Ugly pumpkin
Well-known member
Who's got one in? Planted mine today. Tomatoes, beans, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce and carrots.
There is a run on starter plants here. Greenhouses are empty. Madness.
There is a run on starter plants here. Greenhouses are empty. Madness.
built this one,
first year in house
30 x 40 area,
taters, toms, pumpkin, peas. peppers, radishes, peppers, hot and sweet. carrots, strawberry, broccoli, coliflower, yellow squash. the back field has sweet corn, Indian corn and sunflowers
Have fun weeding all that!
I keep it small and keep about 4" of wood chips on top of my soil. No weeding, no tilling.
Easy way to garden.
Have fun weeding all that!
I keep it small and keep about 4" of wood chips on top of my soil. No weeding, no tilling.
Easy way to garden.
Tomato tech:
A old timer showed me this method to plant your tomato starts. Cut off all the leaves except for the ones at the very end. Dig a trench and lay the plant horizontally in the hole. As your backfilling the hole bend the top up just so it sticks out of the ground. Tomato plants are strange in that if the whiskers on the stem get buried they grow new roots. This method encourages good root growth so the plant can make nice big tomato’s. The first time you try this method it feels weird cutting off all those nice leaves. I have really good luck with this method.
Put down landscape fabric in garden last year. Very little weeding. Worth the time and money.
We grew from seed in the house 2 years ago. It was a cluster fuck. Will look into greenhouses.
ya had the same cluster.
need to do the same
I got the 6x8 from harbor freight. I started everything in it from seeds. I did have to put a small electric heater in it as the first few weeks the nights got down into the teens. Last few weeks I had to really pay attention to the day time temps before I headed out to work. If the daytime temp got in the 60’s and I didn’t open the roof vents it would get over 110 in there. I think with a audrino setup I could wire in a fan and the heater to help maintain a nice 54 degree greenhouse.
The greenhouse is awesome in that the plants that grow up in are hardened off. No need to do that step. I had the worst luck trying to harden off plants I started in the house. That just takes way too much time that I don’t have to do it. With how well this harbor freight one did I’m thinking about building a nice one on the south side of my house so I can grow food all year round.
Put down landscape fabric in garden last year. Very little weeding. Worth the time and money.