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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

Nice to see my rep Mike Kelly is still being a thorn in their side. There is no way Biden won Pennsylvania. I don’t even think Philly as a whole is that stupid considering it’s over 60% black.

Judges legislating from the bench is the new "vote by committee".
Had democrats only put forth an actual viable presidential candidate, with perhaps a chance of winning legitimately, the country would not be on the brink of civil war. That coordinated fraud and media/big tech collusion took place to drag creepy Joe across the finish line is not a matter of debate. The problem is, you then have millions of people actually believing he won fair and square. I'm not saying the election will be overturned, but if that were to happen, you'd have millions feeling like their vote was stolen when in actually they never won in the first place.

Honestly, Biden should have never even been allowed to run. I don't understand why a kid needs a piss test to stock shelves for $10/hr, but having someone with clear and dangerous cognitive issues in charge of nuclear weapons is OK.
fuck, now i can't find it. i think it was facebook. but i am striking out.

If I was a democrat, I'd be worried.
What if you want to change your mind in the future? You won't be able to.

This is why I would not want a rigged win for the Rs, because I always want the option to change my mind in the future. If it's rigged, it's done forever and you'll never again have a choice.
If I was a democrat, I'd be worried.
What if you want to change your mind in the future? You won't be able to.

This is why I would not want a rigged win for the Rs, because I always want the option to change my mind in the future. If it's rigged, it's done forever and you'll never again have a choice.

That's what separates Democrats from Americans. Crime is OK as long as it was their guy that "won".
It would be a misuse of the authority but it would be chuckle worthy if Trump had this kinds of information laid out and broadcast across the nation via emergency broadcast. :smokin:
It would be a misuse of the authority but it would be chuckle worthy if Trump had this kinds of information laid out and broadcast across the nation via emergency broadcast. :smokin:

Why would it be misuse of authority? It would appear to me it's a matter of national security. I've heard rumors he might broadcast the evidence. Since all the networks have been saying "where's the evidence" or "show us the evidence", it would seem to me they would welcome it.
Why would it be misuse of authority? It would appear to me it's a matter of national security. I've heard rumors he might broadcast the evidence. Since all the networks have been saying "where's the evidence" or "show us the evidence", it would seem to me they would welcome it.

They say they would welcome it, but you know they'd clutch their pearls and shriek loudly if he did it. Personally I am fine with it if he puts it out there to the American people.
OK and the nerd in me wants him to disclose everything of interest about UFOs or whatever other weird shit they may be hiding.
More than one pres has stated they would share with the world and didn't. He hasn't said shit about it and isn't, as far as I know, a swamp dweller.
Perhaps he's our best chance of telling the world if there is anything to the BS.
OK and the nerd in me wants him to disclose everything of interest about UFOs or whatever other weird shit they may be hiding.
More than one pres has stated they would share with the world and didn't. He hasn't said shit about it and isn't, as far as I know, a swamp dweller.
Perhaps he's our best chance of telling the world if there is anything to the BS.

The issue with that is if we have technology from UFOs, do we want to release that? If we don't have a clue about them, do we want to tell the world that? I believe that some of our adversaries think UFOs are our secret aircraft. I see no reason to educate them.
It would be a misuse of the authority but it would be chuckle worthy if Trump had this kinds of information laid out and broadcast across the nation via emergency broadcast. :smokin:

It would less of a misuse of authority than when Newsom used the CA public emergency broadcast to tell everyone we are on lockdown.
Just read the transcript of the call between Trump and the traitor in GA.
It looks like their "investigation" was no different than when a cop investigates himself and says "I found no wrong doing".

Nobody got to see anything. Technically, they could have not looked into a single thing and nobody would know the difference. They shared no data, gave no info, and provided zero backup for all their claims of "we found nothing wrong and all numbers are ok". Trump's people are denied all data and were given zero information to compare or look at to verify anything.

This is sickening.

Just read the transcript of the call between Trump and the traitor in GA.
It looks like their "investigation" was no different than when a cop investigates himself and says "I found no wrong doing".

Nobody got to see anything. Technically, they could have not looked into a single thing and nobody would know the difference. They shared no data, gave no info, and provided zero backup for all their claims of "we found nothing wrong and all numbers are ok". Trump's people are denied all data and were given zero information to compare or look at to verify anything.

This is sickening.


Gotta love it.

GA: "We did an audit"
Everyone else: Cane we see it?
GA: No.
Everyone else: Will you tell us what you did?
GA: No
Everyone else: Was anything out of order?
GA: No
Everyone else: Can you prove it?
GA: No
Will you let our people look at it?
GA: No

Where is Sherman when you need him?
They were shocked when Hillary lost. No way in hell they were going to let Trump win this time. And they had 4 years to prepare. And had the MSM and Google to cover for them.

Here's a non-CNN transcript, more or less. Nobody even bothered to talk to Ruby Freeman. The whole thing with GA is to cover their loser asses because this election was so fucked up and they are the ones personally on the hook for it, not the Dems.

They should be investigated, regardless of party.

Sen Cotton said he didn't support challenging the electoral collage because it would set a bad precedent. He's usually on point, but 1. it's Constitutional to do so and 2. Fraud is a pretty fucking bad precedent Senator. Don't stand for it.
Too bad Ruby Freeman isn't in custody answering a long list of questions.
Too bad Ruby Freeman isn't in custody answering a long list of questions.

I'd just like to look at the ballots she pulled out from under the table that night to start with. I'm 100% sure they don't even know which ones they were. I bet they got mixed up with other ones or something.
I'd just like to look at the ballots she pulled out from under the table that night to start with. I'm 100% sure they don't even know which ones they were. I bet they got mixed up with other ones or something.

Most people want to se them. At least those interested in justice.
They should be investigated, regardless of party.

Sen Cotton said he didn't support challenging the electoral collage because it would set a bad precedent. He's usually on point, but 1. it's Constitutional to do so and 2. Fraud is a pretty fucking bad precedent Senator. Don't stand for it.

I think the reality is that he knows it won't result in the outcome that it should and it's not worth the career suicide to pursue it. There's simply not enough Republicans who will back that play. Once again we're going to get fucked as the do nothing GOP rolls over and takes it in the ass.
I think the reality is that he knows it won't result in the outcome that it should and it's not worth the career suicide to pursue it. There's simply not enough Republicans who will back that play. Once again we're going to get fucked as the do nothing GOP rolls over and takes it in the ass.

I hope you are wrong, for the sake of our Country and everyone who lives here.
I wonder why some are jumping on board with Trump. They have been very careful to give typical politician type answers for awhile. Do they think he may be on to something or worried he will be back 2024 or just worried about their re-elections?
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