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Work tomorrow?

Shit I like working holidays thats double time and if I don't use holidays hours for vacation hours it's triple time. I worked 8 12 hour night shift got off Friday morning flipped around and went back into work Saturday morning at 530am with 4 overtime days and one double time day and starting tomorrow doing my normal day shift 7 days 12 hours. With it being 2 days off double time and the rest normal until my 40 hours then overtime again. I'm hoping for the second gas turbine is ready and I will work new years eve and new years for 2 more days of double time.
The Wife is a nurse, so she's working Xmas day. That means Santa is coming to our house a day early so we can celebrate with the kids together.

That being said, by noon I'll be heading to work and making sure the guys aren't drinking themselves stupid and running the place into the ground while I'm gone.

Christmas day and Thanksgiving day are the only 2 days a year that we are closed, and subsequently those are the only 2 days I sleep soundly.
Working tomorrow? I'm not rich yet so yeah. Not throwing away $300 to sit around and bitch on Irate.:flipoff2:
Off tomorrow and don’t return until Jan 4th, unless some type of shit hits the fan
Working a full day tomorrow (2a-10a), off next three days.
Back in Monday through Wednesday, off Thursday through Sunday (10 of us rented a cabin for New Years)...

I am used to working holidays and getting that double time and what not, when I do have it scheduled off its fine by me as well.
Half/quarter day tomorrow. Show up, unload the rail I loaded today, pick up my paycheque and bonus and go home to drink beer in the shop for the next 10 days.

Would normally work a full day, but my truck is down for repair and the spare doesn't have a crane on it.
Working from home still, so mon/tues was half ass, today was notta, tomorrow I won't even sign in to the work stuff...won't start up again until Jan.
Have hopefully a half day. Gave guys the option if they wanted to work, had two say yes, just have to finish the punch list and clean/pack things up. Cleaners come on Saturday and soft open is Monday. Monday start demo on a different building and do it all again.
I haven't worked a weekend or holiday for like 15 years. :flipoff2:
I haven't officially worked since March 12th so no, not working tomorrow. :laughing:

Girlfriend works till 3, she's a medical coder at a hospital.
Off tomorrow, pretty sure we were off last year too. Been slow enough the past week that even if we were open there wouldn't be enough cars coming in to be busy all day. Might go work on my DD a little bit since a co-worker is already going to be there working on a side job.
Put 3 hours in today, probably didnt really need to go in. Off until the 4th I guess. Normally there is a sign up sheet during shutdown but nothing this year. I may go in anyway, always something to do. I dont understand why the holidays are important to people.
Working tomorrow until noon.

I have Friday and Saturday off and then on Sunday I have to drive to El Paso for a job on Monday. Yay me. :rolleyes:

My wife is up in RI taking care of her Dad so its just me and the pups for Christmas & New Years this year. Kinda sucks, kinda doesn't. The peace and quiet this last week has been fucking awesome! Food.... not so much. :laughing:
Working tomorrow? I'm not rich yet so yeah. Not throwing away $300 to sit around and bitch on Irate.:flipoff2:

$300 is a lot to you?


They tried to get me to work a half day tomorrow, buts it's 2.5 hours away. :rolleyes: if it really is a federal holiday, I would have been on double time. Once you work 4, they have to pay us for. So basically I turned down $800 to work tomorrow. We are doing gifts tomorrow morning, can't put a price on family time.

Not working, normally we would work a full day xmas eve other than the guys who skip out early, i always get told i have to stay till last or all crews made it back in case of emergency, this year rona royally fucked our workload over so they just shut us down for the days.
not that it mattered to me this year, have my son for the week so i used up last of my vac days for today and tomorrow.
Our mine doesn't shut down for holidays and I'm on schedule, so bet your sweet ass I'm making that double time and a half for 12.5 hours. Tomorrow is my Monday for 5 shifts. So making the big bux to work Christmas Day also. :smokin:
$300 is a lot to you?

"I turned down $800 to work tomorrow."


We have a dick swinger...look out everyone!!

Don't you math bro? When you make less you take the money you friggen snob. :flipoff2: If I made $800 a day I'd be glad to take off an extra day.

I highly doubt a man of your intelligents make $800 a day though. Probably told you not to come in because they were sick of your shit. :lmao:
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We have a dick swinger...look out everyone!!

Don't you math bro? When you make less you take the money you friggen snob. :flipoff2: If I made $800 a day I'd be glad to take off an extra day.

I highly doubt a man of your intelligents make $800 a day though. Probably told you not to come in because they were sick of your shit. :lmao:

It was obviously mostly a joke, hence the stupid meme.

If you would have read the post, I said tomorrow would be double time, so yes, 8 hours is roughly $800. Never said I make that every day. But I've also made considerably more in one day :flipoff2: gotta make all that money to afford to ski and surf every weekend.
I'm off until the 4th. A few months ago I didn't care about a long weekend or holiday, but I'm REALLY ready for this break after the restructuring and the work that's been added to me.
I offered one of my lines that's behind the days between Christmas and New Years - it worked out well because the guys that want the double time + holiday days can have it and the ones that don't care about it don't have to come in. I typically try to be there when my guys are in, but already had plans to be out of town.
Between being a salary employee and having a job with mostly regular hours I'm absolutely taking advantage of being off tomorrow.
Technically off until the 4th. Have a full 12kv shutdown at one of our facilities, so will be going in on the 28th.

To dick swing, got my final paycheck of the year today. Best year ever, paid 42k in state and fed taxes and will owe more cause of the house we sold:homer:
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