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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

And how did that work out, oh yeah 4 years of investigations and 2 not 1 but 2 bogus impeachments... Oh yeah... FUCK YOU

Exactly my point. Republicans need to move on. No one is powerful enough to overturn the election. You got screwed. We get it. Go home now and let the adults do the adulting
The fraud is a dead end...Four years ago the Trump win devastated the Democrats. They cried like babies. Over time they plotted against the Orange Devil. They nibbled at his heels, used the media against him, and an Impeachment..
This election tthey came prepared with more voters and magic tricks.The dropped an A Bomb....
In two years comes the mid term elections.. Conservatives really need to forget about the election fraud and move forward to grab seats in the Congress because that's where the real power is...
The fraud is a dead end...Four years ago the Trump win devastated the Democrats. They cried like babies. Over time they plotted against the Orange Devil. They nibbled at his heels, used the media against him, and an Impeachment..
This election tthey came prepared with more voters and magic tricks.The dropped an A Bomb....
In two years comes the mid term elections.. Conservatives really need to forget about the election fraud and move forward to grab seats in the Congress because that's where the real power is...

wow you sure expect people to take a fucking with a smile on.
Revenge is best served cold....Only fools continue to cry about a lost cause instead of learning from the fucking....

So you're advocating that the Republicans cheat better and more widely than the Democrats will in 2022? Because that's going to be the only way to beat them. And I don't see a Dem president and Dem congress doing anything about election fraud at all. They may pass more laws to help them cheat better... No ID, signatures don't need to be verified, mailed ballots can be back 2 weeks after election day, etc
The fraud is a dead end...Four years ago the Trump win devastated the Democrats. They cried like babies. Over time they plotted against the Orange Devil. They nibbled at his heels, used the media against him, and an Impeachment..
This election tthey came prepared with more voters and magic tricks.The dropped an A Bomb....
In two years comes the mid term elections.. Conservatives really need to forget about the election fraud and move forward to grab seats in the Congress because that's where the real power is...

Why would Republicans bother voting after this election? Serious question. :confused:
So you're advocating that the Republicans cheat better and more widely than the Democrats will in 2022? Because that's going to be the only way to beat them. And I don't see a Dem president and Dem congress doing anything about election fraud at all. They may pass more laws to help them cheat better... No ID, signatures don't need to be verified, mailed ballots can be back 2 weeks after election day, etc

No doubt they will attempt to expand the use of dominion voting machines, unsolicited mass mailing of ballots, no sig requirement, proof of life or residency, etc.
If the state legislatures do not pass laws AND ENFORCE THEM, the republicans will never win another election regardless of who votes for whom.
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What do you honestly think would happen if Joe Biden actually was shown to have cheated? Democrats return the election to Republicans and everyone goes back to the way they were? Never going to happen. Yeah. It’s time to move on. Just like when Hillary lost and republicans told democrats to move on.

maybe republicans can do the thing where they make shirts with the President’s face and write ‘not my President’ on it. :lmao:

if that were proven, he'd be impeached, if Harris was also guilty, same for her until we followed the process to someone who would be president. The rules about this stuff exist.
So you're advocating that the Republicans cheat better and more widely than the Democrats will in 2022? Because that's going to be the only way to beat them. And I don't see a Dem president and Dem congress doing anything about election fraud at all. They may pass more laws to help them cheat better... No ID, signatures don't need to be verified, mailed ballots can be back 2 weeks after election day, etc
Well, then just give up.....Yes, if you feel the competition is dishonest and no one will listen, you do what is necessary...
Well, then just give up.....Yes, if you feel the competition is dishonest and no one will listen, you do what is necessary...

Expand on "do what is necessary", please?

Is that Republicans cheating bigger than Dems in the next election?
if that were proven, he'd be impeached, if Harris was also guilty, same for her until we followed the process to someone who would be president. The rules about this stuff exist.

no. They wouldn’t. Otherwise we would hear of impeachment beginning and all I hear is ‘THEY CHEATED! THEY STOLE THE ELECTION!’ Sounds a lot like ‘not my president’ in 2004, and 06. And 2007 followed by almost a decade of ‘Blame Bush.’

You fail to understand the rules don’t apply to them so trying to prove it to people who don’t care is futile.

edit: oh yeah, if Joe and the VP WERE impeached we would get Nancy up in the office. You’d EXPECT Republicans to work with HER to prove it so she could get into power. Turns out Republicans actually want to act as if Biden being impeached would put Trump in office. It wouldn’t. Because Democrats.
if that were proven, he'd be impeached, if Harris was also guilty, same for her until we followed the process to someone who would be president. The rules about this stuff exist.

Fraud was proven, the left doesn't care. The extent of the fraud we will likely never know because you know...we just need to stfu and move on.
if Biden was any kind of man and he really thought he won he would be the first one to say lets get this shit show straight so I don't spend the next 4 years dealing with it. Nope, I won and don't look at the tape unless you are a racist baby hating puppy kicker.
"we inherited a disaster"***

*** we created
Fraud was proven, the left doesn't care. The extent of the fraud we will likely never know because you know...we just need to stfu and move on.
if Biden was any kind of man and he really thought he won he would be the first one to say lets get this shit show straight so I don't spend the next 4 years dealing with it. Nope, I won and don't look at the tape unless you are a racist baby hating puppy kicker.
"we inherited a disaster"***

*** we created

Just so you understand, you’re trying to get a valid point across to an intellectually dishonest scumbag. Have you ever pissed into the wind, cause that’s pretty much how this will work out.

Facts and reality do not matter to these people.

Who cares if more votes came in than their are actual voters. How is it relevant that there is proof of vote tampering by people “helping” the elderly pick a candidate. We have the most secure elections on earth, unless of course trump wins, then they’re not secure and rigged.
If the state legislatures do not pass laws AND INFORCE THEM, the republicans will never win another election regardless of who votes for whom.


The problem is a good many of the courts are infected. Once the Dems get the Supreme Court fixed, then the state legislatures won't be able to do anything. My feeling is the Dems will not pack the court. They will "rotate" dem judges in. They are allready talking about this. Once the rotation starts, there will never be a conservative majority again.
FBI Probing Allegation That Woman Stole Laptop From Pelosi’s Office to Sell It to Russia

By Zachary Stieber
January 18, 2021 Updated: January 18, 2021

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is investigating whether a woman seen in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) office on Jan. 6 stole a computer or hard drive and planned to sell it to Russia.
The claim was outlined in an affidavit filed in the case against Riley June Williams, a Pennsylvania woman who authorities said stormed the U.S. Capitol earlier this month.
In the days following the breach, a witness called the FBI’s tip line several times. The witness said he or she was a former romantic partner of Williams and saw Williams in video footage captured on Jan. 6.
The caller (W1) also claimed to have spoken to friends of Williams who showed him or her a video of Williams taking a computer or hard drive from Pelosi’s office during the mayhem that day.
“W1 stated that WILLIAMS intended to send the computer device to a friend in Russia, who then planned to sell the device to SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service,” Special Agent Jonathan Lund wrote in the court filing.
“According to W1, the transfer of the computer device to Russia fell through for unknown reasons and WILLIAMS still has the computer device or destroyed it. This matter remains under investigation.”
Pelosi’s office didn’t respond to a request for comment.
Protesters gather near the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)A spokesman for Pelosi confirmed last week that a laptop was stolen from her office during the breach of the Capitol.
The computer “was only used for presentations,” spokesman Drew Hammill said.
At least one other laptop was stolen from congressional offices on Jan. 6. Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) said a computer was taken from his office.
U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin told reporters in a recent briefing that people “were literally rifling through Pelosi’s office and stealing items, stealing materials, mail, and sometimes even personal mementos.”
The new affidavit was signed by a judge on Sunday.
Officials say Williams, 22, apparently fled. According to law enforcement officers in Harrisburg, Williams’s mother said her daughter packed a bag and left home, saying she’d be gone for a couple of weeks.
Sometime after Jan. 6, Williams changed her phone number and deleted accounts on social media platforms, including Facebook, Reddit, and Parler.
Williams was charged with illegally entering the Capitol and violent entry and disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds. Williams didn’t have an attorney listed as of Monday morning.
Any truth to 2000 National Guardsman being sworn and deputized as US Marshals and under direct control of the President .Or more false whatever...?
Any truth to 2000 National Guardsman being sworn and deputized as US Marshals and under direct control of the President .Or more false whatever...?


2,000 National Guard Troops in DC Sworn In as Special Deputy US Marshals


January 18, 2021 Updated: January 18, 2021
About 2,000 National Guard troops were sworn in as U.S. Marshals before Inauguration Day, the U.S. Marshals Service said.

Chief Lamont Ruffin from D.C. District Court swore in the 2,000 National Guard troops as special deputy U.S. Marshals prior to the presidential inauguration, according to the federal law enforcement agency’s Twitter page.

The “deputation gives the guardsmen temporary, limited, law enforcement authority pertaining specifically to the safety and protection of the inauguration and related events,” the U.S. Marshals said in a caption on its Flickr page, showing the Guard troops being deputized at night.

The U.S. Marshals Service didn’t immediately respond to a request from The Epoch Times about the duties of the new special deputies.

Last week, officials confirmed that as many as 25,000 National Guard members were being deployed to the District of Columbia for Inauguration Day.

A statement from the Army to news outlets said the increase in Guard troops would support the “federal law enforcement mission and security preparations” during the inauguration, and it would be led by the U.S. Secret Service.

“Our National Guard soldiers and airmen are set around the city to protect our nation’s Capital,” National Guard Bureau Chief Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson said in the statement.

Last week, the FBI sent out bulletins for the possibility of violence in connection with events on Jan. 20. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump called on Americans not to break the law.

“In light of reports of more demonstrations, I urge that there must be NO violence, NO lawbreaking, and NO vandalism of any kind,” Trump said. “That is not what I stand for, and it is not what America stands for. I call on ALL Americans to help ease tensions and calm tempers. Thank You.”

The National Park Service has closed the Washington Monument to tours and Mayor Muriel Bowser has asked visitors to avoid the city.

In Washington, the perimeter of a fence surrounding the Capitol was pushed out to encompass the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress. Roads and other access points were closed, and some businesses said they would shut.

At least 21 states have activated their National Guard troops, respectively, in capital cities. States where National Guard troops have been activated include California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Michigan, North Carolina, New Mexico, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin, according to a tally from The Associated Press.

The problem is a good many of the courts are infected. Once the Dems get the Supreme Court fixed, then the state legislatures won't be able to do anything. My feeling is the Dems will not pack the court. They will "rotate" dem judges in. They are allready talking about this. Once the rotation starts, there will never be a conservative majority again.

Whether they like it or not, Trump was fully in his right to appoint Barrett to the supreme court. The "not in an election year" thing is always said by the party that is not in power at that time and has zero legal power.

Packing or "rotating" the supreme court could be made legally (The current number was set by congress in the 1860s), but it would set a precedent that would destroy the credibility of the SC and next time the republicans are in power they will do the same. There is a reason why even FDR's own party objected loudly to his packing scheme. Instead, he just bullied the SC into doing his bidding.

US Prepares for One of the Most Unusual Inaugurations in History


January 17, 2021 Updated: January 18, 2021
WASHINGTON—President-elect Joe Biden is set to be sworn in on Jan. 20 amid unparalleled security measures and the pandemic lockdown, making it one of the most untraditional inaugurations in U.S. history.

Like many predecessors, Biden is going to be sworn in on the steps of the Capitol building. But the traditional parade down Pennsylvania Avenue, which normally draws hundreds of thousands of Americans, has been canceled, to be replaced by a virtual parade. Inaugural balls have been canceled as well.

The viewing stand near the White House has been dismantled, making this event likely the smallest inauguration in history, in terms of physical attendance. While a low turnout is expected, the event will be unusually tight in security and law enforcement.
National Guard troops near the Capitol building in Washington on Jan. 15, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)
This inauguration is unique in its own way, according to David Pietrusza, political historian, author, and expert on presidential electoral history.

In terms of people being so on edge, the flooding of troops and security into Washington, and the COVID-19 pandemic, “there’s no really great precedent for that,” he told The Epoch Times.

But there are different examples in history where things didn’t go like clockwork and weren’t uneventful, he said.

According to historians, Abraham Lincoln’s first inaugural address was the most stressful one, as the threat of war hung heavy in the air. Six weeks after the speech the Civil War, which claimed about 2 percent of the American population, erupted.

“Certainly the country was in worse shape and people were more on edge in 1861 with Lincoln. There’s no comparison to that,” Pietrusza said.

While security ahead of the Civil War was a big deal, measures that have been put in place this year in preparation for Biden’s inauguration also are unprecedented, he noted.

This is the first time an inauguration has been declared a National Special Security Event, not days before, but a full week before the actual event.
Security around the Capitol building in Washington on Jan. 15, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)
Authorities have taken aggressive measures in the city amid growing concerns that the civil unrest and violence observed on Jan. 6 may be repeated during inauguration week. As many as 25,000 National Guard members from all 50 states, three territories, and the District of Columbia will be stationed in the nation’s capital.

The security measures have brought the city to almost a complete halt. More than a dozen Metro stations around the National Mall and U.S. Capitol building were closed in the days before the inauguration; the streets of Washington are eerily empty.

Buses, streetcars, and other forms of public transportation, even bicycles, have been shut down. Most stores are closed, and many have been boarded up.
The south side of the White House on Jan. 15, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)
President Donald Trump said earlier that he wouldn’t attend the swearing-in ceremony of Biden. He made the announcement one day after Congress certified Biden as the winner of the 2020 election.

Trump won’t escort Biden in a motorcade to the Capitol, which is another break from tradition. However, it isn’t the first time a president has refused to attend the inauguration of his successor.

John Adams, the second president of the United States, left Washington before Jefferson’s inauguration in 1801.

The situation that year was very divided, and in some ways similar to 2021. Jefferson’s supporters characterized his opponent, Adams, as a lover of monarchy, while Adams’s supporters pictured Jefferson as a radical. Some say Adams didn’t attend Jefferson’s inauguration to prevent any violence at the event.
Security around the Capitol building in Washington on Jan. 15, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)
John Quincy Adams, the sixth U.S. president, left Washington a day before, declining to attend Andrew Jackson’s ceremony in 1829.

Other presidents who didn’t watch their successors take the oath of office were Martin Van Buren (1841) and Andrew Johnson (1869).

It’s “unfortunate” that Trump isn’t attending the ceremony, John Gizzi, Newsmax’s chief political columnist, told The Epoch Times.

“As someone who’s witnessed, not only the transfer of power, but the tradition of the incoming president paying tribute to the outgoing president, that is something that surely is going to be missing,” he said. “You miss not only the handoff, so to speak, but you also miss the tradition of graciousness.”

For more than 200 years, the tradition of inauguration parades, celebrations, and displays of patriotism have continued despite scattered protests, including at Trump’s 2017 inauguration.

“The pomp and pageantry are as American as you can get,” Gizzi said.
Extra security barriers block the roads at F and 14th streets in Washington on Jan. 15, 2021. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)
“Hearing the orchestras, seeing the president and vice president waving from the cars, sometimes getting out and marching with the crowd—all of that is something that’s so richly American to the point that it’s timeless. When that is removed, it takes a little bit of the mystique of the transition away,” he added.

This year’s inauguration, according to Gizzi, is most compared to the fourth and final inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was sworn in on Jan. 20, 1945, at the White House on the portico overlooking the backyard.

Roosevelt preferred to hold a simple ceremony because of World War II, which claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of American citizens. That presidential inauguration lasted only 15 minutes.

This time, there won’t be a lot of pomp because of the CCP virus, Gizzi said.
I can't wait for the nothingburger to happen this week. If antifa lights the white house on fire and Trump is in FL the media will blame Trump anyways. There's no point in even thinking about any of this any more.
Listen, I've lost all respect for the Republicans and Democrats, but I will say that there was a sudden and dramatic shift from the narrative that we have to be wary of foreign election interference and voter suppression to a narrative that our elections are safe and fair as soon as Biden/Harris was determined the winner.
DC in lockdown sure has the optics of a hostile takeover. You'd think the man who just won the most votes in history would be having a party in the streets. I know if Trump won, it would be shoulder to shoulder for miles and miles. Doesn't the left want to shove it our faces how big he crowds are?

ahh man.jpg

It will be a virtual show...
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