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Converting a tundra to the new body style ….

:homer: Ok, this might be a stretch but the shops name is “an car car centre “

All I’m thinking of is shop is “an suicide” waiting to happen


Caught it on what? :flipoff2:
Nothing, and I'm not sure how. The auger had to be clearing the poles by mere inches. Looked to my right to check shoulder clearance and there's the auger :homer: I don't know how I didn't see it when checking traffic on the road. One of those times I felt like someone was watching over me, don't really believe in luck.
you caught it
I had to call him to call him to pull over before he killed someone
you are not the same

and he was in town:laughing:
I was on a busyish County road loaded with sub divisions. Absent minded stupidity. I caught it, sure, but I had almost taken out 3 or 4 poles by the time I did.
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