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Dogs of Irate 4x4

This is my Houligan. aka, Catahoula Leopard. She's a blue merril, so she's small for a catahoula. She used to be fearless, until she popped her stiffle joint (aka knee) and had to have TPLO surgery. She also has bad hips, and a rippled artery that makes noise in the ticker (sounds like a heart valve murmur, but it isn't.. No more jumping, no more rough housing (don't want to pay another $6k for TPLO surgery) Got her at 12 weeks of age, and we will truly miss her when she moves on..

She tore things up until she was almost 4, then she finally started to settle down. A royal PITA to do any training with.


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Girls after a ride. Babe will be 13 on the 25th. Got her when she was 4 on 10/14/14, day my FIL passed away. My wife has a special bond with her.
My Kira, who’s a seven year old Boxer mutt. Definitely a great dog, still gets really excited and runs around like a puppy but likes to lay around between energy spurts.


She’s great with my nephews and is also the only dog in my family that understands to be calm around my Mom. I can leave her in their house to hang out with Mom while Dad and I go do something in the shop, we can run into town or do something for most of the day and the girls are just fine.

I’m really happy in that I changed jobs recently and she now gets to be in the work pickup and ride around with me during the week. She is very people centered, to the point she wants to ride in the front seat instead of the soft blanket covered with toys back seat of the work truck.
She was in the yard whining that I was obviously doing something interesting without her (AC in the 68 K20 Burb), so she got to sit in the Burb while I wrenched under the hood.
I was always going to post a pic of Tucker, this past Tues evening to mid day wed was the shittiest of all shit days. Monday started to slow down ,but weather was rain and chilly so he was just chilling by the stove . Seemed fine tuesay morning, afternoon switch was flipped and point of no return (kidney failure ). Made the call , went and seemed so wrong . He was 10 1/2 yrs , his mom is in moore, ID now at 15 yrs! I'm quite sure he and I have spent more time together than my wife since 98😃 Are tractor has about 600 hrs on and he probably rode for 550 . Plus who know how many more on the dozer,excator,and dump truck around the property. The one pic there is 2 ,my son just got a sheltie this spring. So after this episode of life you really learn what the phrase of a dog is a man's best friend. We have wheeling friends in multiple states that would come about every year sometimes twice to beat on there junk and give free handout snacks to him!


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I was always going to post a pic of Tucker, this past Tues evening to mid day wed was the shittiest of all shit days. Monday started to slow down ,but weather was rain and chilly so he was just chilling by the stove . Seemed fine tuesay morning, afternoon switch was flipped and point of no return (kidney failure ). Made the call , went and seemed so wrong . He was 10 1/2 yrs , his mom is in moore, ID now at 15 yrs! I'm quite sure he and I have spent more time together than my wife since 98😃 Are tractor has about 600 hrs on and he probably rode for 550 . Plus who know how many more on the dozer,excator,and dump truck around the property. The one pic there is 2 ,my son just got a sheltie this spring. So after this episode of life you really learn what the phrase of a dog is a man's best friend. We have wheeling friends in multiple states that would come about every year sometimes twice to beat on there junk and give free handout snacks to him!
Very sorry for the loss of your buddy… Mine has really started to slow down this fall and it breaks my heart.
Just lost our 9yo GSD, Delta, last night. She has been acting kinda "gloomy" for a few days. I'm 4 days post-op knee surgery and this was my 2nd surgery in 2 months so just thought she was dealing with the routine changes. She did not finish her food on Monday and did not come back and eat it all day yesterday. She was just laying around near me as I recover in the room we set up for my recovery. Go get some water, come back and lay down. I noticed her breathing was faster and shallow but it didn't really register with me at the time.

She got up and went to her food bowl and was acting like she was waiting for permission. (she has to have permission to eat when we actually feed her, but there was food already in the bow). I gave her permission, and she still sat there. I told the wife to go tell her to eat and when she did, she actually nibbled on some of the food but then just laid down by the bowl. A little while later wife has to coax her to go outside and as soon as she comes back inside, lays down on the floor at the back door.

I showered and shit, then go back to my "nest" and she comes in there and lays down. Acting the same. About 9:30, I take all of my drugs and my wife helps me get into the bed and 15-20 minutes later I hear my wife saying something to Delta. She had gotten up to go get water again and apparently sorta just laid down by the water bowl. The wife kept trying to get her up to go outside and she wouldn't budge. She then peed while laying there. When I heard the wife say that, I got up and went in laid "fell" down on the floor with her. Same shallow fast breathing, wasn't warm, eyes were bright and reacting. But she has to go to the vet.

I'm 4 days post op knee surgery and have my wife and 16yo daughter. This a 75# GSD who has to get to the emergency vet. I have them get a blanket and they slide her onto the blanket and use it like a hammock to carry her out and put in the back of the car. I get a text from the daughter on the way that Delta was trying to stand up in the back of the car. 5 minutes later the wife calls and says she dead. She apparently stood up, laid back down and then passed. We have no idea what it was, she never showed distinct signs of distress and her demeanor was actually good considering something was going on.
Came home yesterday, girlfriend is in the shower and i hear a bunch of plastic rustling noises coming from her office. Probably one of the dogs messing around in there, so I ignore it. Get some groceries out of the truck and wtf the dog is still making a bunch of noise in there.

Walk in to see what the hell is going on and...


Probably had that bag on her head for at least 10-15 minutes :laughing:
Have had Cat's for years, best one passed last year and the younger cat has been lonely. Anyways picked up up a buddy last Sunday, Scout.


Weird as I walked into look at one dog that seemed perfect, he was next door. Seemed to have the qualities the first dog was supposed to have. She got adopted while we were there and little late I walked out with Scout.
Babe, my 13.5 yo Blue Tick didn’t survive Saturdays bear attack, we put her down yesterday afternoon. My wife is heartbroken, my son is very upset. I’ll try to get my shit together and write something about her in the TP.

Love you girl, miss you so much.

She is with that pillow forever now.
Babe, my 13.5 yo Blue Tick didn’t survive Saturdays bear attack, we put her down yesterday afternoon. My wife is heartbroken, my son is very upset. I’ll try to get my shit together and write something about her in the TP.

Love you girl, miss you so much.

She is with that pillow forever now.

sorry buddy.

damned allergies.
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