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Biden dropping out

I could have sworn he said he BEAT Medicare.:lmao:

yeah... that.

"We finally beat Medicare" is an all-time great line that will go down in history. its just such a non-sequitor. Comedy gold.


He's in Contempt. Does he do it?

If Garland releases the tapes it means the party is done with Joe.

But I suspect Garland has a problem. He has the bullet to kill the king, but he fucked up. They Doctored the Transcript they gave Congress. So if he releases it, he's busted, but if he releases it, the king is dead... SO what do you do?

deny and obstruct. it worked for Eric Holder. Him and Obama are in Garlands ear constantly. Garland isnt going to do shit, except figure out when he can resign. he will NEVER allow that tape out. someone has to steal it and leak it. thats the only way.

He'll fall on his sword. He's a good comrade.
no he wont. hes not going anywhere. stop trying to use logic with people who deny logic for a living!!

no it wouldnt. you want Biden to stay in. its better for everyone.
I knew very much about that. He claimed a lot of shit about his class standing and other shit too. The dude has had a fleeting relationship with the truth, and the fact that some are unaware kinda proves my point... His Presidency has had a sympathetic media. (yes, 1 score & 10 years ago a reporter actually did his job, so you are correct there)
He's like the guy who talks a big game about what a HS football star he was and then you find out that he didn't even play, he was just the student team manager. He's fucking Uncle Rico. :laughing:
What are you talking about? You’re legit actually a news source for me, as fucked up as that may sound. You’re the filter so I don’t have to watch myself
Yes but I don’t post Fox News articles if I can help it. I’m not happy with them as a news source.
Dyam, struck a whiny c**t nerve I see :lmao:

Go find all those links I post up from Fox News… I’ll wait right here.
To be completely fair to you, you've primarily moved onto Newsmax which is where all the former Fox hosts went after they got fired or otherwise parted ways with Fox.
You're right. Bill Weld should have never been on a Libertarian ticket.

I still don't understand the hate for Chase; yes, he's gay, but who cares? His positions are pretty standard small-government Libertarian talking points. Everything he says is to keep the government out of private lives.
Don't care at all that he's gay. Not 1 bit.

He worked for Obama, he's ok with child sex change, and he doesn't like Ron Paul. Done. I know what this is. I'm not stupid. The Party is done (at least this term). Will there be anything left to save 2025? Meh, maybe. But maybe not. Either way... im not throwing my vote in the blue trash can covered in grey paint.
I hear this alot and it tends to be bullshit. Put an L next to a turd and Libertarians will vote for it because of “correct” party. In fact they make the biggest deal out of anyone about parties and correct letters.
No. You're wrong.

And also, you're talking about 2% of the vote on the best year. Probably 0.5% of the vote this time. Why give a fuck? :confused:
Don't care at all that he's gay. Not 1 bit.

He worked for Obama, he's ok with child sex change, and he doesn't like Ron Paul. Done. I know what this is. I'm not stupid. The Party is done (at least this term). Will there be anything left to save 2025? Meh, maybe. But maybe not. Either way... im not throwing my vote in the blue trash can covered in grey paint.

No. You're wrong.

And also, you're talking about 2% of the vote on the best year. Probably 0.5% of the vote this time. Why give a fuck? :confused:

Yeah okay. I guess my eyes and ears are lying to me. I dont reallt give a fuck. I write all those fuckers off as non voters. They are just as useless and twice as annoying. Worse than vegans having to let everyone know how bad everyone sucks and that they arent voting.
I still don't understand the hate for Chase; yes, he's gay, but who cares? His positions are pretty standard small-government Libertarian talking points. Everything he says is to keep the government out of private lives.

I don't care about the gay thing at all. Hell, two of my best friends are gay. He's historically been an open borders guy and supported gender transitioning kids. He's started walking those back.

Biden Debate Debacle Could Be Disaster for GOP​

By Jason Belich | 2:35 PM on July 02, 2024
The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of RedState.com.
AP Photo/Gerald Herbert
The recent debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was a political disaster of gloriously epic proportions. Biden's performance was so bad that his own party is now in panic mode, scrambling to find a way to push him out. It’s like watching a sinking ship, and the crew is frantically trying to find the lifeboats. But before we get too excited, let's remember: this could actually be bad news for the GOP.

The Democratic political machine, a well-oiled juggernaut with billions at its disposal, is primed to rally behind a new candidate without missing a beat. Biden might be the weak link, but their high-tech, data-driven operation is designed to dominate. The Democrats' capacity to mobilize voters and harvest ballots with military precision is no joke. We can't afford to underestimate them or get complacent. This isn’t the time to celebrate; it's the time to prepare for the real battle ahead.

Yes, His Own Party Wants Him Out​

Biden's debate performance was nothing short of a catastrophe. Stumbling over his words, losing his train of thought, and failing to deliver coherent responses, it was a spectacle of incompetence. Even his most ardent supporters were left shaking their heads. Prominent Democrats and media personalities are now openly questioning his fitness for office. “A train wreck” and “an embarrassment” are just a few of the descriptors being thrown around. It’s not just whispers in backrooms; it’s front-page news and prime-time fodder.

High-profile Democrat fronts like Politico and the New York Times have publicly stated that it might be time for Biden to step aside. The once-unthinkable notion of removing a sitting president from the ticket is now a hot topic on cable news. Commentators from MSNBC to CNN are echoing the sentiment, reflecting a party in full-blown panic mode. The chorus of voices demanding change is growing louder by the day, and the knives are out for Biden.

This isn't just political theater; it’s a desperate bid to salvage what they can from a floundering campaign. The Democrats know that with Biden at the helm, their chances in 2024 are sinking fast. But let’s not kid ourselves: this isn’t about principles or the good of the country. It’s about power, plain and simple. The party’s elite are maneuvering to replace Biden with someone who can energize their base and utilize their formidable political machine to its fullest potential.

The Democrats are masters of reinvention, and they’re ready to throw Biden under the bus to maintain their grip on power. The GOP must get prepared because a new Democratic candidate, ANY new candidate, bolstered by the party’s high-tech, high-dollar apparatus, will be instantly lionized and pose an even greater challenge. The battlefield is shifting, and we need to be ready to fight on all fronts.

Meet the Democrat Party, a Criminal Enterprise since 1860​

Since at least 1860, when they started a war rather than lose an election, Democrat entanglement in corruption and criminal activity has been a sordid tale of shady dealings and election manipulation. From the infamous Tammany Hall in New York, where political bosses like William “Boss” Tweed ran the city like their personal fiefdom, to the rampant vote-buying and ballot stuffing lasting until at least the 1960 election, the Democrats have often blurred the lines between politics and organized crime.

Tammany Hall was a hotbed of corruption, employing tactics like bribery, voter intimidation, and outright election rigging. Boss Tweed and his cronies embezzled millions from New York City through fraudulent contracts and bogus expenditures, all while ensuring that their political machine stayed firmly in power. This wasn't an isolated incident; it was the blueprint for Democratic operations across the country.

As the years rolled on, the Democrats continued to perfect their art of political manipulation. They forged unholy alliances with organized crime syndicates, using muscle and money to sway elections and maintain control. Chicago’s Democratic machine under Mayor Richard J. Daley was notorious for its connections to the mob, ensuring votes were cast and counted in favor of their chosen candidates.

Even labor unions were not immune to the Democrats’ corrupting influence. Union leaders, often in cahoots with the party, mobilized members to vote Democrat in exchange for political favors and protection. The Teamsters Union, under leaders like Jimmy Hoffa, exemplified this corrupt partnership, blending labor strength with political clout to manipulate outcomes.

The Democratic playbook also included voter suppression, especially in the South during the Jim Crow era. Poll taxes, literacy tests, and violent intimidation were all tools used to disenfranchise Black voters and maintain Democratic dominance.

Fast forward to today, and the game has evolved, but the underlying strategy remains the same. Modern examples of ballot harvesting and voter fraud are just the latest chapters in this long history of criminality. The Democrats’ high-tech political machine is built on a foundation of historical corruption, ready to exploit any opportunity to secure power.

As Republicans, we must be acutely aware of this history and prepared to counter their obvious move. The fight for electoral integrity is not just about the present but also about understanding and overcoming a legacy of corruption that dates back more than 150 years

It goes on for multipile paragraphs which if you want to read the multiple times of Dem coruption in stealing elections

Basically author wonders if we have been set up with joes bad performance in the debate, being the excuse the Dems needed to usher Joe off to the basement so they could get a younger candidate in and piss off their base at the Repubs for being mean to Grandpa Joe
I wouldn't go that far... its still a pretty famous gaffe, per se, on national TV. Everyone knew that while he was technically right, he basically ripped Freddie off.

so i was correct, you and me and Biggaydan makes three. :flipoff2::flipoff2:
To be completely fair to you, you've primarily moved onto Newsmax which is where all the former Fox hosts went after they got fired or otherwise parted ways with Fox.
No idea as I don’t pay attention personalities. Only person I enjoy listening to is Jordan Peterson
They say the opposite of what they do.

The media has decided they want someone younger and new to support. They are setting groundwork for making this election on age. They are going to kick him out for being too old, and then hang the old, senile, man tag on Trump

The party knows if he drops, all the super pak's and any big money donor that are maxed out on their contributions are now back in play for another round of donations.

Biden is saying he is doubling down, but he is also saying he fixed medicare, and no American Soldiers died in his term. You can't listen to his words .. they are meaningless.
I'm not listening to Biden, but I am listening to his wife and his staff. I don't think they have any intention of letting him step down despite what the DNC may try to do and I don't think his own party is willing to invoke the 25th Amendment to get him out of the picture, nor do I think they have the time to force him out before the convention in August. All of this is happening far too close to cut offs to get another candidate on the ballot in 30 something states for them to replace him unless he voluntarily steps down.

Then again I could be way off base. I didn't see them shoving him as the candidate at the last minute in 2020 either, nevermind the fact that it worked or that there was very little push back after the outrage with it happening with Hillary and Bernie in 2016.

The DNC might turn on him, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if his wife dragged everything out to the point it gets too late to replace him without guaranteeing a loss due to not being on the ballot in all 50 states. As it stands now he may not even be on the ballot in Ohio, let alone a replacement.
I'm not listening to Biden, but I am listening to his wife and his staff. I don't think they have any intention of letting him step down despite what the DNC may try to do and I don't think his own party is willing to invoke the 25th Amendment to get him out of the picture, nor do I think they have the time to force him out before the convention in August. All of this is happening far too close to cut offs to get another candidate on the ballot in 30 something states for them to replace him unless he voluntarily steps down.

Then again I could be way off base. I didn't see them shoving him as the candidate at the last minute in 2020 either, nevermind the fact that it worked or that there was very little push back after the outrage with it happening with Hillary and Bernie in 2016.

The DNC might turn on him, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if his wife dragged everything out to the point it gets too late to replace him without guaranteeing a loss due to not being on the ballot in all 50 states. As it stands now he may not even be on the ballot in Ohio, let alone a replacement.
This. They're basically fucked if Biden doesn't agree to step aside and everyone in his inner circle wants him to "keep fighting". So what are they gonna do? I'm sure they're trying to put as much pressure as they can on him behind the scenes but they can't afford to smear him publicly on case they can't force him out. Honestly, I think they're stuck.
This. They're basically fucked if Biden doesn't agree to step aside and everyone in his inner circle wants him to "keep fighting". So what are they gonna do? I'm sure they're trying to put as much pressure as they can on him behind the scenes but they can't afford to smear him publicly on case they can't force him out. Honestly, I think they're stuck.
What's the worst case for him if he doesn't? Nothing they have on him is going to get him removed quickly enough and most of it incriminates too many other people. They're all too close to his and his son's crimes and they've spent far too many resources covering them up for him and his family to go back now without incriminating themselves. And how much does his wife really give a shit about Hunter or really Joe at this point. The "ex" junkie isn't all that hard to get rid of if needed either. I don't think there's anyway out of this for them now.
What's the worst case for him if he doesn't? Nothing they have on him is going to get him removed quickly enough and most of it incriminates too many other people. They're all too close to his and his son's crimes and they've spent far too many resources covering them up for him and his family to go back now without incriminating themselves. And how much does his wife really give a shit about Hunter or really Joe at this point. The "ex" junkie isn't all that hard to get rid of if needed either. I don't think there's anyway out of this for them now.
Honestly, they could probably just off his ass. Him dying of natural causes at any given moment is an easy sell after last Thursday night.
All could have been avoided if they just let Biden lose in 2020 like he actually did. Don't think they won't cheat him in again.
Nah, they got away clean with 2020 and ran with it. Where they fucked up was backing Biden for a 2nd term. He was clearly showing problems in 2020, nevermind how bad he's gotten in the last 18 months or so. They could have given any number of seemingly legit reasons why he stepped back before the mid-terms and it would have seemed perfectly reasonable and they wouldn't be in the hole they're in now.

Honestly, they could probably just off his ass. Him dying of natural causes at any given moment is an easy sell after last Thursday night.
That's certainly on the table. Though that's not nearly as easy to pull off as it once was. Same reason I think for why they haven't simply killed Trump. It was a lot easier to kill a President in the 60s than it is today with a million cameras everywhere, better forensics, and it's harder than it's ever been to hide anything from the public which is why so much shit keeps blowing up in everyone's faces the last few years. They can't keep control of any of these narratives they try to push, let alone something like a Presidential assassination.
This. They're basically fucked if Biden doesn't agree to step aside and everyone in his inner circle wants him to "keep fighting". So what are they gonna do? I'm sure they're trying to put as much pressure as they can on him behind the scenes but they can't afford to smear him publicly on case they can't force him out. Honestly, I think they're stuck.
Stop his meds. end of story.
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