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Big Dumb Loads

Maybe ground contact on 4-8 tires instead of 386 of them?

I think ground pressure would likely be similar between the vehicle's larger but fewer tires, or the trailer's 386 small tires.

What I suspect is that when going over bridges, axle loading is much higher if the vehicle is being driven, so having that load spread over a much larger footprint is better.

Also, I suspect the truck/trailer are much cheaper to operate than the big dumper.
Sometime I wonder why can’t they just drive the stripped down dump truck? It’s rubber tire’d after all

Long, long time ago a couple morons bought a huge quarry loader to use in gravel and sand pits around here. Something stupid like a 12 or 15 yd bucket.

Problem being...if the operator dumped too quickly, he'd blow out the suspension on the trucks. Honestly don't recall if there was air ride suspension that long ago on dump trucks. So no one would allow them to load their trucks.

They decided to move it down the road to another pit. No permit. Then they collapsed a bridge driving over it.
I think ground pressure would likely be similar between the vehicle's larger but fewer tires, or the trailer's 386 small tires.

What I suspect is that when going over bridges, axle loading is much higher if the vehicle is being driven,

My suspicion is that when you start talking 20ft wide mining equipment the whole axle loading winds up being a distinction without a difference in a lot of cases because while going from two axles ~40ft apart to two axle groups ~50ft apart does have some merit you're also taking something that'd bear on two lanes of bridge and making it bear on one lane of bridge.

We're talking about equipment that spends all day driving on dirt shelf roads. If it was really that hard on things it'd wind up in the bottom of the pit more often. :laughing:

Fuck off to another thread with that unladen truck.

Also I get that it's not your video but people who make shit that's absolutely normal and industry standard, like a walking beam suspension on a truck that goes off road, out to be special deserve to get hit in the face with the back side of a framing hammer.
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That explorer has ~500lb on the F100, double the horsepower, triple the brakes and the loss of 2ft wheelbase is mostly if not fully made up for by having a foot less overhang to the hitch.

And this isn't just me being all "yeah you can tow that with a Ford Taurus if you're careful". Y'all need to get with the fucking times. Progress adds up.
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That explorer has ~500lb on the F100, double the horsepower, triple the brakes and the loss of 2ft wheelbase is mostly made up for by having a foot less overhang to the hitch.

And this isn't just me being all "yeah you can tow that with a Ford Taurus if you're careful". Y'all need to get with the fucking times. Progress adds up.
Its still unibody.

I'd rather tow the explorer with the truck.
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