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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

I think you actually just made the point though...

Does it matter what state your in when the vote is taking place on the Federal level? Every state is involved in that particular race. Ergo, if the votes in Pa. have been gathered in a fraudulent manner, why does it NOT affect the other states? Just because the EC is going to cast their votes a certain way makes zero difference in the fraud being allowed to move forward, it still affects the outcome of the overall election... and therefore EVERY state is affected by it.

There is a difference in being disenfranchised and a single state being corrupt. Can you agree with that?
You are neglecting the electoral college. Their votes are accurately passed on from them. You are entitled to a vote, not an outcome.

It is covered under the fairness doctrine.

its merit, and rightfully so, is that all votes in the nation were not treated equally. While most of the nation observed the requirement for allowing partisan observers on both side to ensure that both sides have a representative watching the ballots being counted to hold everyone to honesty. So every citizen has a legit claim to this lawsuit. Everyone of our votes was cheapened. Everybody that has any question about voter fraud has probably lost a bit of faith that their vote is counted properly.

2nd point of merit is related to states violating the constitution and bypassing legislators, the way to legally change voting policies, and went to the executive branch. This is a direct violation of the constitution.

This case actually has solid recent case history. It’s honestly more important than many think. IMO.
There is a difference in being disenfranchised and a single state being corrupt. Can you agree with that?

Honestly.... I don't agree. If the state were limiting it's fraud to a vote where ONLY the state heads were affected, then yah... that state merely corrupted it's own election. However, the states involved did not limit their corruption to just the state level, but the federal. While it did not overturn the election results in other states, it negated the ENTIRE election on a federal level for other states, because of the fraud.
Honestly.... I don't agree. If the state were limiting it's fraud to a vote where ONLY the state heads were affected, then yah... that state merely corrupted it's own election. However, the states involved did not limit their corruption to just the state level, but the federal. While it did not overturn the election results in other states, it negated the ENTIRE election on a federal level for other states, because of the fraud.

And we can't force you to recognize the blatant fraud taking place... you would need to ignore your bias. We are advocating other states join, because they were also slighted by the rampant fraud that took place in the mentioned States.

Ignoring something won't make it not true.

there is no fraud... Youtube says so...

YouTube announces they will be removing any content questioning the 2020 election results, will give you "authoritative information" instead. | Not the Bee
It is covered under the fairness doctrine.

its merit, and rightfully so, is that all votes in the nation were not treated equally. While most of the nation observed the requirement for allowing partisan observers on both side to ensure that both sides have a representative watching the ballots being counted to hold everyone to honesty. So every citizen has a legit claim to this lawsuit. Everyone of our votes was cheapened. Everybody that has any question about voter fraud has probably lost a bit of faith that their vote is counted properly.

2nd point of merit is related to states violating the constitution and bypassing legislators, the way to legally change voting policies, and went to the executive branch. This is a direct violation of the constitution.

This case actually has solid recent case history. It’s honestly more important than many think. IMO.
The fairness doctrine refers to broadcasters and presenting both sides of an argument. What are you intending to reference?

Honestly.... I don't agree. If the state were limiting it's fraud to a vote where ONLY the state heads were affected, then yah... that state merely corrupted it's own election. However, the states involved did not limit their corruption to just the state level, but the federal. While it did not overturn the election results in other states, it negated the ENTIRE election on a federal level for other states, because of the fraud.

Then we will never come to agreement. Your argument depends on the outcome being affected for the people to be disenfranchised. IE if Trump had won, you would not have been disenfranchised by the corrupt states. Since he did you have been. This is a terrible strategy to argue election law from.

ETA: You know you are on shaky ground when waterhead agrees with you. :flipoff2:
The fairness doctrine refers to broadcasters and presenting both sides of an argument. What are you intending to reference?

Then we will never come to agreement. Your argument depends on the outcome being affected for the people to be disenfranchised. IE if Trump had won, you would not have been disenfranchised by the corrupt states. Since he did you have been. This is a terrible strategy to argue election law from.

ETA: You know you are on shaky ground when waterhead agrees with you. :flipoff2:

It would be the same if Trump won and there was fraud in his favor.

I make no exception for fraud in any case, like the Supreme Court will not either. :flipoff2:
The fairness doctrine refers to broadcasters and presenting both sides of an argument. What are you intending to reference?

Then we will never come to agreement. Your argument depends on the outcome being affected for the people to be disenfranchised. IE if Trump had won, you would not have been disenfranchised by the corrupt states. Since he did you have been. This is a terrible strategy to argue election law from.

ETA: You know you are on shaky ground when waterhead agrees with you. :flipoff2:

Let go with the equal protection act in the 14 amendment.
Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which requires that the state not "value one person's vote over that of another."

some people votes were treated as less important than others. Refusing to allow pool watchers to legally observe the vote counting, long standing law, they decided that some votes were worth more than others.

I personally feel my vote would not matter if it was not legally observed. I would feel my ballot was not equally counted in my state without the observers. When we, Washington State, went to mail in voting my ballot was not counted the first year. They cited signature problems. I have a picture of my signature card and its a dead nuts match. Now we can put our contact info on so they can confirm it. I got a call the first year it was an option asking my if I voted in that years election. I of course said yes and my vote was counted. I know a great many of conservatives and liberals in Washington. State and many conservatives had their vote questioned while none of my liberal friends did... My vote has not been questioned since, but it makes me wonder how many choose not to put their number down and their vote was just not counted.
Let go with the equal protection act in the 14 amendment.
Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which requires that the state not "value one person's vote over that of another."

some people votes were treated as less important than others. Refusing to allow pool watchers to legally observe the vote counting, long standing law, they decided that some votes were worth more than others.

I personally feel my vote would not matter if it was not legally observed. I would feel my ballot was not equally counted in my state without the observers. When we, Washington State, went to mail in voting my ballot was not counted the first year. They cited signature problems. I have a picture of my signature card and its a dead nuts match. Now we can put our contact info on so they can confirm it. I got a call the first year it was an option asking my if I voted in that years election. I of course said yes and my vote was counted. I know a great many of conservatives and liberals in Washington. State and many conservatives had their vote questioned while none of my liberal friends did... My vote has not been questioned since, but it makes me wonder how many choose not to put their number down and their vote was just not counted.

to be fair, though, some people are more equal than others....
If it were as simple as you guys are making it, there wouldn't be two sides. Rather than me try to convince you to consider the other side, why do you want the other states to join the case?

Other states should join the case because in every state there is a large percentage of voters that had their vote cheapened by a few states violating the constitution in order to manipulate their election laws for the “pandemic”

if it only effected the election results at a state level for those named i. The suit there would be no standing IMO. But because these states are also the controlling point in this election it affects every single citizen.
Political pressure

This, the media has crowned Biden Prince for life, The more states that join, the harder it is to say "It's over, get over it." The fact of the matter is it's far from over at this point and likely will never be over if Biden and the left gets their way. It will be the norm then.
I'm assuming the other suit being shut down is so they can take care of all of it in this one case. We will see how it is argued and determined.

JUST IN: Georgia County Says ‘NO’ to Certification of 2020 Election Results
posted by Hannity Staff - 6 seconds ago
Officials with the Coffee County Board of Elections and Registration refused to certify the electronic results of the 2020 General Election this week; saying the machines cannot be tested to “duplicate” a credible recount.
“The Coffee County Board of Elections cannot certify the electronic recount numbers given its inability to repeatedly duplicate credible election results,” writes a letter from the county.
“Any system, financial, voting, or otherwise, that is not repeatable nor dependable should not be used. To demand certification of patently inaccurate results neither serves the objective of the electoral system nor satisfies the legal obligation to certify the electronic recount,” adds the document.

JUST IN: Georgia County Says ‘NO’ to Certification of 2020 Election Results
posted by Hannity Staff - 6 seconds ago
Officials with the Coffee County Board of Elections and Registration refused to certify the electronic results of the 2020 General Election this week; saying the machines cannot be tested to “duplicate” a credible recount.
“The Coffee County Board of Elections cannot certify the electronic recount numbers given its inability to repeatedly duplicate credible election results,” writes a letter from the county.
“Any system, financial, voting, or otherwise, that is not repeatable nor dependable should not be used. To demand certification of patently inaccurate results neither serves the objective of the electoral system nor satisfies the legal obligation to certify the electronic recount,” adds the document.

I don't know if anyone has heard but I think Coffee County in GA says they cannot certify their results.
I don't know if anyone has heard but I think Coffee County in GA says they cannot certify their results.

Is that all you got ? Wow that was really enlightening ..... FYI It was C/P from the link posted, but you knew that right ?

Here's how the Fraudulator works.... Demo by Coffee county GA that refuses to certify.

She literally points out how flawed the system is, how easy it is to cheat and the NPC’s will still tell you that cheating is not possible and Trumpers are just mad they lost.

You’re dealing with dishonest scumbags, nothing will change their minds.
Everyone knows the truth but nothing will be done about it. Just maintain the status quo while we become a third world shithole.
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