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Biden dropping out

Oh thats definitely up for debate. I know I sure was pointing and laughing at Gary Johnson and that dumb fuck they are running now and all the people that voted for them for no other reason than cause Libertarian. I sure aint the only one. Hell even in here you have Libertarians only beginning to entertain the idea of not voting for chase oliver despite his shit position.
Yea you have the Gary's of the world on here that do the protest vote, im talking people who are actually halfway familiar with what libertarianism actually is (it's not fiscally conservative, socially liberal), are almost always vocally opposed to whoever the L party puts up.
Oh thats definitely up for debate. I know I sure was pointing and laughing at Gary Johnson and that dumb fuck they are running now and all the people that voted for them for no other reason than cause Libertarian. I sure aint the only one. Hell even in here you have Libertarians only beginning to entertain the idea of not voting for chase oliver despite his shit position.
voting is progressivism bro
I can't wipe the shit eating grin off of my face at how the Dems have identity politicked their way into a massive problem. Kamala was tabbed as VP because she was a black woman, period. Checking those boxes. Nevermind that her Presidential campaign was a massive failure and that she was rebuked by literally every demographic including women and blacks and she dropped out when she did to avoid coming in 4th or 5th in her own state. She was going to get single digit percentages in her home state. She was a fucking disaster. But she was black and she was female and she'd been on that debate stage so let's make her VP. Now they have this falling apart old man in the WH and can't deny it anymore. They lied to their own party voters about this man's current state and denied them an opportunity to vote for someone else in an open primary. They need to remove him from the ballot but they have a massive Kamala problem. How do you pass her up to tab someone else? Especially knowing that she's gonna run screaming to the media like a hit dog squawking about racism, sexism, all the -isms. It's a PR nightmare. But they still have a Kamala problem in that she's the VP, everyone hates her, and she's the most consequential VP possibly ever because looking at Biden everyone has to assume there's a VERY real chance he doesn't finish a second term.

TLDR version: the Dems are fucked and it's a fucking completely of their own doing.
I can't wipe the shit eating grin off of my face at how the Dems have identity politicked their way into a massive problem. Kamala was tabbed as VP because she was a black woman, period. Checking those boxes. Nevermind that her Presidential campaign was a massive failure and that she was rebuked by literally every demographic including women and blacks and she dropped out when she did to avoid coming in 4th or 5th in her own state. She was going to get single digit percentages in her home state. She was a fucking disaster. But she was black and she was female and she'd been on that debate stage so let's make her VP. Now they have this falling apart old man in the WH and can't deny it anymore. They lied to their own party voters about this man's current state and denied them an opportunity to vote for someone else in an open primary. They need to remove him from the ballot but they have a massive Kamala problem. How do you pass her up to tab someone else? Especially knowing that she's gonna run screaming to the media like a hit dog squeaking about racism, sexism, all the -isms. It's a PR nightmare. But they still have a Kamala problem in that she's the VP, everyone hates her, and she's the most consequential VP possibly ever because looking at Biden everyone has to assume there's a VERY real chance he doesn't finish a second term.

TLDR version: the Dems are fucked and it's a fucking completely of their own doing.
The out for her is the same as Biden, but they don't do it because they have no integrity. It's not hard, just admit the truth, apologize, and move on.

The only thing they could have done after the debate was admit he's not in shape to run again and admit they need to replace him. But of course they did what they always do, they double down on the lie and blame anyone and anything else.

Hell even half ass telling the truth would go a lot further for them than doubling down on the stupidity.
The gaslighting about the debate being a sudden revelation of Biden's cognitive decline is pure insanity. Anyone who was paying attention knew he was shot in 2020 when he needed Jill by his side to whisper like a ventriloquist because he couldn't even remember who he was running against.
It's not from the perspective of the Dem base. They watch CNN and MSNBC, they read left leaning sources, they listen to left leaning podcasts. They were being lied to. For about 24 hours I actually held out hope they woke up. They saw the reality, they were all screaming that Biden had to step aside
But then the Democratic Party elite spoke up and assured them that this was just a bad debate performance and they had to rally around Joe and they did. I wish I could say I was shocked by that but these people really are just sheep.
It's truly amazing that so many retards are still supporting him and claiming he has done and is done a great job. Well, maybe its just the local retards on our local news FB page but I have a feeling its much wider.
It's not from the perspective of the Dem base. They watch CNN and MSNBC, they read left leaning sources, they listen to left leaning podcasts. They were being lied to. For about 24 hours I actually held out hope they woke up. They saw the reality, they were all screaming that Biden had to step aside
But then the Democratic Party elite spoke up and assured them that this was just a bad debate performance and they had to rally around Joe and they did. I wish I could say I was shocked by that but these people really are just sheep.
The average person hears a lie often enough and they just believe it. It doesn't take being in an echo chamber. Just seeing headlines from a name they know is enough for most people and those headlines are plastered all over social media, home pages on the internet and phones, and repeated ad nauseum on the radio, local news, etc. Most people are heavily influenced by just passively hearing a lie often enough.
It's truly amazing that so many retards are still supporting him and claiming he has done and is done a great job. Well, maybe its just the local retards on our local news FB page but I have a feeling its much wider.

good. let the die hards keep supporting him. Biden needs to be on the ticket. no matter how senile or incoherent he is. Dont interupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. and if they do steal it again, it will be even more obvious than before and harder for everyone to ignore.
I actually liked Johnson. His record as Governor Veto in NM was enough (he vetoed every unnecessary spending bill that crossed his desk).
NM voters are Schizophrenic, we will have a D government for 8 years who spend, spend, spend. Then an R that spend 8 years getting the books back in order creating a surplus (usually through taxes on the oil and gas industry), Then for the next 8 the Ds try to destroy te O&G idustry while spending all the money
It's truly amazing that so many retards are still supporting him and claiming he has done and is done a great job. Well, maybe its just the local retards on our local news FB page but I have a feeling its much wider.
I honestly don't even think they believe that. It just boils down to they believe that literally anybody is better than Trump but they have to try to at least convince themselves that this guy is doing a good job despite all the evidence to the contrary.
I honestly don't even think they believe that. It just boils down to they believe that literally anybody is better than Trump but they have to try to at least convince themselves that this guy is doing a good job despite all the evidence to the contrary.
So....retarded. :laughing:
they sell outrage. and maybe the white, suburban, women idiots who voted for Biden sit at home and watch it.
People who suck on the government tit welfare do nothing all day watch it I’m sure
Boomers are the only folks who still watch cable news. I don't know anyone my age or younger who watches that stuff. But boomers watch the hell out of it. My dad is a contractor who mainly does remodels. I help him out when I have time. Every retiree's house we work on, they're sitting there just gorging thenselves on either Fox News or CNN/MSNBC. I mean, literally every single one of them. It's just like... man, turn that shit the fuck off. I guarantee you your mood and general outlook on the world will improve leaps and bounds.
You’re full of shit too, I know a lot of boomers and they don’t watch that crap.
You’re full of shit too, I know a lot of boomers and they don’t watch that crap.
Yeah, I'm just making it all up. What I said was completely fake.

Fuck you. Have you ever considered not being a self important fucking asshole? Has it ever occurred to you that two people can have different experiences, especially when they live on opposite sides of the fucking continent. You're the first one to cry like a bitch when people lash out at you but you need to look into the mirror and realize you have it coming most of the times it happens.

I also need to point out that it's your boomer ass who links about twenty fucking Fox News links a week. :laughing:
Yeah, I'm just making it all up. What I said was completely fake.

Fuck you. Have you ever considered not being a self important fucking asshole? Has it ever occurred to you that two people can have different experiences, especially when they live on opposite sides of the fucking continent. You're the first one to cry like a bitch when people lash out at you but you need to look into the mirror and realize you have it coming most of the times it happens.

I also need to point out that it's your boomer ass who links about twenty fucking Fox News links a week. :laughing:
It's not from the perspective of the Dem base. They watch CNN and MSNBC, they read left leaning sources, they listen to left leaning podcasts. They were being lied to. For about 24 hours I actually held out hope they woke up. They saw the reality, they were all screaming that Biden had to step aside
But then the Democratic Party elite spoke up and assured them that this was just a bad debate performance and they had to rally around Joe and they did. I wish I could say I was shocked by that but these people really are just sheep.
The Dems really use a strong magnet to pull all their clowns together. Clowns can’t resist it.
Yeah, I'm just making it all up. What I said was completely fake.

Fuck you. Have you ever considered not being a self important fucking asshole? Has it ever occurred to you that two people can have different experiences, especially when they live on opposite sides of the fucking continent. You're the first one to cry like a bitch when people lash out at you but you need to look into the mirror and realize you have it coming most of the times it happens.

I also need to point out that it's your boomer ass who links about twenty fucking Fox News links a week. :laughing:
Dyam, struck a whiny c**t nerve I see :lmao:

Go find all those links I post up from Fox News… I’ll wait right here.


BREAKING: First Democrat Lawmaker Calls on Biden to Exit 2024 Race​

Fred Lucas | July 02, 2024


(Photo: Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/ Getty Images)

Fred Lucas@FredLucasWH
Fred Lucas is chief news correspondent and manager of the Investigative Reporting Project for The Daily Signal. He is the author of “The Myth of Voter Suppression: The Left’s Assault on Clean Elections.” Send an email to Fred.
Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, is calling on President Joe Biden to drop out of the 2024 presidential race.
Doggett is the first elected Democrat to call for Biden to step aside from the race after most Democrat leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries–both of New York, as well as former President Barack Obama and others publicly supported Biden after the what many Democrats and even liberal pundits conceded was a poor debate performance on Thursday.

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Polling after the presidential debate show Biden’s Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, gaining a more decisive lead.

“My decision to make these strong reservations public is not done lightly nor does it in any way diminish my respect for all that President Biden has achieved,” Doggett said in a public statement. “Recognizing that, unlike Trump, President Biden’s first commitment has always been to our country, not himself, I am hopeful that he will make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw. I respectfully call on him to do so.”
Biden has reportedly not called congressional Democrats since was deemed a disastrous debate.
Doggett made a historical comparison to President Lyndon B. Johnson, who withdrew from the presidential race in March 1968 amid deep unpopularity.
“I represent the heart of a congressional district once represented by Lyndon Johnson. Under very different circumstances, he made the painful decision to withdraw,” Doggett said in his statement. “President Biden should do the same.”
The president and his family seem determined to remain in the contest. First lady Jill Biden told Vogue they “will not let those 90 minutes define the four years he’s been president. We will continue to fight.”
Doggett’s announcement comes the same day as a report that Democrat governors had a teleconference organized by Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, CNN’s Jake Tapper reported. The governors did not have a specific message, but expressed they wanted to hear from Biden.
A recent CNN poll found Trump leading Biden by 49% to 43%. Most pre-debate polls found Trump leading by one or two points.

A Morning Consult poll found that 60% of Democrats thought he should be replaced on the ticket. A separate YouGov poll found that 72% of voters say Biden lacks the the mental or cognitive health to serve as president.
Biden won every Democrat presidential state primary this year, with overwhelming victories over Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn. However, the nomination isn’t formal until delegates to the Democratic National Convention vote to nominate a candidate for president and vice president. The delegates are schedule to vote by a virtual roll call the week before meeting in Chicago for the formal convention.
However, swapping out Biden for another candidate could run into legal hurdles. The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project noted last month that a national party can nominate a candidate, but a patchwork of state laws determines what a political party must do to substitute someone else as a presidential nominee.
The Biden family reportedly met on Sunday, and and showed resolve to stay in the 2024 race. Biden held a rally in North Carolina the day after the debate and admitted, “I don’t walk as easy as I used to, I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to,” but added, “But I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job, I know how to get things done.”
The out for her is the same as Biden, but they don't do it because they have no integrity. It's not hard, just admit the truth, apologize, and move on.

The only thing they could have done after the debate was admit he's not in shape to run again and admit they need to replace him. But of course they did what they always do, they double down on the lie and blame anyone and anything else.

Hell even half ass telling the truth would go a lot further for them than doubling down on the stupidity.
They say the opposite of what they do.

The media has decided they want someone younger and new to support. They are setting groundwork for making this election on age. They are going to kick him out for being too old, and then hang the old, senile, man tag on Trump

The party knows if he drops, all the super pak's and any big money donor that are maxed out on their contributions are now back in play for another round of donations.

Biden is saying he is doubling down, but he is also saying he fixed medicare, and no American Soldiers died in his term. You can't listen to his words .. they are meaningless.
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I also need to point out that it's your boomer ass who links about twenty fucking Fox News links a week. :laughing:

If the Fox News is accurate, does it matter where it came from?

I posted a link at some forum from Russian Times, it was something about Covid and it was 100% accurate. Someone ripped into me because it came from RT.com but completely ignored the content.
CJP talking now and blaming it on a cold. So far totally ignoring his bad performance. Blaming the tragedy in his life and that he knows how to "come back" His record for the past 4 years stands for itself. Pelosi said it's not about the performance of the debate but performance of his presidency.

Biden gave us the best economic recovery in history. NO DUH. the whole country was closed down!!!!

spin spin spin

Hopefully she gets some good questions

Did biden get a neurological scan after the debate??? hahahahahaha
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