I was always going to post a pic of Tucker, this past Tues evening to mid day wed was the shittiest of all shit days. Monday started to slow down ,but weather was rain and chilly so he was just chilling by the stove . Seemed fine tuesay morning, afternoon switch was flipped and point of no return (kidney failure ). Made the call , went and seemed so wrong . He was 10 1/2 yrs , his mom is in moore, ID now at 15 yrs! I'm quite sure he and I have spent more time together than my wife since 98😃 Are tractor has about 600 hrs on and he probably rode for 550 . Plus who know how many more on the dozer,excator,and dump truck around the property. The one pic there is 2 ,my son just got a sheltie this spring. So after this episode of life you really learn what the phrase of a dog is a man's best friend. We have wheeling friends in multiple states that would come about every year sometimes twice to beat on there junk and give free handout snacks to him!