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Anyone running Starlink internet yet?

My buddy down the road just got his. Very disappointed and going back to Tmobile hotspot that sucks, but at least he can work from home on it most of the time. Trying it on the roof for a week, even though the app is showing clear out in his yard. Hope mine doesn't ship this week now :laughing:
I have had mine since June of last year. Works fine on the 2nd story mounted off the roof, which is the highest point around except the mountains to the distant South. The Wifi router is the weakest link. I get 260 MB down plugged straight into the back of the router with Cat5 and 45MB upload. The desktop upstairs is hooked up over wifi gets 160 down and 40 up. Downstairs is 55 down and 15 up. The radio in the router is too weak for downstairs, need a repeater. You can also just use your own wifi router.

Latency is around 25ms to 120 ms. Average is in the high 40's. Good enough for video for work and remote IT stuff. Too much latency for gaming, but I don't do that.
There are handfuls of people that I've seen encountering less than ideal performance, there's no denying it's still early in its life and experiencing growing pains. I will note that this is a strange system as far as performance goes, and what early adopters are going to see. It's one of the few internet system that will legitimately get progressively better and better over the coming months and years.

Almost all performance issues (besdies actual hardware issues with the dish or router) are simply due to the current (lack of) satellite density because it's still early in its life. They currently have something like 1,800 satellites in orbit (with some still moving to operational height, so less in service). This first generation constellation is expected to hit something like 12,000 satellites, with the later generation being launched on the Starship adding something like 30,000 more. So in the short term, the dishes need a very wide view of the sky so it can view as many concurrent satellites as possible. As they get 5, 10, 20 times as many satellites overhead, the required visibility to the sky decreases exponentially, and the service reliability ends up where you expect it.

They slowed down Starlink launches last year so the constellation count was stagnant for a bit, but something like 45 of this years launches are set aside for Starlinks. They've been launching 53 sats per launch, which is 2,385 sats this year. So by the end of the year, the number of sats will already be triple what it was at the end of last year.
So my replacement dishy got here.

It doesn't work. :mad3: Getting fed up with this shit. Router powered up. I'm connected to it. No communication to/from dishy at all. It doesn't move, it doesnt connect. just d-e-d DED.

Buddy of mine in ABQ has 3 or 4 of them so I'm going to take it down to his place so we can swap cables/ plug mine in on his routers etc to try and diagnose WTF the problem is.
As others have said, the Starlink router is a week link. I’m running an ASUS gaming router and the difference in oerformance between the Starlink one and my ASUS is significant.
As others have said, the Starlink router is a week link. I’m running an ASUS gaming router and the difference in oerformance between the Starlink one and my ASUS is significant.
And as others have said, the new dish you MUST use their router for setup and it still needs to be present, even when using your own hardware.
So my replacement dishy got here.

It doesn't work. :mad3: Getting fed up with this shit. Router powered up. I'm connected to it. No communication to/from dishy at all. It doesn't move, it doesnt connect. just d-e-d DED.

Buddy of mine in ABQ has 3 or 4 of them so I'm going to take it down to his place so we can swap cables/ plug mine in on his routers etc to try and diagnose WTF the problem is.
Sounds like this system is about as good as his solar panel systems. It may be great one day when good equipment can be provided.
I’ve had mine for over a week and it’s been awesome. The most outages have been 19seconds over 12hrs. like 2 second here and there not all at once.

Ive been able to play COD with no issues and stream movies with no issues.

Im very happy with it so far.
So my replacement dishy got here.

It doesn't work. :mad3: Getting fed up with this shit. Router powered up. I'm connected to it. No communication to/from dishy at all. It doesn't move, it doesnt connect. just d-e-d DED.

Buddy of mine in ABQ has 3 or 4 of them so I'm going to take it down to his place so we can swap cables/ plug mine in on his routers etc to try and diagnose WTF the problem is.

Curious....how long did you let it sit? Mine took a solid hour to come online.

I really haven't heard many complaints on hardware. Crazy you got two duds in a row though...
Curious....how long did you let it sit? Mine took a solid hour to come online.

I really haven't heard many complaints on hardware. Crazy you got two duds in a row though...
Mine took about 30-40 minutes and one power cycle. Been flawless ever since.
Curious....how long did you let it sit? Mine took a solid hour to come online.

I really haven't heard many complaints on hardware. Crazy you got two duds in a row though...
Monday i only had about 40 minutes so that was it.
Last night it sat for about 2 hours, just saying "starlink disconnected, ensure your starlink is plugged in"
Crazy you got two duds in a row though...

Confirmed dead router. Fires right up with a known good router. Buddy let me borrow one of his so i can get set up and verify functionality this weekend before I raise hell with them to send a new router.
Has anyone paused service for a few months?

I‘d like to not pay the monthly fee for a couple months this summer while traveling and business is closed, and hopefully allow the further satellite launches to improve performance, but I want to make sure I’ll not get stuck waitlisted when I go to re activate.
Has anyone paused service for a few months?

I‘d like to not pay the monthly fee for a couple months this summer while traveling and business is closed, and hopefully allow the further satellite launches to improve performance, but I want to make sure I’ll not get stuck waitlisted when I go to re activate.
Believe the residential service cannot be paused, the RV service that just announce this week can be paused.

draw back of the RV service it is deprioritized in heavy areas, waiting on speed reports to see how bad it is before I order mine.
Confirmed dead router. Fires right up with a known good router. Buddy let me borrow one of his so i can get set up and verify functionality this weekend before I raise hell with them to send a new router.

CS got back to me Tuesday and is shipping a new router free of charge.
I just canceled mine and I'm returning the hardware before my month window is up. If I had no other options, I'd be more than fine, but overall I'm not impressed with the speeds for the price. I'm going to do a little upgrade on my LTE setup and should similar or slightly better speeds for a hell of a lot less per month.

I do think some of this is that I'm in an overly saturated cell and I fudged my address a bit to get them to ship it to me. I'm sure that has quite a bit to do with it. I may give it another shot when they get more satellites in the sky and gen 2 comes online.
I ordered one, I'm on copper and my run from the road to my house is about 1800'... so it sucks and Starlink looks like my best option.
I've been running mine for about 6 months now and haven't had any issues. Aside from other Sat Internet providers, it was my only choice. Speed has been great, 70-100MBS, so no complaints from me.
Has anyone paused service for a few months?

I‘d like to not pay the monthly fee for a couple months this summer while traveling and business is closed, and hopefully allow the further satellite launches to improve performance, but I want to make sure I’ll not get stuck waitlisted when I go to re activate.
Followup; I submitted an inquiry to customer service which has been crickets for over a week. but somewhere in the FAQ or cancel service process prompts, I read a warning that if i cancel and retain the equipment, there is no assurance that i won't get waitlisted to rejoin.
Followup; I submitted an inquiry to customer service which has been crickets for over a week. but somewhere in the FAQ or cancel service process prompts, I read a warning that if i cancel and retain the equipment, there is no assurance that i won't get waitlisted to rejoin.
Understandable. Why hold a spot for someone that's not paying when there are plenty of people begging for the service.
It's not always about the satellites. It's base stations and capacity most often.
And saturation. My area has coverage, but also more potential customers than the current number of satellites can handle. I'm sure their rollout plan is a combination of hitting areas that have no coverage as well as putting more satellites in areas that have high demand.
And saturation. My area has coverage, but also more potential customers than the current number of satellites can handle. I'm sure their rollout plan is a combination of hitting areas that have no coverage as well as putting more satellites in areas that have high demand.
Yep, Lots of people around me already have it. They must have added extra capacity because there were several posts on FB about people getting the email yesterday to buy the dish. I've been waiting about a year and a half.
i just got starlink hooked up at my place a couple weeks ago.

the afb near me is flying and every jet that pases over interups the roku. so that bugs the hell out of the kids. otherwize its faster than the comcast we had
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