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4 inches is just a big thunderstorm or a rainy day. Not uncommon to get that a few times a year, although I wonder how much is the same water evaporating and then falling again.


Summer time, warm night you get showers come through rains overnight 80 and 100% humidity by noon then storms again that afternoon and evening. Then you do it all again the next day.
you may recycle your weather, but we have a jet stream :grinpimp:
Dunno about each of those specifically, I just took a snip of a half-dozen relevant news thumbnails.

In the context of tire tread depth importance, I was just showing water on the road exists here, not entering some climate competition :laughing:

If you have more rain & that matters to you, well then, you won :bounce2: :flipoff2:

You have much less rain and it matters to you so no, you sir have won.

Like to the post, in the comments the rider replied and posted the video.

Edit: Here is another one that you don't have to sift through comments to find.

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I used to like those until I realized that while they're a lot stouter looking, they seem to strip out at about the same tension

So, give me the 5/16" hex instead of the 6mm/7mm guessing game
Aren't they crimp on?
that could have been way worse, he got over it clean
stupid tax on both sides are to be paid

and a little more for having that dumb camera
Not stupid on the Jeep’s part. That was in an open area which is bi directional. That falls solely on the biker and his non spotters.
Any time people jump out there, they have spotters.
Not stupid on the Jeep’s part. That was in an open area which is bi directional. That falls solely on the biker and his non spotters.
Any time people jump out there, they have spotters.
I used to go to St Anthony dunes in ID quite a bit. We’d take our race trucks down a couple times a year for test and tune, give rides, etc.
We always tried to find some out of the way bowl and post up some rigs as spotters. Never failed that dumbasses would blow right by our spotters while we were making a run. I had enough close calls that I finally quit going. I just don’t want even a dumbasses death on my hands.
Went on a date with a girl probably 10 years ago. Date kinda sucked, I didn't call her after and she didn't call me. She texts me out of the blue about 2 weeks later since we'd talked about my hobbies building and fixing stuff. She asked how to get concrete off the bottom of her car. I said get to a car wash asap and crawl under there and spray it off. She said she ran through a wet concrete road, drove around barriers and plowed through it on her way to a meeting. Spent 2 hours in the meeting and then texted me but it was all dried now. I just said take it to a mechanic, laughing my ass off. I can't imagine the damage that was likely done. Stupid ass airhead blonde.
Went on a date with a girl probably 10 years ago. Date kinda sucked, I didn't call her after and she didn't call me. She texts me out of the blue about 2 weeks later since we'd talked about my hobbies building and fixing stuff. She asked how to get concrete off the bottom of her car. I said get to a car wash asap and crawl under there and spray it off. She said she ran through a wet concrete road, drove around barriers and plowed through it on her way to a meeting. Spent 2 hours in the meeting and then texted me but it was all dried now. I just said take it to a mechanic, laughing my ass off. I can't imagine the damage that was likely done. Stupid ass airhead blonde.
I’d have told her her mouth had better be able to work as hard as my air hammer. :laughing:
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