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Big Dumb Loads

Not a load, part of the propulsion system for that jet powered car.
on all the beemers you just wreck weather stripping and they don't seal right on close... that's really a thing on the CCs? nuts
they doink the windows really hard against the door frame, hard enough that I wasn't about to try and close the door until the jump box was hooked up
bet the reports of breakage are from people closing the door
the angle of the glass is kinda such that it opens

Looks like that truck driver and trucking company just bought themselves a bridge.

I know back in the last half of the 1980s an outfit did something like that on the bridge over the Smith River on 199 near Crescent City CA. Tried taking an over height load across the bridge and damaged it beyond repair. It was either not permitted or it was off the permitted route, can't remember.
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