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Anyone running Starlink internet yet?

Watched them run a fiber optic line just south of my property line, but I can't tie into it
Do you know for sure that it's residential/distribution fiber? There's millions of miles of point to point fiber across the country that you can't just tap in to for home internet.
About ready to tell Elon to shove it, been waiting on deposit for over a year... Now Starlink is raising the price, maybe I will just stick with FirstNet for $40/mo unlimited data.
That's what I did. Got tired of waiting. Starling is a lot faster than my current speeds but I'm honestly not struggling with my current speeds and my current internet is cheaper so fuck it
I know jack schit about fiber but if there was one on my property line it might get accidentally severed one day so it might be easier to tie into it while they repair it?
or something like that maybe? FIIK.
Not quite. Think of it more like a transmission line for power. The main line is meant for going distances and not to go to a customer. Just like you need to add a transformer to make it usable at a residence, you need to add the proper gear for it to work at the consumer level. All they are going to do is melt the glass back together and probably send you a bill for the work.
Do you know for sure that it's residential/distribution fiber? There's millions of miles of point to point fiber across the country that you can't just tap in to for home internet.
I have no idea, I know that in town they have it in town, then the big Internet companies ran a multi underground backbone across the state just a couple of miles from here
Still showing "late 2022" for my order.

I'm paying about $300 a month between a Verizon Hot Spot (150gb data/month limit) with about a 15mbps download speed and a Sky Mobile (unlimited data) with about 1-3mbps (on the same Verizon backbone as my "official" Hot Spot, just throttled apparently).

The Sky Mobile becomes incredibly slow at times (dial up speeds: < 100mpbs). The DSL cable is literally less than 100ft away, but there's no service to the building so it'd be a sizeable connection fee for 12mbps (unlimited).

I currently use the Verizon Hotspot only for work and do all of my recreational surfing/streaming on Sky Mobile. Between the Zoom meetings (about 70% of my day), constant software updates (company MacBook), and updating local docker images (software development work), I use about 100-120gb per month. There was a major OS update (Big Sur -> Monterey) I did one month, and it pushed me over the 150gb limit; working on 1-3mbps for the last 3 days of the month was painful.
Still showing "late 2022" for my order.

I'm paying about $300 a month between a Verizon Hot Spot (150gb data/month limit) with about a 15mbps download speed and a Sky Mobile (unlimited data) with about 1-3mbps (on the same Verizon backbone as my "official" Hot Spot, just throttled apparently).

The Sky Mobile becomes incredibly slow at times (dial up speeds: < 100mpbs). The DSL cable is literally less than 100ft away, but there's no service to the building so it'd be a sizeable connection fee for 12mbps (unlimited).

I currently use the Verizon Hotspot only for work and do all of my recreational surfing/streaming on Sky Mobile. Between the Zoom meetings (about 70% of my day), constant software updates (company MacBook), and updating local docker images (software development work), I use about 100-120gb per month. There was a major OS update (Big Sur -> Monterey) I did one month, and it pushed me over the 150gb limit; working on 1-3mbps for the last 3 days of the month was painful.
I run a slightly modified Craddlepoint LTE modem with a tmobile $20/mo iPad unlimited data plan. I get about 50-60mbps out of it, except video is usually throttled to like 480p.
I run a slightly modified Craddlepoint LTE modem with a tmobile $20/mo iPad unlimited data plan. I get about 50-60mbps out of it, except video is usually throttled to like 480p.
Verizon seems to be the only carrier in the area. A friend of mine is on T-Mobile and he got 1 bar at the office while up here and would get disconnected if he didn't stand in one place.

My phone doesn't get any better than the 15mpbs that the Verizon Hotspot does.

Supposedly fiber was run through here, but only to the schools. Which means it runs right by my building within 20ft, and the utility boxes are on what is technically the front corner of the property. But nobody can tell me when it's going to be offered to either commercial or residential (my property is both).

Now, if your "modified" LTE modem can use a Cell-Phone SIM card so that Verizon doesn't know it's not a phone, I would jump all over that. It's stupid, I have unlimited internet on my phone at decent speeds, but the highest plan I can get for the hotspot is 150gb/month.
Sky Mobile (unlimited data) with about 1-3mbps (on the same Verizon backbone as my "official" Hot Spot, just throttled apparently).

The Sky Mobile becomes incredibly slow at times (dial up speeds: < 100mpbs).
I use a MVNO for cell service that leases verizon bandwidth; I often get throttled/ deprioritized in crowded areas, or during high usage demand.

If there's a cable outage in the area, I might as well skip rocks because my cell data wont even support a music stream. But VZW is the only carrier with reasonable signal at the house and for the pittance I pay the MVNO, I suck it up and deal with the frustration.

My buddies on ATT MVNO dont seem to have as much issue with throttling/deprioritization, but I guess VZW is more finicky about it.
People on FB are reporting a plausible go around.

They order to an address with an open grid(map available on their site)

Dish comes immediately, and boom roaming.

There's a couple detailed write ups out there.
Now, if your "modified" LTE modem can use a Cell-Phone SIM card so that Verizon doesn't know it's not a phone, I would jump all over that. It's stupid, I have unlimited internet on my phone at decent speeds, but the highest plan I can get for the hotspot is 150gb/month.

Allegedly you can change the ESN of the modem to match that of another device like a phone or ipad. Allegedly.

Did I mention I'm using a sim from a t-mo unlimited iPad plan in my modem?

I'd do it on a separate plan from your normal phone/devices just in case they figure it out and cancel you.
Got mine a few weeks ago. Fast, WiFi calling works much better now.
Netflix streams great but Prime is slow to load?
Would you trust your wifi calling for work use?
Calling seems decent for us, my wife runs into slight delays at times with zoom video calls and MS Teams Video stuff...

I am 100% happy with it for work emailing and sending decent sized solid works files and drawings. For surfing and YouTube stuff it works awesome. Haven't had time to play any console games online yet...

WOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!

SO HAPPY, 10 years here with shit for internet, fuck cell phones just started working here a about 2 years ago.

Cannot wait to get my equipment, I paid the $500 or whatever the balance was today, should have it all soon!

WOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!

SO HAPPY, 10 years here with shit for internet, fuck cell phones just started working here a about 2 years ago.

Cannot wait to get my equipment, I paid the $500 or whatever the balance was today, should have it all soon!

Dick. 🤣

WOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!

SO HAPPY, 10 years here with shit for internet, fuck cell phones just started working here a about 2 years ago.

Cannot wait to get my equipment, I paid the $500 or whatever the balance was today, should have it all soon!
oh sure, now that they've flooded the Ukrainian market, finally they can start rolling stuff out in the US :flipoff2:
I had to email our tax stuff to our accountants (Yeah I'm late this year been kind of busy) they have a starlink email address. I had to be vetted by them to have email excepted and not labeled as spam
I had to email our tax stuff to our accountants (Yeah I'm late this year been kind of busy) they have a starlink email address. I had to be vetted by them to have email excepted and not labeled as spam
oh yeah, shit that's coming up soon
I had been waiting 9 months and mine just shipped this week. . I just bought a Deco M5 mesh setup so I can have good wifi in the house and shop. Can't wait to have some real internet at home again
crispins Installed yet? First impressions?

I found a little hack to get my preorder released and had the e-mail in hour. But now I'm trying to convince myself that it's worth $541.39 and $110/month vs. my marginally acceptable cracked LTE plan that costs me $10/month. I have until next tuesday to confirm or I'll lose my spot. :eek:
crispins Installed yet? First impressions?

I found a little hack to get my preorder released and had the e-mail in hour. But now I'm trying to convince myself that it's worth $541.39 and $110/month vs. my marginally acceptable cracked LTE plan that costs me $10/month. I have until next tuesday to confirm or I'll lose my spot. :eek:
no, I got sick right after getting it.

I have someone coming over Sunday to help me install it as I need to drill through my floor to route the wire outside.

I am very excited for it and for me I am sure it is going to be great.

currently I use a Verizon Hotspot, which just barely works good enough to use.
I found a little hack to get my preorder released and had the e-mail in hour.
Spill it! I'm freaking pissed off at my ~2mbps and will send him the money right now. Still says I'm seeing delivery mid 2023. :(
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