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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

The latest conspiracy theory. Aparently, once you are officially the President elect and Vice President elect, you can draw full pay for those jobs. (It's called transition pay) Neither of them are collecting yet.

Kamella would have to resign her Senate job to collect the higher paycheck. Of course, if Trump somehow won, she would be risking giving up that job. Also she can vote as a senator a little longer. So it makes sense that she is waiting till Inauguration Day to resign her seat for a small pay increase.

But in the case of Biden, he has no reason not to take the pay. This is where the Internet lawyer says the election fraud law is written in such a way that it is very difficult to prosecute unless a person benefits from the fraud. So if Biden were to take the money and it was later determined he was connected to the fraud, he could not claim he didn't benefit. Funny, this was one of the reasons democrats claimed Trump doesn't take a paycheck.

I wish the 20th would get here already.
Assuming the post above is correct and accurate. They’re probably hope that if they can get sworn in it will be too late to do anything about it. Fait accompli

Also little known fact that the SoH has to resign before taking over as POTUS.

For mental masturbation purposes, say Pelosi isn’t re-elected as Speaker. Say, Jim Jordan gets the gig and they can’t resolve the election BS in time before Trump’s term ends, guess who gets sworn in as POTUS until it is resolved? ;)
Cobb county signature audit says they are 100% accurate... riiiighhht...
I watched the GA hearing and there is some AZ press conference tonight that I'm not sure about? Anyways, they did confirm that the numbers reported to the media (via Edison Research) and the actual numbers to the secs of state come from the same place and at the same time, so the frequent updates we have seen are actually chronologically accurate. There is no process in place to just tally up ballots for one candidate and then send them in. We all thought this was the case of course, but at least they confirmed it now. Not that I needed any more proof of this fix. They also took a vote in the hearing to allow some people to look at the actual ballots to determine their origin and how they were filled in.
They also took a vote in the hearing to allow some people to look at the actual ballots to determine their origin and how they were filled in.
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is the guy that was voted to gain access to the ballots to do a forensic analysis. He has an impressive resume/list of talents and accomplishments.
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is the guy that was voted to gain access to the ballots to do a forensic analysis. He has an impressive resume/list of talents and accomplishments.

He has the creds for sure, but man is he annoying. Grating. Used car salesman.
He has the creds for sure, but man is he annoying. Grating. Used car salesman.

I mean... I would gravitate towards his personality type for this kind of job haha. He has drive and self-earned rights for being a pompous ass towards those who question his science. I liked his "mR. EnGiNeEr" responses :laughing::lmao:
I mean... I would gravitate towards his personality type for this kind of job haha. He has drive and self-earned rights for being a pompous ass towards those who question his science. I liked his "mR. EnGiNeEr" responses :laughing::lmao:

Identifying photocopied ballots or machine printed ones isn't hard with a simple magnifying glass. This guy fancies himself some kind of genius, but he's not. I don't really think there were machine-printed ballots on a massive scale, but there could be and it should be checked.

What really happened is Ruby Freeman and her blm friends all filled in fraudulent mail-in ballots manually. And they all did it for several states. Early massive mail-in voting and unenforced chain of custody and signature-matching rules made this easy.

1) Make list of people who don't vote. Nursing homes, dumb people, black people in Atlanta, etc.
2) Fill in massive numbers of mail-in ballots with a pen for these people
3) Fill in ballot envelopes and certs with a pen for these people. The envelopes are the key, not the ballot within
4) Mail the fuckers in for these people

Then once they figured out that they didn't do enough ballots to actually win they resorted to the ballot scanning machine fuckery. Or maybe they did plan it from the start, they were obviously pulling ballots all day long and putting them under the table in SFA. They knew the recount and audit rules in GA wouldn't catch anything.
Identifying photocopied ballots or machine printed ones isn't hard with a simple magnifying glass. This guy fancies himself some kind of genius, but he's not. I don't really think there were machine-printed ballots on a massive scale, but there could be and it should be checked.

What really happened is Ruby Freeman and her blm friends all filled in fraudulent mail-in ballots manually. And they all did it for several states. Early massive mail-in voting and unenforced chain of custody and signature-matching rules made this easy.

1) Make list of people who don't vote. Nursing homes, dumb people, black people in Atlanta, etc.
2) Fill in massive numbers of mail-in ballots with a pen for these people
3) Fill in ballot envelopes and certs with a pen for these people. The envelopes are the key, not the ballot within
4) Mail the fuckers in for these people

Then once they figured out that they didn't do enough ballots to actually win they resorted to the ballot scanning machine fuckery. Or maybe they did plan it from the start, they were obviously pulling ballots all day long and putting them under the table in SFA. They knew the recount and audit rules in GA wouldn't catch anything.

Is this all speculation?????? You should put that in your statement if this is all speculation!!!!!!
Is this all speculation?????? You should put that in your statement if this is all speculation!!!!!!

No it's not speculation. These are facts. It's on video, it's in hundreds of witness statements, etc. There must be 100 affidavits just about the nursing home stuff. People testifying that their elderly dad has dementia so bad he doesn't even know what an election is anymore. One guy asked who the last president was and he said JFK. Voted, it's in the SOS system that they voted.

Of course we all know this happened, it's how Democrats have operated for decades. And you know it.
Is this all speculation?????? You should put that in your statement if this is all speculation!!!!!!

Maybe you could just change your signature so everyone knows your a stupid lying cheating POS troll. It would be easier so a bunch of people don't have to keep pointing it out.
Here's a great example of exactly why this witness is misleading. Jovan Pulitzer. This guy is full of shit about all the tech. He finds the MAC address of a TV and figures out that it's a TCL brand and (GASP) it's made in CHINA! This proves that there's wifi in polling places and this TV is sucking up everything! He is so full of shit. I don't want this asshat involved AT ALL in validating ballots or anything else.

Okay I just seen this video , is it real or not ? Supposedly it is about about several members being indicted for falsifying documents, conspiracy to over thrown the Gov't, and Treason , I can not find anything on this searching... https://video214.com/play/ZKnHmFk9gU3Yltuglv1dLQ/s/dark

No it's not speculation. These are facts. It's on video, it's in hundreds of witness statements, etc. There must be 100 affidavits just about the nursing home stuff. People testifying that their elderly dad has dementia so bad he doesn't even know what an election is anymore. One guy asked who the last president was and he said JFK. Voted, it's in the SOS system that they voted.

Of course we all know this happened, it's how Democrats have operated for decades. And you know it.

Ok.... so that’s like 300 votes that should be taken away from the D’S..... and that’s saying there’s zero corrupt R votes...... we better get the SC involved because of a few hundred votes?????
cmon man!!!!!
Maybe you could just change your signature so everyone knows your a stupid lying cheating POS troll. It would be easier so a bunch of people don't have to keep pointing it out.

Or you could just show the facts on ALL this election fraud so we can start arresting people.... I’d really like to see it.... I did vote for the Don you know!!!!!
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Funny how almost all of the blocking has been along party lines. If I am bored later I might gin up a tally of cases and who dismissed or blocked them and their affiliation or appointments.

Do it. Publish it somehow.
The latest conspiracy theory. Aparently, once you are officially the President elect and Vice President elect, you can draw full pay for those jobs. (It's called transition pay) Neither of them are collecting yet.

Kamella would have to resign her Senate job to collect the higher paycheck. Of course, if Trump somehow won, she would be risking giving up that job. Also she can vote as a senator a little longer. So it makes sense that she is waiting till Inauguration Day to resign her seat for a small pay increase.

But in the case of Biden, he has no reason not to take the pay. This is where the Internet lawyer says the election fraud law is written in such a way that it is very difficult to prosecute unless a person benefits from the fraud. So if Biden were to take the money and it was later determined he was connected to the fraud, he could not claim he didn't benefit. Funny, this was one of the reasons democrats claimed Trump doesn't take a paycheck.

I wish the 20th would get here already.

Trump does take a paycheck. He just donates all of it to whatever cause he wants to. Youve seen where he directs it. He would have no control over it if he didnt "accept" it in the first place. Just more democrat misdirection, and bullshit.
John R. Lott

US Department of Justice

Date Written: December 21, 2020


This study provides measures of vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election. It first compares Fulton county’s precincts that are adjacent to similar precincts in neighboring counties that had no allegations of fraud to isolate the impact of Fulton county’s vote-counting process (including potential fraud). In measuring the difference in President Trump’s vote share of the absentee ballots for these adjacent precincts, we account for the difference in his vote share of the in-person voting and the difference in registered voters’ demographics. The best estimate shows an unusual 7.81% drop in Trump’s percentage of the absentee ballots for Fulton County alone of 11,350 votes, or over 80% of Biden’s vote lead in Georgia. The same approach is applied to Allegheny County in Pennsylvania for both absentee and provisional ballots. The estimated number of fraudulent votes from those two sources is about 55,270 votes.

Second, vote fraud can increase voter turnout rate. Increased fraud can take many forms: higher rates of filling out absentee ballots for people who hadn’t voted, dead people voting, ineligible people voting, or even payments to legally registered people for their votes. However, the increase might not be as large as the fraud if votes for opposing candidates are either lost, destroyed, or replaced with ballots filled out for the other candidate. The estimates here indicate that there were 70,000 to 79,000 “excess” votes in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Adding Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, the total increases to up to 289,000 excess votes.

Keywords: Vote Fraud, absentee ballots, voter turnout rate

JEL Classification: K14

Suggested Citation:

Lott, John R., A Simple Test for the Extent of Vote Fraud with Absentee Ballots in the 2020 Presidential Election: Georgia and Pennsylvania Data (December 21, 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3756988
Do it. Publish it somehow.

Working on it, but it's a PITA the way they organize them. Even with just PA Supreme Court it is all posted in chronological order of opinions posted, not one case start to finish.

Just so people are aware, the PA Supreme Court judges are elected or appointed by the Governor of PA. There are currently 5 Democrats and 2 Republicans on the PA Supreme Court.


The Pennsylvania Court System
Pennsylvania’s judicial system is organized into different levels of courts, from the Magisterial District Courts all the way up to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. In Pennsylvania, all judges are elected, unless an appointment is required to fill an uncompleted term of a sitting judge who can no longer serve. District Court judges have a 6-year term and then must run for re-election. All other judges in Pennsylvania serve a 10-year term and then face a “yes” or “no” retention vote. Mandatory retirement age for judges is 70, but retired judges can be chosen to serve as senior judges.

Magisterial District Courts
In every county in Pennsylvania (except Philadelphia, which has Traffic Court and Municipal Court for minor controversies), there are Magisterial District Courts. Also known as District Justice Courts or DJ Courts, Magisterial District Courts handle a wide variety of matters including landlord/tenant disputes, small civil claims up to $12,000, traffic violations, minor criminal summary offenses, violations of ordinances and arraignments and preliminary hearings in misdemeanor and felony criminal cases. Magisterial District judges do not have to be lawyers, but our judge in Kennett, Daniel Maisano, is a practicing attorney.

Court of Common Pleas
The Common Pleas Courts are trial courts of general jurisdiction. Most counties have their own Court of Common Pleas, although a few sparsely populated counties share one with a neighbor. The Courts of Common Pleas hear trials of civil matters; Family Court cases (adoption, divorce, child custody, child support, abuse and neglect); Orphans’ Court matters including trusts and estates; criminal matters; appeals from government agencies (like zoning and other municipal appeals); and appeals from District Justice cases. Locally, the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County sits in West Chester and has 15 judges, as well as two newly elected judges joining the bench in January, Patrick Carmody and Jeffrey Sommer.

The Superior Court and Commonwealth Court
Pennsylvania has two intermediate appellate courts that hear all appeals from the Court of Common Pleas: the Superior Court, which handles general appeals, and the Commonwealth Court, which hears appeals of designated cases involving state agencies or other government issues.The Commonwealth Court also has limited jurisdiction to try certain matters.
There are 15 Superior Court judges and 9 Commonwealth Court judges. In their role as appellate courts, both the Superior Court and Commonwealth Court usually sit in three-judge panels to decide whether the trial court made any errors which impacted the outcome of a trial which require a reversal of the trial court decision or a new trial.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is the highest appellate court in Pennsylvania and hears certain appeals from the Superior and Commonwealth Courts. The Supreme Court is a court of limited jurisdiction, meaning that it is not required to hear every appeal but, instead, chooses the cases to hear based upon the importance of the issues presented. The chances of having an appeal heard by the Supreme Court are remote.Less than 1 in 10 cases are granted the opportunity to be considered. There are 7 Supreme Court justices. The Supreme Court is based in Harrisburg, but also hears cases in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is the oldest court in the United States and has been hearing cases since 1722, 67 years before the United States Supreme Court was established.
From HuffPo:

In November, the state’s highest court upheld a Philadelphia judge’s ruling that state law only required election officials to allow partisan observers to be able to see mail-in ballots being processed, not stand close enough to election workers to see the writing on individual envelopes.

It also ruled that more than 8,300 mail-in ballots in Philadelphia that had been challenged by the Trump campaign because of minor technical errors — such as a voter’s failure to write their name, address or date on the outer ballot envelope — should be counted. In October, the court ruled unanimously that counties are prohibited from rejecting mail-in ballots simply because a voter’s signature does not resemble the signature on the person’s voter registration form.


Even in the case of the suit filed against the Canvassing Operation the PA Supreme Court ruled on party lines, 5-2.

Attorney Mercer testified that he could see employees removing the ballots contained in secrecy envelopes from the return envelopes, and that, when “watching closely,” he could discern if any return envelopes contained naked ballots. Id. at 30. However, he stated that he could not see whether there were any markings on the security envelopes themselves.

The three part reason for overturning the Trial court's decision is as follows

A. The Proposed Intervenors Do Not Have a Legally Enforceable Interest in the Determination of This Action
1. This Court’s Decision in Markham v. Wolf Compels Denial of the Petition to Intervene
2. The Cases Cited by Proposed Intervenors Do Not Support Their Position
B. The Proposed Intervenors Could Not Have Been Joined as Original Parties in the Action
C. The Petition to Intervene Is Untimely

Pretty dubious reasoning at best and utter bullshit on "C.".
Twitter fact checkers: The DOJ has found no evidence of election fraud.
REALITY CHECK: FALSE. The DOJ has, in fact, found evidence of fraud.
See attached: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers....act_id=3756988

Let's get this ball rolling already.

John R. Lott

US Department of Justice

Date Written: December 21, 2020


This study provides measures of vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election. It first compares Fulton county’s precincts that are adjacent to similar precincts in neighboring counties that had no allegations of fraud to isolate the impact of Fulton county’s vote-counting process (including potential fraud). In measuring the difference in President Trump’s vote share of the absentee ballots for these adjacent precincts, we account for the difference in his vote share of the in-person voting and the difference in registered voters’ demographics. The best estimate shows an unusual 7.81% drop in Trump’s percentage of the absentee ballots for Fulton County alone of 11,350 votes, or over 80% of Biden’s vote lead in Georgia. The same approach is applied to Allegheny County in Pennsylvania for both absentee and provisional ballots. The estimated number of fraudulent votes from those two sources is about 55,270 votes.

Second, vote fraud can increase voter turnout rate. Increased fraud can take many forms: higher rates of filling out absentee ballots for people who hadn’t voted, dead people voting, ineligible people voting, or even payments to legally registered people for their votes. However, the increase might not be as large as the fraud if votes for opposing candidates are either lost, destroyed, or replaced with ballots filled out for the other candidate. The estimates here indicate that there were 70,000 to 79,000 “excess” votes in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Adding Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin, the total increases to up to 289,000 excess votes.

Keywords: Vote Fraud, absentee ballots, voter turnout rate

JEL Classification: K14

Suggested Citation:

Lott, John R., A Simple Test for the Extent of Vote Fraud with Absentee Ballots in the 2020 Presidential Election: Georgia and Pennsylvania Data (December 21, 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3756988

Maybe better copy pasted I guess. Thanks.


December 31, 2020

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Pennsylvania members of the U.S. House of Representatives including Congressman Dan Meuser (PA-9), Congressman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-15), Congressman Mike Kelly (PA-16), Congressman Scott Perry (PA-10), Congressman Lloyd Smucker (PA-11), Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14), Congressman John Joyce (PA-13), and Congressman Fred Keller (PA-12) released the following joint statement:
“The United States Constitution is unambiguous in declaring that state legislatures are the entity with authority to set election procedure -
“Article 1, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof…
“Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2: Each state shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors…
“Unfortunately, the many unlawful actions undertaken by the Pennsylvania Governor's office, the Secretary of State, and what has been described as a rogue Pennsylvania Supreme Court exceeded and circumvented the state legislature's clear constitutional authority.
“The unlawful actions include, but are not limited to:
  • Accepting ballots past 8:00 pm on Election Day
  • Not properly requiring signatures to match those on mail-in ballots or requiring dates
    • Meanwhile, the matching of signatures was required at a polling site
  • Authorizing the curing of mail-in ballots with less than a 24-hour's notice
    • Only some counties were informed and adhered to this order leaving voters treated unequally from county to county
  • Authorizing the use of unsecure drop boxes, which is not permitted in statute
  • Prohibiting certified poll watchers overseeing the canvassing of ballots in Philadelphia
“These unlawful actions were taken without the authority or consent of the Pennsylvania state legislature. These are facts, and they are indisputable.
“Additionally, the Pennsylvania Attorney General did nothing with regard to these unlawful activities. Not one inquiry, no questioning, and certainly no investigations. Not to mention that hundreds, if not thousands, of affidavits outlining election complaints and potential fraud were documented, submitted, and ignored. The Pennsylvania election could be summed up as a free-for-all with no oversight and different standards applied throughout the Commonwealth. It is also very apparent that the unlawful actions described were concentrated in heavily populated, Democrat-led counties.
“By definition, such unlawful, unregulated, and inconsistent activities resulted in a highly questionable and inaccurate vote total. The scope of these inaccuracies cannot be known until the legal ballots are identified and counted, and the illegal ballots are disqualified. This has not been done.
“Therefore, the state's official certification of electors was based upon a flawed system and an inaccurate vote count. Thus, very possibly resulting in an erroneous certification.
“Until these unlawful practices are acknowledged and corrected, we cannot agree to support electors chosen based upon an inaccurate total vote count. The voters of Pennsylvania deserve integrity in the election process and equal protection under the law.
“This very unfortunate, volatile, and distressing situation is due to the lack of respect and regard for the law and the U.S. Constitution as well as the Pennsylvania State Constitution. Additionally, the failure of Pennsylvania's justice system to seek the truth, rather than stay silent, allowed these irregular, unlawful actions to create a high level of mistrust in the process as well as a potentially flawed outcome.
“If there is an American ideal that all citizens, regardless of party affiliation, can agree upon is that we must have election integrity. Election integrity is the only way to ensure trust in our elections and it is accomplished by adhering to our Constitution and the law.”
Good, but unless the legislature actually does something a statement is just that.

Perhaps the PA Legislature can appeal to a Federal Court or more likely the US Supreme Court for injunction since the PA Supreme Court has shown they will vote party line every time.
Last edited:


December 31, 2020

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Pennsylvania members of the U.S. House of Representatives including Congressman Dan Meuser (PA-9), Congressman Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-15), Congressman Mike Kelly (PA-16), Congressman Scott Perry (PA-10), Congressman Lloyd Smucker (PA-11), Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (PA-14), Congressman John Joyce (PA-13), and Congressman Fred Keller (PA-12) released the following joint statement:
“The United States Constitution is unambiguous in declaring that state legislatures are the entity with authority to set election procedure -
“Article 1, Section 4, Clause 1: The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof…
“Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2: Each state shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors…
“Unfortunately, the many unlawful actions undertaken by the Pennsylvania Governor's office, the Secretary of State, and what has been described as a rogue Pennsylvania Supreme Court exceeded and circumvented the state legislature's clear constitutional authority.
“The unlawful actions include, but are not limited to:
  • Accepting ballots past 8:00 pm on Election Day
  • Not properly requiring signatures to match those on mail-in ballots or requiring dates
    • Meanwhile, the matching of signatures was required at a polling site
  • Authorizing the curing of mail-in ballots with less than a 24-hour's notice
    • Only some counties were informed and adhered to this order leaving voters treated unequally from county to county
  • Authorizing the use of unsecure drop boxes, which is not permitted in statute
  • Prohibiting certified poll watchers overseeing the canvassing of ballots in Philadelphia
“These unlawful actions were taken without the authority or consent of the Pennsylvania state legislature. These are facts, and they are indisputable.
“Additionally, the Pennsylvania Attorney General did nothing with regard to these unlawful activities. Not one inquiry, no questioning, and certainly no investigations. Not to mention that hundreds, if not thousands, of affidavits outlining election complaints and potential fraud were documented, submitted, and ignored. The Pennsylvania election could be summed up as a free-for-all with no oversight and different standards applied throughout the Commonwealth. It is also very apparent that the unlawful actions described were concentrated in heavily populated, Democrat-led counties.
“By definition, such unlawful, unregulated, and inconsistent activities resulted in a highly questionable and inaccurate vote total. The scope of these inaccuracies cannot be known until the legal ballots are identified and counted, and the illegal ballots are disqualified. This has not been done.
“Therefore, the state's official certification of electors was based upon a flawed system and an inaccurate vote count. Thus, very possibly resulting in an erroneous certification.
“Until these unlawful practices are acknowledged and corrected, we cannot agree to support electors chosen based upon an inaccurate total vote count. The voters of Pennsylvania deserve integrity in the election process and equal protection under the law.
“This very unfortunate, volatile, and distressing situation is due to the lack of respect and regard for the law and the U.S. Constitution as well as the Pennsylvania State Constitution. Additionally, the failure of Pennsylvania's justice system to seek the truth, rather than stay silent, allowed these irregular, unlawful actions to create a high level of mistrust in the process as well as a potentially flawed outcome.
“If there is an American ideal that all citizens, regardless of party affiliation, can agree upon is that we must have election integrity. Election integrity is the only way to ensure trust in our elections and it is accomplished by adhering to our Constitution and the law.”

Nice to see my rep Mike Kelly is still being a thorn in their side. There is no way Biden won Pennsylvania. I don’t even think Philly as a whole is that stupid considering it’s over 60% black.
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