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COVID Vaccine!

COVID Vaccine!

  • Yes, I trust my government

    Votes: 13 9.4%
  • Hell to the naw

    Votes: 60 43.5%
  • I'll wait as late as possible to see what happens to others muahahahah

    Votes: 51 37.0%
  • Bacon

    Votes: 14 10.1%

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not so sure about the genetic aspect. It killed my brother. I got a cold and couldn’t smell my weed.
sorry about your brother. Not to dig, but did he die 100% from the China flu, or were there other underlying issues? Either way, my condolences, that sucks.
Face it: NONE of the shit you're pushing is coming true. We're two months plus into the vaccine, and we haven't seen a single fucking zombie. That's a pure undiluted failure of your conspiracy to put out what it's supposed to be doing..

Just chill the fuck out and let us take the damn vaccine if we want. I promise I won't break in to your house with a bunch of cops, hold you down and vaccinate you against your will. We're just trying to get through this shit, and you bunch of tards denying that it exists and pushing against any legit effort to stop it isn't helping... Just back the hell off, crawl up in your conspiracy hole, and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.


First off the zombie thing is a joke you dumbass.

How about this. Read what you wrote and apply it to yourself. The shot doesn't get rid of the mask. It does not stop the spread. It CLAIMS to keep you from getting super sick with covid, but that number is also such a tiny number it's not even funny.

So why don't you take your own advice and: Just back the hell off, crawl up in your conspiracy hole, and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.

Because I see no benefit to getting it NONE.
sorry about your brother. Not to dig, but did he die 100% from the China flu, or were there other underlying issues? Either way, my condolences, that sucks.

Thanks. As far as I know he was perfectly healthy before catching the ‘rona. It did a number on his lungs. He also got it before they really had any information on treatment. If I had to guess he was on a ventilator way longer than he should have been.
I'm convinced it's genetic predisposition, along with immune system health / viral load capacity as an individual.

Pre existing shit also plays a role but, a lot of that is again IMO predisposition related. Asthma, birth defects, underdeveloped lungs, blood diseases, autoimmune disorders etc.

I often browse through comment threads where someone is accused of being a heartless bastard, because they're not taking it 'seriously enough'. "You'll take it seriously when you have 4 PEOPLE IN YOUR FAMILY DIE LIKE I HAD!"

If you had 4 people in your family die, congratulations, you hit the genetic unlucky lottery IMO. You should be taking it seriously. My family (extended, all the way through great grandparents) almost never gets the light sniffles. I feel like my level of give-a-shit can comfortably be a little less.
Again, I'm not pro-vaccine. I'm anti-bullshit.

This is so far from the truth, it’s embarrassing.

When it’s pointed out that a significant number of people are dying and/or having severe reactions, you blame underlying issues.

When it’s pointed out that the only reason covid numbers are high is because of underlying issues, that’s ignored.

When it’s pointed out that hundreds of thousands of doses are recalled because of causing immediate allergic reactions, that is ignored.

Here are some “anti bullshit” facts that you cannot dispute, no matter how many dumbass walls of text you post.

The vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid
the vaccine does not prevent you from spreading covid
the vaccine has killed multiple people
the vaccine caused so many severe reactions, 300,000+ doses were recalled
You, nor anyone has any clue on the long term side effects
The actual number of covid deaths with zero contributing factors is absolutely insignificant in a population of 331 million.

But keep preaching your complete bullshit.
This is so far from the truth, it’s embarrassing.

When it’s pointed out that a significant number of people are dying and/or having severe reactions, you blame underlying issues.

When it’s pointed out that the only reason covid numbers are high is because of underlying issues, that’s ignored.

When it’s pointed out that hundreds of thousands of doses are recalled because of causing immediate allergic reactions, that is ignored.

Here are some “anti bullshit” facts that you cannot dispute, no matter how many dumbass walls of text you post.

The vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid
the vaccine does not prevent you from spreading covid
the vaccine has killed multiple people
the vaccine caused so many severe reactions, 300,000+ doses were recalled
You, nor anyone has any clue on the long term side effects
The actual number of covid deaths with zero contributing factors is absolutely insignificant in a population of 331 million.

But keep preaching your complete bullshit.

great post!
This is so far from the truth, it’s embarrassing.

When it’s pointed out that a significant number of people are dying and/or having severe reactions, you blame underlying issues. That’s not a concern? it damn sure is with COVID..

When it’s pointed out that the only reason covid numbers are high is because of underlying issues, that’s ignored. No,i don’t ignore it, i agree with it. always have, likely always will. Wholeheartedly. anything to the contrary is in your own head,dumbass.

When it’s pointed out that hundreds of thousands of doses are recalled because of causing immediate allergic reactions, that is ignored. While that’s not out of the realm of possibility with a new vaccine like this, I’ve yet to see even a hint of that in what i’d consider a legit medical source. I’ll retain my doubts as to the veracity of that claim until such time that my mind is changed,

Here are some “anti bullshit” facts that you cannot dispute, no matter how many dumbass walls of text you post.

The vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid Allegedly. PROVE to me that nobody ever gained any immunity from the vaccine. I’ll wait.
the vaccine does not prevent you from spreading covid ditto. You can’t prove it doesn’t, they can’t prove it does. we’re not far enough into this for the data to be statistically significant.
the vaccine has killed multiple people Show me the bodies, accompanied by autopsy reports that they were specifically killed by vaccine exposure. I’ll wait.
the vaccine caused so many severe reactions, 300,000+ doses were recalled You’re repeating yourself. might want to check and see if you’ve got a fever.
You, nor anyone has any clue on the long term side effects Nor do you. welcome to life.
The actual number of covid deaths with zero contributing factors is absolutely insignificant in a population of 331 million. Yep. I’ve always agreed with that. except in your own imagination.

But keep preaching your complete bullshit.

Why am i not ready to just kick the vaccine to the curb? because i’ve researched it fairly extensively since the efforts began. Is it of concern that some shortcuts were taken in testing? Sure. desperate times call for desperate measures.
1. This was developed in a regulatory environment that we really haven’t seen since the ‘50s. This may very well just simply be a normal timespan without the FDA turning it into a clusterfuck.
2. Add to that the sheer amount of resources applied to this; absolutely unprecedented, and i’m not talking about just money. There is never been a vaccine effort that has ever had this level of computing power unleashed on it, parallel and/or cooperative efforts from multiple labs, universities, etc.. Saying “there’s no way you can come up with a vaccine that fast” is akin to saying “there’s no way a carmaker can shift to start building heavy bombers in a matter of months”...Sorry, i trust the ability of a motivated industry to do some pretty spectacular shit when they’re allowed to by government.
3. The mRNA “method”.. sure, it’s new, hasn’t successfully been done yet. However, it’s been in the works for years, once the technological power that we’ve got now advanced to the point where it could be applied. Just like any new medical technologies, however, you’re probably going to kill some monkeys along the way. Nature of the beast, but at some point, on occasion, things come together and you get an effective drug, procedure, or vaccine. The possibility/probability that that method will ultimately work is likely no more or less than pretty much any other medical advance...
4. “it’s not proven to work”... Well, at some level, in some size population, yes it is... It DID go through an accelerated test schedule, with live people, and they were showing a fairly significant immunity. that accelerated schedule doesn’t allow for “what happens in two years”, of course. However, it's likely to show a better level of immunity than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. I'm good with “better”.

I simply weighed the above narrative with the plethora of conspiracy theories put forth by the anti-vaxxers and the like..add a healthy dose of Occam’s razor, and that narrative simply held more water.. I’m fully aware we’re on virgin ground here, and don’t have any idea how it’ll turn out, Neither do you. I’m maintaining a healthy optimism that at worst it’ll be mildly positive, and at best it’ll just simply work. I simply haven’t seen enough evidence to the contrary that left me with enough solid skepticism to make that view turn to pessimism.

I’ll remain open to any legitimate evidence to further refine if not change my views.
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No, no connection to them at all. No impetus to push them, I don't really care if you take it or not. A few wayward anti-vaxxers aren't really around in enough numbers to really affect the whole herd immunity theory.

Again, I'm not pro-vaccine. I'm anti-bullshit. Which is probably 80-90% of what is being used in an effort to convince people that the vaccines are evil incarnate. Sorry, but no matter how much of that spiel you're spewing, I ain't buying it. Sure, I'll buy some of it on the rare occasion that you say something that is touching on logical, but for the most part, that's been pretty few and far between. I'm just a big devotee of Occam's Razor, and to be honest, the standard narrative simply is a simpler explanation of the virus than the convoluted line of conspiracy bullshit you guys are pushing... Come up with something that isn't easily debunked with about thirty seconds of looking around on the internet, and heck, I may be all on board with the hell-no crowd. That hasn't happened yet. Every single piece of "evidence" that you guys come up with is either just from another bunch of anti-vaxxers, or at the very least conspiracy-oriented sources that are pushing the same narrative. Just look at raw numbers, apply some basic mathematical skills, and it's quite apparent that it's bullshit and you guys haven't successfully done your job of convincing people like me that there's ANY reason not to take the stuff. I asked multiple times "Just what's the downside": The closest thing I got to an actual symptom is Guillain-Barre syndrome: Which, thirty seconds worth of digging shows, is not occurring at any rate higher than the background population of the study. Everything else where people are firmly convinced they answered that question is just the same old tired bullshit about government control of our lives..

Here's the rub: We've vaccinated multiple millions of people in this country so far. If this was even vaguely as deadly a vaccine as you guys are trying to suggest, we should be stacking bodies by now. We're not. All we have is just the same bullshit the COVID death count is famous for: an 89 year old woman with heart problems dies two days after she is vaccinated? OH MY GOD THE VACCINE KILLED HER, MAKE SURE SHE'S ON THE LIST!!!. No morgue trucks backed up to vaccination centers, no zombies, no nothing. Just people saying " ow" , rubbing their arm, and going about their business.

Face it: NONE of the shit you're pushing is coming true. We're two months plus into the vaccine, and we haven't seen a single fucking zombie. That's a pure undiluted failure of your conspiracy to put out what it's supposed to be doing..

Just chill the fuck out and let us take the damn vaccine if we want. I promise I won't break in to your house with a bunch of cops, hold you down and vaccinate you against your will. We're just trying to get through this shit, and you bunch of tards denying that it exists and pushing against any legit effort to stop it isn't helping... Just back the hell off, crawl up in your conspiracy hole, and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.


It’s bad and IS killing people. Likely you are higher risk taking the vaccine statistically. The CDC has taken the database offline because people are looking it up. That’s my screenshot right now.

Why am i not ready to just kick the vaccine to the curb? because i’ve researched it fairly extensively since the efforts began. Is it of concern that some shortcuts were taken in testing? Sure. desperate times call for desperate measures.
1. This was developed in a regulatory environment that we really haven’t seen since the ‘50s. This may very well just simply be a normal timespan without the FDA turning it into a clusterfuck.
2. Add to that the sheer amount of resources applied to this; absolutely unprecedented, and i’m not talking about just money. There is never been a vaccine effort that has ever had this level of computing power unleashed on it, parallel and/or cooperative efforts from multiple labs, universities, etc.. Saying “there’s no way you can come up with a vaccine that fast” is akin to saying “there’s no way a carmaker can shift to start building heavy bombers in a matter of months”...Sorry, i trust the ability of a motivated industry to do some pretty spectacular shit when they’re allowed to by government.
3. The mRNA “method”.. sure, it’s new, hasn’t successfully been done yet. However, it’s been in the works for years, once the technological power that we’ve got now advanced to the point where it could be applied. Just like any new medical technologies, however, you’re probably going to kill some monkeys along the way. Nature of the beast, but at some point, on occasion, things come together and you get an effective drug, procedure, or vaccine. The possibility/probability that that method will ultimately work is likely no more or less than pretty much any other medical advance...
4. “it’s not proven to work”... Well, at some level, in some size population, yes it is... It DID go through an accelerated test schedule, with live people, and they were showing a fairly significant immunity. that accelerated schedule doesn’t allow for “what happens in two years”, of course. However, it's likely to show a better level of immunity than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. I'm good with “better”.

I simply weighed the above narrative with the plethora of conspiracy theories put forth by the anti-vaxxers and the like..add a healthy dose of Occam’s razor, and that narrative simply held more water.. I’m fully aware we’re on virgin ground here, and don’t have any idea how it’ll turn out, Neither do you. I’m maintaining a healthy optimism that at worst it’ll be mildly positive, and at best it’ll just simply work. I simply haven’t seen enough evidence to the contrary that left me with enough solid skepticism to make that view turn to pessimism.

I’ll remain open to any legitimate evidence to further refine if not change my views.

Your logic is completely fucking retarded.

You agree that covid literally effects an insignificant portion of the population without underlying issues, yet mass vaccines that have unknown side effects and people have died and are having severe allergic reactions to are a good idea:lmao::lmao:
Your logic is completely fucking retarded.

You agree that covid literally effects an insignificant portion of the population without underlying issues, yet mass vaccines that have unknown side effects and people have died and are having severe allergic reactions to are a good idea:lmao::lmao:

and again, your sole definition of an effect is death. My definition is broader than that. It affects a lot of people. it kills a very few.
This is so far from the truth, it’s embarrassing.

When it’s pointed out that a significant number of people are dying and/or having severe reactions, you blame underlying issues.

When it’s pointed out that the only reason covid numbers are high is because of underlying issues, that’s ignored.

When it’s pointed out that hundreds of thousands of doses are recalled because of causing immediate allergic reactions, that is ignored.

Here are some “anti bullshit” facts that you cannot dispute, no matter how many dumbass walls of text you post.

The vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid
the vaccine does not prevent you from spreading covid
the vaccine has killed multiple people
the vaccine caused so many severe reactions, 300,000+ doses were recalled
You, nor anyone has any clue on the long term side effects
The actual number of covid deaths with zero contributing factors is absolutely insignificant in a population of 331 million.

But keep preaching your complete bullshit.

Yeah, but!!!!!

among other effects, yes. Do you think that all these people that are actually sick are just imagining things?

Absolutely not. Many that get covid, are experiencing the same symptoms as those getting the vaccine:lmao:

Oh yeah, I forgot, “the vaccine doesn’t have negative side effects”:laughing:
Absolutely not. Many that get covid, are experiencing the same symptoms as those getting the vaccine:lmao:

Oh yeah, I forgot, “the vaccine doesn’t have negative side effects”:laughing:
I know probably 20 people that have gotten the vaccine, or at least the first shot, haven’t heard of anybody that had any side effects at all besides the sore arm thing for a few hours. Meanwhile, i know 5 people at home with the virus as we speak. All of those say it’s sucks pretty bad.
I know probably 20 people that have gotten the vaccine, or at least the first shot, haven’t heard of anybody that had any side effects at all besides the sore arm thing for a few hours. Meanwhile, i know 5 people at home with the virus as we speak. All of those say it’s sucks pretty bad.

You’re fuckin pathetic :lmao::lmao:
You’re fuckin pathetic :lmao::lmao:
please elaborate. in my personal experience with people i know, the vaccine doesn’t seem to have significant side effects. The disease. on the other hand, sucks Just what, pray tell, is pathetic about that real-world anecdotal account, except that it doesn’t fit your narrative?
I know probably 20 people that have gotten the vaccine, or at least the first shot, haven’t heard of anybody that had any side effects at all besides the sore arm thing for a few hours. Meanwhile, i know 5 people at home with the virus as we speak. All of those say it’s sucks pretty bad.

Of the 8 people I know who have had Covid, only one had more than mild flu symptoms ...

So what’s your exact point?
please elaborate. in my personal experience with people i know, the vaccine doesn’t seem to have significant side effects. The disease. on the other hand, sucks Just what, pray tell, is pathetic about that real-world anecdotal account, except that it doesn’t fit your narrative?

You lost all credibility when you tried to justify your stance with the “people I know” bullshit.

So because you don’t know anyone that suffered side effects, it’s good:lmao::lmao:
You lost all credibility when you tried to justify your stance with the “people I know” bullshit.

So because you don’t know anyone that suffered side effects, it’s good:lmao::lmao:
Did i say that side effects were impossible? of course not. that would be as stupid as saying that the side effects were the norm. That was simply the case among that group. Maybe they got a good batch, i don’t know, but in this population, the side effect fears seem to be unwarranted.
Of the 8 people I know who have had Covid, only one had more than mild flu symptoms ...

So what’s your exact point?

I had it, mild side effects for 1 day.

wife, son, wife’s aunt, uncle, cousins X3, countless friends of mine have had it, I have endless amounts of customers that have had it and they all say the same thing.

“Felt kinda off, so I went and got tested and was positive. Was really insignificant”

Her grandma is currently in the hospital, went in Friday afternoon. She is 89 and is experiencing severe diarrhea and shortness of breath.

So now what?:lmao:
Did i say that side effects were impossible? of course not. that would be as stupid as saying that the side effects were the norm. That was simply the case among that group. Maybe they got a good batch, i don’t know, but in this population, the side effect fears seem to be unwarranted.

I can’t take you seriously any further. You went to the “yeah, well my dad can beat up your dad” argument. :lmao:
and that i really don’t want to get the damn virus.
why not, all the cool kids are doing it

I just don't get why there's all this fear about it when stuff that actually kills people like hiv, staph, and hantavirus exist
I got the 1st Moderna shot about 2:15 this afternoon.

I took 4 ibuprofen as a precaution about 4:00, based on advice of some medial friends. So far I feel a little like someone punched my arm.

No other side effects, maybe a slight urge to buy more Microsoft products.
That the vaccine side effect fears may possibly be overblown, and that i really don’t want to get the damn virus.

So the vaccine fears are overblown, but the virus fears are not?

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