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Well-known member
May 19, 2020
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New season started, 1 dude out after 6 days so much for being a you tube survivalist
This is one of the best survival shows.

Naked and Afraid is pretty entertaining though. Love the tough guys that "are gonna make mother nature their bitch" then tap on day 2. haha
Where do they have them? In BC still?
Where do they have them? In BC still?

Yea this season is back up in BC. You would think they would keep track of the ferro rod better, tie some of their para-cord to it or something.
Can they really not hide extra shit? Everything I took would have hidden compartment with extra supplies in it and I'd probably rathole some things for the ride up! :flipoff2:
Can they really not hide extra shit? Everything I took would have hidden compartment with extra supplies in it and I'd probably rathole some things for the ride up! :flipoff2:

I said the same thing to my wife when we watched it. I said I can't believe no one smuggled in at least some salt and pepper like a columbian drug mule or something.
pepper in the old prison pocket...the oldest trick in the book
Dude found a boat and made a hot tub, think he should have made it floatable to fish with or made shelter from it.
Watched the first two seasons. The medical experts kicking people off kind of ruined it for me. The fact they have people checking on the participants regularly takes away from the show. meh
Can they really not hide extra shit? Everything I took would have hidden compartment with extra supplies in it and I'd probably rathole some things for the ride up! :flipoff2:

According to participant interviews in the past, EVERYTHING is searched and pulled apart to look for smuggled items. Maybe you could kiester something?

Zachary Fowler (season 3 winner) did a whole YouTube series recreating his Alone experience and goes into a lot of background and behind the scenes stuff in it. Pretty interesting.
Also, for a million dollars I'd probably stop crying and at least spend one extra day looking for my ferro rod instead of giving up after a couple hours.
Also, for a million dollars I'd probably stop crying and at least spend one extra day looking for my ferro rod instead of giving up after a couple hours.

I don't even think he looked for a couple of hours, he starting crying like a bitch and gave up.
Haven't started watching the new season I am guessing someone lost their ferro rod AGAIN I don't understand these people are supposed to be the best and you only have one way to light a fire? Hey how about I don't know banking the fire for the night so you have some coals to start the next mornings fire worked in my grandparents day
Some people have never spent time in the woods alone, I’m speculating it wasn’t the lot fire starter that caused him to bail. 100 days alone would be tough for most people. To be honest I don’t know if I could do a week or two alone. I like hunting solo, but always have a camp to return to.

Now throw in a hot woman and :grinpimp:
Bump...3 out so far...kinda slow this season
Bump...3 out so far...kinda slow this season

I like the way they’ve been doing this season, with each episode backtracking a little to show what the other contestants did during the same time instead of just skipping those days for whoever wasn’t shown in a particular episode.
Watched the first two seasons. The medical experts kicking people off kind of ruined it for me. The fact they have people checking on the participants regularly takes away from the show. meh

Yup, they're hardly "alone". More fake "reality" shows. :rolleyes:
well, they are pretty close to alone enough to be in the not sent to die realm :rasta:


Contestants Receive

How long could you survive with the list of gear already provided to “All Alone Contestants”? (Not including the additional 10 survival items mentioned on the Show)
  1. 5 pounds Emergency Rations with Water
  2. 20′ x 20′ Canvas Tarp
  3. 10″ x 10″ Canvas Tarp
  4. First Aid Kit (Military Grade)
  5. Small Mirror (looking good for the camera, fire starting, signaling, etc.)
  6. Bear Spray
  7. Air Horn
  8. Emergency Flair
  9. Head Lamp with plenty of batteries
  10. One Photograph so you get Homesick being Alone.
  11. Emergency Floatation Device
  12. 2 Pairs of Pants
  13. 2 Wool Shirts
  14. One T-Shirt
  15. Wool Sweater
  16. Hunting Boots
  17. Light Jacket
  18. Rain Jacket and Pants
  19. 3 Pairs of Wool Socks
  20. Pair of Warm Gloves
  21. Winter Hat
  22. Baseball Hat
  23. Bandana
  24. Pair of Gators
  25. Pair of Sandals
  26. 2 Pairs of Underwear
  27. Pair of Log-Johns (Thermal Underwear)
  28. Toothbrush with Toothpaste
  29. Backpack to Carry All Gear
  30. Large Box Filled with Camera Gear, Batteries, etc.

Alone List of Survival Items (Entire List)

In addition to the gear all contestants receive, (listed above) the additional Alone List of Survival Items is listed below. Each contestant chooses an additional 10 survival items from the 40 listed below. What 10 “extra” survival items would you bring if you were cast on the Alone Show? Not surprisingly, all 10 Contestants on Alone Season 3, chose 7 of the same survival items from the list below.
  1. Hunting Survival Knife
  2. Pocket Knife
  3. Multitool
  4. Sleeping Bag
  5. Bivi Bag (sleeping bag cover)
  6. Sleeping Pad (Already included in list above)
  7. Hammock
  8. 12′ x 12′ Tarp (In addition to the two tarps already provided)
  9. Ferro Rod or Flint
  10. Bic Disposable Lighter
  11. Hatchet
  12. Axe (any length)
  13. Bow Saw or Pruning Saw
  14. Small Shovel
  15. 550 Paracord (60 feet)
  16. Climbing Rope (25 feet)
  17. Cooking Pot with Lid (2-quart max)
  18. Large Frying Pan
  19. Eating Bowl with Spoon
  20. Canteen / Water Bottle
  21. 120 feet of Dental Floss
  22. Fishing Gear (300 “total yards” of fishing line with 25 assorted hooks)
  23. Recurve Wooden Bow with 6 Arrows (Field or Hunting tips, your choice, it doesn’t seem to matter)
  24. Canister of Bear Spray (Incase you run out of the other bear spray already included in the list above)
  25. Sling Shot
  26. Gill Net (5′ x 30′)
  27. 3.5 pounds small gauge wire
  28. Sharpening Stone
  29. Roll of Duct Tape or Electrical Tape
  30. Compact Sewing Kit
  31. Hygiene Kit (Shampoo, Bar of Soap, Toothpaste, Comb, Towel, Wash Cloth, Razor, extra bag)
  32. Extra Flashlight
  33. 5 pounds of Pemmican Emergency Food Rations
  34. 5 pounds Beef Jerky
  35. 5 lbs Chocolate
  36. 5 lbs Gorp (Trail Mix)
  37. 5 lbs Bitlong Dried Meat
  38. 5 pounds Flour
  39. 5 pounds Military Biscuits
  40. 2 pounds Sugar or Rice and 1 pound of Salt
Source: https://outdoorrealityshows.com/alon...urvival-items/

I mean, I think you'd have decent luck with the flint and the rest all food. Ration it out. Maybe the axe or a knife. "sent to die realm" is a bit of a stretch. That and you have people checking on you, did they say every day? Or every other day? I watched the first two seasons and read up on it. That's what I got out of it.
yeah, if they didn't have people checking on you (the primary complaint against 'alone' being alone) then after a month or less, several of these people would die. take away the sat phone, take away the health checks, and some would do substantial damage to their bodies and/or die
Some of you seem to be confused about this show. This isn't an "I got lost in the woods and have to survive using a sharpie, pocket lint, and a pocket knife" type show. It's a "we're going to send a bunch of you out to fairly equal locations with similar gear and see who can last the longest" show. They've never claimed otherwise.

They are responsible for the contestants. They can't just send them out to die. In addition to medical checks they also have to constantly replace the batteries and memory cards for the cameras,

I have no problems with the medical checks because they're not helping the contestants out. Just checking them, only questioning health, and leaving. Not like other shows where a medical person can intervene and then you get to stay and "survive" even though you'd be dead in real life.
Some of you seem to be confused about this show. This isn't an "I got lost in the woods and have to survive using a sharpie, pocket lint, and a pocket knife" type show. It's a "we're going to send a bunch of you out to fairly equal locations with similar gear and see who can last the longest" show. They've never claimed otherwise.

They are responsible for the contestants. They can't just send them out to die. In addition to medical checks they also have to constantly replace the batteries and memory cards for the cameras,

I have no problems with the medical checks because they're not helping the contestants out. Just checking them, only questioning health, and leaving. Not like other shows where a medical person can intervene and then you get to stay and "survive" even though you'd be dead in real life.


Its called "alone"

not "survive"
Haven't started watching the new season I am guessing someone lost their ferro rod AGAIN I don't understand these people are supposed to be the best and you only have one way to light a fire? Hey how about I don't know banking the fire for the night so you have some coals to start the next mornings fire worked in my grandparents day

I've said the same since the first episode of the original survivor. If you don't know at least 10 ways to make fire with no tools you don't belong there.
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