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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

What if every Trump voter vowed to literally burn down everything if the fraud isn't investigated? Would he be afraid of that too? It seems like he is afraid of adults acting like kids and not interested in doing his job or upholding the law.
if true, that's f'd up.

Yes. It's hearsay and lines up perfectly with conservative talking points, so I'm a little skeptical, but after seeing that, I'm now also not as sure in my belief that the supreme court would always choose to uphold the law in spite of worries of riots.
Yes. It's hearsay and lines up perfectly with conservative talking points, so I'm a little skeptical, but after seeing that, I'm now also not as sure in my belief that the supreme court would always choose to uphold the law in spite of worries of riots.

If, and I agree it’s a big if, the report is accurate, Honor and integrity are dead. And be extension, the constitution and rule of law.

We will be governed by temper tantrums.
They need to get someone to charge the bitch in purple and her daughter with voter fraud. But they won't. I just read that GA is going to take a random sample of ballots and check their signatures.
See what happens when you play by the rules? Republic dies. Violence on the left is literally accepted in society now. Everyone expects it and everyone caves to it under the threat of being called a racist. Mark my words, when the right rises up, and it will, it will immediately be ruled a hate crime, terrorist attack, white supremacist - neo-Nazi orchestrated motive.
See what happens when you play by the rules? Republic dies. Violence on the left is literally accepted in society now. Everyone expects it and everyone caves to it under the threat of being called a racist. Mark my words, when the right rises up, and it will, it will immediately be ruled a hate crime, terrorist attack, white supremacist - neo-Nazi orchestrated motive.

I think you are correct.
and it will fit the anti-gun narrative. “This is what we told you would happen if we didn’t ban guns.”
I think you are correct.
and it will fit the anti-gun narrative. “This is what we told you would happen if we didn’t ban guns.”

No, when the right rises, which I’m guessing might be sooner rather than later, it will be 80 million Americans declaring war on domestic terrorists. These politicians have seen protestors show up on their door. When the silent majority awakens they won’t see protestors. It’ll be the executioners.

Finland’s civil war is something every American should research. We look much like them. They also were dealing with Russian involvement. The people on the right were nicknamed The Butchers due to their brutality and unwillingness to let traitors live.
See what happens when you play by the rules? Republic dies. Violence on the left is literally accepted in society now. Everyone expects it and everyone caves to it under the threat of being called a racist. Mark my words, when the right rises up, and it will, it will immediately be ruled a hate crime, terrorist attack, white supremacist - neo-Nazi orchestrated motive.

The victors get to write the history books... just sayin..
From what I'm hearing, one house member and one senate member have to object to put it to a two hour debate. So that is pretty certain to happen. At the end of the debate, they vote. The question I don't have an answer to is, Is this a "one state-one vote" kind of vote. Or do they vote the whole 435 to decide to go to the "one state-one vote". If they have to have a majority of 435 to throw out the electoral vote and go to the "one state-one vote", I would say it's a tough way ahead for Trump.
1/2 Asian Bill covers this pretty well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkli7F425zg

I think both houses have to agree. From there I'm not sure WTF will happen. I suspect Drunken Nancy will stick to the fraud until her false teeth fall out. From there I'm not sure what will happen.
Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville to object electoral votes on Jan. 6 | One America News Network (oann.com)

So what happens when the electoral vote is challenged in Congress? Anything?

Do they vote on legality of votes at that point? :confused::confused:

The ball coach just has to say that so he can acquiesce the bunch that voted for him. He has zero intention of doing a goddamn thing. Mitch has said, 'drop it' and all he did was use the opportunity to get another retirement.

If Sidney Powell had anything, the Rudy camp wouldn't have dumped her uncerermoniously like John Belushi dumped Princess Leia in the sewer in the Blues Brothers.

It is a good time to put some Maker's Mark in your eggnog and let the old chestnuts roast on open fire, this election season is over... The Obamas will probably have a cooking show and President Trump will return to the executive apprentice with maybe a roster of new contestants like Jeffrey Toobin, Sidney Powell, the greek kid, Jeff Miller, Scaramucci, Weiner (might as well mix up the crazy!)

It was an incredible run, and now, it is time to wait for our turn at the vaccine line and then back to whatever the future brings. Betting on Tommy Tuberville has never been a bet that wouldn't bring a smile to the face of a bookie... but, if you are gonna bet on him, prepare for disappointment.
The ball coach just has to say that so he can acquiesce the bunch that voted for him. He has zero intention of doing a goddamn thing. Mitch has said, 'drop it' and all he did was use the opportunity to get another retirement.

If Sidney Powell had anything, the Rudy camp wouldn't have dumped her uncerermoniously like John Belushi dumped Princess Leia in the sewer in the Blues Brothers.

It is a good time to put some Maker's Mark in your eggnog and let the old chestnuts roast on open fire, this election season is over... The Obamas will probably have a cooking show and President Trump will return to the executive apprentice with maybe a roster of new contestants like Jeffrey Toobin, Sidney Powell, the greek kid, Jeff Miller, Scaramucci, Weiner (might as well mix up the crazy!)

It was an incredible run, and now, it is time to wait for our turn at the vaccine line and then back to whatever the future brings. Betting on Tommy Tuberville has never been a bet that wouldn't bring a smile to the face of a bookie... but, if you are gonna bet on him, prepare for disappointment.

That all ya got? :laughing:
If Sidney Powell had anything, the Rudy camp wouldn't have dumped her uncerermoniously like John Belushi dumped Princess Leia in the sewer in the Blues Brothers.

Trump is considering putting Sydney Powell in the lead of a Special Council. They didn't dump her, they were always working on separate cases to achieve the same goal.
So what happened to the whole Sydney Powell thing, for a couple of weeks she was going to expose the entire scam and seems to have just faded away. Does she have anything that courts are going to look at? What was her game?
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