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Adventures of an old guy and PoF.

Bullshit. That's such Tony Robinson/Joe Rogaine advice. I can't stand that this type of horseshit has made it through self-help/media culture and is now being repeated on an ostensibly caveman board about dirty 4x4 trucks. At #3, he has a 100% disaster failure rate. Just keep going until some psycho roofies him and he ends up in handcuffs with rape charges?

Bullshit. Just another media-inspired Feminist talking point where everything wrong with women is a man's fault. Women are fucked up because women are fucked up. I have a few hypothesis about why and none of them involve "it's the man's fault!". Why don't you submit a few articles to Cosmo, Ellen?

Women are fucked up because our society reduces labor demand by making women think that they can have both an adventurous, independent Tik Tok career life and love and dedication from a man and many adoring children.

Women potentially spend 5 years of commitment for every dick that's put in them. This is a biological fact and it can't be refuted. Women are not designed to fuck as a recreational activity. (neither are men but spreading our seed is of a much, much lower cost to us divorce court notwithstanding).

Women 40+ are not designed to have dicks put in them at all. That's reality. We are aging. Their vaginas literally dry up and they have to use lube. I don't give a fuck about your macho bullshit about no dry women, aging women suffer from lubrication issues and this is a medical fact.

At most, women are designed to have one pair-bond mate and at worst 1 or 2 sideshows to hopefully get a lot out of the 5 years of commitment she has to put into every dick that successfully does a dick's job. The PUA/Incel lore sort of has it right: She wants a Beta to support her and hopefully the Alpha to put a baby inside of her. I believe women do want to procreate with their pair-bond mate even if he's not Tom Brady. But the animalistic, cavewoman urge for women does not involve 100 mates every 3 years, whatever her preference.

That is modern society gone wild. Women are damaged because of it.

Women are designed to be manipulated. Christopher Hitchens provided a great insight about this when he made about why women are not good stand-up comics.

'most men, if they can't make women laugh, they are out of the evolutionary contest. They are never going to get laid. Most men are fantastically unattractive.'

'it would be a waste of the male effort to be funny... if women didn't have a sense of humor and couldn't be made to laugh'

'there's an attitude, the head thrown back and the mouth open, and a horse-shoe of lovely teeth and tongue on display that is a bit of a surrender'

Women are designed to be wooed and manipulated, and they will even make up games where you are apparently being aggressive with them. OP's phone-obsessed corpse-kisser is displaying this behavior. Women want to be manipulated as much as men want to see a nice pair of titties. Wives do this even in established relationships. Bull Burr talks about this when women press and press and press to get a recalcitrant man to argue, then walk away and say that she wants to discuss it later, after he's aroused. She was never into the discussion at all. She was into male engagement, and hopefully (I say), manipulation.

But women spend the majority of the Consumer money spent, and women are the most assiduous consumers of modern Social Media. So while the proportion of men they find visually attractive remains the same, the pool of men available for a woman to select from, and dally with, has expanded for all intents to infinite size. She can be drowned in dicks 24/7 at this point.

This is only the unhealthy condition as relates to pair-bonding. What about all the cues and manipulation that teams of well-educated, smart people dream up to pour into women's skulls during her every waking (and sleeping!) moment? I was looking at the photo of the 5 Kardashian whores announced upon cancellation of their TV series, and I wasn't attracted to a single one of them. How can this be? How can a man who still masturbates at least once a day be left flat by a photo of 5 reasonably healthy young females? It's because they are marketing tools purely for women. A commercial construct.

So not only do women have an imbalanced and unhealthy relationship with prospective men, they have unhealthy relationships infringing on their reproductive instincts from women, corporations, the government... all quarters.

Women are fucked up, because women are fucked up. This shit ain't my fault. I didn't put 40 dicks into her, I am interested in putting one dick into her.

The fuck is wrong with this guy???
Ive been full on squirted in the face. It was awesome, didn't know it was gonna happen.

Messaged her on POF and we talked a bit. I invite her dinner/drinks whatever. She declines and tells me she's not dating right now because she has her son for the summer (then wtf are you doing on a dating site?). We talk for about 2 days total and Im done wasting time if we're not going out. A few weeks later I get a text from out of the blue "hey wanna go to the river this weekend?" I hadnt been to the lake/river/beach in awhile so I was like "F yea". She then invites me to her parents house in Marble Falls. So I leave out early Sat morning and get up there. She comes out to meet me with her mom. We head down to their spot and spend the day drinking and talking like we've been together for years. Her dad had to work, so he wasnt there.

So we pack up around 4:30'ish and head back to their house. Her dad had just got home so I introduce myself and he seems like a cool guy. Then I meet her brother who is also cool. They invite me to dinner so we all shower and head out. Dinner is like Ive been around these people forever. The girl is all flirty & kissy on me. We finally get back to their house and I thank them and tell them I better head out since Ive been drinking and its a 2hr drive home. They refuse and insist I spend the night, which turns into a few more beers and then this girl and I take a walk down the street just talking. We stop and start making out. At this point its like 9pm and dark. She takes me back to her house and we're sitting on the side of the house where there's a driveway and her mom has some lounge chairs and a kiddy pool for her grandkid (their sons kid). Just to make mention, never once did I see a pic of this chicks kid, nor did anyone make mention of him, which I found odd. Anyways we're on a louge chair and she slides her shorts off and basically pushes my head into her pussy. Im giving it everything I got, she goes "oh Im gonna cum!" pushes my head back, rubs her clit and proceeds to spray me from my stomach straight up my chest and all over my face. I literally fall back and just sit there, slightly stunned. She regains composer and realizes Im just sitting there shocked. She starts apologizing and realizes she forgot to tell me she'd a squirter. At this point, its game on and I go for round 2, which leads to me banging the shit out of her on the lounge chair which makes her do this half standing, kind of crouched squirting allnover the chair and the ground move. We headed into the house to the spare room and I hit it one more time until she stops me right before she soaks the bed in her parents spare room :laughing:​​​​​​. We pass out and the next morning we're up and its coffee and breakfast with the fam before we head out. She claims she has to get home, clean her apt apt and be ready for work Monday. Im just kind of like a puppy that got a bunch of attention and then shooed off lol, but I head home.

That Tues I meet her for lunch. Everything's awesome. Friday night I pick her up at her apt and hit the bar. Have fun all night, back to her place, soak the bed from sex. Sat morning, we get up and I plan on taking her to Luckenbach (yea from the song) and then just see where we end up. Im fixing to jump innthe shower when her phone starts blowing up. She takes the call and 2min later walks in and tells me she has to cancel our plans and I should probably go. Im fuckin lost, no clue wtf just changed. She finally admits her ex just called and he needs to see her, needs to talk and figure everything out or some such shit. So I put my clothes on and leave. Never heard from her again.

I also got left in Phx while on a road trip to Sacramento from Houston.

You all know me, ya know what do....

I got on a couple of the sutes and had a couple of off dates. One got so obnoxious she got us kicked out of a comedy show. So we go to the bar and team up with another pair of girls and they want to go karaoke, ok cool it'll be new and fun. I drive. Park and have to walk a couple blocks to the place. So my date was a tall girl with some heathly meat on her aaaaand her alcohol is setting in good. Well these other 2 girls are getting farther a head and wierd. So as im trying to keep this big bitch upright a car litteraly screeches to a halt and with out a word to us those 2 ****s jump in and skeefuckin dattled. Well shit.

Took min 30min to get stumbles back to the truck and get her home. Got 1 text ftom her 3days later. Meh

Met up with another after about a week of txt/talk and we went to dinner. I for reals left my wallet in my truck and said i was going to go get it. Everything was cool then she got awkward. She said she get the bill but got real quiet after that. Walk back out to the trucks. I thought i was making a joke, she didnt apperantly and that was that.

Met this heffer of a british chick but she seemed cool enough. Made a plan and met up. She was a real lazy broad though. One of those "idk/not really" sit on your phn all day type. Well our plan failed because it rained, she shot down every other standard date option. Never once did imply or assume sex would be involved. I said "fuck it you wana just get some beer across the street and hang out here then?" Her responce was to fake family emergency phn call and bail. Bye bye boring ass bitch.

Had 1 after a couple of dates with no real interest shown in me romanticaly all back up and i told her i wasnt interested as politely as possible. Yeah that turned into a 3hr breakup with a girl i didnt even fuck.

Overall though... i met total gf on farmers only 2 months after i walked out of my house. That was 4 years ago.
I thought of another good one. I once met a girl from Thailand on pof. I met her on a Friday and brought her home. She ended up staying the entire weekend being freaky for most of it and it was a good time. She left on Sunday afternoon and I never once knew what her name was. After the first night it seemed embarrassing to ask.

You all know me, ya know what do....

I got on a couple of the sutes and had a couple of off dates. One got so obnoxious she got us kicked out of a comedy show. So we go to the bar and team up with another pair of girls and they want to go karaoke, ok cool it'll be new and fun. I drive. Park and have to walk a couple blocks to the place. So my date was a tall girl with some heathly meat on her aaaaand her alcohol is setting in good. Well these other 2 girls are getting farther a head and wierd. So as im trying to keep this big bitch upright a car litteraly screeches to a halt and with out a word to us those 2 ****s jump in and skeefuckin dattled. Well shit.

Took min 30min to get stumbles back to the truck and get her home. Got 1 text ftom her 3days later. Meh

Met up with another after about a week of txt/talk and we went to dinner. I for reals left my wallet in my truck and said i was going to go get it. Everything was cool then she got awkward. She said she get the bill but got real quiet after that. Walk back out to the trucks. I thought i was making a joke, she didnt apperantly and that was that.

Met this heffer of a british chick but she seemed cool enough. Made a plan and met up. She was a real lazy broad though. One of those "idk/not really" sit on your phn all day type. Well our plan failed because it rained, she shot down every other standard date option. Never once did imply or assume sex would be involved. I said "fuck it you wana just get some beer across the street and hang out here then?" Her responce was to fake family emergency phn call and bail. Bye bye boring ass bitch.

Had 1 after a couple of dates with no real interest shown in me romanticaly all back up and i told her i wasnt interested as politely as possible. Yeah that turned into a 3hr breakup with a girl i didnt even fuck.

Overall though... i met total gf on farmers only 2 months after i walked out of my house. That was 4 years ago.

Man. You must be ugly as fuck.
Had a first last night on POF. Never been propositioned by an escort before, plenty of lot lizards but that's normal. :laughing:
Fucking tell me about it. 14 years of my life, gone. The first 9 or so we're pretty good, not so much the last 5. :laughing:

which one were you married too??? I thought I snagged all the 'unique' ones of Pbb lol
Well, shit is getting complicated.

1. Red, the squirter, texted me that she wished we could just start over. She wants to see me this weekend.
2. The horse girl is kind of distant acting now. Never answers me when I ask when I can see her again but keeping lines of communication open. Strange.
3. New woman popped up that lives 45 minutes away seems all about me and appears to be quite attractive and very mature. But she has a fucking pet pig!! I can't understand how she can look so genuine and I don't know, sophisticated, and live with a pig. She really wants to meet me and says I am perfect and doesn't know why I am single.
4. Another new one that lives across town in a condo on the water, blond hair, booming body (in the pictures) and wants to talk and meet.

I think Red has some issues that she isn't telling me about and will only ever be a FWB so I might dig out my wet suit and appreciate the situation for what it is. She has a 2 room apartment that is pretty bare and only has her kids on some odd schedule.She has the kind of voice that just melts you and she is seriously gorgeous but very erratic in her intentions. Really was interested in the horse girl but it looks like she is moving on. Guess I will check out the 2 new ones and see what brand of crazy they bring to the table. Would be cool to post pics and it everyone decide but some dickhead always manages to ruin that by tracking the people down and being Captain Save a Ho.

Surveyboy, you should post your story up here for historical reference. I kinda remember it...
#3. At least if you have a shitty lay, you can wake up for bacon in the morning.
Sometimes they get distant and either disappear or come back around. Keep in mind that every woman you meet is playing the field and will continue to do so until she decides who she wants and I’m sure you’re aware of how easily most women make decisions. :flipoff2:Don’t give up on the ones you really like unless they totally disappear and just keep playing the field yourself in the meantime.
I used a 4x4 website in the past..... you gotta be careful out there :D

I got laid from playing Halo online. Her name was SCgamerchic or something similar. Well we messaged back and for a bit and the next thing you know she's got my phone number and sending nudes....she was fun in the sack and let me take pics. hahaha I haven't thought about that in years.
3. New woman popped up that lives 45 minutes away seems all about me and appears to be quite attractive and very mature. But she has a fucking pet pig!! I can't understand how she can look so genuine and I don't know, sophisticated, and live with a pig. She really wants to meet me and says I am perfect and doesn't know why I am single.

Be cautious on this one. My EX wife insisted on getting a pig that would live inside with us. She is my ex for a reason. Some of those types are crazy, and can be quite pig headed themselves.
Those sites are worthless unless you're into the bottom of the barrel morbidly obese, hot but completely fucking nuts, or looking for someone and her kids to mooch off you for the rest of your life or any combination of the above. Good women aren't on sites like that because they're not desperate. It's also a numbers game, at any given time there's a million other dudes for every 100 women on those sites.

Used to use both PoF and OkCupid before and after splitting with my ex of 9 years a couple years ago. Pretty much all the same women on there and probably none of them for a good reason. Been on probably less than 5 dates between the two and have found I have far more luck meeting much better quality of women in real life, especially when I'm not really looking to.
Pet pigs aren't the worst thing ever but it's still a bit odd unless she lives on a farm.

I've been talking to a chick from POF all morning. Seems decent, not terrible looking, not long term potential but she has 2 daughters and got fixed when she had the youngest so there's that... :smokin:
Pet pigs aren't the worst thing ever but it's still a bit odd unless she lives on a farm.

I've been talking to a chick from POF all morning. Seems decent, not terrible looking, not long term potential but she has 2 daughters and got fixed when she had the youngest so there's that... :smokin:

You're about to get baby trapped. :laughing:
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