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That’s awesome.
No habla Espanol

I just hold up three fingers and eat whatever they bring me three of. It's gonna be delicious if they no habla Ingles
That was my thought when I stopped at a taco truck in Reno, I figured if most of the customers were ordering in Spanish it must be good (and it was).

Aaron Z
Right? I mean what do you want an English major, or a mexican cook? Personally I want the menu in spanish. Tu la verga los gringos que no hablan español.
Fuck you.

No habla Espanol

I just hold up three fingers and eat whatever they bring me three of. It's gonna be delicious if they no habla Ingles
You're cool.

Just point at the pictures :laughing:
Had to go look it up. So... Carne Asada and Pollo Asado. Steak or Chicken. Latin based masculine/feminine grammer silliness.
(Carne) Asada is grilled/cooked steak. The way I learned, asado is just cooked meat, it also means to bbq like a having a bbq (so grilled meat) Pollo specifies its chicken, puerco is pork.
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