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Supreme Court in no hurry to hear Trump campaign case, sets response deadline two days after inauguration Blah blah...

The latest Trump campaign appeal to the Supreme Court won't see any action from the justices until after the inauguration.

The justices this week set a reply deadline for Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar and the other respondents named in the case of Jan. 22. The campaign had asked for the Supreme Court to order those on the other side of the litigation to respond by Wednesday and have reply briefs from the Trump campaign submitted by Thursday. It also asked the court to rule by Jan. 6. But the court did not oblige.

This means that by the time Boockvar and the others the Trump campaign is seeking to take to the Supreme Court even respond to the petition, President-elect Joe Biden will already be sworn in.At that point, the court could simply decline to hear the case, saying it is moot or impossible for them to resolve at that point. Congress will have already counted electoral votes and certified the next president -- that meeting happens on Jan. 6. The Trump campaign, however, argued in its brief that even Inauguration Day would not make the court "moot" because such issues could happen in the future, and therefore the court should resolve them ahead of time.

The Trump campaign, in a statement over the weekend when it announced the petition, cited a statement from Justice Samuel Alito in which he cast doubt on whether it was constitutional for Pennsylvania to have its judicial branch make changes to laws governing the presidential election.

"This petition follows a related Pennsylvania case where Justice Alito and two other justices observed ‘the constitutionality of the [Pennsylvania] Supreme Court’s decision [extending the statutory deadline for receipt of mail ballots from 8 pm on election day to 5 pm three days later] … has national importance, and there is a strong likelihood that the State Supreme Court decision violates the Federal Constitution,'" Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani said.

The Trump campaign did not reply to a request for comment on Thursday.

The Trump campaign is seeking to have the justices overturn three Pennsylvania Supreme Court decisions on signature verification, canvassing observation and specific requirements for how voters must fill in mail ballots.

"As described above, non-legislative officials, oftentimes at the instigation of partisan third parties, ignored or significantly altered and thereby violated state election law, including, most troublingly, laws enacted to minimize the risk of fraud in mail voting and thereby protect the integrity of the election process," the Trump campaign lawsuit reads.
I still don't see him just quietly packing up and leaving. He'll either drag the fight out by himself or sign a bunch of outlandish shit on his way out the door. Best case scenario at this point is he dumps a bunch of dirt on everyone on his way out. He's got the fuck you money to at least stir the pot quite a bit as he goes down.

I am hoping he dumps all the dirt. Just fucking break the game already.
This is on par with the rest of the shit we've seen so far. It makes no sense. If an angry mob drug these people (everyone, PA, GA, SCOTUS, etc) into the streets and beat them to pieces I would have hard time finding the first bit of sympathy for them.
Big tech now literally censoring the graphs showing the ballot spikes on election night, even when no fraud is claimed. Just merely posting the graphs showing the raw data is now being censored.

Big tech now literally censoring the graphs showing the ballot spikes on election night, even when no fraud is claimed. Just merely posting the graphs showing the raw data is now being censored.

I wish I used Facebook or twitter so I could boycott them. I don't understand how anybody that uses them would keep doing it.
This kind of stuff makes me think of one of my favorite artists. Tony Moreschi https://tonymoreschi.com/ and his Defiance 76 Brand https://tonymoreschi.com/pages/the-defiance-76-brand

Defiance 76 is artwork geared for Americans who love the Constitution, founding fathers, and the history of our great country. Stand for something with a "sure Defiance!"

Some DEFIANCE tidbits:

King Georgie III called our founding fathers the "Defiant Rebels."

Our founding fathers consistently used the term "defiance" when referring to their actions in their cause for liberty.

"...we will, in DEFIANCE of every hazard, with un-abating firmness and perseverance employ for the preservation of our liberties, being with one mind resolved to die freemen rather than to live as slaves."
- Thomas Jefferson and John Dickinson, Declaration of the Cause and Necessity of Taking up Arms, July 6, 1775

Take a minute to read about FORT DEFIANCE!...

Our General George took back the town of Boston and in April of 1776, Washington sent Brigadier General William Alexander (Lord Stirling) to Brooklyn to construct fortifications. Not only was Manhattan a valuable target, it was HQ for our esteemed General and the Continental Army. Thus, forts were built a mile and a half apart, along the heights of Brooklyn, looking out over the East River. The westernmost fort would be in Red Hook... you guessed it... it was called FORT DEFIANCE!

Working day and night, Fort Defiance was built on the highest point of the promontory. It was completed in days at the resolve of the patriots, towns folk, and slaves who armed it with one "three pounder" cannon and four "18 pound" cannons. These cannons fired over breastworks of simple earthern works of raised ground and rocks to form firing platforms. This earthen Fort consisted of 3 redoubts and interconnecting trenches. Simple, crude, yet defiant in the face of the greatest Naval power on earth.


While this little Fort, and the others, were being constructed, British General William Howe was amassing 32,000 troops and approximately 130 ships being commanded by his brother, Admiral Richard Howe, at Staten Island! The game was afoot... They were going to end this silly rebellion once and for all!

Washington split his army, sending half to Brooklyn and the other half to Manhattan. The Declaration of Independence was signed and presented to the United Colonies on July 4th, 1776.

A few days later, two British ships, The Phoenix and The Rose sailed from Staten Island up to the Hudson River. The cannon from Fort Defiance opened fire for the first time on the enemy! Cannons from Fort George and Governor's Island fired also...the region was hot!

In late August of 1776, the British launched their mighty attack on Brooklyn with the intent of wiping out pesky and Defiant Rebels.

General Howe and his soldiers advanced on Washington's troops holding ground near Gowanus and Battle Pass. The Maryland 400 defiantley held their ground in Gowanus as the bulk of the rest of Washington's army retreated towards the Heights.

Admiral Richard Howe recognized that he might be able to trap Washington and end the rebellion here and now by sailing up the East River and pinning Washington between his navy and his brother's army. He sent his man-o-war HMS Roebuck up the river...

Providence gleaned upon the defiant rebels this day, and strong head winds whipped down from the Heavens on the offensive ship as it approached Fort Defiance! The Roebuck was dead in the waters. It is said, it was so close to the Fort that the seamen from the ship could hear orders being barked out in the Fort, and the rebels could hear orders being barked out on the deck of the Roebuck.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The defiant rebels were quick on their guns and fired into the stalled ship! The Roebuck responded in kind. Both sides kept pounding away at each other. But the little earthen fort, this little mound of Fort Defiance -out gunned and out manned by the glorious and unbeatable British might - won the day through providence and shear resolve, courage, and preparation by it's brave men!

The Roebuck, receiving too much cannon damage, and unable to advance into the wind, retreated back to Staten Island. And as a result, Admiral Howe gave up his idea to trap General George.

And you know the rest... our boys were able to cross into New Jersey and live to fight another day!

Fort Defiance became a memory, but it's spirit lived on through the rest of the rebellion.

Defiance 76
I wish I used Facebook or twitter so I could boycott them. I don't understand how anybody that uses them would keep doing it.

The country is full of sheeple. Hardly anybody questions anything they are fed by the media or government and those of us that do are "radical conspiracy theorists". This country and their freedoms are going to shit at an alarming rate in front of their eyes and these fucksticks are cheering for it and enjoying the ride. Its fucking sad...... :mad3:
I read it on the internet, it is now fact......... you are a "whatever fits the narrative"

Its 1776 time. What does that look like?
The country is full of sheeple. Hardly anybody questions anything they are fed by the media or government and those of us that do are "radical conspiracy theorists". This country and their freedoms are going to shit at an alarming rate in front of their eyes and these fucksticks are cheering for it and enjoying the ride. Its fucking sad...... :mad3:

That's what the Democrats/Communists are banking on. A nation full of sheep, many reproducing when they have no business doing so. Freedom means nothing as long as they get their welfare check and can blame their problems on everyone that worked hard and did things right.
Rumors of Adam Schiff being arrested by FBI at LAX.... developing and waiting on confirmation. That would be a nice xmas present.
Say nuthin act casual....
ummm FUCK NO!

TIME for America to say fuck that ! And make some noise!
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Ah yes, more “nothing to see here” from the Dems. Did you see that Stacy Abrams sister blocked a voter registration challenge in GA? There was no conflict of interest in that ruling either. :rolleyes:
Ah yes, more “nothing to see here” from the Dems. Did you see that Stacy Abrams sister blocked a voter registration challenge in GA? There was no conflict of interest in that ruling either. :rolleyes:

Yup... It's all dumb from here on out.
They're blocking audits and subpoenas left and right. Stuff little people go to prison for. If the election was the most secure in US history then why the resistance to examining it?
Funny how almost all of the blocking has been along party lines. If I am bored later I might gin up a tally of cases and who dismissed or blocked them and their affiliation or appointments.
Funny how almost all of the blocking has been along party lines. If I am bored later I might gin up a tally of cases and who dismissed or blocked them and their affiliation or appointments.

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