you are just as bad as the fascists!” But of course calling for justice done to fascism is not fascism. It is the diametrical opposite. But I digress.)

Americans have been conditioned to be victims. Their media and intellectuals brainwash them into it a thousand times a day now, politely ignoring the mass death ravaging the land, a 9/11 every day, and reinforcing the myth that Americans are powerless, helpless, shouldn’t pursue justice, shouldn’t go after the bad guys, because, well that would only make things worse. Worse? Are you kidding me?

Bullies only learn a lesson in one way, which is to punch them squarely in the nose. So it is with authoritarians and fascists: if you want to deter them, you have to teach them a lesson. A cultural, social, economic, and legal one. You have to ruin them. No, not with violence. With justice. So you make the stakes clear. This must never happen again. This is how much we value our democracy, our society, decency, normality.
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The Biden Presidency isn’t a failure — but it’s not exactly a success, either. It’s a return to the status quo ante, the way things were before. And so the same old trends that marked American decline pick up steam, and continue accelerating.
Biden, being who he is, an old school neoliberal, settles for the same old policies and institutions. Economic policy is about markets as the solution to everything in society. The point of society is to accumulate profit, not provide people the basics. Social policy, such as it is, is nonexistent.

As a result, America fails to join the modern world, as it has for decades now. Americans still go without all the following things — decent healthcare, education, retirement, childcare, all the public goods people in every other rich society, from Europe to Canada, enjoy as basic human rights. Biden’s team, composed of the same old Democratic Beltway insiders, revert to form. Retirement? Get a 401K! Translation: Wall St will handle it. Healthcare? Buy some “insurance” on the “marketplace!” Childcare? Sorry, that’s your problem — meaning it’s a woman’s problem, mostly. And so forth.

But since he didn’t get the results he wanted, or in fact promised, we almost felt obligated to catch you up on a couple of things. Because they should not be allowed to fall through the cracks:

Remember how Trump demanded recounts in Georgia because he’d “win easily” there if that happened because massive fraud of many types would inevitably be revealed if only the state’s Republican leadership had the “courage” to do it? And they did. In fact, their audit of election night votes — which was not required — involved recounting every single vote by hand. And guess what? Biden still won. And then Trump, as he was entitled to do, requested another recount, this time by machine. And Biden still won.

So then Trump started saying that counting and recounting of the votes themselves was meaningless. Primarily because it didn’t accrue to his favor. No, the proof wasn’t in counting and recounting the votes themselves, it would be found in the “signatures and envelopes”.

Because that’s what would count and would prove that “fraud” definitively: signatures on the envelopes submitted by voters who did mail-in votes needed to be inspected to see if those signatures matched those voters’ actual signatures on file with the state or not. Never mind that the state had already done that twice: once when those voters initially applied to do a mail-in vote (with even stricter verification required if they applied online), and again when their vote was received, before it was counted.
Must expose real signatures!” Trump shouted for emphasis.

So again, the state’s Republican leadership did that. They selected Cobb County, which is a rather large county Hillary Clinton won by just a little in 2016, but in 2020, Biden won it by a lot. So if there was any potential “funny business”, given the big swing away from Trump this year, that would be a place to look.

And that audit, led by the highly respected Georgia Bureau of Investigation, found nothing fishy.
Hey stupid. ev13wt what happens to the tiny virus when the water droplet evaporates? Remember, as you breathe you saturate that mask with droplets, but the more you use it and breathe through it, the water droplets will evaporate. What happens to the virus then?
Its an emotionally cucked bitch doing its best to pass its emotions off as logic. Don't fall for it.

The only falling I do for his shit is falling over laughing at the pure unadulterated idiocy spewed forth from his man pleaser.
The Biden Presidency isn’t a failure — but it’s not exactly a success, either. It’s a return to the status quo ante, the way things were before. And so the same old trends that marked American decline pick up steam, and continue accelerating.
Biden, being who he is, an old school neoliberal, settles for the same old policies and institutions. Economic policy is about markets as the solution to everything in society. The point of society is to accumulate profit, not provide people the basics. Social policy, such as it is, is nonexistent.

As a result, America fails to join the modern world, as it has for decades now. Americans still go without all the following things — decent healthcare, education, retirement, childcare, all the public goods people in every other rich society, from Europe to Canada, enjoy as basic human rights. Biden’s team, composed of the same old Democratic Beltway insiders, revert to form. Retirement? Get a 401K! Translation: Wall St will handle it. Healthcare? Buy some “insurance” on the “marketplace!” Childcare? Sorry, that’s your problem — meaning it’s a woman’s problem, mostly. And so forth.

I agree with the first paragraph but what makes your opinion on "basic human rights" the correct one? And it I were to agree with your opinion am i not able to just immigrate to somewhere that fits my beliefs? Seems like we have it pretty darn good with the options in front of us.
Yup, yer an idiot. Masks work, they work everywhere just fine. It's pretty simple. They aren't gonna stop a 0.05 micron virus - but they still work just fine. That you don't get that just shows how dumb you are. Just like Yota Up, everyone focuses on some micron shit. Fun fact: 99% of the virus aren't floating around in the air alone. But fuckit. Enjoy you 9/11 death count every single day.

In any sane country, a head of state responsible for this much mass death — a human tragedy on the level of a large scale genocide — would be pursued vigorously. In at least four ways. Legally, they would be tried. Culturally, their entire movement would be shunned. Socially and politically, their party would be disgraced, an object of contempt and scorn. And economically, they would be ruined. In any sane society, a demagogue like Trump — and all his minions — would pay a swift, severe price. In fact, they would’ve paid it long ago, being booted out of office, to the jeers of crowds of millions, to a furious, uncompromising opposition, to a horrified media and intellectual class which led the charge against the fascists and authoritarians.

None of that happened in America. That’s understandable, in a kind of morose way, since Americans have no experience with authoritarianism. But what’s really troubling is that none of that will happen in America.

Why does Trump get away with it? Americans have been conditioned to be victims. Some of them have been beaten so long, they don’t know any other way. But the worst offender in this regard is the white liberal, who is always policing everyone else to accept the position of a victim, too. “Hey!” cries the white liberal, “Are you asking for too much? Are you being unrealistic? Are you making demands! You can’t do that! That’s not polite, that’s not fair, that’s not civil!”
(Some will even add: “Why, you are just as bad as the fascists!” But of course calling for justice done to fascism is not fascism. It is the diametrical opposite. But I digress.)

Americans have been conditioned to be victims. Their media and intellectuals brainwash them into it a thousand times a day now, politely ignoring the mass death ravaging the land, a 9/11 every day, and reinforcing the myth that Americans are powerless, helpless, shouldn’t pursue justice, shouldn’t go after the bad guys, because, well that would only make things worse. Worse? Are you kidding me?

Bullies only learn a lesson in one way, which is to punch them squarely in the nose. So it is with authoritarians and fascists: if you want to deter them, you have to teach them a lesson. A cultural, social, economic, and legal one. You have to ruin them. No, not with violence. With justice. So you make the stakes clear. This must never happen again. This is how much we value our democracy, our society, decency, normality.

The only thing you are proving is just how big of a dumbass you truly are.

You are correct about a bully but the only bully I'm seeing is the irrational mask nazis.

No, I'm not a victim and the reason is....I choose not to be.

9/11 deaths daily? You....are the one playing the role of victim.
The only thing you are proving is just how big of a dumbass you truly are.

You are correct about a bully but the only bully I'm seeing is the irrational mask nazis.

No, I'm not a victim and the reason is....I choose not to be.

9/11 deaths daily? You....are the one playing the role of victim.

Quit being in denial about being the victim here.
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