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Biden dropping out

It’s easy to say that but weren’t you able to take your mom in and care for her? The other end of our life’s is something people don’t want to deal with in reality, taking care of an elderly that can’t do it themselves anymore is a full time job and not an easy one. Only thing to hope for is a quick lights out like a big stroke or heart attack instead of just whittling away to nothing while staring out into space drooling.

Start out in diapers and end up in them.

My mom was a mean dementia/Alzheimer's patient.

She wouldn't take her meds. My wife went for a week to get her to take her meds...it was an hour to hour and a half. She'd swear up and down she took them. She'd get furious, argue, bitch, piss, moan, and then finally take them all at once.

I had to take my dad to the ER one Sunday morning because he thought he was having a heart attack because the stress she was putting on him. She would yell, scream, accuse him of anything and everything. He was no saint, but he loved her and just wanted to be with her.

She was going to run away to my sister in Kannuckia. She didn't know how she was going to get there, but she was going.

It was beyond our ability to take care of her and prevent something from happening to her or my dad.

She was admitted the day before Whitler shut down the nursing homes to everyone, except those with Covid. Or sexual abusers. My dad went the next day to visit and the door was locked. He was so happy she was admitted because it was less than a mile from their house, he could visit and eat with her. But nope...that bitch freaked out when the Covidiocy hit. She was also on hospice when she was admitted.
Were you going to change his shit soaked bedding and diapers twice a day ? It's a painful hurtful discussion to have. Seriously, sorry for your loss. :usa: You and I may well end up there one day . . . .

See above.

Honestly it scares me that I could get it since she did. I see what happened to her and freaks me out. Add into that a good number of bad concussions and I'm at a fairly high risk...supposedly. Hopefully the genes from my dad are stronger.
You’re voting the party not the candidate. Thats the point.
I along with many others will vote for Trump because he’s our only option. Not because we feel he’s a great option. That’s disappointing.

As far as on the fence voters, there’s a lot of people out there that agree with conservative talking points other than the hard line religious views. And dems that agree with liberal policies other than their hardcore views.

In the end, we really don’t have control over who ends up being your parties candidate and even so, you’ll never have someone running who everyone will agree with either.

People say “the lesser of two evils) it’s somewhat true but the parties agenda and goals are where I look for my votes.

I take it no hot rod on here wants to throw their hat in the ring to be potus, it’s better to be an arm chair complainer.
Exactly. Thursday night was him at his best pumped full of every cocktail they could throw at him to rev him up. He's probably way worse than that on a day to day basis.

I kinda wonder if they wore him out with all the debate prep.

Not that he isn't a vegetable, but just made it worse.

Probably tried changing his sleep schedule as well so 9 PM would fall between 10-4.
I kinda wonder if they wore him out with all the debate prep.

Not that he isn't a vegetable, but just made it worse.

Probably tried changing his sleep schedule as well so 9 PM would fall between 10-4.
Even if that's the case, that's not an actual defense of what we saw. If debate prep wears you out you're not fit to serve as POTUS. He proved he couldn't even make it through round one of the interviews. If any CEO of a publicly traded company gave a public performance that bad he or she would be forced out the very next day because stock prices are gonna tank.
Even if that's the case, that's not an actual defense of what we saw. If debate prep wears you out you're not fit to serve as POTUS. He proved he couldn't even make it through round one of the interviews. If any CEO of a publicly traded company gave a public performance that bad he or she would be forced out the very next day because stock prices are gonna tank.

Entirely agree...just thinking out loud and if they actually screwed him up even worse than he already is.

IF so, it would be hilarious.
Entirely agree...just thinking out loud and if they actually screwed him up even worse than he already is.

IF so, it would be hilarious.
That's what some Democratic party insiders are trying to argue. His preparers tried to give him too many facts for him to handle. No, really. They're seriously making that argument as if it's a legitimate defense for the sitting POTUS to be overwhelmed by being given a handful of stats and shit to be able to drop during a debate.
That's what some Democratic party insiders are trying to argue. His preparers tried to give him too many facts for him to handle. No, really. They're seriously making that argument as if it's a legitimate defense for the sitting POTUS to be overwhelmed by being given a handful of stats and shit to be able to drop during a debate.

Doesn't mean it's not true...the first part that is.
Doesn't mean it's not true...the first part that is.
I mean, they would've just prepared him like they would have any competent participant in a POTUS debate. He's just not competent.
I mean, they would've just prepared him like they would have any competent participant in a POTUS debate. He's just not competent.

if they kept him informed and an active participant in his own administration, there would be no need for some 7 day cram session to catch him up on all the shit hes been missing for 4 years.
To be fair he's been incompetent for his whole life, why change now.

thats not actually true. hes been lucid, articulate, willfully corrupt, and knows exactly what he's been doing. Dont try and excuse away 50 years as a corrupt ped elected official as being incompetent.

thats what everyone needs to understand.... the people that hate us arent incompetent. they hate us, they hate freedom, and they hate what America stands for. Joe is not just Joe, he represents every progressive ideal that they prop him up with. sure, he's senile as hell, but he wasnt for a majority of his life. dont excuse his corruption and raping for incompetence.
NO...Not f they met him they wouldn't.
I mean, they probably did dumb it down significantly once they realized in horror what they were actually working with.

Democrats should be fucking outraged at their party and White House insiders who were very obviously lying about the state of the president. If I was a Democrat I'd be unbelievably pissed off that the party refused to entertain any thought of a primary to try to prop up this man.
thats not actually true. hes been lucid, articulate, willfully corrupt, and knows exactly what he's been doing. Dont try and excuse away 50 years as a corrupt ped elected official as being incompetent.

thats what everyone needs to understand.... the people that hate us arent incompetent. they hate us, they hate freedom, and they hate what America stands for. Joe is not just Joe, he represents every progressive ideal that they prop him up with. sure, he's senile as hell, but he wasnt for a majority of his life. dont excuse his corruption and raping for incompetence.
Completely agreed.

Now do a lifetime of crooked business deal by Trump.

We're led by fucking criminals.
I mean, they probably did dumb it down significantly once they realized in horror what they were actually working with.

Democrats should be fucking outraged at their party and White House insiders who were very obviously lying about the state of the president. If I was a Democrat I'd be unbelievably pissed off that the party refused to entertain any thought of a primary to try to prop up this man.
Dude... It was out there. They had the facts. The fact they ignored it is on them.

We all saw it, and we aren't in some super secret society where we get special insider information.

They weren't sneaky or clever. It's been out there for YEARS.

And honestly, 1/2 the country will still support him.
Dude... It was out there. They had the facts. The fact they ignored it is on them.

We all saw it, and we aren't in some super secret society where we get special insider information.

They weren't sneaky or clever. It's been out there for YEARS.

And honestly, 1/2 the country will still support him.
You gotta realize, they're just listening to an echo chamber of pro-Democratic stuff. All those pro-Democratic sources were lying their asses off about the president's state. I'd be fucking pissed if I was them but they're gonna just "but Trump" their way through it.
Simple, it’s not the first time they’ve been lied to about it and they’re used to it at this point. The guy I mentioned a few pages back is still a Bernie bro deep down inside. He’s mad about Hilary fucking Bernie over and thinks (perhaps rightfully so) that Bernie could have beat Trump. I think at this point people like him just don’t know who to vote for since their real picks are always sidelined somehow. So blue no matter who is all they will entertain.
Sounds similar to the libertarian party just putting up random people who don’t represent their party. But will libertarians swallow the pill and vote for them anyway?
Completely agreed.

Now do a lifetime of crooked business deal by Trump.

We're led by fucking criminals.

crooked business deals? thats your issue? welcome to the world, sweet summer child. Did he do anything illegal? Pretty sure hes had the IRS and everyone else in his ass his whole career and hes been squeaky clean.

People dont like other people playing within the confines of the rule book. business is cut throat, take no prisoners, at times. because it has to be. id rather have a ruthless business man than a lying, theiving senator/Vp/congress critter for 50 years who stole money and then laundered it.

bidens refinanced their home 35 times since the 70s. they have refinanced or opened line of credits every 17 months since then. what is that, but pure money laundering and payoffs. They've borrowed $6 million dollars over the decades. the bribes, money laundering then pay off all those loans and LOCs and nobody knows who did it. pure corrupt genius.
Sounds similar to the libertarian party just putting up random people who don’t represent their party. But will libertarians swallow the pill and vote for them anyway?
I might this cycle simply because I'm afraid this clown they've nominated is going to do so poorly he's going to cost them their ballot access moving forward.
thats not actually true. hes been lucid, articulate, willfully corrupt, and knows exactly what he's been doing. Dont try and excuse away 50 years as a corrupt ped elected official as being incompetent.

thats what everyone needs to understand.... the people that hate us arent incompetent. they hate us, they hate freedom, and they hate what America stands for. Joe is not just Joe, he represents every progressive ideal that they prop him up with. sure, he's senile as hell, but he wasnt for a majority of his life. dont excuse his corruption and raping for incompetence.
Sorry I was trying to church it up, this senile old cocksucker is as corrupt as they come and should be hung by the neck till he quits kicking. Is that better?
You gotta realize, they're just listening to an echo chamber of pro-Democratic stuff. All those pro-Democratic sources were lying their asses off about the president's state. I'd be fucking pissed if I was them but they're gonna just "but Trump" their way through it.
It's like FDR.

The press would never show FDR in a wheelchair. But you KNOW every family had this conspiracy theory uncle:

UNCLE LARRY: You ever see the President walking? That Dude is probably can't walk..

YOUR MOM: Shut up Larry. You're into your cup again. He's the President. If he was in a was a cripple we would know.

UNCLE LARRY: No.. He's in a chair.. I seen it.

YOUR MOM: Get out of here with that stupid shit Larry.

I guess the press has been covering up for Dems for a long time.
crooked business deals? thats your issue? welcome to the world, sweet summer child. Did he do anything illegal? Pretty sure hes had the IRS and everyone else in his ass his whole career and hes been squeaky clean.

People dont like other people playing within the confines of the rule book. business is cut throat, take no prisoners, at times. because it has to be. id rather have a ruthless business man than a lying, theiving senator/Vp/congress critter for 50 years who stole money and then laundered it.

bidens refinanced their home 35 times since the 70s. they have refinanced or opened line of credits every 17 months since then. what is that, but pure money laundering and payoffs. They've borrowed $6 million dollars over the decades. the bribes, money laundering then pay off all those loans and LOCs and nobody knows who did it. pure corrupt genius.
Yep, they're both crooked as shit and so is pretty much everyone else at the national level of politics. It's what our system rewards now that we've allowed the parties to capture all the actual political power.
It's like FDR.

The press would never show FDR in a wheelchair. But you KNOW every family had this conspiracy theory uncle:

UNCLE LARRY: You ever see the President walking? That Dude is probably can't walk..

YOUR MOM: Shut up Larry. You're into your cup again. He's the President. If he was in a was a cripple we would know.

UNCLE LARRY: No.. He's in a chair.. I seen it.

YOUR MOM: Get out of here with that stupid shit Larry.

I guess the press has been covering up for Dems for a long time.
Yep. And the POTUS being in a wheelchair is way less consequential than the POTUS falling apart with dementia. The wheelchair thing is basically just optics. The falling apart with dementia thing is an outright inability competently so the job.
This should provide comfort and reassurance to everyone.

You peeps want a painful laugh... Watch the post debate clip from the "View"..... Bitches are comming unglued! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
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