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Do you regret getting the vaccine?

No. My 93 yo Dad who git it ASAP wimps and bitches less than some of you. There are people dying to get the chance you brazenly toss away. For real. But do what you think is best for you. Apparently, that's what's important to some people, what's best for them.
This guy regrets his decision:lmao:
Every one in the entire fucking world calls it a vaccine. Dr, included. Call it anything you want. OK. A protective inoculation. Webster. :beret:
It’s still not an inoculation. People who call it a vaccine are mis informed. It’s a therapeutic with a very low success rate, unknown and untested side effects, and ZERO liability to the manufacturers AND those who require it. So that’s why Im adamant that you call it what it is. Calling it a vaccine implies it is vaccinating you. It’s not in the slightest.
Stop being a bitch... you ran your mouth and got called on it. Your idiotic, sarcastic plea about people just doing what's best for them was just plain dumb. I mind my business and let people make their decisions based on what they see is in their best interest. You should do the same.

150mg chillax.


Take 2 :flipoff2:
No. Already had to get anthrax and a bunch of other garbage - granted, technically FDA approved garbage.

I wouldn't ever force it on anyone. The new mask mandates are bullshit though. If the concern is that non-vaccinated people may get some new variation, fine, that sounds like a choice at this point. All that ignoring the fact that if you aren't fat, you're more likely to be fine in the end regardless. Let people make their own decisions and move on.

First dose - no side effects. Second - drowsy for 2 days, lots of napping on the couch. Nothing else yet, we'll see. Pretty sure my dick was tiny beforehand, so can't blame a shot.
Maybe they know people who got the vaccine are now spreading it hence the new mask rules. All these people that got the vaccine have been saying they're testing positive so possible? The vaccinated may be the super spreaders.
Mostly just upset that idiots on both sides won't shut the fuck up. Seriously I don't care what your dumb ass thinks is the correct thing to do is.

I got it because the risk for me is super low, work paid me for it, and I would like to visit people who actually are at risk of dieing of covid.

You got it without having a clue or doing research. Maybe you don't have the capacity to research. That's on you.

Not my problem.
Got mine because if I didn't I would have lost my job and set my whole career back a couple years. No side effects other than a sore arm and being really tired the next day. I'm mostly mad because I didn't get much of a choice in the matter, not because I actually think the vaccine is harmful, at least not to me.
So a job is worth risking your health, and injecting a drug that is not fully fda approved into your body? Not for me thanks. I told my wife if my employer requires a vaccine, I'll quit. Been there 10 years, but no employer if mine is going to force me to compromise on my personal stance on vaccines.
Total cases and deaths went down in the unvaccinated
No shit? That's crazy since cases were higher before the vaccine and everyone was unvaccinated then. Next your going to tell me total cases in vaccinated people have gone up since it came out! Not sure if I will believe it though.......

because they jumped the gun on unproven science

I have a group of surgeon friends who were all saying there were “embarrassed“ because they made a hasty decision with no real info
You admitted your ignorance, you should stick to that

there is no such things as waves in pandemics
its really ignorant to think everyone thats anti vax thinks everyone who got it wants to force it on others :homer:

youre being a hypocrite while calling others a hypocrite :lmao:
Meh. Many of the anti-Vaxers on this board are in attack mode more that free choice.
So a job is worth risking your health, and injecting a drug that is not fully fda approved into your body? Not for me thanks. I told my wife if my employer requires a vaccine, I'll quit. Been there 10 years, but no employer if mine is going to force me to compromise on my personal stance on vaccines.

What is your profession? Is it something that is in high demand and you’ll be able to pick up where you left off as far as advancement elsewhere, or is it something remedial that you can just do anywhere like assembly in a factory?

I can see where it’s worth getting the jab to someone that’s been in their career for 25+ years and has advanced well, instead of having to start all over again elsewhere.

I’m not in favor of getting the shot, but if my company says we have to I will give it some serious thought before I just walk away from where I’ve progressed to after 27 years in my career.
Moderna. First poke, I had mild side effects--lightheadedness and sleepy. Prior to the second shot a friend told me to hydrate big time beginning the day before. No side effects on the second.

The lack of critical thinking in this thread is amazing--on both sides. I got vaccinated because I'm in a higher risk group. For me, on balance, it made sense to take the long-term risk of unknown possible side effects. If I were younger and healthier, I might have made a different decision.
Got it. No regrets. I’ll also wear a mask where I’m asked to. Neither are a hassle or burden on me.

I’m on Madeline Island, WI on vacation right now. There is 1 store not requiring masks. ALL others are requiring them. It’s the owners right/freedom to require masks. Also your right/freedom to go elsewhere.

If you are not willing to vaccinate/mask/prevent potential spread, I hope you’re man enough to take care of yourself when/if you get COVID. I mean, since it’s no big deal, you certainly shouldn’t need to bother the hospitals, Dr’s and nurses with this petty illness.
Got it. No regrets. I’ll also wear a mask where I’m asked to. Neither are a hassle or burden on me.

I’m on Madeline Island, WI on vacation right now. There is 1 store not requiring masks. ALL others are requiring them. It’s the owners right/freedom to require masks. Also your right/freedom to go elsewhere.

If you are not willing to vaccinate/mask/prevent potential spread, I hope you’re man enough to take care of yourself when/if you get COVID. I mean, since it’s no big deal, you certainly shouldn’t need to bother the hospitals, Dr’s and nurses with this petty illness.
I didn't go to the hospital, nor did anyone in my entire family.i know:shocked:Right?
I've been far sicker when i was a teenager. Pneumonia is a lot more dangerous, and had me in the hospital 3 times during those years. 104° temp and couldn't move. Covid made me sick for 2 weeks, but if i had the choice, I'll do covid over Pneumonia any day.
Got it. No regrets. I’ll also wear a mask where I’m asked to. Neither are a hassle or burden on me.

I’m on Madeline Island, WI on vacation right now. There is 1 store not requiring masks. ALL others are requiring them. It’s the owners right/freedom to require masks. Also your right/freedom to go elsewhere.

If you are not willing to vaccinate/mask/prevent potential spread, I hope you’re man enough to take care of yourself when/if you get COVID. I mean, since it’s no big deal, you certainly shouldn’t need to bother the hospitals, Dr’s and nurses with this petty illness.
are you man enough to avoid the hospital, Drs and nurses when/if you get it? Or are you just a pussy?
If you are not willing to vaccinate/mask/prevent potential spread, I hope you’re man enough to take care of yourself when/if you get COVID. I mean, since it’s no big deal, you certainly shouldn’t need to bother the hospitals, Dr’s and nurses with this petty illness.
like mask, What if we find out that the vaccine actually increased your odds of getting covid and worsens your health.

It was a rush decision to get a truly untested shot, so it’s kinda on you and not the hospitals if you start having negative side effects.

Wouldn’t you agree?
If you are not willing to vaccinate/mask/prevent potential spread, I hope you’re man enough to take care of yourself when/if you get COVID. I mean, since it’s no big deal, you certainly shouldn’t need to bother the hospitals, Dr’s and nurses with this petty illness.
See that’s the issue. The attitude that masks and “vaccine” does anything is a false sense of security.

your logic states that if You eat unhealthy and have a heat attack, (kills more than COVID-19) then you shouldn’t burden the hospitals and nurses with your petty illness. The problem is we know 100% what causes and prevents heart disease. Again with covid or coronavirus, the diagnosis is not scientific and is flawed.
Watching infinity war with my 6 year old, and I'm seriously starting to think thanos might have been the only sane person in the whole mcu:lmao:And thinking i might agree with his ideals:homer:
Please explain why the masking cult and the vaccinated are still getting the rona if they prevent the spread
He can’t. All he can say is that “the unvaccinated”. Even though that makes absolutely no sense.
It's hilarious that the vaccinated blame the unvaccinated because their vaccination isn't working. It's weapons grade retardation
My favorite is what he just parroted above. The line about not making hospitals accountable because we’re not taking the vaccine.

When in reality, you sign your health away when you take that vaccine. They literally told you that you’re fucked and have zero recourse if something goes south.

Hospitals, person giving the shot, anyone promoting the shot, the cdc, the pharmaceutical companies, etc all have immunity. Your future health problems are not their problem :lmao:
It's hilarious that the vaccinated blame the unvaccinated because their vaccination isn't working. It's weapons grade retardation
I’m not blaming the unvaccinated at all. That’s your choice and you have every right to choose. My jab is at all of the “I do what I want” guys not doing anything to help. The masks work. Are they 100%? Nope. They knock the particles down, hence the need for the 6ft distancing as well. My family of 6 had the healthiest fall/winter/spring we’ve ever had. Daycare was healthier, our pediatrician had less visits, etc. The masks work.

I don’t have an answer for the people who are vaccinated getting it. I’M NOT A DR. OR SCIENTIST. Neither are 99% of you fucks. I have a good friend on the Pfizer team that presented the vaccine to Congress. She’s one of the smartest most EDUCATED people I know. She says it’s good, I’m in.
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