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Mainly this.

Brother drove side dump for awhile and got in two accidents as he was trying to turn right from the right lane. Blinker on and went into the left lane to make the turn and some dumb fucks ran up his right side and found the trailer. YotaDown's cop friends told him he had to stay in the same lane and somehow make the 90 degree corner. :homer:
Put the cop in the truck and tell him to show you how it's done and watch him take out a hydrant, or a pole, or a sign.
Maybe the car was speeding. But trucks cannot waive a magic wand and make wide turns. They have to wait until their lane is clear.
Semi should have driven its big ass right in the middle of the lane divider line, effectively blocking both lanes. Swing to left just before the turn, then turn right. That way you keep your right side clear to make the turn.

Had to do that all the time turning into the river ports in cincy to pick up fertilizer.


Trucker was a dumbass and is gonna get hit with the bill.

I had a truck totalled by a semi in a very similar manner. Semi driver was found at fault and I got a nice check for a replacement truck. In my case, semi driver was being a dumbass.
Drove through DC on June 9 during our vacation, decided to make a quick swing in and show the kids some of the sights. IT WAS TRASHED.... This is the Rochambeau statue right in front of the white house... It was like this every where. Trash, graffiti, pride flags.... it was disgusting to see our nations capital look like this! I've been to DC before and normally around the white house is nice, but not on this time.

didn't have a clue who it was until I saw the glasses on the cutting board

honestly, I'm disappointed that I can even recognize a politician
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