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Not stupid on the Jeep’s part. That was in an open area which is bi directional. That falls solely on the biker and his non spotters.
Any time people jump out there, they have spotters.
As an avid Duner myself also
Yes, where is the spotter, why wasn't the spotter doing everything they can to shut things down
and .....whats up with that jeep flag? Is that the angle it was ran at? I know you guys run them 'backwards' to the rest of the world, but that aint right Even assuming that the flag got ripped off in the impact

I would never ever drive my ride home out in the sand, you are asking for it
As an avid Duner myself also
Yes, where is the spotter, why wasn't the spotter doing everything they can to shut things down
and .....whats up with that jeep flag? Is that the angle it was ran at? I know you guys run them 'backwards' to the rest of the world, but that aint right Even assuming that the flag got ripped off in the impact

I would never ever drive my ride home out in the sand, you are asking for it
Yes, major fail on the spotter or the bike rider if he was jumping without a spotter. Not sure which it was.
Yes that flag mount is cheesy. Rules are that the flag should reach 10’ from the ground while stationary and must be mounted center of front axle or forward. Bike flags can be anywhere.

In that case, I don’t think a better flag mount would have made a difference.


Oh fuck, that car is getting washed away, oh, it's upright, oh it's swamped again, I'd rather be on that boat, that's safe. Oh shit, it's going over the edge, nope, it's good, it'll get pushed up against that elevated roadway, if it can stay upright it's golden, oh shit, it's getting pushed over the edge, for the love of God, stay upright. It rolls over. Gets back upright! They're gonna make it! Gets pushed under the bridge and likely swamped.

Apparently if mother nature wants you dead, you ded:eek:

Oh fuck, that car is getting washed away, oh, it's upright, oh it's swamped again, I'd rather be on that boat, that's safe. Oh shit, it's going over the edge, nope, it's good, it'll get pushed up against that elevated roadway, if it can stay upright it's golden, oh shit, it's getting pushed over the edge, for the love of God, stay upright. It rolls over. Gets back upright! They're gonna make it! Gets pushed under the bridge and likely swamped.

Apparently if mother nature wants you dead, you ded:eek:
theres a lot more crazy ass footage of that 2011 Japan tsunami out there. Insane shit.

Dumb asshole not going around the tire causes crash.

Could the accident been avoided that way? Sure.

But in reality it was the people who were going too fast for the conditions and could not react.
Prolly that.

One thing the vid does: shows how little safety exists while flying down the highway at 80mph while sharing the road with a multitude of distracted, sub-standard wheel holders.
Yeah, if it didn't already exist, can you imagine trying to convince the general public to take up driving? Think of the children. That amount of personal responsibility would be impossible to implement.
But in reality it was the people who were going too fast for the conditions and could not react.
Fuck off to reddit with that liberal smugness and get a disease that kills you slowly and painfully while you're at it.

Some aloof fuckwad behind a keyboard who deserves to have his fingers hit with a hammer doesn't get to arbitrarily define what is the correct speed and following distances. The drivers on the road (or some average thereof) set the speed. It is a matter of group consensus. Not something anyone gets to decree.
Fuck off to reddit with that liberal smugness and get a disease that kills you slowly and painfully while you're at it.

Some aloof fuckwad behind a keyboard who deserves to have his fingers hit with a hammer doesn't get to arbitrarily define what is the correct speed and following distances. The drivers on the road (or some average thereof) set the speed. It is a matter of group consensus. Not something anyone gets to decree.

Speed and following distance are a function of visibility and road condition.

Oh fuck, that car is getting washed away, oh, it's upright, oh it's swamped again, I'd rather be on that boat, that's safe. Oh shit, it's going over the edge, nope, it's good, it'll get pushed up against that elevated roadway, if it can stay upright it's golden, oh shit, it's getting pushed over the edge, for the love of God, stay upright. It rolls over. Gets back upright! They're gonna make it! Gets pushed under the bridge and likely swamped.

Apparently if mother nature wants you dead, you ded:eek:
That big boat going under the bridge...

God said "Fuck you, get in there!"

The amount of power to just wad up a ship and shove it through a too-small hole...wow.
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