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Biden dropping out

To what end? Why all this theater to replace him at the 11th hour instead of just replacing him before he got to the point they couldn't hide it? You're seeing rats fleeing a sinking ship, not some elaborate conspiracy for the sake of a conspiracy.

Yup. After everyone in the country seeing 90 minutes of Biden all but drooling on himself there was no more hiding it, spinning it, nothing. They are jumping off that ship so fast the ocean levels are rising. :lmao:
Sooooo, is not a last minute change in who's the Dem candidate the ultimate case of voter suppression?

Funny part, is there's still morons that will vote for him.
I would imagine the dems focus on taking over congress completely and shift shenanigans there. Especially if more judge supremes could be in play.
Sooooo, is not a last minute change in who's the Dem candidate the ultimate case of voter suppression?

Funny part, is there's still morons that will vote for him.
Plenty will vote for him because he’s not Trump, just like those of us that will vote for Trump because he’s not Biden.
Instead of voting for a candidate because we truly believe in them, now we have most people voting for what’s available just to keep the opposition out. It’s sad.
Speaking for myself its not the same. I cant name 1 democrat I would vote for. Seems perfectly natural considering their positions on the issues
What I meant was, D’s will still be voting in droves for Biden even though he’s barely functioning and obviously borderline useless because he’s not Trump. And vice versa.

People voted for Obama because they genuinely liked him as a candidate. In 2016 people voted for Trump because they genuinely believed in him. Now it’s “well I guess this is my only option” for both parties.

- now comes all the “bUT tRuMp is sTiLL AwEsOme” comments even though out of all the avid Trump supporters I know from the 16/20 elections only maybe 10% are still flying Trump flags. Most were hoping for a different option.
What I meant was, D’s will still be voting in droves for Biden even though he’s barely functioning and obviously borderline useless because he’s not Trump. And vice versa.

People voted for Obama because they genuinely liked him as a candidate. In 2016 people voted for Trump because they genuinely believed in him. Now it’s “well I guess this is my only option” for both parties.

- now comes all the “bUT tRuMp is sTiLL AwEsOme” comments even though out of all the avid Trump supporters I know from the 16/20 elections only maybe 10% are still flying Trump flags. Most were hoping for a different option.
Sounds antidotal at best, but okay.
To what end? Why all this theater to replace him at the 11th hour instead of just replacing him before he got to the point they couldn't hide it? You're seeing rats fleeing a sinking ship, not some elaborate conspiracy for the sake of a conspiracy.
To save face. To avoid having to admit Biden hasn’t been all there for a long time, and someone else has been running the show.
Sounds antidotal at best, but okay.

All responses here are going to be anecdotal or emotional based on what individuals see local to them. I stay pretty tuned in to the R organizations here as well as talk to a lot of conservatives. In this general area most wanted to see a different candidate other than 78 year old Trump.

All responses here are going to be anecdotal or emotional based on what individuals see local to them. I stay pretty tuned in to the R organizations here as well as talk to a lot of conservatives. In this general area most wanted to see a different candidate other than 78 year old Trump.
I'll take the correction, thank you.

Age doesn't seem to be Trumps issue though.
Biden owns the delegates, if he doesn't release them they are stuck, I don't see Dr. Jilldo allowing that to happen.

You don't think they have ways to persuade Biden? I bet there is plenty of dirt to be had, and unlike the republicans, they are not afraid to use it if needed.
The more I’m thinking about this, we all saw Biden’s severe cognitive decline for a couple/few years, but the MSM has adamantly denied it. Now all the sudden, like a flip of a switch, Biden is the Biden we’ve all been seeing for years, the MSM is talking about replacements.
They have a plan. They’ve had a plan all along. I’m sure 6-12 months ago, I’ve publically claimed they are going to shoehorn Newsom in at the last minute.
I’m growing more and more concerned I’m right.
Even if it’s not Newsom, they absolutely have a plan. The way the MSM switched in a second has me convinced.

They pulled Order 66 on Biden.
The more I’m thinking about this, we all saw Biden’s severe cognitive decline for a couple/few years, but the MSM has adamantly denied it. Now all the sudden, like a flip of a switch, Biden is the Biden we’ve all been seeing for years, the MSM is talking about replacements.
They have a plan. They’ve had a plan all along. I’m sure 6-12 months ago, I’ve publically claimed they are going to shoehorn Newsom in at the last minute.
I’m growing more and more concerned I’m right.
Even if it’s not Newsom, they absolutely have a plan. The way the MSM switched in a second has me convinced.
Yes, it’s been talked about for quite a while on here including this thread, but the main question is this; what advantage is there to holding out to this point to try a swap out? Narrowing down the window offer some unknown advantage to the democrats no one is aware of? Seems to me, waiting to the last minute to swap him (and Harris I assume) out would create more controversy in their party than not. Is the Democratic Party just refusing to accept how bad Biden’s mental health is until it was on full display? Who in their right mind would even allow him to go on the debate in his condition in the first place? What the fawk kind of doctor is watching over him anyway?

Those questions and more need answered by someone.
Sooooo, is not a last minute change in who's the Dem candidate the ultimate case of voter suppression?

Funny part, is there's still morons that will vote for him.

None of my lefty friends (all highly intelligent) are going to change their vote given their recent discovery that Biden is not well. They would vote for a pair of dirty socks if they run against Trump.

All responses here are going to be anecdotal or emotional based on what individuals see local to them. I stay pretty tuned in to the R organizations here as well as talk to a lot of conservatives. In this general area most wanted to see a different candidate other than 78 year old Trump.
Trump sucks by most standards, but the standards are pretty low at this point.
None of my lefty friends (all highly intelligent) are going to change their vote given their recent discovery that Biden is not well. They would vote for a pair of dirty socks if they run against Trump.
I don't know how they let their party get away with it. They flat out lied to them. They all talked about how great Joe was behind closed doors. They have to know that was bullshit now. Despite the party knowing their sitting POTUS was completely falling apart they refused any talk of having an actual primary instead relying on being able to carry a falling apart old man with awful approval numbers across the finish line all the while screaming about this being an existential election. The actions are antithetical to the rhetoric. How can you let your party just flat out lie to you like that then show up to vote for who you're told you have to vote for?
Plenty will vote for him because he’s not Trump, just like those of us that will vote for Trump because he’s not Biden.
Instead of voting for a candidate because we truly believe in them, now we have most people voting for what’s available just to keep the opposition out. It’s sad.
I’ve never voted for or considered voting democrat in my life, I could care less who that party puts up for a potus candidate period. I never have and never will align with their agendas and I’m always confused by those so called “on the fence voters” who the fawk is on the fence anyway?
I don't know how they let their party get away with it. They flat out lied to them. They all talked about how great Joe was behind closed doors. They have to know that was bullshit now. Despite the party knowing their sitting POTUS was completely falling apart they refused any talk of having an actual primary instead relying on being able to carry a falling apart old man with awful approval numbers across the finish line all the while screaming about this being an existential election. The actions are antithetical to the rhetoric. How can you let your party just flat out lie to you like that then show up to vote for who you're told you have to vote for?

I ask them how they are not mad that their party stole the primaries again? None of my dem friends are bothered in the slightest.
I’ve never voted for or considered voting democrat in my life, I could care less who that party puts up for a potus candidate period. I never have and never will align with their agendas and I’m always confused by those so called “on the fence voters” who the fawk is on the fence anyway?

I wonder the same. Like gee let me consider this 2a issue some more. Maybe give me some of dat open borders this week. People talk about polarization. That doesnt mean there is much common ground to contemplate.
I’ve never voted for or considered voting democrat in my life, I could care less who that party puts up for a potus candidate period. I never have and never will align with their agendas and I’m always confused by those so called “on the fence voters” who the fawk is on the fence anyway?
You’re voting the party not the candidate. Thats the point.
I along with many others will vote for Trump because he’s our only option. Not because we feel he’s a great option. That’s disappointing.

As far as on the fence voters, there’s a lot of people out there that agree with conservative talking points other than the hard line religious views. And dems that agree with liberal policies other than their hardcore views.
In the UK, conservatives are sick and tired of the Tory party, who have done nothing but pushing all the policies of the left for the last 14 years. There is a movement among their voter base to get them to zero seats in the next election, in the hopes that total destruction will bring regeneration. I'm not holding my breath.
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