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Biden dropping out

When does
I ask them how they are not mad that their party stole the primaries again? None of my dem friends are bothered in the slightest.
I wonder if liars just expect it from everyone else? 2 weeks ago they were told all the videos were fake and Joe was sharp as ever. Any normal person would be offended at being lied to once much less daily. It's weird as hell.
When does

I wonder if liars just expect it from everyone else? 2 weeks ago they were told all the videos were fake and Joe was sharp as ever. Any normal person would be offended at being lied to once much less daily. It's weird as hell.

Like I said, I didn't think Biden's performance was that bad (to those who knew what to expect). What was surprising was the reaction from everyone on the left who suddenly saw how unwell Biden is.

Someone gave the order, I think.
I wonder if liars just expect it from everyone else? 2 weeks ago they were told all the videos were fake and Joe was sharp as ever. Any normal person would be offended at being lied to once much less daily. It's weird as hell.
progressives see the state as their tool to use
so of course they're okay with the state lying
because those lies are on their behalf, growing the available power for them to wield

they're deluded in thinking that they have any representation at all, yes
I don't know how they let their party get away with it. They flat out lied to them. They all talked about how great Joe was behind closed doors. They have to know that was bullshit now. Despite the party knowing their sitting POTUS was completely falling apart they refused any talk of having an actual primary instead relying on being able to carry a falling apart old man with awful approval numbers across the finish line all the while screaming about this being an existential election. The actions are antithetical to the rhetoric. How can you let your party just flat out lie to you like that then show up to vote for who you're told you have to vote for?
Simple, it’s not the first time they’ve been lied to about it and they’re used to it at this point. The guy I mentioned a few pages back is still a Bernie bro deep down inside. He’s mad about Hilary fucking Bernie over and thinks (perhaps rightfully so) that Bernie could have beat Trump. I think at this point people like him just don’t know who to vote for since their real picks are always sidelined somehow. So blue no matter who is all they will entertain.
Simple, it’s not the first time they’ve been lied to about it and they’re used to it at this point. The guy I mentioned a few pages back is still a Bernie bro deep down inside. He’s mad about Hilary fucking Bernie over and thinks (perhaps rightfully so) that Bernie could have beat Trump. I think at this point people like him just don’t know who to vote for since their real picks are always sidelined somehow. So blue no matter who is all they will entertain.
I mean, the Dems flat out admitted in court to rigging their primary against Bernie. I have no idea if he would've beat Trump or not. Hell, I don't even know if he would've beat Hillary on the primary. But they flat out made sure of it and then they wanna talk about fair elections.
None of my lefty friends (all highly intelligent) are going to change their vote given their recent discovery that Biden is not well. They would vote for a pair of dirty socks if they run against Trump.

Your lefty friends are not highly intelligent, they're idiots..................sorry.

Everything you just described about them is the exact opposite of intelligence. They can all have 3 PHD's and they are choosing to be idiots.

If the RNC tossed Trump at the convention and said they were going to run Mitt Romney....................I wouldn't vote. I'd stay the fuck home.

I'm not even highly intelligent.:flipoff2:
You don't think they have ways to persuade Biden? I bet there is plenty of dirt to be had, and unlike the republicans, they are not afraid to use it if needed.
He’s been doing it so long, and lacks any cognitive ability to recognize the legal or political danger.

He doesn’t recognize his actions are a problem.
The more I’m thinking about this, we all saw Biden’s severe cognitive decline for a couple/few years, but the MSM has adamantly denied it. Now all the sudden, like a flip of a switch, Biden is the Biden we’ve all been seeing for years, the MSM is talking about replacements.
They have a plan. They’ve had a plan all along. I’m sure 6-12 months ago, I’ve publically claimed they are going to shoehorn Newsom in at the last minute.
I’m growing more and more concerned I’m right.
Even if it’s not Newsom, they absolutely have a plan. The way the MSM switched in a second has me convinced.
I'll say it again, vp swap is coming before the convention
He’s been doing it so long, and lacks any cognitive ability to recognize the legal or political danger.

He doesn’t recognize his actions are a problem.
Those are the same people that watched their government round up “undesirables”, load them onto cattle cars and sent them through the gas chamber and said nothing.
I wonder the same. Like gee let me consider this 2a issue some more. Maybe give me some of dat open borders this week. People talk about polarization. That doesnt mean there is much common ground to contemplate.

(just guessing here) The main problem with undecided voters is they have not yet realized their vote goes in a trash can, and each can is dumped in the same landfill. Hence, they're extra cautious with their vote because they believe it's important.
In the UK, conservatives are sick and tired of the Tory party, who have done nothing but pushing all the policies of the left for the last 14 years. There is a movement among their voter base to get them to zero seats in the next election, in the hopes that total destruction will bring regeneration. I'm not holding my breath.
Wait until Labour get in (most likely outcome of the election), they'll make the Tories look like right wing fascists :shaking:
To save face. To avoid having to admit Biden hasn’t been all there for a long time, and someone else has been running the show.
This is saving face? :laughing:

They're panicking because that's what's happening now. If they wanted to save face they could have given any number of reasons why he wanted to retire and had someone ready to go during the primaries.

The decline in his mental state has been severe and noticeable for months. It makes zero sense to keep him in front of the public and in debates now if there's a plan to replace him.
This is saving face? :laughing:

They're panicking because that's what's happening now. If they wanted to save face they could have given any number of reasons why he wanted to retire and had someone ready to go during the primaries.

The decline in his mental state has been severe and noticeable for months. It makes zero sense to keep him in front of the public and in debates now if there's a plan to replace him.

they're not going to replace him. Obama threw his weight behind Joe, the new talking points are " so what it was a bad debate, but Biden still better than bad orange man. everyone has an off night" . they're doubling down.

like i said before, nothing short of Biden full collapse in public will keep him from being president again.

replacing VP and giving Kamala UN ambassador or the promise of a SC Justice appointment.... much more possiby
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Do you think Dr.Jilldo will let that happen?

Jill Biden Refuses To Drop Out Of Presidential Race
POLITICS·Jun 29, 2024 · BabylonBee.com
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WASHINGTON, DC — Following the disastrous Presidential debate, First Lady Jill Biden announced she will not drop out of the race despite growing calls from within the party to do so.
"Over my husband's dead body!" Mrs. Biden declared. "The nomination is MINE. You hear me, Joe Scarborough? MINE! Now get back to work, fools!"
Many on the left have called for President Biden to step down after his mental decline was put on national display, however Jill Biden has forcefully refused. "Joe isn't going anywhere!" screamed Ms. Biden as a frightened Joe tried to appeal for help. "Shut up, Joe! I didn't drag your bag of bones through primary season to quit now. Get a juice box and get back on stage!"
With even liberal outlets like the New York Times calling for Biden to step aside for a younger, living candidate, the Biden campaign has thus far remained unmoved. A defiant Jill Biden returned to the campaign trail Thursday in an effort to reassure supporters she is still in the game. "Look how alive Joe looks! Who's a good boy?! We're not going anywhere. Four more years!"
As of publishing time, Jill Biden announced Joe would be placed in a cryogenic sleep until after the election and she would continue to run the country in the interim.

Dems Stick With Biden As It Would Be A Real Pain To Reprint These Ballots They Already Filled Out
POLITICS·Jun 30, 2024 · BabylonBee.com
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U.S. — Despite a significant majority of the nation now believing President Biden mentally unfit for office, the Democratic Party has decided to stay with Biden as its nominee as it would be a huge pain to reprint the tens of thousands of ballots they already filled out.
"On one hand, the nation now knows Biden is incapable of thinking and is a clear and present danger to himself and the country," said DNC chair Jaime Harrison. "On the other hand, it would be SUCH a pain to have to reprint all those ballots when we already filled them all out. It's so tedious! Aw, screw it... let's just stick with Biden."
The Democratic Party considered replacing Biden after the Presidential debate revealed his inability to walk or speak, but the amount of ballots already prepared for harvesting dissuaded them. "Obviously, Biden can't operate a frialator, much less run a country," said White House chief of staff Jeff Zeints. "To have him continue to be the corpse-like mouthpiece of the Party is nothing short of elder abuse, and everyone knows it. Still, do you know how long it takes to fill out two hundred thousand ballots? Ugh, it is so much work! Forget it."
At publishing time, annoyed Democrats had begun preparing another hundred thousand ballots for harvesting after seeing how bad the post-debate poll numbers looked.
One big difference I see between the two parties is that most republican voters I know are angry with their party, whereas most dem voters I know seem quite content with what they get.
The few democrats I know are unhappy with Biden running again.

They’ll still vote for him though.
The few democrats I know are unhappy with Biden running again.

They’ll still vote for him though.
Ultimately all you have is your wallet and your vote, your opinion doesn't matter for shit and unless you're a multi-millionaire capable of writing the types of campaign checks that actually get somebody's attention then neither does your wallet. So the vast majority of us are just left with that vote.
Ultimately all you have is your wallet and your vote, your opinion doesn't matter for shit and unless you're a multi-millionaire capable of writing the types of campaign checks that actually get somebody's attention then neither does your wallet. So the vast majority of us are just left with that vote.
Without the court to stand behind the vote, it means nothing. And the courts have proven they will not intervene , so I hate to break it to you, but you got nothing.
Without the court to stand behind the vote, it means nothing. And the courts have proven they will not intervene , so I hate to break it to you, but you got nothing.
If we have nothing, then why are we even bothering to talk about the election? By that logic, it would already be a done deal and the rest is just for show, no?
If we have nothing, then why are we even bothering to talk about the election? By that logic, it would already be a done deal and the rest is just for show, no?
It's not?

It's kind of like a magic trick. You know the end result but you kind of want to see how they pull it off. :flipoff2:
(just guessing here) The main problem with undecided voters is they have not yet realized their vote goes in a trash can, and each can is dumped in the same landfill. Hence, they're extra cautious with their vote because they believe it's important.
"that's the recycle bin you can't dump that in there"
as the guy driving the garbage truck that just emptied the trash bin is lining his forks up to dump the recycle into the same truck
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