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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

So what happened to the whole Sydney Powell thing, for a couple of weeks she was going to expose the entire scam and seems to have just faded away. Does she have anything that courts are going to look at? What was her game?

It's not that there's no evidence; it's that the evidence is ignored by those in a position to do anything.
You have to say it doesn't look good for Trump. But then again, we should look at history.

Take for instance, the "travel ban".

It was all over the news that Trump tried something unpresidented. Everybody said it was unconstitutional. There was a few people on Fox that said otherwise, but none on other channels. All democrats and some republicans said it was unconstitutional. Most republicans were silent on the subject. How about the courts? Well it was ruled unconstitutional multiple times. Every time it lost, it was all over the news. Sound familiar?

So how did that turn out? Fact is, Trump prevailed. Funny, I never even heard whether it got to the Supreme Court or won in a lower court. (They never seem to report a win for Trump) But he wins fairly often.

I guess we'll just have to wait till the 20th.
Saw a link that said Sydney Powell was back and advising Trump on a scorched earth plan. Didnt bother to read because, let's face it, we're fucked.
If only people had the balls to stand up and do the right thing.

If the left is so confident that they won, why not do an audit and beat Orange Man Bad again?
If the left is so confident that they won, why not do an audit and beat Orange Man Bad again?

That's what I'm trying to figure out... If it is so cut and dry that Biden beat Trump, then be the first to push for full investigation and disclosure, it would only make the win that much more sweeter for the Left.

By trying to blow it off, it sure makes the Left look like they are trying to start the next play before the refs can review the previous play.
That's what I'm trying to figure out... If it is so cut and dry that Biden beat Trump, then be the first to push for full investigation and disclosure, it would only make the win that much more sweeter for the Left.

By trying to blow it off, it sure makes the Left look like they are trying to start the next play before the refs can review the previous play.

you mean like the other side did with the Russian interference? Things don't go that way, ever. Doesn't matter which side.
Where is Ruby Freeman and her daughter? Where is the supervisor? Where is the footage from the other states' backroom counts? All the states have basically taken the position that this election is fucked, or perfect, or whatever, but it's over and done and they can't (or won't) change it. I watched that 3 hour-long GA hearing today. They aren't changing anything for their runoff in Jan, not a god damned thing. They didn't discuss what happened after everyone else left the State Farm Arena counting room. They didn't discuss hardly anything of substance. Everything was perfectly fine according to the state's legal council, did 95% of the speaking for the election commission. They are interested in changing things but none of these people know how a network, computer, or a phone works. They don't know how an audit works in finance. They cannot think in terms of mitigating risks and having an easy consistent process to audit. Every election needs to be auditible 100%. The GA election commission, for example, likes to cite stats that they came up with after they took a random sample from 5% of the machines to show that nothing bad happened, but completely discount all of the stats that others have that show clear irregularities that THEY CANNOT EXPLAIN. Sorry I'm ranting now. I am so frustrated. Simple direct questions aren't being asked and nobody understands how anything works in the real world.
Squash I am glad you watched that 3 hours of something. I never got past the first 5 minutes and it was frustrating.

I would like to see a credible source, with participants from both parties explore Trump's claim regarding the vote dumps. I saw the same thing election night. I went to bed 9:30 PM PST Trump was leading by decent margins in WI, MI, PA, one of the two Carolinas and PA. Florida and Ohio were in the bag. Georgia was Trump. Election decided. I recall explaining to my 18 yo daughter and her live in 18 yo friend that it looked like Trump had won. Got up leisurely around 7:30 AM PST and it was all changed. Trump claims as did many others on the day after election that a vote dump had occurred at aprox 6 AM EST, or 3 AM PST.

I, nor anyone disputes the vote surge, except that virtually all the late votes were for Biden. And that they tipped the election. The late count should have been split approximately the same proportion as the existing votes.

I have not seen any rationale from the parties that supposedly examined all the evidence and found no merit to any fraud claim. I haven't seen them explain this.

Yeah, frustrated isn't the word.

I can accept a clean election victory for Biden. That is not what we have.
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So you guys heard another path for Trump? This is how I understand. Might be wrong.

First, I assume you all have heard that one house member and one senate member can dispute the electoral vote. Then it goes for a debate and a vote of confidence. If there's no confidence, then they do the "one state one vote" thing for the president. There are allready members that have pledged to do this. The problem is, the vote of confidence I think is all members majority which doesn't favor Trump.

This new thing I heard is The Vice President can reject the electoral votes that he concludes are fraud on the 6th. In this case, the winner is the majority of electoral votes that remain. (Not 270) So for example, if he rejected MI, PA and GA, Biden still wins. But if he were to also reject AZ, WI and NV, Trump would win. Now that doesn't mean Trump is automatically president, but at that point it forces the "one state-one vote" thing in congress. (Without the overall vote of no confidence)

Quite honestly, I don't even have faith that Trump will win the "one state-one vote" thing regardless of republican majority because of rhinos.

But, this approach certainly is the best chance he has.

Has anyone else heard of this?
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I've heard all the possibilities, but none of these are going to take place. Trump will step aside, R's will cower in fear from the violent lefties that are taking over everything.
I've heard all the possibilities, but none of these are going to take place. Trump will step aside, R's will cower in fear from the violent lefties that are taking over everything.

I still don't see him just quietly packing up and leaving. He'll either drag the fight out by himself or sign a bunch of outlandish shit on his way out the door. Best case scenario at this point is he dumps a bunch of dirt on everyone on his way out. He's got the fuck you money to at least stir the pot quite a bit as he goes down.
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