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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

I'd just like to look at the ballots she pulled out from under the table that night to start with. I'm 100% sure they don't even know which ones they were. I bet they got mixed up with other ones or something.

Why not place her under oath and ask her some questions about the ballots he handled. Did she collect them? Did she write on them? Did she "cure" any? Was she given direction to do so? If so, who gave that direction?

Some people probably stand with Trump because the things that happened are so egregious they cannot sit idly by and let it stand.
Why not place her under oath and ask her some questions about the ballots he handled. Did she collect them? Did she write on them? Did she "cure" any? Was she given direction to do so? If so, who gave that direction?

Some people probably stand with Trump because the things that happened are so egregious they cannot sit idly by and let it stand.

She can say anything she wants because none of it is auditable. Chain of custody broken, falsified records, no records, you name it. I want to know why the black dude was cheering while he placed a ballot under the table on video during the day. And how many more of them were put in there and why. If they just answered these questions it might help their case, but they know it won't.
I think the reality is that he knows it won't result in the outcome that it should and it's not worth the career suicide to pursue it. There's simply not enough Republicans who will back that play. Once again we're going to get fucked as the do nothing GOP rolls over and takes it in the ass.

You are correct. There's some posturing going on now that R's are realizing that Trump isn't getting in. They aren't sure if the GOP will reject him, follow him, or if it will split between the Trump party and the Rino party.
She can say anything she wants because none of it is auditable. Chain of custody broken, falsified records, no records, you name it. I want to know why the black dude was cheering while he placed a ballot under the table on video during the day. And how many more of them were put in there and why. If they just answered these questions it might help their case, but they know it won't.

At the end of the day if it goes they way it looks and some people drag other people out into the streets and shoot them I'll take a page from the media's book ("mostly peaceful protests") and call the violence "Post term, non-parental abortions". I'm sure it will be mostly peaceful too.
Sorry, late to the party :flipoff2: who is the "she" ? the redacted one ? Fulton County - thanks

Pony, can you provide what page or line or sentence or time of audio your excerpt is from ? - again, thank you
?? I am referring to that. :confused:

I ask again, who is "she" the redacted one ??


"Smaller number — you had 904 who only voted where they had just a P.O. — a post office box number — and they had a post office box number and that's not allowed. We had at least 18,000 — that's on tape we had them counted very painstakingly — 18,000 voters having to do with [name]. She's a vote scammer, a professional vote scammer and hustler [name]. That was the tape that's been shown all over the world that makes everybody look bad, you me and everybody else."

I believe that's Ruby Freeman, the woman live streaming her "work" where she took at 10 day break or so and then came back because she didn't like the way things were going.
#Georgia #Data #SenateHearing
Georgia data reveals 30,000+ Trump votes removed, another 12,173 switched to Biden: Data scientists


Fulton county, this is the same one referenced in the phone call between Trump and the GA Sec of State
51 precincts had 91-93% votes for Biden
51 precincts had 94% votes for Biden
36 precincts had 95% votes for Biden
36 precincts had 96-100% votes for Biden
Accounting for 152,000 votes
They also claim
17,650 Trump votes were erased in one county. Over 30,000 were cl;aimed to have been taken away.

Again, not only do we see votes switched we see vote deductions from Trump. There should never be deductions from vote tallies. Not for anyone unless it's post tally and they adjudicate ballots unlawful.
Proud Boys leader arrested just 2 days before their protest at DC?
On a warrant generated today? For burning a BLM banner a month ago?

You people got the message yet? If you are liberal you can burn down buildings at will. If you are conservative and so much as pop your head up, it will be stomped.
Proud Boys leader arrested just 2 days before their protest at DC?
On a warrant generated today? For burning a BLM banner a month ago?

You people got the message yet? If you are liberal you can burn down buildings at will. If you are conservative and so much as pop your head up, it will be stomped.

unfortunately that's the cards we're delt. better tactics might be needed.
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Proud Boys leader arrested just 2 days before their protest at DC?
On a warrant generated today? For burning a BLM banner a month ago?

You people got the message yet? If you are liberal you can burn down buildings at will. If you are conservative and so much as pop your head up, it will be stomped.

Well, don't be logical and shit. Utopian gardens of manifest destinies don't grow themselves, they need tons of killing and purges and proper education.
So we can burn American flags and its freedom of speech but burn a blm flag and its a hate crime? When did that become a thing?
Proud Boys leader arrested just 2 days before their protest at DC?
On a warrant generated today? For burning a BLM banner a month ago?

You people got the message yet? If you are liberal you can burn down buildings at will. If you are conservative and so much as pop your head up, it will be stomped.

The right, or really just freedom-loving Americans, are not going to win this war playing by the rules. Our elections are rigged, our courts are cowardly and corrupt, extremist tear down monuments and burn buildings while the police do nothing. There are no rules in war and it's time the right realizes that.
The right, or really just freedom-loving Americans, are not going to win this war playing by the rules. Our elections are rigged, our courts are cowardly and corrupt, extremist tear down monuments and burn buildings while the police do nothing. There are no rules in war and it's time the right realizes that.

Hopefully they, whomever "they" are can control themselves and go after whomever is actually responsible for this mess and not target "the government" or any one or anything they think represents the government. Right after Sept 11th some dipshit ran down to his local gas station and killed the proprietor, a Sikh. He thought he was helping or at least punishing someone he thought was guilty, but he was dead wrong and killed an innocent person. I don't want to see that happen again.

The right, or really just freedom-loving Americans, are not going to win this war playing by the rules. Our elections are rigged, our courts are cowardly and corrupt, extremist tear down monuments and burn buildings while the police do nothing. There are no rules in war and it's time the right realizes that.

And all we hear is "back the blue". When are they/we going to realize they are NOT on our side? They follow orders....right or wrong. If they are told you are the enemy....you are.

If a major player for the dems was arrested for burning an American flag just before an organized protest...the protest would begin immediately.

If a person allows their hands and feet tied together before a fight....the ass kicking they receive is deserved.
#Georgia #Data #SenateHearing
Georgia data reveals 30,000+ Trump votes removed, another 12,173 switched to Biden: Data scientists


Fulton county, this is the same one referenced in the phone call between Trump and the GA Sec of State
51 precincts had 91-93% votes for Biden
51 precincts had 94% votes for Biden
36 precincts had 95% votes for Biden
36 precincts had 96-100% votes for Biden
Accounting for 152,000 votes
They also claim
17,650 Trump votes were erased in one county. Over 30,000 were cl;aimed to have been taken away.

Again, not only do we see votes switched we see vote deductions from Trump. There should never be deductions from vote tallies. Not for anyone unless it's post tally and they adjudicate ballots unlawful.

This is the real deal, real-time vote tally reporting. I bet when the results come in for this senate runoff they turned it off so nobody can catch them with their pants down.

So we can burn American flags and its freedom of speech but burn a blm flag and its a hate crime? When did that become a thing?

I'm about ready to start burning the American flag. Fuck that BLM flag, that thing doesn't stand for a damned thing.
Hopefully they, whomever "they" are can control themselves and go after whomever is actually responsible for this mess and not target "the government" or any one or anything they think represents the government. Right after Sept 11th some dipshit ran down to his local gas station and killed the proprietor, a Sikh. He thought he was helping or at least punishing someone he thought was guilty, but he was dead wrong and killed an innocent person. I don't want to see that happen again.


You are correct but the other side has killed/beating alot of people that didn't have shit to do with their cause.

No, that's not to try and justify the attack or killing of a completely innocent person and hopefully its avoided.

Personally I'd like to see the media talking heads targeted first. Put a stop to the left's talking piece. And when I say media...I mean all forms.
You are correct but the other side has killed/beating alot of people that didn't have shit to do with their cause.

No, that's not to try and justify the attack or killing of a completely innocent person and hopefully its avoided.

Personally I'd like to see the media talking heads targeted first. Put a stop to the left's talking piece. And when I say media...I mean all forms.

:rolleyes:The jesters seem to be the ones driving this country lately... maybe it's time to take the wheel back
So we can burn American flags and its freedom of speech but burn a blm flag and its a hate crime? When did that become a thing?

You can burn your own flag all you want. The PB head burned somebody else's banner and then boasted about it online. That's destruction of property and arson at the very least with an admission from the perp.

Guess you could say he fucked around and now he's finding out
#Georgia #Data #SenateHearing
Georgia data reveals 30,000+ Trump votes removed, another 12,173 switched to Biden: Data scientists


Fulton county, this is the same one referenced in the phone call between Trump and the GA Sec of State
51 precincts had 91-93% votes for Biden
51 precincts had 94% votes for Biden
36 precincts had 95% votes for Biden
36 precincts hiad 96-100% votes for Biden
Accounting for 152,000 votes
They also claim
17,650 Trump votes were erased in one county. Over 30,000 were cl;aimed to have been taken away.

Again, not only do we see votes switched we see vote deductions from Trump. There should never be deductions from vote tallies. Not for anyone unless it's post tally and they adjudicate ballots unlawful.

It is Fulton county, unless things have changed, it was not exactly a conservative stronghold back when I lived down in GA.
I would be curious to see 2016 vs 2020 results for Fulton county.

Aaron Z
You are correct but the other side has killed/beating alot of people that didn't have shit to do with their cause.

No, that's not to try and justify the attack or killing of a completely innocent person and hopefully its avoided.

Personally I'd like to see the media talking heads targeted first. Put a stop to the left's talking piece. And when I say media...I mean all forms.

I agree. Yet I fear more that the left is going to beat onl wrong person at this point and that persons people are not going to ask the courts for justice. But I fully agree. The media mouth pieces as well as the script writers and higher ups would be a great place to have karma happen.
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