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Dogs of Irate 4x4

The wife has a deposit down on an English Springer Spaniel. The breeder sent pics of the litter that was born June 22nd. We get to go pick ours in 5 weeks, then wait another 3 weeks to take him home.
Our late American Alsatian used to do the same thing. He also had this habit of licking my hair (he did not do that to anyone else). I was never sure if I should be flattered or take him out back and shoot him.

Miss you, Maximus.
You were supposed to lick him back…. Duh!!!!!

I think she wants something
Nice of them to ALLOW you to sit in their chair/recliner. Good thing they know who the boss is👍

The service dog knows not to jump up if a blanket isn't there for her.

The derpy one gives zero fucks and lays down wherever he wants.

They really are completely different dogs. Mr Derpmeister there has been described as having a peanut brain and a watermelon heart. Everything he does is out of love, but he's so difficult at times.

He's 1/4 Husky and 3/4 Shepherd so I've joked that means he's just a Husky in disguise. :laughing: Dude keeps up with me just like the service dog, but he's MUCH more vocal about the situation. Not in his sight? All hell breaks loose. Even when he's playing with the other dog he'll keep his eyes on me and keep up with me.

Both great dogs.
I always thought this thread had to do with who were soldiers.. kinda dissapointed

as in dogs of war.. or other sayings

WTF where does it say that?

Dogs. Who has dogs? If you have a dog and want to post a picture of your dog, post a picture of your dog.

War? Or other sayings? Dude. Dogs. Pictures of our dogs.

Disappointed in what? Are you drug testing?
I dont understand what ya'll are saying..

I had not opened the thread cuz I thought it was a post about devil dogs or something..

I love dogs, even though my last one passed away a few months ago..
Since this is the dog thread, what do you guys do about your dogs in the shop?

My one dog always hangs around in my shop. If I weld I have make sure he’s not looking at it. Not a big problem because he doesn’t like the welder much. But the bigger issue is sharp chips on the floor. I try to vacuum often, but you can’t get everything. Also, hangs around the lathe and mill while I’m running them. I afraid of a chip going in his eye.
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