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I had to search what a mouse jiggler is.
"working" from home is too hard for some people.

I always thought this was a mouse jiggler
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I had to search what a mouse jiggler is.
"working" from home is too hard for some people.

Before the work from home rona garbage I've actually seen these used in shit designed systems. You have some old custom written system, but due to idiot programmers it stops working if any of the power management stuff kicks on - so you put a mouse jiggler on it so the system stays fully awake thinking the user is active the whole time. Its a easy hack for shitty code.

Also they are good for pranks. Same with you can get programmable keyboard buttons and make them type or execute keyboard shortcuts. Put one where you can hit it walking by and plug it into the computer.

It's still running. Fucking send it.

Years ago I was in the midway airport in Chicago. The folks in the bar were pounding drinks like there was no tomorrow. They had an engine failure on takeoff ant he plane circled around and landed on the same runway they took off from. The airline got them a free flight to their destination but they were all getting good and shitfaced before getting on the plane.
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Never had an engine failure on a plane I was flying, but did have a plan taxi onto the runway just as we were landing. Pilot did an emergency touch and go and we flew "just" over the top of the other plane. Circled and landed about 15 minutes later. Pilot gets on radio as we taxi to a stop and said a few 'polite' words about the tower. I was the guy in the bar pounding drinks.
All that dude has to do to get a free cab is sign some shit with the airline and tell the news that he doesn't think that an engine part falling out of the sky is a big deal.

Of course this happened in Colorado so he's probably some Commiefornian transplant who's gonna squander the opportunity by going full Karen about it. :laughing:
The dudes truck after the nacelle lip hit it.....

Looks like it performed well. They aren't rated for decelerating falling engine nacelles, but it mitigated the forces well and seems to have spared the nacelle from total destruction. :flipoff2:
All that dude has to do to get a free cab is sign some shit with the airline and tell the news that he doesn't think that an engine part falling out of the sky is a big deal.

Of course this happened in Colorado so he's probably some Commiefornian transplant who's gonna squander the opportunity by going full Karen about it. :laughing:

I'd have a new truck and never pay for airfare again in my life.
I fucking hate government.

state of ohio said:
The Ohio Department of Health will host a series of town halls in an effort to provide facts about the COVID-19 vaccine to minority populations across the state.
The first town hall, which will air at 6:30 p.m. Monday on the health department’s Facebook page, will be geared toward Black Ohioans.
The Ohio Department of Health invited medical experts, faith leaders, public health professionals and community leaders from each ethnic and regional group to help answer questions.
The town hall schedule is as follows:
• Monday, Feb. 22 at 6:30 p.m. - African-American Ohioans
• Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 6:30 p.m. - Hispanic/Latino Ohioans
• Monday, March 1 - Asian-American and Pacific Islander Ohioans
• Tuesday, March 2 - Ohioans living in rural areas
Though each town hall will focus on a specific population, anyone is allowed to join and ask questions.
The town halls will be re-broadcasted on the Ohio Channel at 6 p.m. Friday this week and next.

sure, let's figure out a way to divide everyone into little sub groups so they can all feel fucking special.
what a fucking waste of time and resources.
I mean, I AM a rural ohioan, why the fuck does that make the medical information about a vaccine different than the ohioans that live in the city?

I mean, other than te fact that we won't actually get any of it because the state doesn't give two fucks about any counties that don't have a major city in them.

We're used to being left out. they should just fuck off and leave us alone.
Seems like we've come full circle. :laughing:

All this reminds me that San Diego Police Department has several officer's associations all related to race, except for a white race based association of course because that would be racist. In the early 90's, a white officer who was a little irritated with all the segregated associations joined the black association, and the Hispanic associations planning on being denied based upon his race setting them up for a hell of a lawsuit. He was allowed to join so he went to every meeting for months, sat in the back of the room. Whenever he attended a meeting at the black association, they would last about five minutes with angry stares all around and complete silence. When he went to the Hispanic association meetings, they would speak in Spanish, that is until they figured out he was bilingual and understood it better than most of them. Then, the meetings were more like the black association meetings; complete silence. Then they tried to have word of mouth meetings, but police departments are a like a big soap opera, so someone told him every time. He was just doing it to make a statement, and after several months he was actually kind of accepted as part of the meetings since everyone knew he was a nice, likeable guy and law enforcement really was a brotherhood in those days, so he only screwed with them for about a year before letting them get back to their private meetings. My father was the senior Deputy Chief at the time and at the chief's meetings they would discuss what was going on and he thought it was funny as hell.
Tiger Woods was in a golf cart rollover & sustained serious leg injuries.

The ride was totalled-
$600 for a mower that will tip over backwards with the 100 pound tweaker trying to drive it. The family trees down south must not have many branches.
. The family trees down south must not have many branches.

Like this was ever in doubt. Normal southerners are the north's people of walmart. You can speculate what their walmart people are like.
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